"95% protection"

These are relative numbers, the absolute numbers have never been above 2% and a lot of research is now showing that the waning immunity from the shots means we are well into negative absolute numbers at this point.

An even greater and more unforgivable sin, in my opinion, is that in many countries they are saying that natural immunity is only valid for your "health pass" for six months. I'm not complying with health passes anyway because they are an absolute disgrace, but to then add insult to injury by gaslighting people with pseudoscience is appalling.

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I recently had the antibodies blood test 10 months of having Covid-19 and it showed I still have the antibodies so it’s obvious that my natural immunity lasts longer than the injection and any of the boosters. Just saying. So I have for sure passed the six month mark!

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My husband is positive two years later. He’s doing his own study. Will be testing every November into the future since the CDC isn’t the least bit curious. Like Dr. Ryan Cole said “You can’t find that for which you do not look.” The CDC doesn’t want to know because then they would have to admit the truth.

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Thank you Karrie. I have two IgG/IgM blood tests that cost me a fortune. I haven't wanted to use them but I have had two incidents where I think I might have had Covid - back in late 2019 (I have never been so ill but it might have been H1N1 flu, which was circulating at the time) and this summer (I have never had hay fever before and for many people that is all Delta is).

The problem is that I spent a small fortune on Covid treatments and don't want to waste the blood tests because I want to know what I am dealing with if I actually get the disease. The whole thing is a mind-f*ck. It took me a day's work each to find both the tests and Ivermectin, for example. Wasting Ivermectin on a cold would be stupid, hence I bought the test kits.

But the governments in Europe are saying six months for natural immunity anyway for your vaxx pass. Hence the whole thing is pseudoscientific nonsense and has everything to do with genocide, not science.

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Give blood, they test for the antibodies and tell you if you have the antibodies

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Exactly. The Relative Risk Reduction is also called the marketing figure - but only internally inside the industry with the highest spending on lobbying. The ARR - absolute risk reduction of Pfizer was 0.83% - the cheaper Astra was the best amongst 4 contenders with 1.3%. Maybe they just could not spend so much on lobbying because 20-30 Dollar per dose (Pfizer) and 2 Dollar per dose (Astra) is quite a difference. The NNV - number needed to vaccinate to safe one person from infection can be derived from the ARR and was 119 for Pfizer. More on RRR, ARR and NNV in this study https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext i wonder if there is even a study on that for the Delta variant.

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Excellent - thank you Martin. There are good critiques of two recent Lancet studies of Delta by Dr. Will Jones that are worth reading:



Note that these are still using relative numbers, for some reason.

He's also been tracking the UK data which shows in some cohorts that the "vaccines" are now doubling the chances of catching Covid:


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Doesn’t this article basically say that the vaccine leads to higher risk of infection?

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Great comment and so true, they’re treating us like dirt

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Well it's the industry with the highest spending on lobbying for a reason. Quote: Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2875889/

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Pfizer has paid approx 11T since 2000 in settlements. FDA is there to protect them from us, not us from them. Call your reps, senators... we need RFKJ desperatrly to have a real shot at ending this mass murder. Now is the time, confirmation hearings start thursday

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We are the livestock and the evil government is the farmer.

Some will say sees,see ,see farming is bad destroying the earth making cow farts destroying the environment idiots

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The NNTV is even more telling.

"There is a way of understanding how much modern medicine has to offer individual patients. It is a simple statistical concept called the “Number-Needed-to-Treat”, or for short the ‘NNT’. The NNT offers a measurement of the impact of a medicine or therapy by estimating the number of patients that need to be treated in order to have an impact on one person. The concept is statistical, but intuitive, for we know that not everyone is helped by a medicine or intervention — some benefit, some are harmed, and some are unaffected. The NNT tells us how many of each."

Pfizer vax NNT was 143 last time I saw data

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The Absolute Risk Reduction from which the NNV / NNT is derived varies from country to country depending on the general health/age etc of the population.

Quote: Although the design and methodology are radically different from the randomised trial, Dagan and colleagues report an RRR of 94%, which is essentially the same as the RRR of the phase 3 trial (95%) but with an ARR of 0.46%, which translates into an NNV of 217 (when the ARR was 0.84% and the NNV was 119 in the phase 3 trial). This means in a real-life setting, 1.8 times more subjects might need to be vaccinated to prevent one more case of COVID-19 than predicted in the corresponding clinical trial.

So the RRR (what is known as the Marketing Figure) can basically stay the same at 95% while the NNV differs A LOT.

The only thing that would prove if it actually works would be a challenge study. That means u would inject the virus to see how effective the vx works. On the studies they did you can bend the result heavily by the selection of the group candidates. For example you could have more people working at home in one group and people with a lot of contact with other people in the other group - ofc you would have more positive tested in the group where more contacts would be made - independent of the vx status.

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It's less painful to spend several hours in a crowded bar in Wisconsin, that's where I was exposed. I live alone, work alone, etc. it was my one exposure scenario in 2 weeks. Cheap drinks, too.

