Truth is coming out! Absolutely fabulous job by Aaron Siri! God bless you!

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Until all their heads are off, and until all $12 Trillion USD is clawed back, nothing has been rectified;

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Support the "Retribution Party" demand that at least 50,000 'covid enablers' be beheaded, then we claw back all the cash that Biden&Trump stole from US-Treasury all $12 Trillion USD to be clawed back;

That's a start;

Google "Retribution Party" and become a vocal member today;

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Tuth is not enough! I'm more worried about the future:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


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I agree with you, but the biggest problem is that to date no one has realized that there never was a "C-19" and that is the beginning of this Major Crime, because all was a lie, manipulation and fraud!!!!


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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

I keep hearing there never was a virus. With all due respect, lots of people did get sick. I know people do normally get sick. They had a lot of common issues such as losing their taste, blood clots though. Then a lot of people claim they were tested for immunity and was found to have immunity to it. How did they test for immunity if there was no virus to test for immunity?

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If you had read everything in detail at the link above and all the links included, you could save yourself these questions - and regarding the so-called immunity: if cells are damaged by various toxic effects, the organism tries to repair these damages and to rebuild cells/tissue by proteins produced especially for this purpose with the support of antioxidants, exosomes, this takes time of course and depends on how many cells are damaged and how high the degree of damages are - in this time different clinical pictures can appear - in this different time span of the repair, which can last sometimes also years, so-called antibody measurements can have a relatively high titer, if the repair process goes into the final phase, this decreases again - but this is nothing special! And the blood clots in this time came mainly from the aggressive ventilation, where by enormous pressure the deposits on the walls of the arteries and capillaries(link between arteries and veins) were loosened especially in older people and transported to the lungs < Pulmonary embolism - also too long lying leads to blood clots - all this was absolutely unnecessary!!!

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Deposits cause blockage of blood flow and embolisms, but to inform them even more - blood clots can also be caused by surgery, sitting too long, taking medications that promote blood clotting, older age in general, cancer, heart failure, obesity, pregnancy, sickle cell anemia, smoking - toxins in general, spinal cord injuries, stroke, untreated varicose veins, and taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, etc.

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Don't forget the graphene nanoparticles and their derivatives, which in different sizes and designs enter the of organisms and partially combine with the plasma, can't be removed


have a special look at Fig. 3


if you are lucky, they are excreted with the blood without any blockages, but when you think of the many different thromboses and strokes of the last 2 years, it is rather difficult! and these nanoparticles have always been components in so-called "vaccinations"!!


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I don't agree people need laws to exit the prison planet, people need knowledge. Spiritual (not religious) knowledge is key.

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Thanks for everything you do. Let us also celebrate that Novak Djokovic can compete in the US again. He called out big pharma in his book a decade ago: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/novak-djokovic-servetowin-devotion

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Thank god for judges like this!

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The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative for the past 200 years is actually based on an assumption that all the vaccines are safe.

There is actually no credible large-scale post-marketing study for any vaccine used in the US today that actually backs up this claim.

It’s all based on faith in seriously flawed studies.

There isn’t a credible post-marketing objective epidemiological study for any vaccine in the US. That’s right. Not a single one.

The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative is built on belief and seriously flawed studies, and not on proper objective epidemiological studies which could have been easily done but were not.

If we cannot prove safety at the level of <1 death per 10M doses in children, we should not be vaccinating more kids (or adults) until we have done the proper post-marketing safety study on the kids we’ve already vaccinated.

The fact that no state is willing to do the study but is at the same time still recommending that kids (and adults) get vaccinated should be deeply troubling to everyone.

It is a symptom of a seriously out-of-control medical community that cares more about following directives from the CDC than patient safety.

The rationale for vaccinating kids (and adults) is nonsensical.

The narrative that vaccines are safe is built on belief and/or flawed studies, not on data.

Steve Kirsch

Me: Death or Injuries and later death by vaccines are self proven, where is the medical proof that vaccines work, or they are just genocide on a major scale?

Condone vaccines, condone Genocide, until proven otherwise.

