I want to see Alex Berenson interview you

I do think this battle will be won in the courts because of a few brave people like you.

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Then, what is your position with regard to suing the FDA for withholding their two lists of possible serious adverse event outcomes known to be associated with the alleged Covid-19 vaccines? These lists were included in two separate CBER slide presentations (see links below) to FDA heads on October 22, 2020, two months prior to the December, 2020, Covid-19 vaccine roll-outs.

Since that October, the FDA has been withholding these lists from the medical community, from the general public, and from all potential Covid-19 vaccine recipients. Not disclosing these possible serious adverse event outcomes to potential trial enrollees should be a violation of the FDA's disclosure requirement for medical products under an EUA and anyone subsequently injured in the trial should have standing. Please correct me, if I am wrong.

The existence of these lists is likely the reason that the CDC and CBER/FDA had not responded to your letters on behalf of Dr. Patricia Lee, as of 10/06/21. One of the gents you addressed, Tom Shimabukuro of the CDC, is an author of one of these presentations. It's obvious from Dr. Lee's letter to the CBER/FDA and CDC that she is not aware of these lists.

These two presentations are:

1) Available at https://www.fda.gov/media/143530/download is the presentation by Tom Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA, MBA of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force, Vaccine Safety Team. Page/Slide 31 is titled, "Preliminary list of VAERS AEs of special interest". AE signifies "Adverse Event".

2) Available at https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download is the presentation by Steve Andersen, PhD, MPP, who is the Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, CBER. Page 17, known as "slide 16", is the "FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines : DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes".

Please note the differences between these two lists: The Shimabukuro slide additionally contains Multiple sclerosis (MS), Optic neuritis (ON), Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), and Ataxia; but, is missing Vaccine enhanced disease which is also known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

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Unreported Truths, THE PODCAST! NOW!

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Aaron, I just finished the latest episode of the HighWire with your interview and I loved it. Been watching for years and it was one of my favorite episodes ever. I’ve admired you ever since your 9 hour deposition with Stanley Plotkin and I’ve enjoyed reading about your legal victories with ICAN. I pray for you every day. Thank you for the work you do! And I’m so excited that you’re on Substack!

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Wait for 15 - 20 years. Kids will be suing their parents for giving them the vaccine and causing long-term disastrous outcomes.

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That's assuming the children are still alive.

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Everyone should watch the interviews within the following article which came out today on VaccineImpact. It's about time all of these people were brought together:

Attorneys and Doctors Warn that Hospitals are No Longer Safe – Remdesivir Drug Kills 25% of Patients – 85% Patients on Ventilators Die


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Can someone please refer me to an attorney in CA that can assist me with validating natural immunity in lieu of a vaccine mandate in a private university? Desperate to avoid forceful vaccination in a week.

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Contact Children's Health Defense. They are working to help people fight the mandates. The Highwire also. Aaron represents them.

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I did, they refer me to Aaron but his assistants just keep telling me they only take religious exceptions. I hope Aaron could help us. They are forcing vaccination by Nov 8 or be unenrrolled. So unfair and dangerous to do after a recent infection. Please help!

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I keep having to remember that they got Al Capone on tax evasion and violating prohibition. I thought the angle on Vaccine injury cases would be about the heinous injuries but I guess this all comes first, about what they said it would do in general vs. what it's doing. All that matters first to me is that it stop being mandated at all for anyone. Beyond not working it is actively doing harm to the human genome. From one of the control group...Go Aaron...and thanks

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Forgive me, but I think what we're seeing is of literally biblical proportions: "...they were granted authority, the same authority that the scorpions of the earth have... and it was granted to them that they may not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months; and their torment was like the torment from a scorpion when it strikes a person." https://txti.es/fifthtrumpet

These vaccine manufacturers, and the medics who administer them, have been "granted authority" not to kill, but to do what scorpions do naturally. Five months is also how long the average jab lasts before you start to need a booster and get another one. Of course, I could be wrong, but there's a lot of similarity.

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I suspect you meant Pfizer and J&J have a history of willful misconduct. Moderna, has no history because this is the first product they’ve ever brought to market.

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It's almost like they were there at just the "right time," along with BionTech. Convenient eh.

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You read Whitney Webb’s Moderna Hail Mary report?

