ask Malone then how come he pushed vaccines on people all these decades and bought horses off that, and why he would say he agrees with Aaron now...its the same vaccine Aaron refers to as per his Malone's mRNA technology vaccine...same...see the fraud and duplicity in Malone...double speak horse shit...thanks Aaron...great sharing
People educate themselves ALL the time. Even physicians start asking questions when what they are being told doesn’t add up. The lightbulb can turn on at any moment to ask questions that now seem more relevant. It’s called growth. Remember they don’t call it “practicing medicine” for no reason. What we know now is completely different for many things we once thought important. Shooting someone down for finally “getting it” does nobody any good. Many of us questioned these issues LONG BEFORE COVID only now finally the rest of you are finally catching up. The important thing is that he’s taking this information to the people!
Nurse Rachet...I'm with you. It's like Del Bigtree says...Welcome. if you're just getting are still welcome. Denigrating and blaming doesn't forward the efforts for good. Calling people names (pirate) is just defending your own ego. You are still welcome in this conversation.
Sorry. Not convinced by your argument. I am not a doctor but caught on and questioned the fake narrative that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” years ago as the mountain of evidence started coming in. Accordingly no one in my family rolled up their sleeve thank God.
Unfortunately, the vaccine/injection business is headed to expand with the support of all the government agencies what are in on the con. $200 billion per year until depopulation takes over! PA lost me along time ago with his foul mouth and shallow analysis.
C'mon. You can't be extremely intelligent and extremely stupid, about the same thing, at the same time.
That's 2nd law of logic. The law of non-contradiction.
In such cases, either you are really brain dead stupid (which Malone isn't) not being able to see the dangers while you are developing your product, or deviant as hell.
There is no 3rd option.
Malone must have known about the (potential) deadly outcomes of his mRNA precious baby, and he didn't give a flying f about it.
Besides, he was intimately linked with the CIA (and other 3-4-5letter "health" agencies) insiders at the moment of the start of the "pandemic" and he stayed silent - and never apologized for it.
I was sceptical about politicians since the epstien days....and when they started pushing these 'vaccines' with million dollar lotteries in the USA...and operation warp speed (I lost a bit of faith in Trump over that) was a joke, hopefully Trump was misinformed about the 'vaccine'. And from day 1 I told everyone I talked to that covid19 is a hoax.
40 years of nursing for me. I was extremely good at starting IV’s and was told that I took too much joy in my job. I started the first IV team in the hospital I worked for teaching other nurses how to “gently” identify then insert them. This was back in the late 70’s. ❤️ I do believe that the instigator’s of the covid madness need to be addressed and that’s why we have the nuremberg code. I also believe that many were brainwashed to go along with the narrative. I too am someone who does research and consider it my due diligence to protect myself and pass this information on to my loved ones. I went at it much simpler than most do however. My entire family, thanks to me have some very unusual allergies. I’ve passed them down to kids and grandkids. I search for these ingredients in medication before taking anything. I’ve been poisoned too many times in the past and don’t want them to go through the same thing. Subsequently our family has had very few vaccines of any kind. As a long term medical professional I took great offense at the lies and blackmail of anyone that spoke out against Covid protocols and blackmail with the vaccines. I also have family that wouldn’t believe in logical thinking and went along with the fallacies. People would rather be wrong then admit we were right. Unfortunately the media, CDC, and world leaders had another agenda and logical reasoning were lost. I’m not heartless though and do believe in Gods will. If this was a test I know I passed. Not sure what our world will look like in a few years but am sure that many will be lost to their ideals. I wish you and yours well. 🇺🇸
Whether Malone was instrumental in developing this technology or not I honestly do not know. But, these two scientists were the ones that got the Noble prize for the mRNA shots.
"I think there’s a good chance as a vaccinologist, I’m embarrassed now to learn what the actual data are about the efficacy of vaccines and what has really caused the decline in infectious disease in children. The data are quite clear. That decline basically parallels the improvement in sanitation prior to the implementation of the vaccines for all most all of these paediatric disease." Dr Malone on Tucker Carlson Feb, 9, 2022
Dr. Malone has shown that he follows the evidence where it leads. He's also been gracious towards his detractors. You would do well, Paul, to emulate him.
Do you think there should be NO penalty for going way Way WAY too far?! The whiny old geezer -- no matter HOW excellent his earlier history -- WENT TOO FAR! I saw his ranting against and absolutely MALIGNING Malone when it happened -- and took him entirely off MY list of any to whom I pay attention! He seemed WAY more concerned and upset that Malone book was strongly outselling his OWN book.
WHY should Malone just allow vicious attacks that DID NOT STOP?
Dr Alexander, you are right in many things, however, it may come times when generosity towards each other may play a huge role into getting together and defend the real, dangerous and powerful enemy what is so pleased seeing division among the smart ones.☺️. I think dr Malone is doing its part..
Are most of the people commenting on this stack mentally impaired? If they are, I don't want to be too hard on them, but, wow, this is the dumbest bunch I've come across in a while.
Time for me to fly. Malone is trying to get into politics. RFK, Jr. was sniffing around him for a secretary post if elected. It's clear. You're right.
Since you couldn't come up with any facts concerning Malone "profiting greatly" I'm sure you can point out the facts for Malone wanting to get into politics, Pirate. I have Heard him say just the opposite. And calling anyone who isn't in agreement "dumb" puts you on the top of the pile!
Most importantly they must be true RCTs with a true placebo (a pharmacologically inactive substance such as N-Saline). Most vaccine trials to date are NOT - they tend to use earlier versions of the same vaccine as the control arm.
That’s why Gates took these studies to Africa and other undeveloped countries. These people have no choice. They are forced to comply. Then there will ALWAYS be that one parent who gets sucked into the mantra that it’s for the “greater good”. These people definitely believe they are being noble but absolutely do not understand they are Guinea pigs.😢
Doesn’t matter what they do at this point. The vaccine industry has lost all trust of the public. It will NEVER recover. The Pentagon also falls in that category. They are psychopathic killers.
I WISH it were "lost all trust"! MANY people have awakened, at least somewhat. But no where CLOSE to all the public! Please, no one stop or slow your attempts to REACH the blind believers.
I keep wishing it would be useful for me to go (yes, maliciously) ask the OB-GYN who got very bitchy with me about anyone not following "govt protocol":
"HOW MANY of your patients did you help kill or injure their babies? HOW MANY preterm spontaneous abortions are you responsible for by pushing a POISON on those mothers-to-be, for a "disease" with a 99.997% SURVIVAL RATE? Can you count up the babies?!"
But that would merely harden her position... I just can't manage to stay on the "compassion" side yet while trying to reach folks who "still believe"! So, she will have to continue in delusion unless/until someone else can reach through her blindness...
None of the approved vaccines have ever gone through a full toxicology screen. That should be the first step in determine if they are safe enough to do a trial. I would bet none of the vaccines would pass the tests. So we would have no need to test them on humans in a trial.
Great question which should perhaps be better directed at the present vaccine trials where both arms usually involve vaccines (often new and old) or other pharmacologically active "placebo" arm. The question might also be directed at ALL new drug trials if you question Phase 1/II results?
For answers and alternatives, you would be in a better position to advise by virtue of the fact that in your previous life in Big Pharma you were involved in many such trials?
in the past, plotkin has done an end run around informed consent by using the least among us, those with the fewest protections from abuse in his experiments.his defenders said, well it was a different time, but it was after wwII and the first court case in the u.s., i believe, was around 1911. at any rate, any right thinking person with any decency would have regard for bodily autonomy and informed consent. watching some of his very long deposition is revealing, and not in a good way. he is willing to break a few eggs that are not his own for the greater good. dont know the man, but he does answer his emails quickly, i had a question for him about my daughters' chicken pox immunity not showing up on lab work and he responded the very next day
I know it's the mantra of the health freedom community to just make the process scientific by using placebos. But I think the scientific process is supposed to have a certain amount of openness to it. People often want peer-reviewed studies that are greatly powered in order to show harms of vaccines. But the trials themselves for vaccines are not peer reviewed but rather secret. I believe that this is the greatest violation in the scientific procedure. While I certainly agree you have no ability to assess whether or not a vaccine is truly safe without using a placebo when the data is hidden and lied about regardless of placebo's there's no science at all. But furthermore there are plenty of studies that show vaccines cause harms and these should not be discredited as being unscientific simply because they were unable to do an RCT with a true placebo.