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Here is a link to a YouTube video examining evidence that mammography saves lives by detecting cancer early so it can be treated without leading to death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9hQO7X1bmU&list=TLPQMTEwNTIwMjMiJoj10H44vg&index=4

This is a fascinating video because it compares mortality before and after mammography became standard in the 1980's. It turns out there are many very slow growing cancers (Vinay Prisad compares them to "turtles.") Diagnosing these cancers exploded. There was happiness that surgery could remove them. But it had no effect on mortality because these cancers were never life threatening. A few years ago, gynecologists suggested mammography was no longer necessary. Do you remember? There was a HUGE backlash. Women felt so safe. It's like telling people masks are unnecessary and don't prevent Covid. People feel safe, though, and you can't tell them vaccines aren't effective, masks are not effective, mRNA gene therapy isn't effective. It FEELS effective. Finally Vinay concludes that as treatment for breast cancer becomes more effective, screening and prevention becomes less necessary. Same as for Covid. As treatment works, vaccines are less necessary. To me the desire for "ineffective" mammography is the same as the desire for "ineffective" vaccines. It's hard to give up the illusion or the delusion of protection and safety.

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My daughter had a lump in her breast, they said not fast growing. Well, after the biopsy (which spread the cancer) and a mastectomy and 4 years of radiation and chemo, she died from the last deadly chemo treatment which caused liver failure, not the cancer. If the little lump had been left alone, the body may have taken care of it. That is what our immune system does. These "early" screenings have only led to more deaths from cancer.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss Kathy. I am in complete agreement concerning the immune system. Our current understanding of this highly complex system is minimal, so IMO our best bet is to keep our bodies as healthy as possible.

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I have heard that biopsies spread cancer. The cancer drugs also do damage. Yes, I agree with you. My own gynecologist constantly kept urging me to have mammography. And I kept avoiding them. Eventually, if you have enough tests, you will test positive, go crazy with anxiety, get a biopsy and feel proud. Thank God they caught it in time! Yes! Just like the vaccinated are so proud when they end up hospitalized with Covid. Thank God I was vaccinated! Otherwise, I probably would be dead. I am so sorry your daughter died. How horrible!

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Me: Over 30 years, never ill, never got a cold or the flu or a coronavirus: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water - job done. Or go down to the sea and sniff the seas salt water instead - a cure which takes up 2/3 of the world's surface - for Covid

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Peter McCullough also advertises Cofxrx which is an iodine nasal spray. Dr. Stephen Park who is an ENT that makes videos about treating nasal problems states that performing neti pot washes every day may be contraindicated for some patients because it sometimes leads to rebound runny nose. I'm going to try your procedure, though. Thanks!

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Let me clarify. Biopsies may be necessary in many cases. Cancer drugs can save lives as Viney Prasad also states in his video. But we should be able to simultaneously consider both factors: risk/discomfort from a procedure VERSUS benefit from the procedure. There is rarely ANY decision that is 100% safe and effective. Even living will eventually lead to death!

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

There is no informed consent for cancer when not everything is on the table that has been discovered in the last 100 years or so. You have to understand that many people over the years have come forward WITH DATA saying they help cure a lot of people's cancer. Instead of investigating this with truth and honesty, our own government threatens the people coming forward, no matter who they are. They won't even do studies from the info that they got.

There is a belief about 20 to 50 percent of cancer patients cancer is caused by parasites. This can possibly be cured by an inexpensive parasite treatment. This isn't even talked about.

Then add what they did to so many other people that came forward such as Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse. Rene said she cured thousands of people of cancer. Instead of our government wanting to use her knowledge for the good, they took her to court. Caisse had 55,000 people sign a petition. They shut her clinic down. They made up all kinds of lies against her. She had a nervous break down. This story is repeated in history again and again.

They did the same thing to Burzynski with his cure with replenshing peptides. The FDA blocked Burzynski and he was facing 300 years in prison for curing cancer. He had four grand juries but was never indicted.

They did the same thing to Dr. Simoncini with his sodium bicarbonate cure.

And even today what is going on with Sr. Akbar Khan and dichloroacetate or DCA.

There are more stories like that as apparently, just like covid, there can be possibly various ways to cure people of cancer, but it is the same story over and over again. They KNOW how to cure cancer now. They just won't allow it just like they would not allow people with covid to have simple treatments as it may just cure a person of covid, and by golly the powers to be don't want a cure. How will they make their money, how would they control people if there is a simple cure?