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and that's assuming it does any good rather than harm or kill them

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Please explain without "pseudoscience" how you got to you percentage of "absolute numbers" being well into the "negative". The Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) and the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) are two measurements that are calculated differently. But I don't expect you to even understand what they actually are. Whatever suits ones agenda...

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My "agenda" is having regulatory agencies that protect us from unsafe medicine. Because they haven't done this, I have to go to a funeral tomorrow because one of my friends died immediately after their "booster" shot.

What's your agenda?

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While I feel sorry for your friend who passed away, it does nothing to support any of your claims. The problem with posts like this is that they can't be backed up and then result in replies like yours. Bringing up another story to avoid being held accountable for the previous claims. Or like John's reply. Just a one liner without substance trying to deflect and reflect. But never able to actually argue the point.

I have no agenda. I don't have to have one. You see, I look at posts like these and I wonder why people think it's fine to just post any rubbish theories like "negative absolute numbers" which is not even a thing.

If anything I was giving you a chance to explain yourself which unsurprisingly you decided not to do. I won't hold it against you.

You have to attend a funeral for one friend that passed away after the booster shot. Meanwhile people have to attend countless funerals of friends that passed away unvaccinated.

Those figures of yours... they again don't stack up.

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Actually, the data shows that as vaccine effectiveness wanes it doesn’t just drop back to zero, it goes into "negative" territory. I’m sure you’ll ask what that means. In short, it means that the vaccinated, after a period of time become potentially MORE likely to catch and spread Covid than the unvaccinated naive cohort. We are discovering that the vaccines, in addition to a vast array of side effects, are not protective (decrease potential for serious disease only) for more than a few months. Epidemiological data from around the world is now painting a very harsh reality for the vaccine cultist like yourself. Your most likely a paid troll, or perhaps a "true believer", who knows? Either way, the truth is becoming more and more clear with each passing day. The gene therapy jabs DO NOT stop transmission, they DO NOT last long at all, they DO NOT and WILL NEVER produce herd immunity. As a non neutralizing jab, they DO drive immune escape (mutations) and they DO lower immunity to other viral illnesses by suppressing CD8 counts. No one has any idea what the long term consequences are at this point both from an individual health standpoint or a broader epidemiological standpoint. As your name implies, the truth can hurt at times, the problem is very few people want to face the truth that we have been lied to over and over by those in positions of authority from fraudulent "research", to gain-of-function cover-ups, to "safe & effective", to suppression of serious adverse events (including death), to demonization of effective therapies, to head hunting anyone who exposes any of these lies and deceptions, including Nobel prizing winning researchers and acclaimed physicians who have successfully treated thousands of Covid cases and published significant research data.

This video actually looks at the data and explains the potential for a "negative" effect due to rapidly waning jabs.


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Vaccinated are dying from covid also. I’m a nurse in icu.

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Talked with two female nurses in past week who worked on front line with covid patients during height of outbreak and never had any covid symptoms. Now they're laid off without pay because they're not vaccinated.

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Hopefully, their employers rehire them now that the CDC has removed its mandate....

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Scooter, now THAT is absolutely terrible and should not happen yet it does all around the world. It's sad. It hurts me to see 1000s of health professionals being stood down for not getting vaccinated in countries that are "free" and where people apparently aren't forced to get vaccinated. Such as Australia which is where I live. It's one big shit show with Governments playing God with people's likelihoods and careers.

My point in all my posts is not to support forced vaccination or vaccinating kids who not that long ago were considered no or low risk. It's just one sad story.

I'm just posting because the people who want to believe that there's a conspiracy behind it all seem to use whatever fanciful stories from whatever questionable website to support their theory while calling everybody else brainwashed and dumb.

Sadly I know that it's not going to work but hey, a bit of time spent here before taking a week off from work isn't all that wasteful to me especially since there are actually a few posts here that deserve some kind of conversation to be had.

A discussion around these thing seems a million times more useful than bashing each others heads.

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Heartbreaking. This is bitterly unjust. Normal employers would not do this... What's going on? I think most on this thread have valid suspicions... certainly not 100 percent accurate, but what is being told to General public WORLDWIDE are lies. WORLDWIDE means coordination... which hints at new world order

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I'm a doctor in ICU. I've never seen a vaccinated patient die from Covid.

There, how does a statement like that add anything credible to a discussion? Maybe think again and if you have anything useful to contribute as an ICU nurse (which if that was true, you surely would have), feel free to post again.

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For your statement to hold any validity it should read: "I'm a doctor in ICU. I have treated, or read the notes of every patient who has ever been in ICU with Covid and I've never seen a vaccinated patient die from Covid. Otherwise, your statement is merely a recounting of observational bias. I, for example, am a doctor also, and I've never seen a shark. Does that mean there are no such things as sharks?

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The difference is you're just regurgitating the mantra spewed forth by every outlet that's not censored, while the only place where people -- like myself -- can get another view of credible facts is places like here. Why do you defend the censoring of anecdotal comments like the one above you responded to derogatorily? How does that add anything to the credibility of those who censor other views?

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I believe the nurse.

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In Clark county Nevada there have been over 200 deaths from Covid of the vaxed, and over 15000 breakthru Covid illnesses of the already vaccinated. This is from the Nevada news sources. Fact!