SCIENCE REQUIRES DATA TRANSPARENCY AND OPEN DISCUSSION but it does not require a placebo. A placebo is required usually to be able to accurately and confidently prove/disprove causation of AEs
With respect, I think you don't really understand the processes involved which, as proscibed without corruption, are rigorously scientific in approach and method.
You need to understand the differences between Phase 1-4 trials. Placebo-controlled trials are necessary to establish a) efficacy and b) baseline AE incidence. I fail to see how you cannot understand the importance of such data in the earlier phases. There's adequate time for studies against other therapies in late Phase 3 and Phase 4, post-approval.
I have nothing further to add so will not be responding further.
What I'm saying is that basic science. All science for it to exist at all is going to require transparency and debate. That's any type of science whatsoever. Whether you're investigating the origins of the pyramids or looking at the Earth's magnetic field and the effects that it has on life on Earth. However like you say the placebo-controlled RCT is only necessary in a very specific circumstance which is to accurately measure the safety of an intervention. But we can certainly gather evidence as to the safety of an intervention or anything at all and we can do that using scientific methods but not necessarily an RCT with a placebo. I disagree with your assertion when you disagreed with the op your assertion being that in theory it's better for Pfizer to claim that they had done placebo-controlled trials such as what happened with the covid vaccine I think that's more important than for them to actually share the data and from all the trial sites. Is it acceptable for Pfizer to say yeah all of our stuff showed that it was totally safe and effective and we don't need to show you any of the data for 75 years?
"People often want peer-reviewed studies that are greatly powered in order to show harms of vaccines."
People have been TAUGHT to want peer-reviews studies... ask any of them WHAT peer-review even IS -- and then (you'll have to) describe what and how it's subverted and mis-used...)
You say it's more important that the trials be conducted with true placebos. But currently the trials are conducted in secret by companies with obvious financial conflicts of interest and felony convictions for scientific fraud. I would say it's more important that the process be transparent than to simply ask Pfizer to lie about what they did in the trials and say they used a placebo while conducting possibly hundreds of studies per product just to cherry pick the few studies that showed the least amount of damage being done by the vaccine
So what system would you propose as an alternative ?
IMHO you are conflating two different issues. There is nothing inherently wrong with placebo-controlled RCTs and the Peer review process. In fact it's a good system if operated properly. The problem is the corruption in the medical world resulting from Big Pharma interventions. And that applies not only (but in particular) to vaccines but ALL drug trials and the systemic corruption within the "Regulators".
So don't throw the baby out with the bath water....
When you say don't throw out the baby with the bathwater you think I should take drugs just because vaccines were poorly tested? I'm not sure what you're getting at and I don't know how my comment wasn't obvious but if there were a procedure that were scientific in nature that were necessary to test drugs or vaccines or any intervention for safety and efficacy. (In a scientific manner) Then I think all of the test should be conducted by a disinterested third party that has no criminal convictions for scientific fraud and I think all of the data should be released for peer review rather than Cherry picked as it is now. There are tools other than rcts that can be used to collect data scientifically. Such as post-marketing studies. I think they should be required to honestly report all data. Anyway I don't understand your comment talking about throwing out the baby with the bathwater you act like it's an insurmountable hurdle for them to not hide the data that they collected . I don't see how it's a controversial statement for me to state that transparency is one of the most basic premises of science. I hope you have a great day and to all who read this
And just whom do YOU trust to "operate it properly"? Has that EVER occurred?!
Has ANYone in the system objected that "testing" a "new" vaxxx against the OLDER version of itself -- or against another unrelated vaxxx with its OWN complications (and adjuvants, eh?) -- or have they just shut up to keep their salaries and retirements? Anyone spoken out like Dr Wakefield -- who had his WHOLE medical career taken from him, and who was (and still IS) reviled and insulted and blocked -- and NOT had that life-destroying crushing happen?
WHY do you keep trusting people PROVEN (over and over) to be untrustworthy? If a substance KILLS the ferrets and cats, there is NEVER ANY REASON to 'test' it or even TRY it on humans!
True, the overhaul I am thinking of, is ensuring there are no conflicts of interest involved, and the scientists are known for good ethics. Yes, the placebo-controlled RCTs and the uncorrupted version of the Peer view process should work.
It is NOT possible to get "uncorrupted" when humans, money, and employment/advancement are on the table. NOT POSSIBLE.
Sure, sure, not EVERYONE is corrupt... Explain, then how Dr Wakefield lost HIS career? As did many of the FLCCC docs. As did Dr Nass, who was even sent by her medical board for a PSYCH EVAL for prescribing IVM (very soviet that, eh wot?). Just HOW MANY *uncorrupt* docs, nurses, resp. techs, etc. etc. do you think exist -- and how many of the UNcorrupt lost everything as a VERY loud signal to all the OTHERS who needed to keep their jobs/careers in order to provide for their familes?
Let's STOP trying to find a way to pretend humans are NOT humans... and find a way to ENFORCE punishment for CORRUPTION, not for "trying" to be UNcorrupt! Some years ago, I felt BAD for docs who were not willing to find, read, and do the research that SHOWED huge malignancies IN what they"knew" and "did" from med school. Their first loyalty HAD to be to their familes; and if that meant sticking to the less-than-optimal, or even BAD, treatments.... well... the patient comes second! I still struggle with that.
Perfect example: because *I* did the research for myself. Hypothyroid and adrenal 'fatigue' (NOT a disgnosis, but a prety damned good DESCRIPTION!). Found and went to a respected MD, on a LIST of MDs who were 'on to' real treatment for thyroid. I brought in my research, and said I wanted him to write me a script for Armour back then (because it was not ONLY T4 (the 'storage form, which is ALL Pharma has them write for now. And then!), which the body must convert to T3 in order to BE a treamtent for hypo. I 'wanted to start at this dose, and work up until my symptoms ameliorated or disappeared. Then, I wanted to go on physiological doses of hydrocortisone (that is, doses small enough to be effective -- but not "treatment" doses that are damaging and result in, for instance "moon face" and other bad symptoms.' And, again, 'I wanted to start at this dose, and work up until my symptoms ameliorated or disappeared. He looked them over, and with a wry smile agreed and wrote the scrips.
After a year or so, I wrote a recommendation of him on a thyroid forum, and a gal a couple hours away, desperately sick with hypo, came to see him; and to her horror he did all the (expensive) tests (I had brought my own ordered through LEF (thus, cheap!) test results from LabCorp: I wanted him to know who was driving this bus!) and then he prescribed her T4 only!! She reported back to the forum (angry and out substantial $$$ -- and STILL UNTREATED!).
The ONLY possible reason I could give for that was: perhaps because she essentially came in and said: "fix me"; as against when I came in and said "this is what *I* want to try; will you support it by writing scrips I ask for?" He could have ONE patient who was a nutty outlier, before his local med board began sniffing around -- but he likely didn't dare have two! And likely today he wouldn't even have 'humored' me!
I agree. Checks and balances needed to keep corruption in check, without them corruption runs riot as in when pharma teaches universities on the effectiveness of vaccines, or those in the NIAID are invested in Remdesivir, or politicians sell stocks from insider information.
How do you propose STOPPING the "regulatory" agencies from hiding, subverting, and refusing to release the studies? HOW could ANYONE think Pfizer and the FDA were acting "scientifically" when they tried to get the court to let them HIDE the horrors they KNEW THEY had caused for 75 years?
THANK GOD for that judge! Heap burning coals on the ortho-docs, the pols, and esp. the media for working so VERY hard to keep the released documents and info hidden. (Well, I guess WE don't have to heap coals -- though I'd LIKE to -- they'll get plenty when they arrive IN HELL!)
