This is far out of my wheelhouse, but how on earth can we use a non-placebo as a substitute for a placebo in a placebo trial? Is this just an example of regulatory capture that redefined the term out from under us?

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Yes it’s regulatory capture, and redefinition syndrome has struck many times to help big pharma advocate harm. But it’s the PsyOp that intrigues me... intelligent people who haven’t looked into any of the other side of the vaccine issue, but use ad hominem, axioms and platitudes as retorts. With great satisfaction and eye rolling.

Like with the 9/11 PsyOp...2 planes flew into NYC airspace, and 3 buildings were knocked down in symmetrical free fall. It’s obviously a ruse, and it’s embarrassing when your eyes are first opened. Is that what’s holding people back?! Embarrassment?! Or...Pride, as in “I just know I can’t be wrong”? Or... The implications are overwhelming?! What?

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I think it's a little bit of all of that. Embarrassment for being taken in, pride for not wanting to admit it, and knowing if they DO admit it, they'll be forced to admit perhaps the 'experts' aren't being truthful about OTHER things..........

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With parents and vaccines, it's even more than that. It's admitting that you never even bothered to look this stuff up and just blindly trusted your doctor before he stuck syringes of God-knows-what into your tiny babies. If you ask these questions now, you are shaking the earth under your own feet.

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Yes! My own daughter was one of the Gardasil girls! She took it in (?) 7th grade, and is very successful 30-something now. I didn’t find out until the pandemic that I won’t be a grandparent. My guilt in being taken in by the hype was profound. Her embarrassment about complaining about it - standing up and talking about your private life- must have seemed totally abhorrent to a young woman. Just imagine! So, while mom and dad are taken in by the relative benefits of Gardasil- pretty high - we are not told about the absolute benefits. Less than 1%. Does that sound familiar? A massive difference between relative and absolute benefits of a vaccine, but *no* discussion of that by the public health experts in the alphabet agencies. And the clinician MDs didn’t ask or didn’t tell. Wow. Gotta change this.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. You really should be able to rely on your MDs opinion. He or she should be offering you both sides of the equation, but most of them don't know or don't want to know. All they know is that they get great big bonuses based on how many unwitting parents they can con into potentially harming their own children.

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Their bonuses are not that great. In England’s social medicine, the doc gets more income if their patients are healthy and avoid procedures. In our capitalistic medicine, the doc is incentivized to perform procedures or Rx drugs. We need to get capitalism out of medicine. Sounds like a commie? Pres’s Truman and Eisenhower (both are my heroes) each wanted Medicare for all. Truman’s administration invented the term. The good thing about covid is that medicine’s corruption has been exposed. If we are fearless and retain our ethics, we can have a renaissance in medicine where clinicians will not be forced to wear blinders and therapies like EDTA chelation and ozone autohemotherapy would be used for so many chronic conditions! It is love, ethics, morality that will bring us to that end point. There is so much out there other than drugs and vaccines. But with 90% of Med school curriculum being controlled by big pharma, and gov officials as zombies, it’s an uphill battle. We’ve been asleep too long.

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Sad to say, but I don't think there are ANY well established benefits to this vaxx. If you haven't done so, read "Turtles All the Way Down," that carefully exposes the problems with the typical vaxxes.

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Specifically what happened to her that was caused by Gardasil? That is awful to hear.

FYI that vaccine liability is a real thing and she can talk to lawyers about recourse if she really was harmed.

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No idea what happened. No details provided and that’s her decision. But if enough speak out we can avoid the debacles. Looking around, I see somnambulists outnumbering 20/20’s by 3:1.

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$$$$$$ trumps ??????? in the ass backwards world we find ourselves in

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The book Deadly Medicines And Organized Crime by Peter Gotzsche goes into the many ways clinical trial data is manipulated to deceive us.

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People need to check out his book about psych meds also. Robert Whitaker and Dr. Peter Breggin have informative books too. God bless all the truth tellers!

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This way they can trick people that their product is "SAFE". Otherwise, the difference between injected and not injected group will be HUGE!!!



We never had any placebo group! This is why there were so many deaths in the "placebo group."