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Are you actually a dr working in the icu? If so, being that you are in Australia, how many actual covid patients have you seen?

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Not from what happened at a care home yesterday, a number of ambulances to attend the frail and elderly who’d had the flu and booster shot that’s giving them seizures. Another guy my sons friends brother in law paralysed because of the shot, aged 30 blood clot on the brain. It’s the vaccinated that is the problem but keep your head in the sand if you like.

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That care home... I bet it's just around the corner from where you live and the story you're spinning with flu and booster although totally irrelevant is somehow to add credibility to your post? Your sons friends brother in law is paralysed... And again that is because of the vaccine for sure. Because you know... It has to be to support your story. Blood cloths are a serious side effect of a particular vaccine. Stop spinning personal experiences to support your story line. It's got nothing to do with evidence. For all we know that sons friends brother in law was morbidly obese to start with and would have dropped dead the minute he caught Covid as well. You can't provide any substance by telling stories. That is not how it works.

Nobody ever denied that there are side effects from vaccines. Which is basically your story. You are trying to spin it into something that it isn't. All of my friends are vaccinated and none of them have any side effects. But to you that doesn't proof anything so why would that one case of yours be any more credible or somehow convince others that there's something wrong with the vaccine?

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I used to be gaslit because religion. The first time I broke out I started to notice how people around me, hurt people, also used those tactics to deal with people and get what they want.

You sir, Mr “Truth”, are a gas lighting professional.

I think you’d make a great career as a politician. Since you’re also a doctor, I hear the CDC is hiring. I think you’d make a great fit.

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"All of my friends are vaccinated and none of them have any side effects." I know more people having side effects from / since the jab than people had from covid - so "Stop spinning personal experiences to support your story line" lol

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When it’s the truth I don’t need to justify that or spin or lie about any stories to appease trolls, goodbye

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Go away, it’s what happening. These are not vaccines and we know they’re not safe. Lucky friends maybe if they’ve not suffered, maybe they had the placebo as you do know the trials don’t end until 2023? If you’ve had the jab, good luck

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People have to attend countless funerals of friends that passed away who were denied early treatment. Yes, truth is a bitch. A real bitch. So is the masking, the lochdowns, censorship,covid passes and all one percent's dictatorship. Truth is a real bitch

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I know three young men with post-vax heart issues. Two went to A&E. One diagnosed pericarditis. The others recovered at home. No information yet on whether they have any long term damage. Meanwhile, I know many many young people who had covid, all of them very mild with no complications.

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I know 20 people around me that all got vaccinated and none got sick. They also didn't turn into robots. I know 2 people close to me who did get sick from Covid unvaccinated and they survived without major complications but they both said they would now choose vaccine over the disease regardless because it is quite frightening to go through it.

Yes, if you have Covid as a healthy person then your chances of getting seriously sick is small hence why they should have never forced people to get vaccinated. Vaccinations have to be voluntary but people underestimated the powers of healthcare acts in "free" countries.

If Governments realise that their unhealthy population will overwhelm the health system which would be bad for the next election then they will do whatever they can to avoid that. In fairness though, it is very easy talk from the sideline where one doesn't have to fear any consequences. If you actually have to make a decision and stand up for it then things change quickly.

If the money spent for vaccines would have been spent on improving the overall health of the population then we would killed many more diseases in one hit and more sustainably than with a vaccine that will not last the distance. However, just because a vaccine doesn't last forever doesn't mean it isn't beneficial. People tend to mix things up and become hell bent over something that really isn't even worth talking about. A problem can never be solved sustainably by people who all believe in the same way and agree on everything.

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So you're claiming there are no serious consequences from anyone getting any of the fraudulently named.. vaccines. Got it.

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Yes but they’re still denying it.

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You read the data one way and others read it a different way. Through discourse and time we will start to figure it all out, that’s the scientific way. In the meantime maybe the hubris should be put away. No one should think they have a right to choose for anyone else. We must remember “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

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and meanwhile people have to attend countless funerals of friends that passed away from vaccination and *gasp* from covid vaccinated. I won't hold that against you.

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Don't remember seeing sports persons dropping left, right and centre as now, but things change. These days there are tens, hundreds of thousands, even millions of asymptomatic people in circulation, so if a few of them drop unexpectedly, we shouldn't be surprised. I see you are a doctor. Do many asymptomtic cases come in to complain of their lack of symptoms?

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Where’s your explanation of who you are? Troll

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Please try a d be open there are obvious examples all around the world great place to look is Isreal where they have over 90 % uptake check out the infection rates. also never in all my years on this earth have I seen an unwillingness to have open debate there are literally thousands of medical professionals being censored this to me screams something is very wrong

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I am not scientist, but I know scientific method... in late Spring 2020, I saw doctors with reasonable questions chased out of town. I saw commies and nazis were in charge of Covid 19 response.

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I'm sure that is exactly what you saw. Commies and Nazis... It is just amazing what people see these days. Lucky you're not a scientist so whatever you know about scientific method is already invalidated by that statement yet you see the need to dish out your claims hoping to catch some clicks for your own newsletter?