And not funded by monies that are earmarked for people who are vaccine injured! It’s obvious once again, the psychopathic murders wanna wipe out the coffers as well as the voices of those have been injured. If they can’t do it in the media, they want to take their money away!
We already know that outcome. Unvaxxed children, and families, historically as well, are supremely healthier than even 1 with 1 jab... even 1 can be deadly to someone.
Excellent Aaron. For me the very idea of recommending a drug to healthy people that has any side effects whatsoever - however "rare" - is the core of the crime. In what way is injecting healthy people with drugs to possibly alter the course of the future knowing that some will injured and some will die, in the name of public good, any different from throwing a random person in a volcano to appease an angry God? They seem to me identical and identically barbaric. The word "rare" is no excuse at all.
I would posit that there is a different or additional reason for this abrupt ‘change of heart’ relative to willingness to examine the safety of vaccines.
Consider, for the better part of a decade, Moderna failed to deliver on the promise of mRNA technology to revolutionize medicine. mRNA technology proponents have dubbed it “the software of life.” And yet, despite the investments of many, like Gates, Moderna had failed for the better part of a decade to deliver on the ‘promise’ of mRNA. I have researched heavily the company, its players, etc. In or around 2017, Moderna shifted its focus to vaccines, which in the pharmaceutical industry are known to be loss leaders. Why? Could it be that the COVID crisis served a dual purpose? First, it provided an opportunity to conduct a gigantic clinical trial that would provide extensive data to be fed into AI to help work the kinks out relative to the technology? And it also created circumstances that would result in filling the coffers of Moderna with lots of $$$$$ to further investigate and advance the mRNA technology. After all, Moderna had not been able to provide a return on investment to its investors, many who had put cash up with no results or information. (Sight unseen).
I wrote a substack about the vaccine cards. It struck me that the amount of effort that went into tracking doses delivered, manufacturer, person received, etc. was curious and worthy of examination.
What I concluded was that it was anticipated that the information in the large data lakes created would be used down the line to distill the results of the huge worldwide clinical experiment.
I have long suspected and noted that at a certain point, the narrative will morph into acknowledging the harm done. I am still uncertain of the timing. (I do think it may be in advance of the upcoming election—can explain separately).
That being said, as the information around vaccine harms is leaked there will be an outcry for research to do what can be done for the victims. This will result in calls for reform of the CDC/FDA (those calls will not amount to real change-they will be superficial in nature) and also a push for funding to help public health officials find answers to the problems. In short, our tax dollars were used for the privilege of being made to poison ourselves with supposed “safe and effective” experimental mRNA products. And next up, our tax dollars will fund research for working out the kinks of this horrendous experiment.
As long as they can continue to control the narrative relative to the claim that there was an “emergency and a pandemic of a dangerous novel virus”….they will be able to convince the American public to pay for and accept the crimes against humanity that have been committed.
Remember, Dr. Birx recently said….we have everything we need to fix things. We just need people to come forward and we can sort this out using all the information we have. Likely with a little help from AI, Palantir, data lakes, and access to health records.
My feeling is that their sudden interest in admitting the flawed past of testing around vaccines is intentional….their hope is a little kea culpa (with the proper messaging for an unsuspecting public—not the ones you describe having been gaslit for years) will go a long way towards getting into place the infrastructure needed to launch the next chapter of medicine which is gene therapy….playing with the software of life. Playing God. It goes without saying that many have died as a result of their rush to develop the mRNA technology.
Additionally, victim compensation will come from the public….not the companies or individuals that have perpetrated this fraud. Maybe a few of the NGOs and the msm should pay for blindly pushing the narrative….and censoring those who legitimately had questions. But alas…all things are excused during an emergency. 🙄
Why do I care? Why have I researched this stuff extensively?
I am an attorney. I lost my mother to the vaccine under the most horrendous of circumstances. Her case checks every box of this nightmare. Her case highlights all the ways in which the medical profession, CDC and FDA acted beyond negligence.
My family has a history of autoimmune. I warned my mom that it made no sense to train one’s body to make a pathogen, especially if one has a history of a rogue immune system that attacks self. She decided as an 82 year old to take her chances with the vaccine due to the fear mongering.
She was told to take the booster with the flu shot, while she was on immunosuppressive drugs for an autoimmune condition, psoriasis.
She quickly developed erratic/elevated blood pressure. Difficulty breathing. Next came difficulty with speech and swallowing. A total of four hospitalizations….diagnosis of heart attack and stroke WITHOUT any evidence from any scans that was an appropriate or accurate diagnosis. Family limited access and then denied access. Food, water and medicine not appropriately provided.
When I finally got access, I knew it did not add up. I researched immediately and told them she suffers from sudden onset of Mysathenia Gravis. She did not have a prior history of MG.
I was right. But it was too late. They said they would give her meds…but then the order was never written. Then they had to ventilate to buy time for treatment and she died due to cardiac arrest upon ventilation due to dehydration. It is right in the record that she was to dehydrated for her heart to continue to beat!
And the absolute worst part, after her death….we got messages from her Messenger on FB pleading with us to call the doctor, “no food, no water, no medicine.” We had been prohibited from going in. She was trying to communicate and we never got the messages….the hospital WiFi where she was did not work. So I was busy yelling on the phone with the hospital administration trying to gain access and my mother was being denied care and died. And her death certificate confirms my diagnosis.
So…yeah, as a lawyer…I diagnosed her….but no doctor even had on radar the possibility of it being the vaccine because “safe and effective.”
Dr. McCullough’s paper on the effects of the vaccine on the Innate Immune System describes exactly what happened to my mom (and I suspect many others-particularly elderly).
I would love to talk with you about my mother’s case.
The worst part….because she was 82 and suddenly struck with an aggressive onset of an autoimmune disease (not typical for an 82 year old) as a traditional medical malpractice case the problem is…had she got the treatment, because she was 82 it is hard to say if she would have survived the MG crisis. So the reality…she received horrendous care, the doctor’s notes claimed she was getting better (when other notes, nurses, etc. said she was getting worse), the doctor’s notes say he saw her when I was in to see her (last person before we were blocked out and she died) and he did NOT and she definitely was not getting better as he put in the record. Lies. Funny, I was told to report to the state. But to what end? It was state sanctioned murder.
I will be forever haunted by her messages from the grave begging us to help her. Did she know we were desperately trying to get to her? And I’m angry that the neurologist decided without speaking with the family to just not treat after we had been told treatment would begin.
Thank you for the work you are doing. I have had to fight to keep my daughters safe, living in a state that removed religious and philosophical exemptions. No easy feat. The only silver lining to my mom’s passing was my research supported an exemption for my daughter who would have been required to vaccinate to attend the state university.
I have not only lost my mother, but lost family and friends who saw my own failure to vaccinate as unforgivable. I have a history of autoimmune and breast cancer (see my substack relative to being a big pharma victim for breast implants withdrawn because they cause cancer).
Having lost my mother to the vaccine also creates trauma because you are not allowed to grieve the circumstances. Total strangers gaslight you and say there is no way my mother could have died from the vaccine….because “safe and effective” means it’s impossible to far too many brainwashed individuals.
Those pushing the vaccine know that “one size does not fit all” but they sold that as the fundamental lie of the covid vaccine….encouraging the most vulnerable (elderly, immunocompromised, pregnant) to get the shot first and repeatedly. As Margaret Anna Alice says “Mistakes were not made.”
PS As an attorney, from my perspective, there are parts of the COVID narrative that don’t pass the straight face test.
Thank you. Not sure I will ever get over it. My mother spent her life doing for others. The thought of her being anxious, alone and scared as she slipped away from us is hard to bear. She deserved better. I appreciate your words of support and understanding. Thank you.