Hospira Issues A Voluntary Nationwide Recall for One Lot of Sterile Water for Injection, USP, Due to the Potential Presence of Visible Particulate

Hospira’s assessment of the potential risk to patients concluded that in rare instances the use of the impacted product can be associated with potential adverse events such as anaphylaxis, fever, gastrointestinal disturbances, vein irritation, localized vein inflammation, phlebitis, end-organ granuloma, tissue ischemia, pulmonary emboli, and infarction.


Pfizer never had a placebo group, because their saline solution Hospira contains Nanoparticles!!!!!!!


IV saline in bags manufactured by both Hospira and Baxter contained 1600-8000 microparticles/mL and 4-73 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in solution. When IV immunoglobulin was diluted into the IV saline, 3700-23,000 microparticles/mL and 18-240 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL were detected. During processing of the solution through the IV system, in-line filters removed most microparticles. However, there were still 1-21 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV saline and 7-83 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV immunoglobulin diluted in saline.

HOSPIRA is the saline solution used by Pfizer

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So they're basically "baking in" a baseline of adverse effects is what it sounds like to me........

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Robert F Kennedy Jr. was the first person to coin the phrase Pharma are "serial felons"; let that percolate a bit to understand what that means. Specifically the 5 main child hood vaccine manufacturers--Merck, Sanofi, Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi-Pasteur are serial felons because their business is based on fraud, scientific fraud, mislabeing, bribery, to the tune of billions of dollars in fines. It matters not to the FDA, CDC, NIH, Congress--they all know and its the gullible trusting public who just can't brake themselves from the vaccine myth vs reality.

So many great books Simulation Commander, but one title says it all:, "Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality": The Medical Assault on the American Brain by Harris Coulter.

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None of these "vaccines" are needed or safe. They are effective to create patients for life because of these toxins:


Aluminum, nanotechnology (carbon-based materials, quantum dots, CNTs, graphene, etc.), mercury, etc. - are all toxic.

Twenty-two adverse effects of C-19 "vaccines":

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download page 16:

“FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***

-Guillain-Barré syndrome

-Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

-Transverse myelitis

-Encephalitis /myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encephalopathy



-Narcolepsy and cataplexy


-Acute myocardial infarction


-Autoimmune disease


-Preganacy and birth outcomes

-Other acute demyelinating diseases

-Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


-Disseminated intervascular coagulation

-Venous thromboembolism

-Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

-Kawasaki disease

-Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

-Vaccine enhanced disease”

As well as a long list:


(dated February 28, 2021) p. 30

Reissue_5.3.6 Postmarketing Experience.pdf"









Many recent studies have found a link between ASD and elevated oxidative stress, which may play a role in its development. ASD is caused by oxidative stress in several ways, including protein post-translational changes (e.g., carbonylation), abnormal metabolism (e.g., lipid peroxidation), and toxic buildup [e.g., reactive oxygen species (ROS)].


Many studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress plays a crucial part in the disease process of ASD because ASD cases have greater levels of oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant capability. The active use of biomarkers to monitor ASD patients' physiological status is helpful for disease diagnosis, intervention, and treatment.



There is increasing awareness that oxidative stress may be implicated in the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


The results from this study showed that blood GSSG, MDA, homocysteine, SAH, nitric oxide, and copper concentrations were significantly increased, whereas GSH, tGSH, GSH/GSSG, tGSH/GSSG, SAM/SAH, methionine, cysteine, vitamins (B9, B12, D, and E), and calcium concentrations were significantly reduced in children with ASD. Due to the consistent and large ESs for the associations between glutathione metabolism markers, vitamin D, and ASD, they have the potential to be used as diagnostic markers for ASD. Therefore, future investigations into oxidative stress markers as potential early diagnosis and therapeutic target of ASD are necessary.



Many studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress plays a crucial part in the disease process of ASD because ASD cases have greater levels of oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant capability. The active use of biomarkers to monitor ASD patients' physiological status is helpful for disease diagnosis, intervention, and treatment. We mainly summarize the most recent research progress in the field of ASD oxidative stress biomarkers in this review.


The same is true for C-19 "vaccines."