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Nazi statement was not a scientific statement. More historical opinion. My newsletter is such act narrow slice I doubt I get 5 clicks in a year... there are approx 1 in 35k people that will get it.

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Attacking and Arguing

Still no science

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Compare Israel and Palestine.

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Again, I'm not the one not being open here. Your obvious example is Israel. Which has been the poster child of at the very beginning. So it is used by people to argue against Vaccination but only by those who have no clue on how to read these numbers.

The Delta variant is much more contagious. It has an R0 of 6.4, which means one infected person on average infects more than six others in the absence of restrictions and vaccinations.

In Israel, 60% of hospitalised cases are vaccinated. This is called the “paradox of vaccination” — in highly vaccinated populations, most cases will be in the vaccinated because no vaccine is 100% protective.

However, the rate of serious cases in Israel is double for unvaccinated under-60s and nine times higher for unvaccinated over-60s, so vaccines remain highly protective against severe outcomes.

You again fail to validate your claims and just as anybody else you desperately want to believe that you're right so you use whatever figures you can get and turn them into an argument that doesn't really have any credibility. Things are a lot more complicated that some would like to believe.

There will ALWAYS be those that are concerned no matter what profession. Myself included. But I refuse to give in to cheap stories and conspiracies just because they sound so logical if only you twist a few numbers and grab bits and pieces from wherever you can find them. That just doesn't make something true. It makes it believable but that is far different from being the truth.

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There is no proof that any 'variants' exist. What the data shows is that the freaks in charge knew the quacksine injuries were going to occur so started floating the 'variant' b.s. out to the public just ahead of them. It appears to me that variants are quacksine injuries.

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You not believing in the proof is not the same as saying that there is no proof. What your limited mind is willing to accept as proof and truth is vastly different from anything outside your limited circles. Making a statement like yours without a shred of evidence to support that claim is just typical. Never get into a serious debate. Always deflect with wild made up stuff. A wise man once said:

Never argue with an idiot. They lower you to their level and beat you with expertise.

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You are brainwashed, so, you would not be able to comprehend anything I post. I haven't made it up. But I know how you Branch Covidians are, so I don't bend over backwards anymore providing you with proof. It's a waste of time. Your cerebral cortexes have been hijacked. The fun part is, I can laugh at your comments. So smug, and so clueless, all at the same time.

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Blah blah blah blah

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Nov 13, 2021
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No one has been able to. They claim they have, but it's a computer simulation.

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You're just so disconnected from reality, what point is there?

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Actually, you "paradox of vaccination" does not explain the epidemiological data of what we are seeing worldwide. As you point out, Israel is heavily vaccinated, along with a number of other countries that are experiencing a significant rise in cases. However, many poor countries with very low vaccination rates are not seeing rises in cases, hospitalizations, or deaths. Actually, their cases are extremely low. I’m afraid the "paradox of vaccination" explanation is an attempt to sound scientific without actually looking at the broader international epidemiological reality. If we look at countries like the UK, Singapore, & Israel, all highly vaccinated, compared to poorer countries with significantly lower (less than 20%) vaccination rates like Pradesh India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, & Pakistan we see a very distinct difference in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. I’m afraid "vaccine paradox" is an inadequate explanation for this data. But what does explain it are several things. These poor countries have handed out ivermectin to their populations. In addition, while vaccines provide protection early on, they seem to be lowering or "dysregulating" the natural immune response, so as the vaccine induced immunity wanes, it is actually making people more vulnerable and more sick when they become infected again. While no vaccine is 100% effective this statement also is misleading, most actual vaccines work so well that transmission and therefore infectious cases are nearly non-existent (flu vaccine not included). This is not the case with the Covid gene therapy jabs. Antibody dependent enhancement, something identified in previous animal models is real and seems to be present in heavily vaccinated countries. Dealing honestly with data is important, recognizing your bias when looking at data is also important. Being humble enough to admit error or wrong ideas regarding science and medicine are both important. You may want to reconsider some of your positions?

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And, let's not forget, 'cases' is bullshit term. What does it mean? Actual infected people who have gone to a doctor or hospital with symptoms? That's what a 'case' of something was pre-2020. Now, it's whoever tested positive from a flawed PCR test that returns what, 90% false positives? That was also proved at the beginning of this plandemic, yet it was ignored, and everything is still based on 'cases' which is a false premise.

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When the news reports 'Cases' it's what makes me tip over the edge. Cases are NOT news. Cases are PROPAGANDA. The news reported a local elementary school closed for TWO WEEKS because they had '46' cases. They did not report if anyone or no one, actually came down with symptoms of a virus. Their dilemma was they had only allowed 4 days of at home learning for the year and how were they going to make up the rest of the days. These poor kids :(

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Who says your numbers are true “truthisabitch” You just spew crap from your mouth without doing any research, did you even read the article and the 4 studies that were cited on there, not to mention this guy’s a lawyer and has been taking pharmaceutical companies and other agencies to task for yrs.

Troll yup

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Passion Flower, you are correct. The gross manipulation of numbers in Spring, early summer of 2020 clued me in that something was terribly wrong. I don't have a background in science, but am an auditor, including work with fraud. Why would they not want numbers as accurate as possible? This continued with the non reporting of deaths following 14 days after so called vaccine... This isn't science... it's a massive cover-up, for anyone with eyes to see.