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I need help with pro-bono legal services from someone I can trust. I'm a single mom who basically got passive aggressively railroaded out of my job with cut hours and limited work environment/ability to perform my job as a Billing Manager at a local pediatric therapy center, in which the majority of our children clients were cases of Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders, Developmental Disorders, ADHD, Behavior Issues treated with wonderful occupational therapists, one of which is my sister. They are awesome OT's, my former boss & sister, who've helped so many kids/families locally, however, since the jab discussion months ago, they looked at me as if I need mental health for believing in medical freedoms & any discussion of Autism relating to jabs. Anyhow, I wish things were different & I could openly discuss alternatives to Big Insurance & getting involved with proposing bills that involved more Health Savings Accounts and Education Savings Accounts so that families can spend federal funds on whatever healthcare, whether traditional Western medicine, homeopathic, naturopathic or therapeutic or whatever Education they deem fit for their families.

Anyway, I'm looking for work but what I've come to unfortunately find out is that my twin sister, mom and retired public school teacher Step-Dad have been plotting behind my back to try to gain custody of my only daughter, deeming me unfit to parent my child because they still believe me to be a crazy conspiracy theorist and in their "moral superiority" are concerned for my daughter because I've mentioned alternatives to public schooling.

They are beginning to play very dirty, unfortunately. I have legal and physical custody of my daughter after seeking a domestic violence restraining/moved out order/child custody case in 2017 from her biological father. My original hopes were to work together in my daughter's best interest as far as granting her father two visiting days per week, as I wanted to promote the relationship between them. Her left the courtroom years ago, never attempted to begin let alone complete the domestic violence course, never showed up to mediation and I've just been working with him and his two visiting days/week as it turns out they've all gone full Team Narcissist on me. He actually sent me texts warning me that my twin sister is texting him behind my back, trying to get custody of my daughter to share custody with him. He was concerned because if my family were to succeed in such a heartbreaking undermining attempt to take my daughter away from me, that her knows & I know, very well, that my daughter wouldn't be happy and the first thing they would do is jab her & keep her in public school. I need help. I appreciate any help if you have any tips or pointing me in the right legal direction that I can afford. I appreciate your time.


Kelly Morgan

P.s.-the Big Tech battle continues after I, somewhat in my naivety, waged war on Big Tech on their most censoring platform Fak ebook, in 2020. I do not currently have a working phone number but am planning on getting a burner phone unassociated with my name and having my home scanned for bugs and/or hidden cameras (I'm not paranoid. My daughter's father has already done this previously with hidden cameras during our court case in 2017, although nothing came of it & I won the case, as I should have in there best interest of my daughter.) Also, since my fakebook account and business page were deplatformed after the Fakebook app update in May 2021, myself and thousands of others accounts were deplatformed for speaking against the narrative and replaced with hacked Fakebook accounts. I had IT's confirm that indeed, we were flagged, as well. I screenshotted proof but found that Google deleted those pics from my account. I've been locked out of every account including banking-personal, business & credit card, as well as all Google accounts, all social media accounts and even supposed secure work Google accounts. I've had to file claims for fraudulent charges debited from my bank account since May 2021 from Big Tech companies such as Google, Roku that don't have customer service phone #'s or a way to resolve. It takes a few months for the bank to do their investigation until they find that, indeed, the charges are fraudulent, then they reimburse the money to my account. I have been unable to keep up with this nonsense. Currently, It's affected everything as far as not having a way to contact, to purchase anything online. I am still working on getting a secure phone to continue the catch 22 of filing claims with my bank....blah blah blah... It's a nightmare. My finances and credit have been affected and my means to communicate have definitely been affected. Please contact me via spiritwarrior76@protonmail.com or freefromnarcissism@protonmail.com for now. Thanks.

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Great article! As a covid vaccine injured nurse I am shocked and had no idea until I was injured that there was no recourse. I would even be happy if they would acknowledge that we exist.

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Keep up the FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!!! We are making steady progress, and, that is the only way to finally win!!!

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We must speak out as loudly as possible

The health workers are making progress

There is now a stay on the mandate.

Do not give up your right! They threaten you do not cave.

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Will you please explain (in simple terms) the convoluted legal standing of the “FDA approved” vaccine (Comirnaty) and how it differs from the EUA Pfizer-BioNTech one (widely publicized as interchangeable, and yet the EUA is currently the only one being distributed)?

Isn’t this illegal and lacking informed consent?

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