Not only are these adverse effects related to oxidative stress, but the nanotechnology/graphene used in these injections has exactly this mechanism of toxicity:



With more than 6,000 scientific studies on the toxicity of graphene and its applications, including biological applications, today we already know the mechanism of graphene toxicity, which causes oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis. Acute oxidative stress often leads to the formation of blood clots, organ failure, strokes and many other injuries, including death. Graphene toxicity can cause acute inflammatory response and chronic injury by interfering with the normal physiological functions of vital organs. Studies on the risks of graphene in the brain show that graphene application leads to harmful effects on the development of brain tissue, and abnormal ultrastructure has been observed in the brain. Graphene shows toxicity in the central nervous system and toxicity in the reproductive and developmental systems. In animal studies, pregnant mice had miscarriages at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when given a high dose late in pregnancy, and offspring development was delayed during lactation. The high dose reduces milk production and delays offspring development. Developmental toxicity of graphene causes structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioral and functional abnormalities and even death. Graphene causes lung damage with infiltration of inflammatory cells, pulmonary edema and formation of granulomas in the lungs. Graphene causes cytotoxic effects and damage to mitochondria, leads to inflammation, causes DNA damage, reduces cell adhesion and causes apoptosis, or cell death. Graphene inserts itself between the base pairs of double-stranded DNA and disrupts the flow of genetic information at the molecular level, which is the main reason for its mutagenic effect. It is hemotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, and harmful to the reproductive system. The sharpened edges of graphene cause physical destruction. (Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms | Particle and Fibre Toxicology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

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All lies

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Well, of course it is. What else would they use? 🙄😖

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Yes, injecting chunks of polycarbonate along with whatever nanoparticles are there (passing the blood/ brain barrier easily) makes so much sense. But only if the outcome is not health. Thank you for the articles. Geez, maybe we shouldn't be injecting solutions into our bodies if we don't even know what's in them?

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They changed the definition of placebo? Sound like that to me. They just didn't let the public know.

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the "logic" has always been that it would be unethical to run a study of a vaccine against a true placebo as the poor control group subjects would be denied the life preserving benefits of the vaccine. so vaccines are generally or always tested against an older form of the vaccine or another vaccine or a solution made of everything in the vaccine except the antigen in question.

you have the most poorly tested product with no liability and a captured (mandated) market share, a recipe for disaster.

it's surprising how many people don't know that and also don't know about the liability waiver (then again, how many people were wise to the sleight of hand in the "approval" of the pfizer covid jab?). heather heying (darkhorse podcast) was shocked to hear RFKjr make this assertion in his joe rogan interview and figured he had to be wrong, but knowing how detailed he is, she decided to check for herself. she had only gotten to 3 vaccines at the time of the latest podcast but indeed she was speechless to discover that 3 out of the 3 had not been tested against placebo.

the CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, etc have really fucked themselves over this time. they've gotten away with murder for decades and many people who were dubious about the covid vaccines were steadfastly faithful to the childhood schedule until now.

they've created a monster that will be hard, hopefully impossible to control

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But if they're giving everything (or lots) *except the antigen,* where are these supposed life preserving benefits coming from? (There is no logic there.)

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Which Heather Heying podcast? I'd like to hear it. Thanks!

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Ask and you shall receive. Thank you Carolyn. You've made my day better.

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Adverse reactions in placebo-controlled phase 3 trials1

Pivotal trials: adverse drug reactions with ≥ 5% higher incidence

with Nplate® vs placebo control in phase 3 trials1


Arthralgia 26% 20%

Dizziness 17% 0%

Insomnia 16% 7%

Myalgia 14% 2%

Pain in extremity 13% 5%

Abdominal pain 11% 0%

Shoulder pain 8% 0%

Dyspepsia 7% 0%

Paresthesia 6% 0%

no placebo!!!

https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/us-purchase-radiation-sickness-drug-nplate-no-cause-alarm-rcna51252 Why U.S. purchase of radiation sickness drug Nplate is no cause for alarm (nbcnews.com)

Amid concerns about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent nuclear threats came a bit of startling news: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Tuesday that it spent $290 million on a drug to treat radiation sickness.

The department said in a statement that the purchase of the drug, called Nplate, is part of its “long-standing, ongoing efforts by the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response to better prepare the U.S. for the potential health impacts of a wide range of threats to national security.”