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I’ll just leave this here. You use the argument that delta is more contagious therefore it less effective? Hmmm try again buddy.

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Do they have a test for the delta variant?

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Pseudoscience comes from the trials and any of these corrupt regulatory agencies. If you're questioning this fact, you clearly drank the Kool aid

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And you know that they are all corrupt because of what exactly? If you have nothing of substance to contribute, then why are you here?

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Oh, and Anthony Fauci is a humanist. Would love to hear you defend that nugget.

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A little history of the NIH, CDC, Bob Gallo, Tony Fauci.



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Tony Fauci has a history dating all the way back to AIDS. Kary Mullis Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the PCR test on Tony Fauci. https://www.bitchute.com/video/MDlLOjRl8rCL/

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Blindly dishing out false statements to support a flawed theory... Just another example...

I spent some time digging further and here's what actually was said BEFORE social media turned it into yet another insane claim to support heir agenda: (your welcome but you should have done so yourself)...

The quote is actually from an article written by John Lauritsen in December 1996 about HIV and AIDS, not COVID-19 (here).

The context around the quote shows Lauritsen is not saying PCR tests do not work. Instead, he is clarifying that PCR identifies substances qualitatively not quantitatively, detecting the genetic sequences of viruses, but not the viruses themselves: “PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”

Even if Mullis had voiced a similar statement before his death in 2019, this quote does not mean the PCR test is unable to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 - the virus that causes COVID-19 - rather that it cannot determine whether the individual tested is infectious.

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The never isolated/purified "SARS-CoV-2 - the virus that causes COVID-19"

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You really do not understand the corruption in these agencies? Are you willingly ignorant or just that naive? A revolving door exists between the CDC, FDA, and Big Pharma, much like exists in the financial sector. Officials within regulatory positions have significant financial interests in Big Pharma, as well as the products they are supposed to be regulating. This is a set up that’s rife for corruption. There have been numerous, well documented cases of harm knowingly perpetrated for profit as Big Pharma has the largest payouts of criminal penalties in US business history. Just like the narcotic scandal, Big Pharma is the most corrupt industry out there with money being funneled to politicians and officials in regulatory agencies. They’ve engaged in fraudulent research, black-listing, fraud, bribery, and intimidation just to name a few. How anyone with a brain, a computer, and the will cannot discover the corruption that exists in these incestuous agencies is truly a "mystery"!

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You asked how the negative effectiveness was calculated. I provided a link above yet I see no response.

You asked for evidence which I provided so I'd be interested to see your response.

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Actually, you are the one screaming an agenda

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Thank you John.

I stand by what I wrote. The UK is still in Phase 3 Clinical trials. Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to apply trial methodology because we (I'm from the UK) are still conducting said trials.

Whoever came up with the concepts and formulae for absolute risk reduction (ARR) and number needed to vaccinate (NNV) would likely never have envisaged a scenario where a vaccine candidate could actually increase your chances of catching a disease. Because that would be insane.

We've chucked decades of science in the bin over Covid so why stop now? The data clearly shows that the waning efficiency of the "vaccines" is actually making the chance of infection worse versus the unvaccinated cohort.


Clearly, if a vaccine increased your chance of infection, then it would never, ever be released to the public. The trials would have been abandoned. This is unprecedented - and this is why we take 7-15 years to make vaccines.

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Baboon (I dig the name), my apologies... I was replying to Truth is a Bitch... I am sorry I wasn't clearer.

I actually agree with you!

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Hi John. Sorry, I was replying to you but countering that person at the same time. I think I explained my rationale quite well.

They replied, I don't think they are a shill because they actually put some effort into their reply to me (I've been dealing with shills for nine months and know how they act). However, these people are lost. They are living in another dimension. It would take me an eternity to explain what is actually happening in reality and deprogram them - I don't have the time to do that. And that would only "fix" one person.

Consequently I would rather explain myself but not draw any further contact. Waste of time.

The truth is that I know many people who have been maimed by these shots. This is the first death, and I know this is going to be a very dark winter.

These poor people are suffering from menticide. I'm not qualified to give them the psychotherapy they need. It won't work anyway: you can't reason a person out of a belief system they weren't reasoned into.

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov said it best:

"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

Demoralization = menticide.

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"these people are lost. They are living in another dimension. It would take me an eternity to explain what is actually happening in reality and deprogram them - I don't have the time to do that. And that would only "fix" one person."

Let me give this example. My mother is extremely intelligent but she is a bit of a "normie" (but she isn't an NPC). She still uses mainstream sources for her information. It took me five months to get through to her about the dangers of these shots. I don't think I would ever have reached her unless several of her students started cancelling lessons because they had been taken in for major surgery shortly after their shots.

Once we had a 100% confirmed case - a perfectly healthy guy had a massive stroke two days after his second AZ due to clots (the doctors confirmed it was the AZ shot) - that was it. She knew I was right.

THAT is the amount of effort that is required to deprogram people.

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Where is your science

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Where’s you science!