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I signed up immediately for your substack since this post was outstanding. What I'm trying to point out is that the corruption and lying and deaths associated with the mRNA vaccines and covid hospital protocols is nothing new. Other vaccine injuries (autism! SIDS! autoimmune disorders! asthma!) have been ignored. Suzanne Humphries, a nephrologist, reported higher kidney damage from flu vaccines and lost her license as a result. Look her up on YouTube or see her book, Dissolving Illusions, on Amazon. Other medical drugs/procedures have the same problems. (Check out anti coagulants for heart problems. Check out heart medicines in general (statins! Stents! Bipasses!) I feel like raving and ranting which, of course, immediately disqualifies me as a hysterical lunatic. I have a friend who prides herself (as well she should) because she subscribes to 5 or 6 newspapers and an equal number of scientific journals (mostly natural history). Every time I send her email that disagrees with main stream media (because she only gets news from established news channels or magazines or newspapers) she denounces me as unscientific or uninformed. I told her again that we were in separate bubbles because I only read substack, I subscribe to "The Epoch Times" (a Chinese conspiracy rag according to my blue Democrat friends). My friend asked me about a recent NY subway death where an ex marine choked another passenger for 15 minutes. He was charged with manslaughter. What did I think? I said I hadn't heard of it. She was astounded! I can't believe you didn't hear of it! It's all over the newspapers! (Ha ha--the ones she reads--but I don't read them) I reminded her that we were in separate bubbles. She was outraged. I don't appreciate being accused of being in a bubble--when clearly I'm well informed on both sides (Repub/Dem) of the political spectrum. I reminded her again that we were not exposed to the same information. OK call it "exposed to separate sources of information"--but we can't possibly agree if we hear different information. I told her a would welcome a debate/discussion because she is highly intelligent and I enjoy different viewpoints.

She stated she does not allow herself to discuss politics (never vaccines) with most people.

CONCLUSION: Those in mainstream media consider themselves well informed. But what is news? Is it newsworthy that someone got punched at the Oscar ceremony? Is it newsworthy that there may be alligators in the sewers or a rat carried pizza down the subway steps? What's going on behind these distractions? Oh did Biden sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty?Those of us sharing information think that this information will surely convince the public what a fraud they are experiencing with vaccine mandates. Don't be too sure. As Jessica Rose pointed out in her recent substack article, most of the attendees of a scientific vaccine conference were unaware that vaccines were no longer effective or safe. https://www.thepulse.one/p/what-the-vaccine-industry-says-behind#details When they asked for more information, the moderator refused to allow any information to be presented. All sub group meetings were discussing how to insure compliance--assuming that there were no problems or risks involved.

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I'm putting this comment in a separate post because I think this Dutch poet has the right approach. He writes a poem about the deaths or attacks launched by people who "were only doing good," who were only trying to prevent bad things from happening. As our government is only acting to protect us by forcing us to be locked up and forcibly mandated to be vaccinated.

He wrote a poem April 30 2009, the day Karst T. attacked the Royal Family by driving his Suzuki at full speed through a crowd of people--killing himself and six others. The poem is by Ramsey Nasr, titled "In the land of kings".

I live in a land

where the animal-lover decides

from sheer goodness to shoot a fellow man

I live in a land

where the righteous believer decides

from respect to plant the knife in the heretic

I live in a land

where our lads for the hell of it sometimes

kick the shit out of the train guard

I live in a land

where a smartly-dressed man, thirty-eight, blond,

takes the liberty of mowing down other people in his car

It ends with this conclusion:

"A last queen will see her last subjects' remains

run over like animals' parts" from "100 Dutch-Language Poems"

I find this approach so powerful. Just state the facts so that they appear in all their craziness. Although many will not blink an eye. As Frank Yeomans stated (NYC psychoanalyst), "Please do not inflict your goodness on me."

Because note that a lot of carnage, destruction. disability, death is visited in the name of protecting us and curing us--and everything else is the fault of the immigrants, the Jews, the Mexicans, the unvaccinated. Feel free to take out your rage on these despicable sub groups who are threatening you with their existence.

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I watch Dr. Robert Morse. He has talked about how he can get rid of a small breast lump in a few months. I think you are right. So sorry about your daughter. https://drmorse.tv

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My heart goes out to you, and everyone who suffers the tragic loss of loved ones due to iatrogenocide. If there’s one thing we’ve learned this past few years it’s to

1) NOT trust big pharma

2) DO trust our own body’s miraculous ability to heal

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I am sorry that your sister is dying and suffered, too. Our whole medical system needs to be overhauled and allow therapies that work.