Nplate, manufactured by U.S. drugmaker Amgen, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2021 to treat injuries caused by acute radiation syndrome, also known as radiation sickness. (It was also approved in 2008 to treat an autoimmune disorder that causes excessive bleeding.)

https://aspr.hhs.gov/newsroom/Pages/ARS-Oct2022.aspx HHS purchases drug for use in radiological and nuclear emergencies

Amgen, based in Thousands Oaks, California, developed Nplate for ARS with support from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the HHS Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), as well as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.

BARDA is using its authority provided under the 2004 Project Bioshield Act and $290 million in Project BioShield designated funding to purchase this supply of the drug.

To reduce radiation-induced bleeding, Nplate stimulates the body’s production of platelets. The drug can be used to treat adults and children.

Nplate is also approved for adult and pediatric patients with immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder resulting in low platelet counts.

Within ASPR, BARDA invests in the innovation, advanced research and development, acquisition, and manufacturing of medical countermeasures – vaccines, drugs, therapeutics, diagnostic tools, and non-pharmaceutical products – needed to combat health security threats.

Nplate (Romiplostim)

Radiation sickness leads to a problem in the bone marrow in which people cannot make new platelets (the cell fragments that help a person clot). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Nplate in January 2021 as an agent that increases platelet counts, helping to reduce radiation-induced bleeding.

The injection medicine is used in children and adults, and it should be given as soon as possible after exposure to high levels of radiation.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31021662/ Romiplostim (Nplate®) as an effective radiation countermeasure to improve survival and platelet recovery in mice

Why not to use NAC ??????

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317570419_Evaluation_of_Radio-Protective_Effects_of_N-Acetylcysteine_on_Radiation-Induced_Lethality_in_Mice Evaluation of Radio-Protective Effects of N-Acetylcysteine on Radiation-Induced Lethality in Mice

The percentage of survival after 30 days was 46.2% for the irradiation group.

In addition, the percentage of decreased lifespan was calculated at 5.90%, 23.60% and 17.93% for the first-third groups, respectively. Conclusion Results revealed lack of effectiveness of treatment with NAC after lethal dose. These results suggested that application of NAC for mice before irradiation protected them from the lethal effects of whole-body irradiation. (!!!!!!!!!)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2800038/ ANTIOXIDANTS REDUCE CONSEQUENCES OF RADIATION EXPOSURE

“For example, melatonin has been shown to augment the activity of glutathione peroxidase in addition to stimulating the activity of glutathione reductase and increasing the synthesis of glutathione (GSH); all of which are important in reducing levels of oxygen radicals and peroxides in cells.

NAC demonstrated similar effects to those observed for WR-1065 [the most effective was WR-2721 or amifostine, a sulfhydryl prodrug activated by alkaline phosphatase to the active WR-1065] with respect to increasing cell survival.

It is known that the active form of vitamin E in membranes is maintained through reactions with ascorbic acid.

http://www.bcc.bas.bg/BCC_Volumes/Volume_51_Special_A_2019/E-pdf-ready/BCC-51-A-2019-276-282-Karamalakova-E8%20ready.pdf High-level gamma radiation effects on radical-scavenging activity of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) ethanol extract

CONCLUSION In conclusion current results show that used A. melanocarpa extract demonstrate well-expressed DPPH radical scavenging ability, SOD-like activity and radio-protective capabilities before and at 10 kGy irradiation. Chain-breaking antioxidant activity of lipid soluble components decreases with increasing the irradiation dose.


Progression from myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) to acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) has been observed in adult clinical trials with Nplate.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial enrolling adult patients with severe thrombocytopenia and International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) low or intermediate-1 risk MDS was terminated due to more cases of AML observed in the Nplate arm. This trial consisted of a 58-week study period with a 5-year long-term follow-up phase. The patients were randomized 2:1 to treatment with Nplate or placebo (167 Nplate, 83 placebo).

