Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Game changer! Whether or not there is a smoking gun (or guns) within the documentation, this court decision puts the wipe to the arrogant smug face of Pfizer with its insane estimation of completion (what was it, like 76 years from now)? And in the likely case that there are smoking guns within the documentation, it is hoped that this will set a precedent for the future whereby drug companies will not attempt such brazen obfuscation as they have attempted to do here. Prediction: excessive redactions in the documentation they produce will have Aaron going back to court to clear up this additional procrastination tactic.

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It’s not Pfizer, it’s the FDA. Pfizer have produced these details for the FDA before approval. The FDA is trying to delay the public discovering that the injections are useless, and dangerous.

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It’s both Pfizer & the FDA. They’ve long been in cahoots. FDA commissioners know their future pre-retirement sweetheart $multimillion jobs rely on playing the hide the bad data game with BigPharma

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Although this is a great win, I’m sure a good portion of all the documents that will be presented will have so many redactions we will never know the truth. I looked to see what the redaction language was in the ruling, and with it being allowed, we will most likely learn little about the corruption between the FDA and big pharma in this matter. I applaud the ruling, but we’ll only receive snippets of the truth.

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The 1st 500 pages that they released was enough to have shut the pseudo-vax down.

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But they are hard to find. Why are they not mainstream?

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That's what they want to be called, but more accurate is "Lame-stream," or "paid-4-stream," or "news-gurus-views! ETC And the "stream" is going the WRONG direction!

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Where are the 1st 500 pages? Do we get to see them?

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Here they are: https://phmpt.org/

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I honestly don't remember. I think there were links to them going around on a couple substacks when they were 1 st released.

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The Pfizer 95% effective story, I believe is stretching the truth. I give them credit for a smooth job of marketing.

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I was disappointed to read about the redactions as well.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

Thank you. You’re absolutely correct. I guess my enmity for the corporate giant got the best of me. It’s the FDA that’s dragging its feet here. Its entangled cousin Pfizer is simply rooting them on while funding the FDA with a significant proportion of its annual budget.

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You hit the nail on the head Richard. The FDA is the watchdog for big pharma. The vaccine injured are now being blamed, shamed, ignored and left to fend for themselves when attempting to report adverse vaccine reactions as we psychiatric drug injured have been for decades. It's called 'quieting' the herd rending them voiceless so big pharma can continue profiting with the backing of the FDA. It's a medical cartel and scientist Peter Gotzsche calls it for what it is - organised crime. 'Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcare'. It's a must read, but I keep running into so many that claim they refuse to even read a book to educate themselves. The dumbing down of America seems to be very alive & well.

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I wonder if people that have ' woken' up will start to question the 72 vaxxes in the childhood vax schedule? All before the age of 18!! Imagine their little brains being flooded with these' Wonderful' life saving toxins!! How can any parent not ? what they are injecting from birth ?? Same for our beloved Pets!! Medical Cartel has our Vets Captured as well. I almost wish I didn't know what these last 2 years taught me!! It's frightening and keeps me up nights. Question everything!!!! Right down to your Tylenol and Antacids.! No JOKE!

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Your comments echo my own thoughts exactly! I dove down the Pharma rabbit hole about 10 years ago regarding cancer and the business of “traditional” cancer treatment protocol. It was a big eye opener to the massive Pharma/Gov/Elite & Corporate beast that runs the world.