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I am wondering if the herbal milk thistle would help with her liver. Also Dr. Robert Morse at https://drmorse.tv

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Reading about your situation really got to me because I think all of us have someone in our lives who is not listening to us and they are in peril...so much more now than any other time. All my family is buying the quacksine propaganda and I worry about them every day. This has got to be such a tough time for you...stay strong.

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Tumeric is Bad! As I sit next to my home made tumeric capsules. Food and of course other toxins have everything to do with cancer. Ugh!

I'm so sorry. Goodness she is your identical twin too. I can't imagine what you are going through and you can't talk to these people who are so brain washed. Again I am so sorry.

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This happened with pap smears as well. Rates of cervical cancer dropped by more than 50%. The HPV shot is useless. It’s not stopping cancer. HPV is preventable w/o it. We need to inform our kids of how it’s contracted. Early detection is better than the shots

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Hepatitus B is an infection spread by unprotected sexual intercourse and needle use by drug addicts. The drug company developed a vaccine for it, but the target population at risk (prostitutes, drug addicts, homeless people) couldn't afford it or wouldn't take it. Don't worry, authorities assured the manufacturers. We will mandate it for all newborn babies. You will not lose your profits. Some people questioned vaccinating all babies with a vaccine containing toxic adjuvants such as mercury. But they will be protected for life! And what if the mother was infected?! How many mothers in hospitals are sex workers or drug addicts? What about testing mothers for hepatitus? Damn! It's warp speed ahead with mandatory jabs for everyone! Roll up your sleeves! Multiple doses of vaccines contribute to growing epidemic of autism in our young children. Rates increased from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 31 today. (You can check because this statistic is from my memory).

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

I'm still sickened that they come in the hospital after a new Mom gives birth to give a toxic shot to a new baby with heavy metals in it. I remember this when they did it to me. When I protested they said it was government mandated. I just gave birth. I was exhausted. I had no fight left in me. So I let them do that to my new baby. If they were so concerned they could have just tested me for Hep B.

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I AGREE! THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! It's allowed/permitted under the idea that everything medical is for our own good, which promotes compliance. Compliance is waning now. People are losing their trust in medicine and government.

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He did a similar analysis (with a similar result) of screening colonoscopy.

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Vinay, not Vijay. Just a nit. Thanks for posting!

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Vinay Prasad? Thanks for the correction. I was too tired to take an extra 10 minutes to look up his name. Also too tired to remember it!

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I corrected my post and replaced Vijay with Vinay.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

See https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001877.pub5/full for 2013 study re screening. Conclusion:

"If we assume that screening reduces breast cancer mortality by 15% and that overdiagnosis and overtreatment is at 30%, it means that for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will avoid dying of breast cancer and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily. Furthermore, more than 200 women will experience important psychological distress including anxiety and uncertainty for years because of false positive findings. To help ensure that the women are fully informed before they decide whether or not to attend screening, we have written an evidence‐based leaflet for lay people that is available in several languages on www.cochrane.dk. Because of substantial advances in treatment and greater breast cancer awareness since the trials were carried out, it is likely that the absolute effect of screening today is smaller than in the trials. Recent observational studies show more overdiagnosis than in the trials and very little or no reduction in the incidence of advanced cancers with screening."

Edited to add: this leaflet referenced above has been removed by Cochrane, perhaps within the last year or two. Maybe Gates Foundation's influx of money into Cochrane has caused this removal. Suggest anyone interested in the above study make PDF in case it's removed as well.

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This information is quite valuable. Thanks!

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But mammography does not change your DNA and make you no longer human, but transforming from human into something else, which the laboratory made DNA apparently does, by US Supreme Court Law 2013 - all human rights are lost.

Mammography - I sometimes think men should have their testicles squished the same way our breasts are flattened to find cancers.

To Kathy below - I am sorry for your loss - I wish there was something I could say.