During the 58-week study period, progression to AML occurred in 10 (6.0%) patients in the Nplate arm and 4 (4.8%) patients in the placebo arm (hazard ratio [95%CI] = 1.20 [0.38, 3.84]). Of the 250 patients, 210 (84.0%) entered the long-term follow-up phase of this study. With 5-years of follow-up, 29 (11.6%) patients showed progression to AML, including 20/168 (11.9%) patients in the Nplate arm versus 9/82 (11.0%) patients in the placebo arm (HR [95% CI] = 1.06 [0.48, 2.33]). The incidence of death (overall survival) was 55.7% (93/167) in the Nplate arm versus 54.2% (45/83) in the placebo arm (HR [95% CI] = 1.03 [0.72, 1.47]). In the baseline low IPSS group, there was a higher incidence of death in the Nplate arm [41.3% (19/46)] compared to the placebo arm [30.4% (7/23)] (HR [95% CI] = 1.59 [0.67, 3.80]). In a single-arm trial of Nplate given to 72 patients with thrombocytopenia-related MDS, 8 (11.1%) patients were reported as having possible disease progression, of which 3 (4.2%) had confirmation of AML during follow-up. In addition, in 3 (4.2%) patients, increased peripheral blood blast cell counts decreased to baseline after discontinuation of Nplate. Nplate is not indicated for the treatment of thrombocytopenia due to MDS or any cause of thrombocytopenia other than ITP.


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Company Announcement Date:

May 04, 2021

FDA Publish Date:

May 04, 2021

Product Type:


Reason for Announcement:

Due to visible particulate

Company Name:

Hospira, Inc.

Brand Name:

Hospira, Inc.

Product Description:

Sterile Water for Injection, USP, 100 mL Single Dose Glass Fliptop Vial

Company Announcement

Hospira, Inc., a Pfizer company, is voluntarily recalling lot DN9185 of Sterile Water for Injection, USP, 100 mL Single Dose Glass Fliptop Vial, to the hospital/institution level due to a confirmed customer report for a single vial with a visible particulate.

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Liability-free pharmaceutical products are different, somehow

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That's exactly the right question to ask @SimulationCommander. Many people have strong convictions on this issue, due to intense propaganda.

Thinking about this strategically, the best tactic is probably to innocently ask your question ("Oh, did you know that non-placebos, etc.") but NOT start a debate. Many will not take action, but some will actually go and check for themselves, and realize the grizzly truth. Those who don't research right away have had one more tiny seed of doubt planted in their minds, which might just need a few drops of water from someone else, to allow the flower of truth to bloom.

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Awakening others to the betrayals is quite a minefield for those of us not particularly competent at manipulating human behaviour or beliefs. As one such person, it's still a work in progress for me because I generally don't have a filter, consequences be damned, which is not exactly a worthwhile trait when it comes to 'winning friends and influencing people'.

I've needed multiple approaches depending on the recipient. Some needed to read a few books. Others it was blunt force trauma from being hit around the head with undeniable troofs. Others still, little by little - tiny bits to sow that seed of doubt.

Others, especially the hold-outs in the healthcare complex, it's not even any of the above but pointing to evidence that they have been betrayed by their gatekeepers and are victims of this just as much as the rest of us. My lord, the indoctrination is strong in those types and hardest to breakdown. Many if not most are hugely invested. Their self-worth is woven into their identity as a vital cog in a benevolent healing complex. One they are suddenly having to defend, thus they see the dissent as a personal attack or risk to their self-worth. I'm still trying to find ways to unpick that, for those who are worth saving. The only thing that has had any success is showing how they have been betrayed. How their gatekeepers have broken the silent/implied contract with them. I wish I could find more ways as progress is slow.

This might sound harsh but I'm picking off the low hanging fruit first and resigned to leaving some to wither and die on that tree/vine.

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Minor correction that significantly alters the gist of your comment- How can "they" not "we."

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Looking at the specific materials cited here, I think it's a stretch to claim these chemicals are likely to cause harm in the very low amounts they are used in vaccines, based on the studies and materials cited.

My guess is that a true placebo is not used so that there can be no question that the effect relates to the viral material in the vaccine. If the other materials were missing, you'd have some room for doubt that the effect related to the other materials and not the viral components of the vaccine.

Also it sounds like use of these chemicals is well accepted and commonly done in a number of applications based on the materials. I actually feel better about vaccinating after reading these docs, at least for rotavirus.

That said, I think these are fairly fringe concerns and sunlight is the best disinfectant... It's a free country, people can do what they want and believe what they want. We have to stop this top down involvement in how parents choose to parent. Life is not without risk and it's up to parents to manage the risk for their kids.