Look at all the ingredients the FDA allows in our foods compared to other countries who ban those same toxic ingredients in their countries. Yet people keep trusting these LIARS. They’re making/keeping us sick so they can offer the treatment or cure, which can also kill us! $$$ Wake up America!! Stop the madness! Fight back. Say, “NO more”!! There’s way more of us than them! 🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼💪🏼

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I too wished I didn't know what I know through my own research & experience. It's so awful. They're drugging pets to death (do NOT ever give your pet Appoquel for itching. It's killed many dogs.) Kids being brought up by white-collar parents (past employer) inject their children with all 72 vaxxes and couldn't wait until the covid vax was available for their 7 yr old. Nor do they have a problem putting any of their 7 children on psychiatric drugs without doing any research on side effects, adverse effects or their severe often deadly withdrawal symptoms, trust the Doctor they say. Her poor ex-husband is on 8 of the most addicting psychiatric drugs known to man, he's so disabled from his 'meds' he can't work. But according to them he has a 'chemicial imbalance' and needs drugs to fix it. I reached out to every person in his life providing scientific information & books on the dangers of psych meds, they all said, no thanks I trust the psychiatrist. It was so sad to watch his life being totally destroyed by the drugs I couldn't work for him anymore. What hurt the most was that not one person in his life cared one iota about his health but me and I was just the housekeeper.

After being falsely diagnosed mentally ill and drugged for 35 years there's no way I'd ever walk into a Doctors office ever again, for anything. Nor would I ever give my pet a drug without reading the drug insert first (and thoroughly)

I did drug research for 5 years and today I won't even take an aspirin when I'm ill. I'm too familiar with how the medical cartel operates now and NO medications are safe not even Tylenol or antacids. This is pretty much what we're looking at in our reality: Questioning "The Greater Reset III" - Where is this Resistance Headed? - https://youtu.be/lVovR5MeDOI

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

Thank YOU very very much for the LINK,,,, it is good stuff 4US all! The "BLOCK Chain' is a "block that any person's soul, mind, will and emotions" are CHAINED to a "block!"

And that "Block Chain" was developed by Bill Gates, aka Willy Hates, and HIS company of OS developers in his company Microsoft!

And NO there wasn't any fictional one guy that "built the blockchain!" LOL"!

That is TOTALLY ridiculous as to be bluntly ignorant!

That video shows that anyone can do in-depth, and accurate RESEARCH, and debunk the lies of those who themselves are TIED, or Chained to DUH "block chain!"


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NO woky, woky up most all! How to know how many are AWAKE.. is to see how many are PROTESTING in the Streets Regularly, until they WIN! And we be there WITH THEM, to see and assist!

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It's tragic that naive people with good hearts trust the system when it has nothing to do with one's health at all. It's about how they're going to profit off each human body (and track) regardless of drug harm.

Statnews. ‘The Emerging Role of Remote Patient Monitoring

$499.00 - Published: Sep. 2020

As health care grows increasingly virtual, a shift accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, tech giants and startups alike are racing to stake out their territory, rapidly developing tools that can monitor health — or even diagnose disease — from a distance.’ - NO THANKS!

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Ditto your sentiments exactly!

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AND once trusted brands of Supplements, Blackmores & Swisse have been bought out by CCP / Cabal / Corporates & some people have discovered Graphene Oxide in some capsules &or tabs.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

Spot on! But what most, ie 99.9% of most all "bar carders" do not comprehend that there is Positive LAW, and "Non-positive" primia facie / looks like a law on it's face, but does NOT agree with the Constitutional Provisions, and or Laws of this country!

Why don't most all lawyers totally unable on not being able to comprehend the total, and complete difference of Positive LAW and the Opposites ... Negative or NON positive law!

Answer: is their training AGAINST the verdict of, Murdock v Pennsylvania us Supreme Court case which states.....

"NO state can take a right, turn it into a privilege and charge a license and a fee for that right"

From that point of reference, they have a "brain barrier," set in place!

So... most all lawyers, and attorneys, don't have a "CLUE" that the FDA is a NON-Positive Law, and they do NOT have any Authority, outside their interdepartmental agency that they are within. The FDA is a NON-Positive, NON-Law under the Title 42 USC. which also... has NEVER been 1. Enacted into positive law. 2. Been Codified into Positive Law to become... 3. Positive LAW . . . which the ONLY LAW that agrees with the US CONSTITUTION, and is valid with that "Law of the Land!"

