All the more reason to NOT take their product until 2076. Unreal.

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Get back to me in 2076...

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2076 is the year Pfizer coronates itself as God

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I think we have already passed that point. The FDA are the Apostles.

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Nov 18, 2021
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Nobody cares. Get help

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That is a hacker post for a website downloading malware.

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Nov 20, 2021
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Get fucked.

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Complete agree! The kicker is that they cannot supply the data since they do NOT have the data: no one is the USA is getting the FDA approved COMIRNATY; they are getting the 'same blend' under EAU (I called and ask CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and BAMC: they only have the EAU Pfizer/Biotech EAU blend, and claim it is the same thing, but not FDA approve....)

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They were waiting until approved for children. That makes them free of liability under vaccine liability laws. Protected under EAU but once FDA approved needs to be available for kids also for full immunity from lawsuits. Pushed on children so they can be Teflon…

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They didn't "approve" it for children. They "authorized" it, which has another legal meaning. Therefore, mandates are illegal. Title 21 U.S.C.

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To a Godless mandate mongering government, "ill-legal" is just a sick bird!

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100% agree!!

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Doubt liability applies for fraud.

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You're absolutely correct. Plus, David Martin says that all it takes is one felony conviction for Fauci, Baric, or Collins to undo Big Pharma's liability shield and make the "vaccine" manufacturers responsible for all of the deaths and debilitations they have caused. Maybe Big Pharma will solve this potential problem by contracting for the demise of those three. It would be interesting to see what sort of spin the MSM would put on such deaths.

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After WW 2 Nazi war sponsors Bayer IG Farben were convicted of using Jews for lab rats, payed a small fine, no jail time! So now they use Godless frightened, dumb-downed, brainwashed groupthink fools for lab rats!

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Easy: the unvaxxed did it.

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*liability shield

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I will be 111 so I do not think it will be a problem for me

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But it will be for your great grandchildren because you did nothing to stop it.

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s/he won't have any great grandchildren, because her/his grandchildren will have been made infertile/sterile by these alleged "vaccines". This is the end of her/his lineage.

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A day does not go by that I am not thankful to God for leaving me without children.

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I honestly can say you are blessed.

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That once curse was biblically [end-time] predicted, 2000 years ago! Coincidence? I don't think so!

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They’ll already be infected, brainwashed, mutated, and likely sterilized.

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Absolutely! They will never release the information.

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With the billion's we give big pharma, they can buy all the protection! Like crack whores, we buy & pay for our own destruction! Coved works the same way, it causes one to kill oneself! Better stated, "Death is the wages of sin; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." [Romans 6:23]

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its poison thousands and thousands died from these POISON SHOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW THEY KILLING CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Or their 'magic' pills..

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Talk about chutzpah. I heard Dr. Robert Malone talking about how Pfizer said they wouldn’t release the data until 2025 … but 2076?!!

Kennedy assassination, anyone?

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Yes, 2076 will arrive and then it will get delayed again by the descendants of the current syndicate families, unless things change. How can they prove the efficacy without releasing the data... just take their word for it?

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Exactly. But this is all about science and health and they are doing this for our own good!

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That is why they are forcing the jabs and now the pills.... They are telling everyone to choose how they want to die. Jab, or jobless and hungry on the streets. Remember everyone the video "you will own nothing and will be happy"? Now it makes sense! Horrible. They must be stopped. The jabs are a total of 6, back to back sort of. If people take them and have complications or decide to stop at any point, they still Lose their rights. That is what some people Do Not Understand, and are ruining it for everyone else's freedom and jobs!!

transparentthoughts.com Free Speech social media site/platform Not censored or tracking, Private servers-- video chat and many more... ( a mom created it, not an empire)...

People must get off FB-Twitter-LinkedIn-Instagram because they are getting 'Listed and tracked'..

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Nov 19, 2021
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News for you: there are many variants all over us and they were here for many, many decades. These injections are not "vaccines", they don't "work" against viral strains. Use your own head. The viruses do NOT become deadlier, because they depend for survival on their human/animal host. If they kill it, they die with it. Their species is more intelligent than ours: they don't get suicidal. The humans are the ones that become less and less resistant, because they are killing their immune systems.

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The "virus " is deadlier after Fauci improved it.

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Plus, Fauci represents all of science; so, just take his word for it that all is good.

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Gotta throw in a ha ha or lol, but I see your sarcasm!

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I thought it was pretty obvious from the context and my preceding sentence as well as everything else I’ve ever written ;-) If I did that every time I was being sarcastic, almost all of my comments would be laden with haha’s and lol’s 😆

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How deep up yoyr ass IS your head honey?

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Perhaps you don’t recognize sarcasm?

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Or perhaps Amanda is just obscene pharma sycophant?

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Hey Marg, don't you know covid jokes are not allowed, this serious science.

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If that was true we couldn't mention the "joke" so-called Dr. Fauci!

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Nov 17, 2021
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Yours was great!

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It's time to disband the FDA and start up Nuremberg 2.0.

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Nuremberg 1.0 didn't happen until after WW2 was won. We haven't left the starting blocks in what may be known someday as WW3. Almost everyone is playing around on the internet, hiding from spikey boogeymen, or doing useless protests. Very few are trying to implement real solutions to undo all the compromised governments, institutions, and companies worldwide.

Only Congress can modify or eliminate the FDA and other fed agencies/departments. Almost no one seems to care about cleaning out the former to make that happen. The reality is current generations lack motivation, courage, and spines like our ancestors had. Things will need to get far, far worse before strong men arise to create good times again. That could take as long as several decades to centuries.

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I lack the knowledge of what to do… Sitting at home and bitching on the internet about “muh guns” is all I see around many forums.