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Males endure prostate exams which may be almost as uncomfortable as mammography. The disabled cartoonist Callahan made a cartoon of a disabled urologist who lacked arms. "Therefore," he claimed, "I have a unique way of performing your prostate exam" (What body part would he be using to explore the patient's anus which has homosexual associations?!) This cartoon also illustrated the shame at having genital regions handled by a stranger. Women can also experience this vulnerability in gynecological exams. I have seen photos and videos of children crying with fear and struggling to get away as medical staff forcibly restrain them to get "jabbed" which they are experiencing as a painful assault. Once we decide something is worth risking, it seems necessary to ignore any discomfort, side effects, dangers involved, etc. It was worth it! I am having a root canal next week. I'm scared. But I don't want to lose my tooth or risk even more pain. But I'm not going to deny the discomfort and possible negative outcomes that might ensue. Maybe vaccination will be worth it for some people. But to portray vaccines with happy dancers and joyful celebration makes a mockery of all those who suffered or will suffer pain, discomfort, disabilities and worse.

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Hi Diana - I have had many root canals and they are easy to manage, provided the injection into the veins around the tooth, goes as planned and numbs it - if it does not, the root canal can be stimulating to say the least and I have had root canals in the past without any nerve blocking medication - I've just gone it, as it came.

A root canal operation removes the damaged or bad root from inside the tooth, depending on which one it is, with some teeth there can be more than one root to be removed - so saving the tooth, hopefully.

I had the last of all of my teeth removed about 18 months ago, I just have false plates now - in hindsight, I wish I had kept my teeth, because eating anything hard is impossible with just plates and I can only eat soft foods now.

Good Luck with your root canal, as you get older, the more likely you will be to have root canals as your teeth last longer than the roots themselves.

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Thanks. This will be my 3rd root canal. They haven't been painful during the procedure. The pain comes afterwards because of chronic infection/inflammation which is a problem for up to 20% of root canals. My first root canal was placed when I was 14 by a dentist who was not experienced with endodontics. I'm don't know if such a specialty even existed in 1956. However, this tooth has tortured me for the rest of my life. Until I started strict anti inflammatory diet it was painful to bite (my right front incisor) and painful if I pressed on the gum above the tooth under my nose. This book discusses all the problems with current dental practices--including the dangers from ineffective root canals. https://www.amazon.com/Mouth-Matters-Your-About-Revised/dp/0982586906/ref=sr_1_1?crid=UX1R4UEFG0PR&keywords=mouth+matters&qid=1684007450&s=books&sprefix=mouth+matters%2Cstripbooks%2C139&sr=1-1

Carol advises having your tooth pulled rather than undergo a root canal. I believe that it's better to find a good endodontist who has latest equipment (GentleWave) to properly sterilize the inside of tooth. I searched for 5 hours to find such a doctor, and I feel confident I am in the right hands.

Nevertheless, she found my roots almost completely inoperable because totally calcified. After 2.5 hours she had managed to fill one root out of four. She started on the second root and injected some medicine which may help with future drilling. I was pain free until I attempted to eat an egg. Even though I decided to chew only the left side, my tongue kept helpfully transferring some material to the right side because it believes in equal opportunity.

MY TOOTH EXPLODED. NO NO A jolt of electrical pain shot up from my jaw to underneath my right eye. And then another slight touch triggered a jolt down my jaw and throat. Even a friendly tongue touch triggered a brutal ache. After one week, my pains have diminished (I thought this tooth was dead?). I gave up eating because I was too tired and anxious to tolerate constant sharp bolts of pain that I couldn't control. Ravenously hungry and horribly afraid. Bedtime is indicated.

I am 80. I have one terrible root canal, and another root canal that doesn't bother me at all. Except that it was performed on a healthy tooth that didn't need a root canal. I think this current molar was the one that really should have been treated. Root canals are risky in my experience, but I have researched my dentist and have faith.

Carol Stroep believes that our dental procedures cause numerous problems which she details in her books and website.

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Wow - you are 80 - I am 76 - you are Mummy after all!! Sorry to hear about your previous root canals, we have both been there and done that then. When I read your initial comment, you implied (so I thought) that this next root canal was to be your first. As I've said, I had all of my remaining teeth removed about 18 months ago and now I just have an upper and lower plate and that's it - no more teeth - which is both a cause for celebration and a curse, because the lower plate falls out if I try to eat anything and the upper plate sometimes stays in place and sometimes falls out - so I have to eat without any plates in place, like a gummy mummy - hence soft food and meat cut into small pieces, so I don't choke on it. Celebration, because never have to go to a dentist ever again!!

Good luck with your next root canal - if the dentist had done the root canal properly at the time, there should have been no pain afterwards, I would have thought - I don't understand why you had pain.

If it is any help, fill a rubber hot water bottle with hot water and carefully put over any pain from a tooth, you will find the heat stops the pain or soreness very quickly and also any puffiness from a rotten tooth.