SO.... we have a NGO, (until Title 42 becomes POSITIVE Law,) giving out PRIMA FACIE / looks like a law but in fact has NO AUTHORITY to make any law for anyone that are totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL;

Another FACT: See Norton vs Shelby County, (I prefer find.law, or justa.com) and see the words... and it is good if you tell OTHERS....

"While acts of a de facto incumbent of an office lawfully created by law and existing are often held to be binding from reasons of public policy, the acts of a person assuming to fill and perform the duties of an office which does not exist de jure can have no validity whatever in law.

"An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed." [end of copied and pasted form one of the suggested sites.]

BINGO! Title 21 USC, NON Positive law is over FDA, CDC, HHS ETC.....Nada LAWFUL agents of the this United States, (which borrows most of their interdepartmental authority form NON-Positive Law under Title 42 for all "child custody cases" in their UNCONSTITUTIONAL.... NON JURY TRIAL pretend-a-courts. etc, etc, etc)

Dejure = LEGAL

Defacto... is you guessed it . . . UN-LAWFUL! And anything that the FDA, CDC, HHS and any other names or titles, of their sub-contractors are called, are DEFACTO and N.O.T LAWFUL to dictate anything, including any LAW, Ordinances, order, or ANYTHING ELSE OURSIDE of their agency.

So now you have the TRUTH, that most, lawyers can not comprehend, in any micro-spec of the concept, because it violates their "TEACHINGS" on that they were taught, and tested upon, which was mostly "prima facia," looks like a law, but affords, nor grants ANY AUTHORITY to anyone, at any time,, anywhere!

So the real problem, secondly to the FDA pretended mandates, is the 1.2 Million "law schooled" gang playing "Civil" court cases, without any concept of what is LAW, and what is NOT REAL LAW!

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WOW, what a comment that was. You just educated me and I do have permanent cognitive impairment from taking my psychiatric medicine as prescribed, but most of the brain damage was caused from my cold-turkey withdrawals & seizures, so I had a hard time understanding it all. I'll read it twice! three times if I have to. And I sure thank you for leaving it Joh Dough.

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IF you, and or....anyone wants to "cleans" mind, body, and soul (mind, will, emotions,)"

I'd suggest a used (or new,) paper back called "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss, for entire cleansing!

I've lived by that "herbal" book since 1971.

I'd start in studying in about page 47 or the Chapter on herbs.

After the cleans, than maybe the beginning chapters.

And if anyone really, really needs to not only CLEANS their mind, body and soul.... there is also "Survival in the 21 Century.' Viktoras Kulvintskas

And that is also a "whole" body cleaning, including the mind / Brain / construct! And also I've met many who have had cancer, tumors, and almost all the major acute diseases "CURED," via that regime!

Page 43 is the GREAT staring point....

The so-called "health care industry," aka "doctors" hate both books!

Both herbs and cleansing can clean out heavy metals and a lot of the newer JUNK that are being place in the so-called food, and drugs.

I have not been to a doctor since 1969!

I live by both books for 51 years, and doing real "well" so far!

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You just jogged my memory! My mom had that book. That book sat in our old farmhouse for years. I sure will get a copy. For those that trust the Medical cartel AKA our healthcare system in America need this small reminder: John Breeding, PhD - Drugged: From Cradle to Grave- https://youtu.be/ez2e0XjRhFU

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Prediction: overhaul/new rules/laws about everything that has to do with EUA drugs and bringing them to market. Who knows, they may not even allow EUA drugs anymore.

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Well, maybe, but it seems to me that the momentum is on the other side of the issue. It is more likely that the distinction that separates EUA drugs, allowing them to be given freely without the requirements of full approval, will be strengthened, not weakened.

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The Judge's response with its quotes and referents was quite extraordinary. Your brief clearly inspired him to rise to the occasion, and he demonstrated that he recognizes the momentous nature of the proceedings.

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One thing that has struck me in reading these mandate related court decisions - the judges hate these mandates. They hate them based on foundational reasons, not because of some obscure, technical legal issue.

