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I am sharing the rumble link because it plays better for me


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Let’s change the conversation. There is No need to question the safety or efficacy of unnecessary products that have zero benefit and only cause harm. Vaccines are a failed theory bay have never improved health for any individual or community in any situation ever in history. The immune system does not need or benefit from “training” by manmade toxic substances and in fact every so called outbreak throughout history has been caused by toxic exposure as to chemicals or technology.

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The whole point of vaccines was for the Rockefellers to take over the medical industry.. thus they invented "viruses". Guess what the jabs caused ?... CANCERS... so they also set up the American Cancer Societies....

Good link by Rob (c137) below and to add to that is my favourite explanation and in general... taking 2 minutes of your time to understand (apologies if sent before).


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a great speech

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Thank you Aaron, I watched this twice, you make so much sense. The fact that big pharm has zero liability means they can sell vaccines with snake poison and not get sued no matter what. They earn billions of dollars for harmful products and the FDA/CDC is not regulating these products. Instead the FDA has become a promotional extension of big Pharm as you noted from looking at the FDA's website of happy families being shown after getting vaccinated.

Thanks for the intro to the Prep Act. Did you see the Dr. James Thorp's recently acquired FOIA'd 1,400+ page document that shows over 298 organisations/individuals received $13 billion? see his website, Totality of Evidence, https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-james-thorp/ .

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If You Found Yourself

Within A Disinformation Matrix

What Would You Do?

That’s Easy.

- You’d Go After The Power Supply.

In Our Case That’s The Testing/Trial Protocols.

Unplug That And The Whole Mother Shuts Down.


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They don't need those 8 rats to force you to take an injection. They just do that to rub it in your face.

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Love ‘Ya

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The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those

Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.

Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.

Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons

That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.

So Tell Them - To Their Faces:

“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”

You Owe Yourself That.

They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.

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Aaron, is there any route for suing the medical journals? For unjustly retracting some studies, or for retaining studies that have clear conflicts of interest, identifiable errors or fraud? They should be held to account if they are not publishing the robust science that most people believe they are.

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Aaron the event you have in AZ on thurs & fri is that open for the public to attend?

If so is there a schedule anywhere on who speaks on which days?

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Thank you so much for this wonderful talk. Diagnose and understand the cause of the problem, then treat the underlying causes. What a fantastic methodology!

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Are you familiar with the forensic work of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova? https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/laws-that-contradict-each-other?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I just finished watching the entire keynote. Best hour I spent in an age. Brilliant. Just brilliant. THANK YOU.

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Thank you Aaron! Why is the changing of the definition of a vaccine recently not a lawsuit? Is the definition that was in the 1986 act not recognized as the legal framework which the government needs to change if they are adopting new definitions? And how is it that the gene therapy listed on Moderna's own filings not evidence to that contradiction? (David Martin)

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Stellar! Others are plugging away as well, trying to enlighten the public about the context in which this abomination occurred. Thank you so much for all that you and ICAN are doing!


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They ignore it the same way they denied damage from all the other vaccines over the decades, going back to the Sabin oral live attenuated polio vaccine, which has been acknowledged in India to have caused 493,000 cases of so-called Acute Flaccid Non-Polio Paralysis between 2000 and 2017. How many cases in the United States did it cause until they stopped using it in the US in 2000. They couldn't admit it caused polio or polio-like symptoms, and doctors weren't looking for it, because polio had been eradicated. They just classified these various symptoms that they used to called forms of polio as chronic fatigue syndrome, Guilain Barre syndrome, dystonia, Tourette syndrome, fibromyalgia, myofascia, etc

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Agreed, but do not forget ... 2 words - "Spanish Flu" 1918; look familiar ???.


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They keep erasing erasing the history of it. About 12 years ago I read a newsletter (Dr. William Campbell Douglas?) that had data on how polio cases were declining in the US by the time the Salk vaccine came around. You cannot find that stuff with a Google or other search Engine now.

From the link you provided:

The polio vaccine did not ‘kill off’ polio. On the contrary, the vaccine resulted in more sufferers. In Tennessee, in the US, the number of polio victims before vaccination became compulsory was 119. The year after vaccination was introduced, the figure rose to 386. Similar figures for other American states. Polio became less common as a result of better sanitation and cleaner water supplies. The vaccination had no useful effect.

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The whole virus trope is 100% a giant business plan. Those who understand the biome and correct eating plans never suffer ills or health issues. Don't be conned by disney myths, just eat well and those trillions of life forms in and on your body will thankyou.

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Love this speech. Also happy and a bit amazed Dartmouth allowed it. My grandpa, father and a sibling attended Dartmouth. It's such a beautiful place. You are the BEST!

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