I am a proud antivaxxer, lol. Keep up your outstanding work, Mr Siri !

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77% might be anti-vaxxers

100% are anti-haxxers!

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA plasmids in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated dies. Also, this artificial genetic disease could be passed to the children, grand-children, until the end of the world.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).


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Great article, as always. I am so proud of you.

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I've been an anti vaxxer since 1976 when I was forced to take the swine flu jab in the military. Felt like crap afterwards and vowed to never get another jab. Thanks Aaron - great work.

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In 1976, the Swine Flu vaccine was pulled with less than 50 deaths.

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I will say the obvious. Now there are millions of dead and injured from the so called covid vaccines and they are still pushing the injections, gas lighting and lying to the public. That is unquestionably proof that killing people is the goal.

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I remember seeing Bill Gates on a Japanese TV show called TED saying, "The world population is too large, so we need to reduce it." At the time, I just thought that the world population was certainly large, but the pseudo-mRNA vaccination revealed his frightening intentions. Moreover, when I looked into it, I found that he had been carefully preparing for this for over 10 years.

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Millions of people received it before it was pulled.

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Here is a clip from an old 60 Minutes interview about the harms caused by the Swine Flu vaccine.


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This video is old but it was helpful. Thank you. I'm Japanese, and back when it was discovered that thalidomide caused birth defects, public health doctors ignored it for a year. At the time, the US had an ethical head of the FDA who refused to approve it because the clinical trial period was too short. They also ignored Minamata disease caused by mercury for several years. Insufficient supervision of the production of hemophilia drugs led to HIV contamination, resulting in hundreds of deaths. Girdasil also ruined the lives of many young women because blood tests were not conducted beforehand.

I think that public health doctors, especially at the national level, are incompetent and irresponsible. When an accident occurs, they only think of excuses to make.

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Great news!!

Question for you: Do any of the attorneys on your team work w veterinary vaccine issues?

Many people don't realize that the conditioning & acceptance of "vax passports" has roots in animal medicine. I've given up hope on having another dog as it's become so difficult. I can opt out of shots ... but can't kennel a pet, use any kind of day care, or travel in some cases without a veterinary "proof of shots" (passport).

Pets are massively over-vaccinated, and experiencing the same rise in cancers, etc. as humans.

The other day, a friend told me that the vet told her that her dog was due for a flu vaccine. When she tried to decline, the clinic resorted to extortion... told her she couldn't bring the dog in for a frigging nail trim unless it had that flu vaxx. So infuriating!!!

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The veterinary vaccination schedule is a business (as attested to by vets themselves). You can always get titers (blood tests indicating immunity levels) if you need certificates for boarding or travel. All vets are familiar with the titer test.

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I've been down Titer Road and have fought that battle as well. Too much to type here, but suffice to say, in my opinion, titers are part of the problem. The titers ordered for my dog were much more expensive than the vaccines, and based on the same hubris that we understand immune systems so well that we know exactly what to test for, look for, etc.

I asked my own (phenomenal) holistic doctor why it was so hard to find a reasonable vet ... and he concurred that it is next to impossible in Ohio. (He's tried as well.)

I'm 62, and have been on this health path for a long time. In my experience, the younger vets are the worst. Fresh out of indoctrination camps, and likely carrying big debt loads from that schooling. A terrible combination...

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Sometimes but not always. Many vets say the titer tests are not accurate.

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That’s pure fabrication, and any vet telling you this either doesn’t understand titers (many do not) or are acting from greed, not science or caring about your animal’s health

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Of course they would say that the titer tests were not accurate…it’s cutting into their vaxx schedule revenue stream! The practice of veterinary medicine is as bad or worse than the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System!

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They might be familiar with the tests, but they don't perform them OR accept them in lieu of jabbing your pet. (Speaking about my area of my state.) Try and kill off your dog or you can do nothing.

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Any vet holding you for ransom until you vaccinate unnecessarily should be FIRED. Extra credit: tell them why.

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I've fired many of them over the years. Told them why. Yes, I'm that person they curse about after I walk out the door (have been so pissed sometimes that I now have a "trucker mouth" on me when needed.)

I've got so many of these stories that I actually published a book of them (Courage in the Face of Experts.) Not trying to sell books, and there aren't even vaccine-related stories in it, but I AM DONE with Wannabe Gods trying to force ideas down my throat...

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I took one of my cats to the vet said he had urinary infection, I don't think they had gotten the results back it was too quick. Took him down the street had test done results were negative. But this vet said he had a heart murmur, possibly needing surgery. Then I hear the vet tell whoever was in the next exam room that their cat had a heart murmur. That was the last time my cat saw a vet, my cat will be 15 next month. Who is going to question it? Most people will pay to keep their loved ones, these people bank on it.