I truly am no legal expert - just the most casual observer. But the manner in which these decisions are described make for fascinating reading.

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I imagine that the judges hate these mandates because they are basically end-runs around the legal system and Congress. As for reading the decisions, I agree completely. I never in my life would have imagined that I would enjoy reading a legal brief!

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Spot on!

And since the CRIMINALS who are on a Killing, and maiming spree, via "Free Range" murder and maiming, are doing so because the majority of so-called "law" now a days, has NOTHING to do with "Constitutional RIGHTS," nor actual RICO Criminal Actions, NOR anything to do with "Trials by Juries," nor "Grand Juries," NOR Prosecutor's, which are NOT only US Constitutional, but also state constitutional as well!

But the "bar carder's" were taught to do only "civil" court "ACTS," rather than what would SHUT the CIMINALS into a federal pen!

Guess who taught them that!

NOPE.... the "three piece suited gangs" now-a-days do NOT have to worry about "CRIMINAL Charges," and just something, made up to seem like LAW, called "Criminal Complaints," which are NOT REAL, and are "prima facia" looks like law, but when REBUTTED, fails as such, since there is NO Trial by JURY in a REAL Criminal court action!.

Since REAL Criminal Complaints would have Title 18 U.S.C RICO Complaints rather than what they contain in the "civil suit", and in the actors, being "kind" / or "civil," to the Criminals!


And the other ones are "Corporate Administrative Tribunals (CATs)/ and have no-thing to do with "REAL LAW" in the "REAL Constitutional Courts," in the lease of the definition, of a court, thereof!

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If only the SCOTUS will as well.

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I got a bunch too small to be useful but multiple redactions in black do show. Sleese!

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Litigation is our only hope of turning this mess around. This is great news. FDA/CDC/AMA have already lost all credibility. It will be interesting to see if the documents show criminal conduct (which may well be the case). Thanks to the lawyers who have stepped up to fight this battle; not one many people want to take on. Sitting on pins and needles waiting to see how SCOTUS will rule on OSHA & CMS.

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Scooter....It's interesting you mention criminal conduct. Have you seen this video about vaccine toxicity from Reiner Fuellmich?

Exposes pattern of death linked to different batches of vacxines.


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Excellent. I like what I've seen from Fuellmich previously. Watching it now, thanks.

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Actually GOD is the only way outta this mess cause SATAN is the root cause. Lawyers ,judges dont scare him. Luke 4:5-8, Revelation 12:12.

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While I'm on board with you in the "big picture scheme of things", my understanding is that it will get worse before it gets better. Hence, my reservation about be over-confident that the SCOTUS will adhere to law and protect individual god-given rights. Yes, the battle is among principalities of darkness in the spiritual realm. But, in discussing it purely within the material physical world, courts are our last front.

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Very well stated, I understand you. Secular speaking, it does appear courts the last stop before something terrible. But it was always leading to terrible, before it gets A LOT better. Ephesians 6:12-13. Revelation 21:3-4.

Thanks for reply, the best.

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Thank you Aaron and to all of your staff and clients!

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That is great news. As a Canadian I am very grateful for all your hard work and determination to see it through. My only concern is how much of these monthly submissions will be blacked out.

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I am so sorry you are all in Canada too. Ontario here. The lies keep coming and they don't even care to cover them up. These are scary times. The lockdown here some are saying is to prepare for the school boards to all pass Vax mandates for the children. As a mother of three and a husband who lost his job to the vax mandates, my heart breaks more with each passing day. What have they done to our country? 😥

It is battleground USA. If the the Americans can beat this, we may stand a chance. America is and will always be the beacon of liberty for the rest of the world. Thank you, Aaron and team, for the work you are doing. We are all praying for your success.❤️