Im sorry you lived through this terror. There are many ways to heal from the trauma. I have been fighting this fight with lawyers etc... (we WON in court to not vax my grand daughter) for 10 years, thousands of dollars, and if you can save one life, its worth it. Unfortunately this vaccine nightmare we are all living, is the Good vs Evil state of being on this planet. Covid helped to wake up the masses, and the end of va$$ines is in sight.
The thing is….part of me knew not to trust the government on the vaccines because from 2018 on I was fighting the billionaire technocrats/globalists and their meddling and destruction in public education. I realized then that our government had been co-opted by private interests that did not have the welfare of our children in mind. Rather they were seeking to essentially digitize and dehumanize education to build a pipeline for the coming gig economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. They have infiltrated nearly every sector…education, healthcare, finance, energy, etc. To them, we are just meant to be cogs in the machine they are building.
Thank you for sharing this…it must be so difficult 🥺 I’m so sorry for your loss. Please tell us about your mom, any time…this community will be there for you. ❤️
Thank you. Sadly online, instead of in real life, is one of the only places to find understanding and compassion for the trauma many have been made to suffer and bear in silence.
I am so sorry for the trauma your mother suffered when she deserved to be treated with loving care. I am so sorry for your and your family’s trauma and loss. It’s a terrible ordeal for you to have suffered. What a headache.
It’s hard to read your account because there are so many monsters in the story. The elderly were targeted around the world. We are awake in a nightmare.
Agreed. And yes….there were many monsters in her story. None doing their job. And even when I did their job for them they failed to execute according to the agreed upon plan.
But hey, as she lay dying and they allowed us in to say good bye…they made sure to swab her for Covid. I was so angry. It was clear it was a bid to collect the $$$$ that would have come with a positive test even though she never had Covid nor was she suspected of having Covid. She had been in the hospital for over a week never testing positive. So on her deathbed with family gathering they come in to shove another swab up her nose! Ugh.
every single person who neglected your one and only mom. As far as others who are upset you didn’t take any jabs, they’re not your real friends. Now you know where you stand with them, time for some new relationships.
Agreed. It’s lonely out there as many just want to put the whole charade and ugliness behind them….they do not want to admit what they did to themselves (getting jabbed) nor do they want to be reminded of how eager they were to crush those who dared ask questions. It’s disheartening. And I fear many would repeat their mistakes AGAIN if the fear mongering commenced or another crisis is propagated.
Thank you for sharing. I know that it is difficult, when you’ve experienced resistance and disbelief, to keep saying the words and believing that it matters. It does matter. Namaste, truly, the divine in me honors the divine in you.
Thank you. I am in total disbelief when a complete stranger tells me that my mother did not die from the vaccine and then behaves as if because I dare say that I have no right to grieve her and what she endured. Instead, I am expected to pretend. How dare I challenge the “safe and effective” narrative? I am supposed to believe 2+2=5 because the state says so despite my direct personal experience and knowledge. It defies reason. And for those of us who lost someone to the lies the trauma inflicted by the arrogance and virtue signaling of those in our midst who ignore common sense is unbearable. I am proud that I have stood up to the bullying, ostracizing, shaming, etc. Now I have to stand up to those who think we should just say “bygones” and move on….and they seem to lack awareness for what it cost too many AND the fact that it can and likely will happen again. Without accountability those that perpetrated this crime will see fit to do it again. Our children will pay the price.
Heartbreaking story. I’m so sorry. I lost my Dad and it was my fault. I gave approval for him to get the shot even though my husband and I refused for ourselves. He was 98 in assisted living (but in very good health except for memory issues). I succumbed to the fear mongering about the elderly in nursing homes and assisted livings. He was in the first rollout January of 2021. Got two Moderna jabs and didn’t wake up exactly 14 days from the second shot. Nobody except my husband and I believed it was the fucking shots. We proceeded to lose friends and family also. Too many still believe all the lies. I hope all those who pushed and still push the narrative will rot in hell- actually in prison and then hell.
Thank you for continuing to share the truth. I am an Emergency Medicine Doctor who, being threatened for not complyingleft, my practice to help people door-to-door. Everything you say is obviously true.
Maybe because in his deposition he lied how many times? This is amazing. It is crumbling. Once again Arron, this is because of your hard work. Thank you!
I am sure they set these names up to mock us. Of course all these that we hear about are part of continuing the vile system we are under of enslavement of every human and every beast. They're sicko's but they are still beings, however who's worse - they - who are mentally disturbed or "the public" that supports them, that pays for all their demands, that forces others to abide by their demands to otherwise "there would be chaos". Maybe it's our turn to tut tut now. What about Del Bigtree? I always have to chuckle at that.
just becuase they aren't properly studied for safety/efficacy doesn't mean you should skip getting your next booster. It's the thought that counts, not the effectiveness. LOL
Am I not correct in saying that, according to the 1986 Act, the federal government has to provide data to the public regarding safety of vaccines? I believe that this information has NEVER been provided to anyone! Reading the statement that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe “, seeing the ACIP committee member state that they had no idea if the COVID-19 vaccine was safe for children so, just “go ahead and see what happens “ makes me believe that safety has always been compromised and will continue to be unless more people realize that they have been deliberately deceived!
Thank you Siri for all you do and for making it "easy for us to understand" since so many of us have limited time (just trying to stay afloat in this present world)!!!!
Aaron Siri you have no idea what a Hero you are to the American People. ICAN and THE HighWire hit a home run when they got you onboard! God bless you brother…know there are many Warriors carrying the banner for you!
Great comments. I read the article in the Lancet and I must agree it is aggravating having had to listen to the “experts” and those brainwashed by them declare vaccines are safe and effective and extensively studied - none of which is true. It amazes me how blindly ppl follow and not question.
Nice, can’t wait to take this paper to Twitter land!
probably be banned within a couple hours if not sooner
On X it would go down fast as "misinformation"
ask Malone then how come he pushed vaccines on people all these decades and bought horses off that, and why he would say he agrees with Aaron now...its the same vaccine Aaron refers to as per his Malone's mRNA technology vaccine...same...see the fraud and duplicity in Malone...double speak horse shit...thanks Aaron...great sharing
People educate themselves ALL the time. Even physicians start asking questions when what they are being told doesn’t add up. The lightbulb can turn on at any moment to ask questions that now seem more relevant. It’s called growth. Remember they don’t call it “practicing medicine” for no reason. What we know now is completely different for many things we once thought important. Shooting someone down for finally “getting it” does nobody any good. Many of us questioned these issues LONG BEFORE COVID only now finally the rest of you are finally catching up. The important thing is that he’s taking this information to the people!
Nurse Rachet...I'm with you. It's like Del Bigtree says...Welcome. if you're just getting are still welcome. Denigrating and blaming doesn't forward the efforts for good. Calling people names (pirate) is just defending your own ego. You are still welcome in this conversation.
Sorry. Not convinced by your argument. I am not a doctor but caught on and questioned the fake narrative that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” years ago as the mountain of evidence started coming in. Accordingly no one in my family rolled up their sleeve thank God.
Unfortunately, the vaccine/injection business is headed to expand with the support of all the government agencies what are in on the con. $200 billion per year until depopulation takes over! PA lost me along time ago with his foul mouth and shallow analysis.
C'mon. You can't be extremely intelligent and extremely stupid, about the same thing, at the same time.
That's 2nd law of logic. The law of non-contradiction.
In such cases, either you are really brain dead stupid (which Malone isn't) not being able to see the dangers while you are developing your product, or deviant as hell.
There is no 3rd option.
Malone must have known about the (potential) deadly outcomes of his mRNA precious baby, and he didn't give a flying f about it.
Besides, he was intimately linked with the CIA (and other 3-4-5letter "health" agencies) insiders at the moment of the start of the "pandemic" and he stayed silent - and never apologized for it.
I was sceptical about politicians since the epstien days....and when they started pushing these 'vaccines' with million dollar lotteries in the USA...and operation warp speed (I lost a bit of faith in Trump over that) was a joke, hopefully Trump was misinformed about the 'vaccine'. And from day 1 I told everyone I talked to that covid19 is a hoax.