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Jun 25, 2023
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I'm sure you could easily research vaccine production over the past 60 years. Ever since 1990 I have noticed my psychotherapy clients getting sicker from adverse effects of medications prescribed by psychiatrists and primary care physicians, being overmedicated by doctors, and children receiving medication for conditions which were not in the DSM 40 years ago -- including skyrocketing cases of autism. I believe that ever since 1986 when Ronald Reagan signed legislation granting vaccine manufacturers immunity from liability, pharmaceutical companies have been able to develop whatever adjuvants they like without regard for harm and death. I recognize that our world is more toxic than it was in the '60's; but the brain damage to children over the past 30 years is unprecedented and disturbing and, in my opinion, criminal.

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In the December 2022 of Sci American, a “science writer” discusses how vaccines have never been tied to autism, so the rise in rates must be a sign of genetic diversity which must be respected. WTF ?!?! The whole issue is filled with such nonsense... I was raised on SciAm reprints since grade school thru college. It begs the question just how bought-off the whole print media is. It has killed print in the process. No trust.

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Yes, it has been happening for a long time, but the Covid-era shone the spotlight. Two good books illustrating the fraud (and there are many), include:

* Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth: https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981460

* The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense): https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens-ebook/dp/B08X5YWRRP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16UBR2QPPINVL&keywords=the+real+anthony+fauci&qid=1687730590&s=books&sprefix=The+real+%2Cstripbooks%2C296&sr=1-1

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Yes +100 to reading those books

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Jun 25, 2023Edited
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You're so welcome! (I don't like Amazon either, but they have most of the books. Also Amazon's descriptions make it easy to learn more about the books and to search for other sources.)

An older book simply called "Turtles All the Way Down," by John Green also exists (https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Down-John-Green/dp/0525555366). I haven't read it, but it appears to confuse just about everyone who is looking for the more recent version with the longer title.

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turtles all the way down... book or audio from Joel Smalley substack

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Thanks, Aaron, for the rebuttal to the hand-waving dismissal by the establishment.

The placebo-is-not-a-true-placebo question requires a solid answer other than, “Trust me, I’m a doctor.”

“You keep using that word (placebo). Perhaps it does not mean what you think it means?” -Inigo Montoya

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I sure wish RFK would come to understand that the CDC, FDA and indeed the entire HHS along with all of the vaccine pushing sub-departments within the DOD (who basically ran the whole COVID-19 "vaccine" development process from day one) are not just already too broken to ever be "fixed," they are in fact blatantly unconstitutional from the get-go. Within minutes of his being sworn in as our next President he should at least start the ball rolling to shut them all down entirely. While he's at it, he should appoint someone like Florida's Ladapo as Surgeon General and Aaron Siri as head of the DOJ.

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On Joe Rogan, he said one of the first things he will do as president is ban pharmaceutical ads. Hmm... Eighty percent of CNN’s revenue? No wonder they don’t like him?

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And should Trump get elected for another chance, maybe this time he won’t cave into pressure from Gates or Pfizer and bring in RFK Jr to head up a serious commission to investigate vaccine safety.

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Has RFK Jnr ever talked about another alphabet entity, the FSMB ( https://www.fsmb.org/ ) and its impact on not just USA but global (via an offshoot - the IAMRA - International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities) public health policy, governance and laws?

It's one plaster I wish he'd take a crack at ripping off.

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I'm a clinical psychologist who can assert that a first year psych student in college would identify the lack of validity of vaccine research. It is egregious that terms (placebo, immunity, gain of function....) are being redefined to further the agenda of vaccine manufacturers to profit from sales of substances that have caused unprecedented medical and psychiatric harm as well as grave disability and death for all generations of homo sapiens all over our planet.

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Sadly this is the standard operating procedure for ALL, ALL, ALL vaccines since the 1980's. There is not one RCT with a true placebo of any vaccine on the schedule\market today. Further, because of this, we do not know the safety profile of any single vaccine or combos of vaccines. It is there in all the product monographs - all the "placebos" are derivatives of the vaccine being "tested". Turtles All The Way Down

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Yes, the book Turtles all the way Down really opened my eyes https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045

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It's standard operating procedure across all modern industries, chemical, telco, food, pharma etc. They're all captured.

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If we had more people like you and RFK Jr. at the helm of this country, America truly WOULD be great. Thank you for presenting this information clearly and succinctly.

You and your law form, Del Bigtree’s ICAN/Highwire, Children’s Health Defense (RFK Jr’s. organization), and FLCCC literally have saved and continue to save millions of people — born and unborn. Don’t ever stop!