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I'm really sorry to hear about your husband's job loss. And I am assuming he won't be able to collect unemployment insurance which is one of the cruelest edicts we have seen in this country. And I agree the Vaccines will be mandated for school kids. The irony in B.C. is the teachers are not required to get these jabs. Like you my heart breaks a little more each day. I'm 71 years old and was born in Quebec, live in B.C. and spent nearly 2 years living in Alberta. Never in my lifetime did I expect our country to act this way. As you say,at least there is a strong growing resistance in the US. I pray they will be successful in overthrowing this medical tyranny. We need all the help we can get. As an aside I am the only unvaccinated member of my extended family of 19. It can get pretty lonely and very frustrating. At this point I am terrified. Ever since I retired in November 2019 it's been a covid he'll. So much for the "golden years". Hang in there. At least with all the substacks I am on I find some comfort knowing there are lots of people that share my sentiments.

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Hang in there! Lots of respect from Texas for your determination! Blessings!

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Thankyou for your kind reply from Texas. My maternal grandmother was American and she came from a long line of tough courageous Americans. Hopefully some of her genes will serve me well.

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I share your sentiments. I know that feeling of feeling like your heart is breaking a little more each day & feeling terrified. The things I hear from Canada, the UK, Australia, and yesterday a video showing attack dogs at a protest in Amsterdam... all of it is unimaginable. I value your describing what is happening in B.C. Keep heart. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn.

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Is this the first time in history where they blame the unvaccinated for dangers to the tripple shot vaccinated? It does sound insane but that's what we have in D C and apparently in Ottawa. - - https://www.eutimes.net/2020/02/liberalism-is-a-mental-disorder-akin-to-schizophrenia-according-to-new-study/

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I have been following Strong and Free Canada for months and will watch the recommended video. I've been on various substacks a lot in the last week nearly to the exclusion of anything else. It's on my list of to do things. I did manage this week to watch the fantastic interview with Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone.

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I'm new to substack, Helen. Have watched about half of the great Joe Rogan/Dr. Malone interview. Have you ever watched Del Bigtree at www.thehighwire.com? Highly recommend him as well. He has had Aaron Siri litigate a good number of times past and present.

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I have never used social media before but in September of 2021 I decided to try substack. Have never used Facebook or Twitter. I recently watched an interview with Del Bigtree and was very impressed.

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Detroit Teachers who work for DSPCD have been mandated to get the vaccine injection or be fired by February 18th, the Saga has begun! The students will be mandated by the start of the school year per quotes from the Superintendent and News.

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Yep, here in Ontario, Canada, I'm just lapping up the bright news stemming from Aaron Siri's expertise, savvy, hard work and commitment. He and his team will go down in the books with some of the other heroes once this nightmare we're living currently transforms into something we can all embrace with gratitude. Then you must give a nod of thanks to the integrity of the federal judge who held fast to the principles of justice for all.

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They are trying to get school boards to pass vax madates, mask mandates and all types of draconian measures. AJ DePriest talks about how it's being done in various states in the US based on the funds sent by the Fed Gov. The funds come with specific conditions to be implemented. Terrifying!


Episode 249, it's long but well worth watching until the end.

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I’m in Canada, too! I think people are finally waking up to the lies!

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Me too. I've heard a lot of vaccinated saying "we're all gonna get it anyway"

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That's big because why "get it" and inject with poison. I think injections seemed like a good idea when balanced against death. But that is no longer the case.

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In Quebec here, where it was announced today that the vaccine passport will soon only be valid with 3 doses...so I am extremely grateful to see this wonderful news.

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I'm in BC and hadn't heard that about 3 doses for passports to be valid. It doesn't surprise me and I bet it won't take long for other provinces to follow along. Another prediction that many of us saw coming. Fingers crossed that this ruling will be the beginning of the end for all the madness we have been subjected to.

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Just checked the news regarding Quebec. The 3rd dose is definitely being planned for vaccine passports, no date set yet. But now as of January 18th unvaccinated won't be allowed in cannibis or liquor stores and possibly personal care places. Am guessing that means hairdressers etc. His reasoning for the January edict is to protect the unvaccinated!