40 years of nursing for me. I was extremely good at starting IV’s and was told that I took too much joy in my job. I started the first IV team in the hospital I worked for teaching other nurses how to “gently” identify then insert them. This was back in the late 70’s. ❤️ I do believe that the instigator’s of the covid madness need to be addressed and that’s why we have the nuremberg code. I also believe that many were brainwashed to go along with the narrative. I too am someone who does research and consider it my due diligence to protect myself and pass this information on to my loved ones. I went at it much simpler than most do however. My entire family, thanks to me have some very unusual allergies. I’ve passed them down to kids and grandkids. I search for these ingredients in medication before taking anything. I’ve been poisoned too many times in the past and don’t want them to go through the same thing. Subsequently our family has had very few vaccines of any kind. As a long term medical professional I took great offense at the lies and blackmail of anyone that spoke out against Covid protocols and blackmail with the vaccines. I also have family that wouldn’t believe in logical thinking and went along with the fallacies. People would rather be wrong then admit we were right. Unfortunately the media, CDC, and world leaders had another agenda and logical reasoning were lost. I’m not heartless though and do believe in Gods will. If this was a test I know I passed. Not sure what our world will look like in a few years but am sure that many will be lost to their ideals. I wish you and yours well. 🇺🇸
If you can tell me how Malone "profited greatly" with more evidence than your suspicion I would be impressed, Pirate.
Whether Malone was instrumental in developing this technology or not I honestly do not know. But, these two scientists were the ones that got the Noble prize for the mRNA shots.
My take. Malone was just a distraction.
You've got some reading to do, the level of your "research" is dismal.
Paul, If you step out of your own way, you might be able to see your constant haranguing is backfiring. You are sounding more psychopathic every day.
Typical. Attack the person when you can't argue the case. People like you are the reason millions have been harmed or died.
I stopped following you a long time ago. You're a fake doc and speak a good game but have no insights unless you criticize others. It's pathetic.
Same here, especially all obscenities. Could not stand it.
"I think there’s a good chance as a vaccinologist, I’m embarrassed now to learn what the actual data are about the efficacy of vaccines and what has really caused the decline in infectious disease in children. The data are quite clear. That decline basically parallels the improvement in sanitation prior to the implementation of the vaccines for all most all of these paediatric disease." Dr Malone on Tucker Carlson Feb, 9, 2022
Malone Raises Doubt in the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule (via Vigilant Fox)
Malone's Journey
Dr Alexander's journey
Dr Sherry Tenpenny used to give vaccines out like candy until she was awakened to the products
Dr Suzanne Humphries never questioned them until she received pushback
Dr Paul Thomas used to routinely jab until he was inspired to start questioning them
And so many more
Its a journey.
Bravo! Excellent comment -- and LOTS of truth! Clearin' away the gaslighters' fog!
Thank you for the links!
Thank you for documenting these journeys.
Dr. Malone has shown that he follows the evidence where it leads. He's also been gracious towards his detractors. You would do well, Paul, to emulate him.
Gracious to his detractors buy suing them?
Do you think there should be NO penalty for going way Way WAY too far?! The whiny old geezer -- no matter HOW excellent his earlier history -- WENT TOO FAR! I saw his ranting against and absolutely MALIGNING Malone when it happened -- and took him entirely off MY list of any to whom I pay attention! He seemed WAY more concerned and upset that Malone book was strongly outselling his OWN book.
WHY should Malone just allow vicious attacks that DID NOT STOP?
Can't a person eventually see the light, get religion and become a good preacher of the truth? Or is there some other craw up your butt about Malone?
But I dismissed him, after a few reads. There was something not right about it.
You’re disgraceful. I’ve lost all respect for you, along with thousands of others.
Dr Alexander, you are right in many things, however, it may come times when generosity towards each other may play a huge role into getting together and defend the real, dangerous and powerful enemy what is so pleased seeing division among the smart ones.☺️. I think dr Malone is doing its part..
I really don't think thst Malone is even writing his own Stack now. He wants to run for political office or something.
Do you really know what you are talking about, Nancy? You sound demented and uneducated and certainly uninformed!
You're just another small minded person with blinders on. Open your damn eyes.
Are most of the people commenting on this stack mentally impaired? If they are, I don't want to be too hard on them, but, wow, this is the dumbest bunch I've come across in a while.
Time for me to fly. Malone is trying to get into politics. RFK, Jr. was sniffing around him for a secretary post if elected. It's clear. You're right.
Since you couldn't come up with any facts concerning Malone "profiting greatly" I'm sure you can point out the facts for Malone wanting to get into politics, Pirate. I have Heard him say just the opposite. And calling anyone who isn't in agreement "dumb" puts you on the top of the pile!
So much judgement and hatred in your heart Dr. Paul. It would benefit you to let some of that go.
"Staaaart spreading the news"......... Sinatra
Studies done by INDEPENDENT, non-pharma-associated in ANY way, scientists.
Most importantly they must be true RCTs with a true placebo (a pharmacologically inactive substance such as N-Saline). Most vaccine trials to date are NOT - they tend to use earlier versions of the same vaccine as the control arm.
whose kids are going to be sacrificed for the "proper" RCT's active study arm?
That’s why Gates took these studies to Africa and other undeveloped countries. These people have no choice. They are forced to comply. Then there will ALWAYS be that one parent who gets sucked into the mantra that it’s for the “greater good”. These people definitely believe they are being noble but absolutely do not understand they are Guinea pigs.😢
Any parent who would volunteer their child as a guinea pig to the CDC or any of the other alphabet agencies needs their head examined.
Doesn’t matter what they do at this point. The vaccine industry has lost all trust of the public. It will NEVER recover. The Pentagon also falls in that category. They are psychopathic killers.
I WISH it were "lost all trust"! MANY people have awakened, at least somewhat. But no where CLOSE to all the public! Please, no one stop or slow your attempts to REACH the blind believers.
I keep wishing it would be useful for me to go (yes, maliciously) ask the OB-GYN who got very bitchy with me about anyone not following "govt protocol":
"HOW MANY of your patients did you help kill or injure their babies? HOW MANY preterm spontaneous abortions are you responsible for by pushing a POISON on those mothers-to-be, for a "disease" with a 99.997% SURVIVAL RATE? Can you count up the babies?!"
But that would merely harden her position... I just can't manage to stay on the "compassion" side yet while trying to reach folks who "still believe"! So, she will have to continue in delusion unless/until someone else can reach through her blindness...
Indeed, I continue to wonder at those parents who offered their children (to Moloch?) to Pfizer for the Covid vax trials.
Possibly those parents who are already blindly having their kids injected with the poison anyway without the benefit of any valid study
None of the approved vaccines have ever gone through a full toxicology screen. That should be the first step in determine if they are safe enough to do a trial. I would bet none of the vaccines would pass the tests. So we would have no need to test them on humans in a trial.
Good question.
Bill Gates daughter is a doctor MD, if I'm not mistaken. Dinner conversations would be riveting.
Great question which should perhaps be better directed at the present vaccine trials where both arms usually involve vaccines (often new and old) or other pharmacologically active "placebo" arm. The question might also be directed at ALL new drug trials if you question Phase 1/II results?
For answers and alternatives, you would be in a better position to advise by virtue of the fact that in your previous life in Big Pharma you were involved in many such trials?
in the past, plotkin has done an end run around informed consent by using the least among us, those with the fewest protections from abuse in his experiments.his defenders said, well it was a different time, but it was after wwII and the first court case in the u.s., i believe, was around 1911. at any rate, any right thinking person with any decency would have regard for bodily autonomy and informed consent. watching some of his very long deposition is revealing, and not in a good way. he is willing to break a few eggs that are not his own for the greater good. dont know the man, but he does answer his emails quickly, i had a question for him about my daughters' chicken pox immunity not showing up on lab work and he responded the very next day
Yeah, and Dollar-Bill Gates has ADMITTED that NONE of his kids are vaccinated! Huh. Think THAT should be a signal?
Is that true? Can you provide the info as to where Bill Gates said that?
