Be interesting to see percentage deaths from Measles AFTER intro of jabs, wouldn't it? My bet is no data available, but increases in SIDS, Neuro problems.

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Plumbers did more for public health than pharma ever did.

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Yep, same with polio which declined because they finally stopped using DDT.

All of these diseases were caused by sanitation and toxins, not viruses.

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I have a 17 year old that has never had a vaccine. He has had several diseases that I know of that needed no medical intervention.

It can be done. Ask me how.

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His new book is out..

Roman Bystrianyk


Is it moral not to tell people the entire truth and instead spin it for your own benefit? For example, did you know the death rate from measles fell by almost 100% before there was a vaccine? If not, do you think you should know?

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this is one of the charts in the excellent book from Dr Suzanne Humphries, dissolving illusions. The charts for other diseases look very much alike. Why do so little people check on this instead of accepting all kind of dangerous jabs? I was told that the single measles vaccine is better, and less harmful, but that has been exchanged for the multi-vaxx years ago. And I am not sure this information is right, either.

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This is so important it needs to be shouted from the rooftops

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READ AND SHARE - Dissolving Illusions. The Bible on vaccines. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History 10th Anniversary Edition Companion and Reference https://a.co/d/d9oMRQW

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For all infectious diseases McKeown’s data from the UK is ~90% reduced published in 1962. McKinlay &McKinlay US ~93% reduction published in the ‘70’s, confirmed by Armstrong in the 90’s and the CDC later on. Add zero safety studies, early treatment options, all vaccines appear to be lacking favorable risk/benefit for use.

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Another important part is an analysis of the overall health of those that died of measles. From covid we learned the concept of dying with or from a disease. Undoubtedly, of the 400 deaths that were occurring annually by 1962 (just before modern day vaccine program) many of those kids would be known to be unhealthy kids and were dying with measles as much as they were dying from measles.

Like covid, chickenpox, etc. healthy kids even moderately healthy kids have no issue with common diseases. Any child that is at risk from something like chickenpox, measles or covid would be at risk from almost anything. These are the very few kids that should be considered for vaccines, because the risk / benefit equation for them is different than a child that is recognized as healthy. The health of the vast majority of babies is known right at birth, they know in the delivery room if you have a good one or not. We are doing the wrong thing selecting healthy people for vaccination. Another lesson from COVID, vaccines don’t prevent catching and spreading disease, so that aspect of vaccines is irrelevant. Society would be farther ahead to allow healthy people to catch common diseases and build true herd immunity. And in the modern age when people do catch disease there are treatments to mitigate symptoms.

Right as people are becoming aware of the drawbacks of vaccinations in significant numbers, pharma, regulators and public health have grand plans to ever expand vaccinations.

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Thank you, Aaron!

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In our day we would specifically take our children to a friend's home where a child had measles so they would be exposed and get the virus, be sick for a few days, and then have lifelong immunity. And avoid the pain and danger of getting measles as an adult.

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There was a whooping cough graph that showed the curve was in full downslope when first vax was released. There was a sharp spike then a return to the pre vax slope. So only effect was to lengthen the time in epidemic and increase number of cases. Then came the second version which just repeated the first result.

The curve then completed and flattened out at the pre epidemic level.

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I think you call people, and in this case pharma companies, that take the credit for an accomplishment they were not responsible for achieving is a low life free loader, narcissistic swindler.

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I had a debate with a doctor once about the historical benefits of vaccines. Measles was one such vaccine. I had previously seen the historical data and the deep decline in the prevalence of measles prior to the introduction of the measles vaccines. His rhetoric and argument was very weak and once I started about knowing the data, he capitulated and eventually agreed "...it was probably sanitation that contributed more to the reduction in measles than the vaccine!"

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