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

And yet, look at our daily stats: https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/sante/documents/Problemes_de_sante/covid-19/20-210-382W_infographie_sommaire-executif.jpg?1641485012. Hospitalization efficacy has been also steadily decreasing from approx 30x more in early fall for unvaxxed, to 10.7x last week, to 7.7 today

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I'm happy to give up my pot & booze when they mandate jabs to walk in the door. I'm happy to boycott restaurants, bars, concerts or any social function. My dilemma is when they mandate Bill Gates prick to receive my disability check and from what I see that's not too far off the horizon.

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It's clear to me that this is an attack on cash businesses and the vax pass is a means to eradicate working under the table. ie: Work for your money and keep it instead of having it confiscated and misuse by govt.

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Judging from the comments in our mainstream newspapers I am seeing a lot more skepticism in the replies especially since omicron arrived. It's too bad our dear leader isn't waking up.

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Trudy, the duh-not-a-leader, will never wake up: $oros and $chwab tell him what to do and what to think. He is an idiot prig puppet with an empty brain and a charred soul.

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Well said.

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I just think of all these people that took the jabs that still have to wear masks. I’d never say yes to it but if I had, man would I be livid. I’m in BC as well and I know it’s only a matter of time before they try to push again as their narrative is finally crumbling. We are so powerful even as a supposed minority. I feel a shift happening.

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What's disturbing is that so many countries around the world adopted these vaccines based purely on the FDA approval. We know the FDA didn't do its job on behalf of the American people. To see all these other countries take a gamble on their citizens' health based on vaccine trials which had not been previously fully disclosed is unbelievably lazy and criminal.

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German living in New Zealand here. This is some great news! Hopefully these mandates and jabcinda lies can be stopped soon. NZ has become brainwashed by all the fear the media is spreading.

I got the jab to be able to see my family again after it's been 3 years. Now I'm vax injured (collapsed 10days after 2nd shot, sudden nauseousness, dizzy, fatigue, chest pain, extreme exhaustion and shortness of breath after any light physical strain, rapid heart beats, skipping beats, pins & needles and numbness in my limbs)

A&E sent me to covid car park on the phone and wouldn't even see me. No respect, no medical attention when I most needed it! No diagnostic tests or treatment. Went to see GP, got me a full refund for my consultation as adverse reaction to the vaccine. Doctors notes not mentioning any of my symptoms. Again no checks. Said they will go away eventually. Yet still wanting me to get boosters because everything is 'normal' and 'safe'. Very sad to see what the health system has come to.

I was perfectly fit and healthy before. Worked out 6 days a week. Anti-inflammatory diet. 2 months post the jab and I'm still having these symptoms. Now can't exercise without getting exhausted or short of breath.

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I am so sorry to hear what a terrible time you have had since being vaccinated. It's stories like yours that bring truth to light. Still not vaccinated at age 71 and don't plan to be unless I am held down and forcibly injected. I've never even had a flu shot. And have always tried to eat a healthy diet. Avoid gmo's, transfats etc. I use all natural products for skin and health care and make my own household cleaners. I've always believed that maintaing my health was my responsibility and now all governments want to decide what's good for me. This can't end fast enough if it ever does. Appreciate hearing from you in New Zealand.

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

Good on you for looking after yourself and keeping healthy! Stay strong! All the best to you! :-)

Since I have changed to natural products I have been feeling a lot better in my own skin too! Nature is the best healer! My nan used to teach me about natural remedies and was always very opposed to nasty chemicals. My grandparents both made it over 90 years living by that approach! My kiwi partner is unvaccinated, never had a shot in his whole life. His mum also is a naturopath. So thankfully I am in good hands :-)

I feel like the government is treating everyone like children - as you said it should be everyone's own choice and responsibility to decide what's happening to their body. It's ridiculous how it's only ever been about promoting big pharma and never about a person's health. Instead of educating about healthy lifestyles, nutrition and promoting fitness in those last two years the media has been paid to spread fear and anxiety promoting everyone HAS to take 'this miracle shot that's gonna protect us all and gives us freedom to enjoy our kiwi summer'. (irony)

But wait...only for 4months... Then you join the evil unvaccinated who are 'truly irresponsible for not wanting to take the shot for the team of 5 million'. (irony)

Funnily it's the vaccinated in our country at the moment who have been irresponsible and spreading it. Because Jacinda and the media told them they fully protected and safe!