I know it's the mantra of the health freedom community to just make the process scientific by using placebos. But I think the scientific process is supposed to have a certain amount of openness to it. People often want peer-reviewed studies that are greatly powered in order to show harms of vaccines. But the trials themselves for vaccines are not peer reviewed but rather secret. I believe that this is the greatest violation in the scientific procedure. While I certainly agree you have no ability to assess whether or not a vaccine is truly safe without using a placebo when the data is hidden and lied about regardless of placebo's there's no science at all. But furthermore there are plenty of studies that show vaccines cause harms and these should not be discredited as being unscientific simply because they were unable to do an RCT with a true placebo.
SCIENCE REQUIRES DATA TRANSPARENCY AND OPEN DISCUSSION but it does not require a placebo. A placebo is required usually to be able to accurately and confidently prove/disprove causation of AEs
With respect, I think you don't really understand the processes involved which, as proscibed without corruption, are rigorously scientific in approach and method.
You need to understand the differences between Phase 1-4 trials. Placebo-controlled trials are necessary to establish a) efficacy and b) baseline AE incidence. I fail to see how you cannot understand the importance of such data in the earlier phases. There's adequate time for studies against other therapies in late Phase 3 and Phase 4, post-approval.
I have nothing further to add so will not be responding further.
What I'm saying is that basic science. All science for it to exist at all is going to require transparency and debate. That's any type of science whatsoever. Whether you're investigating the origins of the pyramids or looking at the Earth's magnetic field and the effects that it has on life on Earth. However like you say the placebo-controlled RCT is only necessary in a very specific circumstance which is to accurately measure the safety of an intervention. But we can certainly gather evidence as to the safety of an intervention or anything at all and we can do that using scientific methods but not necessarily an RCT with a placebo. I disagree with your assertion when you disagreed with the op your assertion being that in theory it's better for Pfizer to claim that they had done placebo-controlled trials such as what happened with the covid vaccine I think that's more important than for them to actually share the data and from all the trial sites. Is it acceptable for Pfizer to say yeah all of our stuff showed that it was totally safe and effective and we don't need to show you any of the data for 75 years?
Here's a wee point: IF IT KILLS ALL THE FERRETS AND CATS it's given to-- there is 100% NO NEED to test it on humans!!!
WHY is that not the "scientific" study?
"People often want peer-reviewed studies that are greatly powered in order to show harms of vaccines."
People have been TAUGHT to want peer-reviews studies... ask any of them WHAT peer-review even IS -- and then (you'll have to) describe what and how it's subverted and mis-used...)
You say it's more important that the trials be conducted with true placebos. But currently the trials are conducted in secret by companies with obvious financial conflicts of interest and felony convictions for scientific fraud. I would say it's more important that the process be transparent than to simply ask Pfizer to lie about what they did in the trials and say they used a placebo while conducting possibly hundreds of studies per product just to cherry pick the few studies that showed the least amount of damage being done by the vaccine
So what system would you propose as an alternative ?
IMHO you are conflating two different issues. There is nothing inherently wrong with placebo-controlled RCTs and the Peer review process. In fact it's a good system if operated properly. The problem is the corruption in the medical world resulting from Big Pharma interventions. And that applies not only (but in particular) to vaccines but ALL drug trials and the systemic corruption within the "Regulators".
So don't throw the baby out with the bath water....
When you say don't throw out the baby with the bathwater you think I should take drugs just because vaccines were poorly tested? I'm not sure what you're getting at and I don't know how my comment wasn't obvious but if there were a procedure that were scientific in nature that were necessary to test drugs or vaccines or any intervention for safety and efficacy. (In a scientific manner) Then I think all of the test should be conducted by a disinterested third party that has no criminal convictions for scientific fraud and I think all of the data should be released for peer review rather than Cherry picked as it is now. There are tools other than rcts that can be used to collect data scientifically. Such as post-marketing studies. I think they should be required to honestly report all data. Anyway I don't understand your comment talking about throwing out the baby with the bathwater you act like it's an insurmountable hurdle for them to not hide the data that they collected . I don't see how it's a controversial statement for me to state that transparency is one of the most basic premises of science. I hope you have a great day and to all who read this
And just whom do YOU trust to "operate it properly"? Has that EVER occurred?!
Has ANYone in the system objected that "testing" a "new" vaxxx against the OLDER version of itself -- or against another unrelated vaxxx with its OWN complications (and adjuvants, eh?) -- or have they just shut up to keep their salaries and retirements? Anyone spoken out like Dr Wakefield -- who had his WHOLE medical career taken from him, and who was (and still IS) reviled and insulted and blocked -- and NOT had that life-destroying crushing happen?
WHY do you keep trusting people PROVEN (over and over) to be untrustworthy? If a substance KILLS the ferrets and cats, there is NEVER ANY REASON to 'test' it or even TRY it on humans!
True, the overhaul I am thinking of, is ensuring there are no conflicts of interest involved, and the scientists are known for good ethics. Yes, the placebo-controlled RCTs and the uncorrupted version of the Peer view process should work.
It is NOT possible to get "uncorrupted" when humans, money, and employment/advancement are on the table. NOT POSSIBLE.
Sure, sure, not EVERYONE is corrupt... Explain, then how Dr Wakefield lost HIS career? As did many of the FLCCC docs. As did Dr Nass, who was even sent by her medical board for a PSYCH EVAL for prescribing IVM (very soviet that, eh wot?). Just HOW MANY *uncorrupt* docs, nurses, resp. techs, etc. etc. do you think exist -- and how many of the UNcorrupt lost everything as a VERY loud signal to all the OTHERS who needed to keep their jobs/careers in order to provide for their familes?
Let's STOP trying to find a way to pretend humans are NOT humans... and find a way to ENFORCE punishment for CORRUPTION, not for "trying" to be UNcorrupt! Some years ago, I felt BAD for docs who were not willing to find, read, and do the research that SHOWED huge malignancies IN what they"knew" and "did" from med school. Their first loyalty HAD to be to their familes; and if that meant sticking to the less-than-optimal, or even BAD, treatments.... well... the patient comes second! I still struggle with that.
Perfect example: because *I* did the research for myself. Hypothyroid and adrenal 'fatigue' (NOT a disgnosis, but a prety damned good DESCRIPTION!). Found and went to a respected MD, on a LIST of MDs who were 'on to' real treatment for thyroid. I brought in my research, and said I wanted him to write me a script for Armour back then (because it was not ONLY T4 (the 'storage form, which is ALL Pharma has them write for now. And then!), which the body must convert to T3 in order to BE a treamtent for hypo. I 'wanted to start at this dose, and work up until my symptoms ameliorated or disappeared. Then, I wanted to go on physiological doses of hydrocortisone (that is, doses small enough to be effective -- but not "treatment" doses that are damaging and result in, for instance "moon face" and other bad symptoms.' And, again, 'I wanted to start at this dose, and work up until my symptoms ameliorated or disappeared. He looked them over, and with a wry smile agreed and wrote the scrips.
After a year or so, I wrote a recommendation of him on a thyroid forum, and a gal a couple hours away, desperately sick with hypo, came to see him; and to her horror he did all the (expensive) tests (I had brought my own ordered through LEF (thus, cheap!) test results from LabCorp: I wanted him to know who was driving this bus!) and then he prescribed her T4 only!! She reported back to the forum (angry and out substantial $$$ -- and STILL UNTREATED!).
The ONLY possible reason I could give for that was: perhaps because she essentially came in and said: "fix me"; as against when I came in and said "this is what *I* want to try; will you support it by writing scrips I ask for?" He could have ONE patient who was a nutty outlier, before his local med board began sniffing around -- but he likely didn't dare have two! And likely today he wouldn't even have 'humored' me!
I agree. Checks and balances needed to keep corruption in check, without them corruption runs riot as in when pharma teaches universities on the effectiveness of vaccines, or those in the NIAID are invested in Remdesivir, or politicians sell stocks from insider information.
