A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”?
Merriam-Webster defines “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes … regulations mandating vaccination” and NBC poll finds majority of Americans oppose vaccine mandate.
The zealous and often illogical promotion of vaccines by the government appears to have officially turned a majority of Americans into anti-vaxxers. Not metaphorically, but apparently, literally as a matter of basic English.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes … regulations mandating vaccination.”
So, if you oppose a vaccine requirement, you are an anti-vaxxer. Well, an official NBC News Survey by Hart Research found that 50% of American adults opposed “requiring that everyone who is now eligible must get a COVID-19 vaccine.” It appears half of Americans are now officially anti-vaxxers.
In reality, based on the more common, colloquial use of this term, even more Americans are anti-vaxxers. According to mainstream media, if you raise questions about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines – anti-vaxxer! If you raise questions about the efficacy of this vaccine – anti-vaxxer! If you question the FDA, CDC, or White House guidance on this vaccine – anti-vaxxer! If you want pharma companies to be liable for vaccine injuries – anti-vaxxer! If you want long term placebo-controlled trials prior to licensure – anti-vaxxer! If you raise concerns about breakthrough cases – anti-vaxxer! If you think natural immunity has anything to offer without a vaccine – anti-vaxxer!!!
Obamacare was used as a pejorative and was turned by many into a term of honor. Could it be that the same fate awaits the term anti-vaxxer? That does appear the natural result of retorting with “anti-vaxxer” to reasonable and rational questions about these products.
Those supporting these vaccines would do much better to actually address the substantive and legitimate questions being raised, instead of retorting with “anti-vaxxer!” At some point, they are going to make this term a badge of honor as it may come to mean “someone that raises valid questions about certain vaccines and is met with only ad-hominem responses.”
Entry from future dictionary (~50 years)
Anti-vaxxer, noun: someone who thinks for himself/herself and comes to a conclusion that is inconsistent with, or in opposition to, mandated official narratives. Originated in the early twenty-first century in the United States during outbreaks of a globally orchestrated pandemic designed to subjugate the world population via both psychological and biological methods. Used derogatively, but later transitioned to have associations of courage, morality, truthfulness, and protecting the rights of the oppressed.
Eg: Like the early forefathers of the twenty-first century, John fancied himself an anti-vaxxer as he protested the unfair executive order.
Vaccines never worked. You should thank plumbers for saving humanity, instead. They got rid of outhouses, piped poop miles away, and made you wash your crappy hands before flipping our burgers. Plumbers are the heroes, not pharma or doctors.
Dont take RNA shot. There is no pandemic. 600,000 die each year from cancer, but government doesn't force chemo and radiation on us. 660,000 die each year from heart disease, but we aren't force fed anti-cholesterol drugs. Smoking kills 480,000 yearly but government doesn't destroy economy with shutdowns. Only 400,000 die each year WITH covid, not from it. There is no pandemic. Tell your friends, family, and employers to calm down. Its time to arrest government servants for mass murder using genetic experiments.