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Thank you for all your work!!

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Congratulations on the win. Blow for transparency & accountability sounds like a negative though, as in, it was denied. Maybe a win for transparency & accountability?

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Yes that part confused me. It wasn’t a blow for transparency at all… right?! 🧐

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English grammar & usage was one of my poorest subjects at school......so maybe it is correct. I'm not sure.

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My thoughts exactly. Good to know I wasn't the only one who was confused by that subtitle.

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Thanks for everything you do!! Your work is pivotal in getting the truth exposed. 🙏🏼

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WOW -- thank you Aaron and team!!! And thanks for letting all of us know regularly about such amazing progress!

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You are a true blessing Sir, and I am extremely proud to donate to ICAN every month. 🙏🙏 many blessings to you and the team.

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GOD BLESS YOU AARON!!!!!! Thank you for standing for TRUTH!

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Thank you thank you for your efforts on behalf of the children!

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HOPE for Today - GOD bless you Aaron Siri for our Creator has you in the Palm of His/Her Hand ...

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Awesome. Thanks for all you do.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023

I am one of 7 women in my family diagnosed with breast cancer over the past 20 years. My mother passed away within less than a year of her diagnosis in September 2003. She opted to allow the cancer to run its course. My older sister who was diagnosed in the same month as my mother remains disabled to this day, 20 years later as a result of her chemo/radiation therapy.

Nine years later, in November 2012, my younger sister and I were diagnosed with breast cancer in the same month. We found out after she passed that her employer coerced her into doing the conventional therapy by withholding disability income if she didn't do chemo/radiation. Meanwhile, after doing extensive research, I chose alternative therapies because I didn't want to become disabled like my older sister. Then, 2 years later, my younger sister and I were both diagnosed again with the same coercion imposed on my younger sister. She passed less than a year later while I am healthy, strong and rarely ill.

Today, I still feel a sense of intense rage at the cancer industry and the people who insist that there is only one path to healing. My younger sister, I believe, would still be here had she done the same therapy as I did. Our diagnosis was the same and she was even healthier than I was at the time.

I share my story because I believe my sister's death should mean something. I believe that the entire pharma-medical industrial complex is complicit in murder and sharing my story might make people think twice about conventional cancer treatment. I believe that our bodies are incredibly resilient and despite all the toxins in the air food and water we have a miraculous ability to heal - as long as we're not adding to the environmental toxins by injecting carcinogenic substances directly into our bodies in the guise of treating cancer. It never made sense to me that chemo AND radiation, both known carcinogens, could ever do more than weaken the body even IF it kills cancer cells. There are SO MANY other PROVEN healing modalities. I am a living example of this.

So in summary, vaccinations, cancer treatments and many other fraudulent medical interventions are nothing but a form of theft - of our health, our money, our bodily autonomy, our genetic code. Anything we can do to expose these industries and the harms they do, the better. It's like dealing with religious zealots trying to show people evidence, facts and just common sense to state our case. Too many people are dying and suffering needlessly - all for profit. It's diabolical and it must stop.

Thank you for all that you do Aaron Siri. So grateful that you're in this fight with us exposing the lies.

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Seven healing modalities that are available to anyone:

• Meditation

• Alkaline water - extremely important

• Supplement regimen - megadoses of vitamin C, D and selenium

• Diet - pure food in its natural form, avoid processed foods

• Exercise/yoga

• Detox - fasting

• Sleep - LOTS! I slept up to 14 hours a day at times

I also highly recommend two websites:

https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/ - incredible story about Chris Wark's success beating stage 4 cancer)


More than anything else, though, is that someone with cancer surrounds him/herself with people who support them in their decisions. I was blessed to have my brother, my nephew's wife and a dear friend who stood by me with each decision I made and believed in my choices even when I doubted myself. We don't heal from cancer (or any disease) alone. Thankfully there are also online communities who are there for people who need support and who do not follow conventional cancer treatment. We will continue to raise awareness about these alternatives and hopefully, eventually put the cancer profit industry out of business.

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If you don’t mind me asking, what therapy did you follow?

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Would you mind sharing what therapy you had?

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May GoD Bless & keep you safe from any & all harm Aaron SiRi!!! 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️

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You are the best!! I was a legal assistant for many years and would have loved to have been part of your firm back then.

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The work of a hero. Truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

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