We are not a team anymore. I don't think we ever were. The mandates have deeply separated this country. So many of us here had to decide between jab or no job..or like me not being united with family. Discrimination and segregation is the new daily norm whenever you leave your house....

...but wait - didn't they teach us in school this stuff should never ever be happening in human history again?

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Your Nan sounded like she was a very smart lady. The wisdom of elders! At the rate we are going with this so called pandemic and misguided solutions we will be lucky to have any elders left. You are very fortunate to have a mother in law who is a naturopath. We have the same problem in Canada with pitting people against each other. Our own prime Minister has recently said its the fault of the unvaccinated that the hospitals are full when in fact it's the vaccinated that are overtaking that distinction. He recently said that generally the unvaccinated are racists and extremists and we take up space and should Canada have to put up with these people! Basically hate speech for which an ordinary person could be subject to our Human Rights Tribunal.

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Indeed! The wisdom of elders is so important. It's good to see though that despite the censorship on social media the old fellas haven't given up on sharing their beliefs, expertise and knowledge. I am thinking of all the scientists and experts like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, John Abramson... who are still trying to educate and spread their knowledge in these rough times when mass media seems to deny everything they say and leave society no room for any questions. (Thanks to Joe Rogan's podcasts on Spotify I otherwise wouldn't have become aware....)

Sad to hear about Canada. That's terrible he said that! What kind of a leader that's suppose to stand for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does that?

My partner and I lately have been watching the survival show 'Alone' that plays in some remote areas in Canada. Made us even more wanting to eventually go live off the grid. :D

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Thank you Lucinda! Yea I have already been taking quite a few of these. They definitely seem to help! Even though I feel like a 90 year old (I am 30) with all her capsules, teas, powders and oils... my partner already jokes he should have gotten me one of those daily dosage containers for christmas. :D

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Keep up with the supplements, load up on vit C and stay positive. These people have lost all reasoning capabilities and are damaging too many of us.

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Thanks! Yea, this has completely destroyed my worldview in the health care system and modern medicine (which used to be quite decent at home before big pharma took over).

I think I am sticking with mother nature. Can never go wrong with her.

Highly recommend this great book by Dr. Josh Axe:

Ancient Remedies: Secrets to Healing with Herbs, Essential Oils, CBD, and the Most Powerful Natural Medicine in History

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Thanks for the book suggestion! Right up my alley.

Just bought something similar by Nicole Apelian & Claude Davis "The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies."

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That's great that you and your partner are able to find humor in what must be trying and stressful times. Wishing you a full recovery, Karin.

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Thanks! Well, what can you do! I'm glad I have the kiwi support especially since all my family live in Germany.

Feeling miserable for myself isn't gonna do any good to my body nor my partner....

I'm just angry about all the lies we are getting told and the brainwashed people around us blindly following and believing them.

And now they going to vaccinate the children...don't get me started...

All I can do is tell my story and sit this out. Truth will hopefully find its way soon with more and more people questioning things.

All the best, Lucinda!

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Please, if you are in Canada, sign this important petition to support your free medical choice and to reject the imposition of vaccine passports! Do it for you and for our children! https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Sign/e-3592

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Just signed the petition. Thank-you for the link.

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Sorry I meant to reply to your other comment!

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Look at you!! Kickin arse!!! When truth is on your side, you’re unstoppable! Excellent news!!

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Thank you. I am powerless but you represent me. Thank you again from the voiceless.