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Here is an article that may help. It's explaining that this "negative" calculation is derived by using the official UK figures and the same methods of calculation vaccine companies used to calculate their RRR figures.


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COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room


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Not safe, not effective, not a vaccine.

But they have marketing $s untold, whores, traitors untold.

We have a tiny few honest, honorable doctors.

Who, btw, will design and head our health care systems.

Catholic health care.

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Great article! This one summarizes the main, both included.

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It’s easy to understand when the starting absolute risk of death was only 1% to begin with. You were given a reduction of .44 off that 1% after your “vax”. Those numbers can go negative pretty quickly.

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Go ask your doctor for a Hepatitis B shot or an MMR vaccine and they will likely test your blood first to see if you already have immunity. But yet they not only do *not* do this for covid, they actually DISCOURAGE it! I'm a member of Kaiser and while I can request an antibody test, they literally have on their website that they don't recommend getting one.

You'd think the health authorities are just being dense on this matter, but someone wrote up a great long piece about why the powers that be know this whole thing is a farce. Here's my summary (since the original is long) and I'll link to the original as well:


Original article (super long!):


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Could we please get past the gact that viruses as they describe them have never existed because they've never isolated one...EVER!. There is no covid-19 to protect against. You can't test for antibodies for something you've never identified.

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No doctor here tests for antibodies before administering a vaccine. It is simply not worth the time and expense. If I requested an MMR or hepatitis B vaccine they’d just give it to me.

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Where I work (renal medicine) we always test Hep B antibodies before giving the initial Hep B course and before giving any boosters.

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Never had that done for my vaccinations....

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I had a titer for chickenpox when I went to work at a hospital, since the vax had come out but I wasn't sure I'd ever had chickenpox. Turns out I have a "low positive" immunity to chickenpox which I gained from a very mild case in the 3rd grade!

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While working at a hospital I was coerced into having hep B (this was a before I was fully aware of the dangers of vaccines) but refused MMR based on childhood infections. Titers were drawn, and yes, I still had antibodies to all three.

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Of course its a farce. Many of us have been open minded & suspicious enuff to pay attn since the start. Once you look at ALL the data, there can be no question for any sane person that this whole thing is a con. They knew it all long b4 covid sars2 arrived. Fauci pulled this same scam with AIDS decades ago. Depop plus aquisition of umparalelled control, govts wet dream

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My husband had Covid 19 in November 2019. He has positive T Cell immunity through T-Detect and a month ago tested positive again for antibodies two year later. I remember the CDC trying to dissuade people from getting antibody tests, why would that be? Don’t want to know the truth perhaps?


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This is one of the best blog posts of the pandemic. Kudos to Aaron Siri for discovering this absolute gem. He is a hero. He is one of the smartest guys in the battle to uncover the truth. I have always been impressed with his work and this is just another in a series of remarkable revelations. The others I loved were the 90% hospital admission in an area with 50% vaccination, and his letters to the CDC on the URF calculation.

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You are one of the heroes as well, Steve, thank you! These comments people are leaving with links to good stuff are fantastic, too!

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It's not about the virus. It's about controlling the population.

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Bureaucrats love everything that allows for population control, it satisfies their deep need for order. Could be an OCD thing, particular to those that seek regulatory work. But because we haven't collected any information to track this assumed mental disorder, we should probably just assume they all have it and commit them all to psychiatric therapy and meds for the rest of their lives. Cos, that's how we do medical evaluations/science these days!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

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Thank you for shining a light on the plight of the COVID recovered. It’s been abhorrent that we’ve been completely ignored.

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You are a hero in America's darkest age.

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I can’t even show proof of natural immunity after 18 months of licking doorknobs. Why won’t they just let me be great and take my chances?

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The region with the highest jab rate in Ireland - over 99% over 18 got the worst incidence of over 1400 - yet they stick to the narrative that the unvaccinated are the only problem. Blatant lies. https://odysee.com/@hugotalks:8/IRELAND-Waterford-99.5--JAB--IQ-TEST-Hugo-Talks--lockdown2:4

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And yet you conveniently forget to mention that due to high vaccination rates, only very few cases are requiring hospitalization. It's been well known that vaccination does not fully prevent you from getting the virus but it protects you from becoming seriously ill.

Again, another case of trying to support a conspiracy by using whatever statistics you can find to extract the bits that suit the agenda.

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That’s just not true, In the uk over 81% of vaccinated now account for Covid deaths. On our recent trip to Croatia a family spoke to us about their brother in law who’d just died of Covid, double vaccinated.

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If only you would stop posting stories about people you spoke to who know somebody who died being vaccinated.... It's not adding anything of substance.

Making claims like yours saying that 81% of the vaccinated now account for Covid deaths is again something you made up out of thin air or you just pass on a claim you heard from somebody who knows somebody who said it.

Oh look, it originated from a Facbook post of all places... That adds credibility to your post because who would ever post something that isn't so on their FB page, right?


What amazes me is the gullibility of people if they want to desperately believe in something. Any responsible person would spend at least a few minutes trying to find out whether what they are about to say is total garbage or not but no. Online anything goes...