I think it’s the times we live in now - disconnected from any sort of real community and real life groups.

In Latvia people who buy vaccine passports get busted all the time.

In Soviet times when most of everything was done under the table, people were smart enough to hold their mouths shut. Now - not so much.

We can’t even work a on site job if we’re not vaccinated here.

Feeling lost for what to do to fight this nonsense in any way shape or form.

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Dr. David E. Martin stated in a recent interview that he has sent a packet of evidence to every Congressional U.S. senator and U.S. representative containing proof that Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Francis Collins have each violated from one to six felony statutes, but that none of these Congresspeople have acted on any of it. He says Rand Paul could call for the indictment of Fauci right now, but Rand Paul won't because he's using his little spat with Fauci to fund raise. - That is the state of affairs here in our government. A billionaire whistleblower on the Stew Peters Show, who said he was in the room with the 38 people who control the world, when they ordered this current "Plandemic", stated in that interview that 100 percent of our U.S. Congress is totally controlled. - If we want to do anything, we'll have to do it ourselves. - So, thank God, there are attorneys such as Aaron Siri, Thomas Renz, Renier Fuellmich, and RFK Jr., who can move these issues into the courts. Problem is, according to this whistleblower, the most of the judiciary, including the SCOTUS, is totally controlled.

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AbsoLUTEly - AND the CDC.....

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God bless you. A billion probably dream of NUREMBERG trials

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No problem! I'll just wait until 2076 to consider vaccinating.

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Hahahahah, great idea.

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The real reason they want to hide the data is that they want to keep on peddling this tech under the 'safe and effective" banner and give it to NEWBORNS with no available safety data. It's funny because I work in concrete and if there is a crack in the concrete six months later, we are RESPONSIBLE, but if this piece of shit jab kills your kid, they are NOT. Interesting.

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That is one strong metaphor! You are so right.

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Nov 18, 2021
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Aaahhhh! Another one that takes the jab, over and over. Truly screwed, id say.

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I do not like your COVID jab. I will not take your COVID jab. I will not take it in my house. I will not be your little mouse. I will not take it because you're nice. I know what happened to those mice. Do not demand to have my arm. Your persistence causes great alarm. Do not make me a scornful topic. Graphene oxide is a toxin. You need not mandate I partake. In VAERS I've seen the lives it takes. Fauci says the disease is deadly. Then why did he fund it with our money? Now he profits in the millions. While people die in the billions.

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Fauci is a member of the CABAL--the super rich.

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Impossible to comprehend FDA request to the judge. The vaccine is approved at light speed and then the information is withheld forever.

Without a doubt FDA has something to hide.

Is the covid vaccine really safe and efficient? Why Pfizer doesn't publish also the data?

If FDA is not straight forward and publish the data, there is not point to take the vaccine or booster.

Congress MUST act and to make mandatory to publish all the data FDA use before any approval.

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Not impossible to comprehend:

"...in 2018, user fees [paid by the approval applicant] accounted for approximately 80% of the salaries of review personnel responsible for the approval of new drugs. "


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Congress is useless. They won't do squat. Why do you think they are exempt from having to take the jab(s)? Because, they all know these injections are bioweapons designed to kill.

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Not to sound harsh or anything, but likely many people who were ‘victims’ of the Pfizer Experimental Injection will not be around in 2076, to even know the truth, if such a ‘request’ is granted. (I sure won’t but then I elected to not get it, and I’m older.)

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As if the 329k pages could not simply be put on a flash drive.

In what format did they receive the documentation in the first place?

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Thpocal government format--redacted photo copies that look like they were scanned on a Xerox circa 1985.

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You've obviously actually dealt with such requests and government response.

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The FDA says each document has to be evaluated for necessary redactions.

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well, that would certainly set some sort of record for "longest game of close your eyes and open your mouth"...

why, it's almost as if they're hiding something.

at least we'll have the long term control arm data to look at.

oh, wait...

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So in a span of just a few days we get a court order that OSHA can’t actually enforce a jab mandate AND a request from FDA to seal Pfizer’s data. You can’t make this stuff up.

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And OSHA suspended their employee mandate rules last night, in response to the court rulings. Not a peep from Fake News. But you can read about it on Epoch Times or UnCoverDC.com.

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It’s even worse than imagined! No wonder the 2 vax experts at the FDA resigned their position! That should tell us everything we need to know

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Exactly. They're opting out before the tribunals start up.

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Yes. They were well aware that the FDA has been withholding two lists of possible serious Covid-19 vaccine adverse event outcomes, since it received this info on October 22, 2020, two months before the jabs began publicly here in the U.S.

Want to see these two lists the FDA has been withholding from the medical community, from the authorized dispensers, and from every potential Covkd-19 "vaccine" recipient? - Then download the following PowerPoint presentations from the FDA's website and go to the page I've stated:

https://www.fda.gov/media/143530/download -- page 31

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download -- page 17

These are the vaccine-induced diseases/adverse events that vaccinated individuals are presenting to hospitals with.

You can read about this in the following article:

The FDA's "Intentional Malfeasance"


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I wish I could be shocked, but what keeps shicking me is the indifference of most people, and their refusal to even hear something other than the main narrative.

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Unfortunately nothing is going to change until WE change the media itself. Since the MSM drives which politicians are nominated and elected, politics alone is not going to fix this. We need to begin with the Media and take it back for the people...then we will start getting representatives of the people and not the corporate sponsors of MSM and Congress.

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Holy schnikes! Talk about a cliffhanger for the dumbest zombie movie in history

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Nothing says "trust the science" like "you can't sue us if anything goes wrong"

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Incredible. Thank you for your work.

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