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Amazing! I love the language of the ruling! So nice to have good news once in a while. Fuck this mafia!

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Congratulations and thank you for the amazing work you and your team are doing! I have to say I got teary eyed reading it. Like...maybe our system is still working. I didn't fully understand the redaction portion. Could they black out huge, important portions of the studies? Or will they have to explain their redactions?

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I agree about being concerned about redaction. Hopefully we will get an answer.

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It looks as they CAN ONLY redact what the law allows.

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Not too sure about that. Aaron Siri had previously posted that the FDA had released the first 91 pages of data. He stated they had redacted the number of additional full-time employees Pfizer had onboarded to help alleviate the large number of adverse reports. In his post, Aaron wondered, why is that proprietary?


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Well, after thinking about it, the entire thing… including the brief he brought is absurd. We should make it simple by just getting a real scientist look at what’s in the vaccine and publish the findings! This is all more BS.

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Thank you, Aaron Siri, to you and your team. And sincere congratulations! This is the best news I've heard in quite awhile.

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I am very happy with this result. I hope that in your life you will always have successes like this.Thank you.

Unfortunately I don't know English and have done a Google translation. I would like to share a piece of news with you.

΄΄Subversion In Bosnia and Herzegovina: Lawyer Defeats Government in Vaccination Certificate Litigation

Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes the first country in Europe not to implement the COVID-19 pass for its citizens, after lawyer Mirnes Ajanovic won a victory against the government.

The lawyer used his legal skills and constitutional knowledge and, thanks to official Pfizer documents, managed to defeat the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which ultimately did not implement the COVID-19 pass for its citizens.

Relying on the country's constitution, Mirnes Ajanovic proved that vaccinated people transmit the virus in the same way as unvaccinated people and that it is unreasonable to introduce a COVID-19 certificate.

Thus the government was forced to withdraw the decree.΄΄


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That’s great, and gives us hope here in Canada where we not as lucky with our government right now!

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That’s great, and gives us hope here in Canada where we not as lucky with our government right now!

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Absolutely amazing news. I’m not particularly religious, but you are an angel.

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You may find God through all of this. I hope so.

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I believe in a higher power and I live my life by basic commandments and tenets to do little harm, practice sympathy and seek truth and enlightenment, even if I don’t ascribe my morality to any specific religion or belief system. That said, I was raised Protestant and by very strong and principled parents—I believe they’re responsible for most of my character.

Regardless, I think we all need to stand together in this time, irrespective of or our spiritual or political differences and unite around the basic moral fibre that all decent humans possess.

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This is Biblical! Revelations tells us it is the END TIMES of them!!! Not us! So don’t give in! We must ALL unite! God is LOVE… we are up against this evil demigod … who has ruled the world since Babylon… caused all our wars, poverty, stolen our money, our freedom, our health , sacrificed our children! It is Armageddon !! We will win if we UNITE UNDER GOD WHO IS ON OUR SIDE!!! RESIST AT ALL COSTS! We are MILLIONS and they are thousands!!! We must not give up!!

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It is absolutely thrilling to hear this great news!!! Well done, thank you for your work!

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Makes a new reason to celebrate January 6!

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Still 6.81 years for full disclosure is not realistic disclosure years to disclosure. 3 years would have been to long under current circumstances. 12 months should have been more than enough time. For God's Sake is electronic information it could all be sent in a millisecond.

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If it would have taken 75 years at 500 pages/month, then the judge says do it 110 times faster, 75/110=0.68 years ~= 8 months

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MONTHS, not years. It all will be released within 8 MONTHS.

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LOL, thanks for making me laugh

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Sorry for the miscalculation. The point is push a button and send it in a couple of seconds. These great lawyers have to read it not some Government Lackie who does nothing for a living.

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They have to “redact” certain things. That’s why it couldn’t just be a push of a button. I’m sure humans actually have to determine what’s able to be redacted and what’s not

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Kudos, Aaron. Your perseverance is a service to truth and justice. Keep up the great work.

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