Good luck Jan. Oh and please... You did trip to Croatia and found somebody who had somebody that died being vaccinated? IT HAPPENS. NOBODY EVER SAID ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY.

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If anyone is gullible it is you. These are not online stories from Facebook as I do not have Facebook. These are people we know. As for figures these are from public health England. At my workplace where they want to vaccinate everyone, at the moment the people who’ve had Covid are funnily enough vaccinated, the unvaccinated staff haven’t had Covid, lucky I guess you would say. My husband who has been face to face contact with thousands of passengers over the past 20 months, hasn’t had Covid, again lucky you may say. The owner of the taxi firm triple vaxed, along with his wife vaxed and oh they both have Covid, unlucky you might say. You are a troll and sadly your rubbish you spout is just pathetic, and talking of responsible person is someone you are not. Maybe take your head out of the sand and you might learn something new. Hahaha fact checkers, why bother them when they’re funded by corporate sponsors and pharma. I use real life stories and real data. Don’t bother posting any replies because I can smell your bs from here!

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Well said. We should just ignore seeing people IRL dying or being maimed from the jab, and never seeing anyone die of covid19, because it doesn't fit "THE SCIENCE (tm)". Insane.

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If the population is very vaccinated, e.g. 90%, then obviously the vaccinated deaths will be high. What one must do is compare rates, not the numbers. Though the number of vaccinated deaths is much greater than the unvaccinated, as

a proportion it’s much lower. Use Wikipedia for your information.

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WOW Your AAP factcheck is all you can come up with. WOW You love seeing people who die from the vaccine too. What is your problem?? Why don’t you respond to the people on here posting the studies and research? Your a Troll. 👆

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Trolls gonna troll.

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This guy let his guard down when he used a ‘fact check’ link to prove a point. Can always tell who’s a troll (when a lot of the time they don’t even know themselves that they’re doing it) by which comments they get involved in; anything for an argument and to throw in a few personal digs at folk.. lack of compassion, a need to be ‘right’ with accompanying projection. Sad!

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One thing that is true, is vaccinated people are being infected with Covid more and more, and that is a problem you must confess.

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Really? You can't understand the simple points here and constantly nit pick, but where are you nit picking the official data? You know it's full of holes but you keep on persisting to believe that this shot prevents disease. Have you even read the official studies? Both the adult and kids one make no sense as to how they claim reduction

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Vaxxed/unvaxxed...who cares? 86% of healthcare resources are used by those with chronic illness(es).

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"by using whatever statistics you can find to extract the bits that suit the agenda." well thats exactly what mainstream media does as well you genius

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"you can find to extract the bits that suit the agenda" you cleary talk about yourself in every second comment you make.

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Your a Troll who can’t support anything you say with any scientific studies yet are calling out others but not replying to anyone on here showing and posting their knowledge and research skills. Go Away👆

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Imagine being a childless male vax simping on Aaron Siri’s substack

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Looks like this letter and my positive covid test should be enough to get me into a restaurant in NYC. But Nooooo.

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Because it's not about safety, it's about forcing you to get a barely tested useless shot that's still made in the beta code, not the Delta they cry about. Even the boosters are still using the old beta code. You would think with this fancy tech they could whip up some Delta vaccines but, nope. Why no? They need an excuse why the shots are useless, even for beta.

Delta is just a "scariant" 99.97% identical to beta, but yet those with Sars immunity have cross over even though it's only 80% identical.

Sorry ass broken medical science run by pharma.

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Changing the vaccines would require a new EUA procedure, and a lull in profits.

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I have come to enjoy eating non restaurant food in my car with window open... extremely relaxing... if the restaurant owners got on their knees begging forgiveness, I will stay relaxed eating apples, 711 pizza in my car.

And, DeBlasio, I gave up concerts long ago

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A POSITIVE Covid test should allow you into a restaurant? :)

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They're getting us used to slavery it has nothing to do with a virus.

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They already know the truth about NI, that’s why they don’t track it. Our government agencies are full of bad people.

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I’m from Australia but have watched you on the Highwire and I think you are amazing! I know the US needs you but it would be awesome to have you in Australia, they’ve just told those of us in Qld that as of the 17th of December we (the unvaccinated) are not allowed into hotels, pubs, clubs, cafes, sporting events, stadiums, or the hospital, etc etc.. we can only go to basic services such as the supermarket and that’s it.

Keep up the great work, it’s good to see someone fighting in truth.

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If you think about the fact that about1400 people died with a positive test in Australia (not necessarily from C) and yet they use military force to check people's 5 mile radius then you should know that it easy never about health.

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General Custer died with Covid, as did Titanic victims. If you were dropped from an airplane, they would have found a way to put Covid 19 on your death certificate

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Much love and respect from Texas to those fighting for freedom in Australia! I watch Rebel News to get updates.

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Thank you, i admire your state for outlawing mandates and stuff like that. Our country has gone crazy

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Texas and a few other states will hold, then stop New World Order.

America is also stronghold of Catholic Church, in eclipse, in general sedevacantists, 200k... versus Vatican Robber Council Church of Francis of 1.2 billion false Catholics. Francis worships pachamama and his followers just accept it... filthy, evil non Catholic non pope

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Texas... the envy of the world.... Religion....the number one cause of wars and deaths around the world.... You're on a slippery slope there John...