This is not about politics; it’s about humanity.

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Yes, we live in the criminogenic era, where criminals operate freely at the highest levels of corporations and institutions, without risk of penalty. At most they have to pay a tiny fee ("fine") -- a few pennies of the huge profit made. We need a return to law. Like Bill Black, a former bank regulator who helped throw hundreds of high-level executives in jail for white-collar crimes during the savings and loan crisis in the 1980s concluded in 2013:

"The failure to prosecute under any theory of economics and any theory of criminality means that the next crisis is far more likely, and that it’s going to be far larger, because this accounting control fraud recipe is a sure thing that guarantees that you will be made wealthy immediately as the controlling officers, and there will be no risk — zero. Not a single elite banker who caused this crisis is in prison, period. So you have absolutely maximized what we call a “criminogenic environment,” and a key element of that, as you say, is that we have taken moral hazard — the fraud dimension — and maximized it."

"Hundreds of Wall Street Execs Went to Prison During the Last Fraud-Fueled Bank Crisis"


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I am a senior who has only done the tetanus, polio and diphtheria vaccines in the past. Over the last two years I have learned a lot about vaccines, their milieu in which it is prepared and the number of vaccines given to babies (we never had measles, chicken pox etc..) The doctors do not tell you anything. I did not get any Mrna injections. My grand children will not be vaccinated and as a senior I never did the flu, pneumonia nor shingles vaccines . I found that acupuncture and naturopathic treatments help much more and will not go near a doctor or hospital unless it is for a fracture or surgery. The plandemic has taught me to question and research even more and am grateful for all the brave doctors, epidemiologists lawyers journalists and even some politicians who confronted the pharma military complex to expose the truth. Your message was clearly received by this little 75 year old grannie. Thank you Aaron Siri and other heroes.

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GREAT ARTICLE! Thanks for taking the time to set the record straight AND more importantly - supporting and defending, RFK Jr!

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Offit is playing CYA and big pharma shill at the same time. Waiting for him to split in half. Oh, and BTW, Bobby is spot on.

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The War On The Child: Battlefront “When a Placebo is Not a Placebo”

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At this point, it shouldn't be taken for granted that the so called "placebo" didn't contain trace amounts of the antigen or other contaminants, depending on how they went about manufacturing it.

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So the massive fraud on the public predates Covid... I guess I can't say I'm surprised!

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Aaron Siri is a legend. Check out his deposition of plotkin.

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Turtles All The Way Down...🎯

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A great book I have given to others and it keeps spreading the message far and wide. I may never see that book returned and I couldn't be happier about it.

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I do the same. Give it to doctors & parents…

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I learned that the “Placebo” in the HPV trials might not be what it seemed. Watch the excellent September 2022 documentary from EpochTV: https://www.theepochtimes.com/under-the-skin-documentary_4736070.html. I believe one of the girls in the film was told she got a placebo, but did not.

Description: Under the Skin | Documentary

“Under the Skin” brings a topic to the public’s attention that concerns us all: the safety of vaccinations. No medical measure interferes more intensively with the mechanisms of the immune system. At the same time, we live in a time when nearly half of the population suffers from allergies, autoimmune diseases, or other disorders of the immune system. Bert Ehgartner is specifically interested in the role of aluminum compounds, which are used as adjuvants in two-thirds of vaccinations: Why is this toxic metal compound needed? And who checks that those vaccinated are as healthy after the sting as they were before? The drug authorities care little about this, as the film shows with the example of the market launch of a new type of vaccine. Instead of the safety of the population, they stand up for the interests of the corporations.

Bert Ehgartner, born in 1962 in Austria, is a multi-award-winning documentary filmmaker and author of non-fiction books in which he takes a critical look at medical issues. With his investigative documentary “Age of Aluminum,” he triggered a broad discussion about the danger of using toxic aluminum compounds in sensitive areas of life (deodorants, medicines, drinking water). “Under the Skin” is the follow-up film and sheds light on the role of aluminum additives in vaccinations.

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You probably know this, but Professor Christopher Exley with 35+ years of research into aluminum's toxicity is on Substack:


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I’m so grateful that the children have you all to help fight for them! Thank you 🙏

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