How do you propose STOPPING the "regulatory" agencies from hiding, subverting, and refusing to release the studies? HOW could ANYONE think Pfizer and the FDA were acting "scientifically" when they tried to get the court to let them HIDE the horrors they KNEW THEY had caused for 75 years?
THANK GOD for that judge! Heap burning coals on the ortho-docs, the pols, and esp. the media for working so VERY hard to keep the released documents and info hidden. (Well, I guess WE don't have to heap coals -- though I'd LIKE to -- they'll get plenty when they arrive IN HELL!)
Do they exist? Big Pharma seems to have co-opted or brainwashed the majority.
And not funded by monies that are earmarked for people who are vaccine injured! It’s obvious once again, the psychopathic murders wanna wipe out the coffers as well as the voices of those have been injured. If they can’t do it in the media, they want to take their money away!
Aka TRUE scientists.
We already know that outcome. Unvaxxed children, and families, historically as well, are supremely healthier than even 1 with 1 jab... even 1 can be deadly to someone.
they don't exist.
Excellent Aaron. For me the very idea of recommending a drug to healthy people that has any side effects whatsoever - however "rare" - is the core of the crime. In what way is injecting healthy people with drugs to possibly alter the course of the future knowing that some will injured and some will die, in the name of public good, any different from throwing a random person in a volcano to appease an angry God? They seem to me identical and identically barbaric. The word "rare" is no excuse at all.
Every drug is a deadly dose to someone Russian roulette...
That's a GREAT analogy.
They are a murderous fraud.
IMO. Unfortunately 26 years ago there was no longer any questions for me. I'm relieved to have company , albeit an unfortunate club to belong to.
Attorney Siri:
I would posit that there is a different or additional reason for this abrupt ‘change of heart’ relative to willingness to examine the safety of vaccines.
Consider, for the better part of a decade, Moderna failed to deliver on the promise of mRNA technology to revolutionize medicine. mRNA technology proponents have dubbed it “the software of life.” And yet, despite the investments of many, like Gates, Moderna had failed for the better part of a decade to deliver on the ‘promise’ of mRNA. I have researched heavily the company, its players, etc. In or around 2017, Moderna shifted its focus to vaccines, which in the pharmaceutical industry are known to be loss leaders. Why? Could it be that the COVID crisis served a dual purpose? First, it provided an opportunity to conduct a gigantic clinical trial that would provide extensive data to be fed into AI to help work the kinks out relative to the technology? And it also created circumstances that would result in filling the coffers of Moderna with lots of $$$$$ to further investigate and advance the mRNA technology. After all, Moderna had not been able to provide a return on investment to its investors, many who had put cash up with no results or information. (Sight unseen).
I wrote a substack about the vaccine cards. It struck me that the amount of effort that went into tracking doses delivered, manufacturer, person received, etc. was curious and worthy of examination.
Here is my substack.
What I concluded was that it was anticipated that the information in the large data lakes created would be used down the line to distill the results of the huge worldwide clinical experiment.
I have long suspected and noted that at a certain point, the narrative will morph into acknowledging the harm done. I am still uncertain of the timing. (I do think it may be in advance of the upcoming election—can explain separately).
That being said, as the information around vaccine harms is leaked there will be an outcry for research to do what can be done for the victims. This will result in calls for reform of the CDC/FDA (those calls will not amount to real change-they will be superficial in nature) and also a push for funding to help public health officials find answers to the problems. In short, our tax dollars were used for the privilege of being made to poison ourselves with supposed “safe and effective” experimental mRNA products. And next up, our tax dollars will fund research for working out the kinks of this horrendous experiment.
As long as they can continue to control the narrative relative to the claim that there was an “emergency and a pandemic of a dangerous novel virus”….they will be able to convince the American public to pay for and accept the crimes against humanity that have been committed.
Remember, Dr. Birx recently said….we have everything we need to fix things. We just need people to come forward and we can sort this out using all the information we have. Likely with a little help from AI, Palantir, data lakes, and access to health records.
My feeling is that their sudden interest in admitting the flawed past of testing around vaccines is intentional….their hope is a little kea culpa (with the proper messaging for an unsuspecting public—not the ones you describe having been gaslit for years) will go a long way towards getting into place the infrastructure needed to launch the next chapter of medicine which is gene therapy….playing with the software of life. Playing God. It goes without saying that many have died as a result of their rush to develop the mRNA technology.
Additionally, victim compensation will come from the public….not the companies or individuals that have perpetrated this fraud. Maybe a few of the NGOs and the msm should pay for blindly pushing the narrative….and censoring those who legitimately had questions. But alas…all things are excused during an emergency. 🙄
Why do I care? Why have I researched this stuff extensively?
I am an attorney. I lost my mother to the vaccine under the most horrendous of circumstances. Her case checks every box of this nightmare. Her case highlights all the ways in which the medical profession, CDC and FDA acted beyond negligence.
My family has a history of autoimmune. I warned my mom that it made no sense to train one’s body to make a pathogen, especially if one has a history of a rogue immune system that attacks self. She decided as an 82 year old to take her chances with the vaccine due to the fear mongering.
She was told to take the booster with the flu shot, while she was on immunosuppressive drugs for an autoimmune condition, psoriasis.
She quickly developed erratic/elevated blood pressure. Difficulty breathing. Next came difficulty with speech and swallowing. A total of four hospitalizations….diagnosis of heart attack and stroke WITHOUT any evidence from any scans that was an appropriate or accurate diagnosis. Family limited access and then denied access. Food, water and medicine not appropriately provided.
When I finally got access, I knew it did not add up. I researched immediately and told them she suffers from sudden onset of Mysathenia Gravis. She did not have a prior history of MG.
I was right. But it was too late. They said they would give her meds…but then the order was never written. Then they had to ventilate to buy time for treatment and she died due to cardiac arrest upon ventilation due to dehydration. It is right in the record that she was to dehydrated for her heart to continue to beat!
And the absolute worst part, after her death….we got messages from her Messenger on FB pleading with us to call the doctor, “no food, no water, no medicine.” We had been prohibited from going in. She was trying to communicate and we never got the messages….the hospital WiFi where she was did not work. So I was busy yelling on the phone with the hospital administration trying to gain access and my mother was being denied care and died. And her death certificate confirms my diagnosis.
So…yeah, as a lawyer…I diagnosed her….but no doctor even had on radar the possibility of it being the vaccine because “safe and effective.”
Dr. McCullough’s paper on the effects of the vaccine on the Innate Immune System describes exactly what happened to my mom (and I suspect many others-particularly elderly).
I would love to talk with you about my mother’s case.
The worst part….because she was 82 and suddenly struck with an aggressive onset of an autoimmune disease (not typical for an 82 year old) as a traditional medical malpractice case the problem is…had she got the treatment, because she was 82 it is hard to say if she would have survived the MG crisis. So the reality…she received horrendous care, the doctor’s notes claimed she was getting better (when other notes, nurses, etc. said she was getting worse), the doctor’s notes say he saw her when I was in to see her (last person before we were blocked out and she died) and he did NOT and she definitely was not getting better as he put in the record. Lies. Funny, I was told to report to the state. But to what end? It was state sanctioned murder.
I will be forever haunted by her messages from the grave begging us to help her. Did she know we were desperately trying to get to her? And I’m angry that the neurologist decided without speaking with the family to just not treat after we had been told treatment would begin.
Thank you for the work you are doing. I have had to fight to keep my daughters safe, living in a state that removed religious and philosophical exemptions. No easy feat. The only silver lining to my mom’s passing was my research supported an exemption for my daughter who would have been required to vaccinate to attend the state university.
I have not only lost my mother, but lost family and friends who saw my own failure to vaccinate as unforgivable. I have a history of autoimmune and breast cancer (see my substack relative to being a big pharma victim for breast implants withdrawn because they cause cancer).
Having lost my mother to the vaccine also creates trauma because you are not allowed to grieve the circumstances. Total strangers gaslight you and say there is no way my mother could have died from the vaccine….because “safe and effective” means it’s impossible to far too many brainwashed individuals.