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Texas isn't the envy of the world... I must concede to Florida. Unfortunatelywe have Austin. But we're close behind. Ever consider why Texas is hated? NWO Controls msm...

Btw, do you want global one world gvt? I mean, it worked so well with covid depopulation scam

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See below

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Catholic Church is Spotless Bride of Christ.

Most Crusades were defensive.

Religions caused most war victims in 20th century? Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, pol pot etc...

And behind it all, godless secret societies.. commies. Illuminati, freemasons...

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Australia breaks my heart . I wish I could hug every oppressed Australian.

Dan Andrews, Gladys need to be put on trial for treason. GOD BLESS FREE AND SUFFERING AUSTRALIA

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John, but you're not vaccinated so who wants to hug you back? :) Sorry, couldn't help it...

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N9 problem! I love give and take, iris Catholic from nyActually in spring 2020 I knew this was a scam and offered hugs to strangers!! No one wanted one!!

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That is so shocking and I can’t understand why the vaccinated think this is ok. I’m in the uk and things are ramping up here. We must all stand together, as one. Hold the line. Good will triumph over evil which is what this is. My friend had her double jab but is not having the booster. She cares for an elderly lady, just goes in to help with a few things. She had her booster and developed such a fever the paramedic had to be called. What on earth is in that to cause such varying side effects. My cousin now lives in Melbourne but I guess we won’t be visiting unvaccinated. Good luck

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Yes I can imagine they won’t be allowing the unvaccinated in, the unvaccinated can’t even cross state lines without going into a two week isolation in one of the isolation camps (at their own expense of $3000) for two weeks. In God i trust, so I know whatever happens we will be okay.

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A little bit less God and some more responsibility on your behalf would probably help a lot more people. Once you're out of arguments you pull in God to explain that everything will be ok. So why do you even start complaining about how the unvaccinated are treated? It will all be ok...

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Attacking peoples faith isn’t helpful at all, so how about working on your own hypocrisy first before you start belittling others?

How would you know what I am or am not doing in regards to the situation Australia is in? Why do feel the need to attack people on the internet? Maybe start by getting yourself some therapy, healthy people don’t seek out arguments on the internet, insecure people do.

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Del Bigtree and his Informed Consemt Action Network is the best. Be sure to donate regularly.

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I believe my daughter had it Dec of 2020. Sick for 2 weeks, cough, fever, but it passed. I didnt get sick. Dr office said it's a virus let it run its course. Fast forward to Sept 2021, we all tested positive, I was sick for 2 weeks. She at 8yrs old now, didn't have a single symptom.. I'll take natural immunity all day long. I was an LNA for 6yrs and didn't get sick, 9mo of that I was pregnant - still not sick. I trust my body!

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Wow. Thank you for all that you do!

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Keep up the great work, Aaron. FWIW, I’m being fired tomorrow for not getting vaccinated per my company’s policy. They would not accept antibody submission or regular testing as alternatives. It’s a big publicly traded mainstream media company. They do not care about people or science. It is quite clear.

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That is just awful. I work for a us law firm in London and they’ve been pushing it to all staff and staff in their NY office or they can’t return. In London they’ve not said about unvaccinated but we can’t go into the office, we are still wfh. My temper is wearing thin as they’re treating us like leper’s and dirt on their shoe. We must hold the line and stand together. Good luck

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God bless you and your temper. Righteous anger at deep evil.

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You should fight the firing. Just ask your company who is going to be liable in case of adverse reactions. If they ask you to take the vaccine, the gov and your company are liable for all after reactions. Remind them also that the adverse reactions can come up years later and they are going to liable forever. Liability for everything that might go wrong in your life because of the vaccine: yourself, kids, family, quality of life ... Are they going to survive this liability? They might not be even protected in the future for the current Federal mandate or ETS.

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Believe me, I brought all that up. I sent a letter to the CEO. They don’t care. I have no faith in leadership at this point so I’ll allow them to fire me. It’s all documented. When the class action happens I’ll be ready to extract whatever lost income damages I can claim.

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May be grounds for EEOC complaint. Particularly if there is medical or religious bases for being unvaxed. CDC recommends that vexed be masked and tested in certain situations. Discriminatory to treat differently.

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Vaccine mandates clearly have a disparate impact upon certain persons with disabilities, and in USA employment, disparate impact gives rise to liability. The main hurdle is showing the requisite disability.

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Assuming you're in US, of course.

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No I’m in uk

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They have something similar, somewhere. I am Irish American but I must give British their due... they can write some great laws. In fact , brave Protestants were champions of Irish Catholics. Of course, Ireland is no longer a Catholic country. It is no longer a country. It is an NWO outpost.

America is ALMOST an NWO outpost.... but we still have Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Ohio etc... millions of Bubba's who know the score on these filthy commie traitors

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Hold your head up. Besides taking care of yourself, those who refuse NWO plan are patriotic Americans who fought these enemies to our beloved country. Enemies foreign and domestic...filthy commies

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