Those pushing the vaccine know that “one size does not fit all” but they sold that as the fundamental lie of the covid vaccine….encouraging the most vulnerable (elderly, immunocompromised, pregnant) to get the shot first and repeatedly. As Margaret Anna Alice says “Mistakes were not made.”
PS As an attorney, from my perspective, there are parts of the COVID narrative that don’t pass the straight face test.
I am so sorry for your tragic and heartbreaking loss.
Thank you. Not sure I will ever get over it. My mother spent her life doing for others. The thought of her being anxious, alone and scared as she slipped away from us is hard to bear. She deserved better. I appreciate your words of support and understanding. Thank you.
Im sorry you lived through this terror. There are many ways to heal from the trauma. I have been fighting this fight with lawyers etc... (we WON in court to not vax my grand daughter) for 10 years, thousands of dollars, and if you can save one life, its worth it. Unfortunately this vaccine nightmare we are all living, is the Good vs Evil state of being on this planet. Covid helped to wake up the masses, and the end of va$$ines is in sight.
The thing is….part of me knew not to trust the government on the vaccines because from 2018 on I was fighting the billionaire technocrats/globalists and their meddling and destruction in public education. I realized then that our government had been co-opted by private interests that did not have the welfare of our children in mind. Rather they were seeking to essentially digitize and dehumanize education to build a pipeline for the coming gig economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. They have infiltrated nearly every sector…education, healthcare, finance, energy, etc. To them, we are just meant to be cogs in the machine they are building.
Thank you. I fight on despite being exhausted from the past 4 years.
Thank you for sharing this…it must be so difficult 🥺 I’m so sorry for your loss. Please tell us about your mom, any time…this community will be there for you. ❤️
Thank you. Sadly online, instead of in real life, is one of the only places to find understanding and compassion for the trauma many have been made to suffer and bear in silence.
I am so sorry for the trauma your mother suffered when she deserved to be treated with loving care. I am so sorry for your and your family’s trauma and loss. It’s a terrible ordeal for you to have suffered. What a headache.
It’s hard to read your account because there are so many monsters in the story. The elderly were targeted around the world. We are awake in a nightmare.
Agreed. And yes….there were many monsters in her story. None doing their job. And even when I did their job for them they failed to execute according to the agreed upon plan.
But hey, as she lay dying and they allowed us in to say good bye…they made sure to swab her for Covid. I was so angry. It was clear it was a bid to collect the $$$$ that would have come with a positive test even though she never had Covid nor was she suspected of having Covid. She had been in the hospital for over a week never testing positive. So on her deathbed with family gathering they come in to shove another swab up her nose! Ugh.
I’m so sorry, I hope you get a conviction for
every single person who neglected your one and only mom. As far as others who are upset you didn’t take any jabs, they’re not your real friends. Now you know where you stand with them, time for some new relationships.
Agreed. It’s lonely out there as many just want to put the whole charade and ugliness behind them….they do not want to admit what they did to themselves (getting jabbed) nor do they want to be reminded of how eager they were to crush those who dared ask questions. It’s disheartening. And I fear many would repeat their mistakes AGAIN if the fear mongering commenced or another crisis is propagated.
Thank you for sharing. I know that it is difficult, when you’ve experienced resistance and disbelief, to keep saying the words and believing that it matters. It does matter. Namaste, truly, the divine in me honors the divine in you.
Thank you. I am in total disbelief when a complete stranger tells me that my mother did not die from the vaccine and then behaves as if because I dare say that I have no right to grieve her and what she endured. Instead, I am expected to pretend. How dare I challenge the “safe and effective” narrative? I am supposed to believe 2+2=5 because the state says so despite my direct personal experience and knowledge. It defies reason. And for those of us who lost someone to the lies the trauma inflicted by the arrogance and virtue signaling of those in our midst who ignore common sense is unbearable. I am proud that I have stood up to the bullying, ostracizing, shaming, etc. Now I have to stand up to those who think we should just say “bygones” and move on….and they seem to lack awareness for what it cost too many AND the fact that it can and likely will happen again. Without accountability those that perpetrated this crime will see fit to do it again. Our children will pay the price.
A different story if they were to literally walk in your shoes. The lack of empathy is astounding. In the end only kindness matters.
Truth. ☝️ Thank you. 🙏🏻
Heartbreaking story. I’m so sorry. I lost my Dad and it was my fault. I gave approval for him to get the shot even though my husband and I refused for ourselves. He was 98 in assisted living (but in very good health except for memory issues). I succumbed to the fear mongering about the elderly in nursing homes and assisted livings. He was in the first rollout January of 2021. Got two Moderna jabs and didn’t wake up exactly 14 days from the second shot. Nobody except my husband and I believed it was the fucking shots. We proceeded to lose friends and family also. Too many still believe all the lies. I hope all those who pushed and still push the narrative will rot in hell- actually in prison and then hell.
I am so sorry for your grievance and the experience you have lived through. My heartfelt condolences.
That is terrible. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for continuing to share the truth. I am an Emergency Medicine Doctor who, being threatened for not complyingleft, my practice to help people door-to-door. Everything you say is obviously true.
Maybe because in his deposition he lied how many times? This is amazing. It is crumbling. Once again Arron, this is because of your hard work. Thank you!
Dr. Stanley Plotkin is a monster.
Isn’t it crazy that his name actually sounds like a fictional one of a mad scientist?
I am sure they set these names up to mock us. Of course all these that we hear about are part of continuing the vile system we are under of enslavement of every human and every beast. They're sicko's but they are still beings, however who's worse - they - who are mentally disturbed or "the public" that supports them, that pays for all their demands, that forces others to abide by their demands to otherwise "there would be chaos". Maybe it's our turn to tut tut now. What about Del Bigtree? I always have to chuckle at that.
Like plotting!
That is truly hilarious. Good one, Kerr!
'Stony Plantlike'!
As is Dr Kathryn M Edwards.
Aren't they all?
just becuase they aren't properly studied for safety/efficacy doesn't mean you should skip getting your next booster. It's the thought that counts, not the effectiveness. LOL
Ha Ha! You first!
OMG...I actually guffawed at this! Thank you...😂😂😂😂😂
No need for vaccines ever! They’re poison.
For sure and for certain.
If you’ll allow me to say so, I think this article is what they mean when they say so-and-so “went nuclear on their asses”
And frankly, it’s beautiful!
Am I not correct in saying that, according to the 1986 Act, the federal government has to provide data to the public regarding safety of vaccines? I believe that this information has NEVER been provided to anyone! Reading the statement that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe “, seeing the ACIP committee member state that they had no idea if the COVID-19 vaccine was safe for children so, just “go ahead and see what happens “ makes me believe that safety has always been compromised and will continue to be unless more people realize that they have been deliberately deceived!
Thank you Siri for all you do and for making it "easy for us to understand" since so many of us have limited time (just trying to stay afloat in this present world)!!!!
Aaron Siri you have no idea what a Hero you are to the American People. ICAN and THE HighWire hit a home run when they got you onboard! God bless you brother…know there are many Warriors carrying the banner for you!
Your deposition of Dr. Plotkin was pure genius! Keep up the excellent work!
I listened to the first hour of the deposition while in the OR.
He got caught with his nuts in the nut cracker when it came to his income and funding for his lay-person pro-vax group.
Yes!! The pharmaceutical companies funded them !!!
Hell , the pharmaceutical companies pay over ½ of the CDC’s budget!!!!
The OR staff was laughing at his “yes,so” answers.
Can’t wait to play the rest!!!!
While performing surgery?
I can chew bubble gum and walk at the same time too….
Not criticizing. Merely reacting with amazement. (And hoping to clarify my understanding of your post.)
Thanks for your replies.
Great comments. I read the article in the Lancet and I must agree it is aggravating having had to listen to the “experts” and those brainwashed by them declare vaccines are safe and effective and extensively studied - none of which is true. It amazes me how blindly ppl follow and not question.
What a great article.