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You nailed it. And I think that’s also why it was so easy for them to target the children. Convince parents they are bad people if they decline any tests, recommendations, etc. for the children they love.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

I did both. I kept telling them that I was not going to let them kill my 17 year old dog.

I had a hard time finding a vet that would see my dogs. There's 1 here, at this time. Even the crappy vets with very few patients will not see you. 2 of the 3 need medications. One for heart, the other for glaucoma, I can't not have a vet.

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There are ways around vets and kennels. See a holistic vet, and get a pet sitter. Don't register your dog. Feed raw, no pharma or shots.

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My naturopathic vet provided nosodes and homeopathic for my cats that worked very well.

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What homeopathics are available for cats?

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yep i pet sit all year round in New Zealand

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Everywhere we have lived ( with our 9 rescue dogs over about 50 years it has

been illegal not to register and l

license your dogs.

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I don't know about you but I don't care what laws or regulations there are, I will not vaccinate my pets or my kids. All vaccines are poison. I will not poison my loved ones.

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The licensing is done through the county or city you live in. It’s also a revenue generating income stream SCAM!

Are the ‘dog police’ coming around and knocking on people’s doors asking how many pets are in this home where you live?

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Rarely, IME. My clients just flew under the radar, choosing not to license.

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I live in San Diego. After a few rabies ‘boosters’ I quit with the rabies shots for my Blue Heeler. When the license renewal came I sent it back with the checked box “dog no longer in the area”, and went under the radar. She passed just a few months shy of her 16th Birthday.

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Excellent. She was a “good citizen” (immune to rabies) but you refused to do unnecessary further vaccines (that would be all risk, no benefit). Winning approach!

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I'm going to try that with my kitten/1 year old.

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deletedJul 30·edited Jul 30
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I live in San Diego. My vet did talk about it, but I said I wasn’t going to give my dog the rabies shots (after the two she had had). My vet practiced holistic as well as traditional veterinary care, and didn’t push the ‘traditional veterinary care’ if you weren’t interested in that for your pet.

She never asked me again, and continued to treat my dog until the end of her life, just shy of 16years old.

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Good point Kelli. interesting that Bourlas, CEO of PFE is a veterinarian.

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My dogs have a single DHP vaccine at 16 weeks and that's it for life. We decline leptospirosis and bordatella as they are equivalent to covid vaccine, nether safe or effective.

We cannot officially use boarding kennels, but luckily some go beneath the radar. We also cannot obtain a breeding license without using all the 'core' vaccines, so we do not have one. The pharmaceutical mafia have a very cosy relationship with the government and veterinary authority. I'm sure envelopes regularly change hands. I will not kill my dogs using toxic vaccines, flea treatment or wormers, they are healthy and parasite free. (In the UK).

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This is actually an area where people who were questioning vaccines get converted to "anti-vaxxers" (LOL). They see their pets go through stuff, they start asking questions, and suddenly it all begins to fall apart ..... seriously though.

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I became an anti-vaxxer, via my dogs, over a decade ago. Covid vaccine has a similar profile to canine leptospirosis vaccine. I am joint admin on a world-wide leptospirosis Facebook group. The stories published are heartbreaking, death and disablement on a huge scale.

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Paul, I’m following you. I didn’t know anyone who shared my views about the veterinary industry. Thank you for validating my choices of not taking her to the vet. I’ll take her if I face something that I cannot handle it, but it hasn’t happened yet. Thank you for sharing your excellent opinions.

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I edited my comments; “her” is my 4yo beagle rescue Millie 🤪😆

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Yes that is true. I real red flag for the covid "vaccines" happened when two beautiful gorillas in an American zoo got a covid "vaccine" and died. I can't remember where it was...

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There are more & more vets speaking out. If you lived near me, I’d keep your dog and trim the nails if your friend’s dog.

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They did the same to PEOPLE in Canada. Needed a Vaxx Pass to travel, go to restaurants etc., complete insanity. It took a while, but push-back started (Trucker Convoy) when they mandated ALL truck drivers to get vaxxed. Insane. They were messing with food and goods distribution! Never again. I will never comply to anything forced again.

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I know. And they are starting up again with this nonsense in the EU.

My point is that a good bit of the psychological conditioning to accept all this starts with the animals. Always does. Think research labs. We need to start cutting at this thing closer to the root.

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I have searched and searched for a Veterinary vaccine adverse event database and have asked many sources. It appears that you can report a veterinary vaccine event, but you cannot look them up. Reporting is through USDA: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/veterinary-biologics/adverse-event

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Well that's interesting, eh?

My "data" comes from being an animal lover (mostly horses and dogs) all my life and knowing many pet owners .... hearing the first-hand accounts of post-vaccine problems. And it's the same insanity as with most people ... VERY FEW folks make the connection between the shots and the problems.

Personally, I'm observing many more dogs with behavioral issues these days. It's being attributed to poor breeding, lack of socialization, etc. (All of which could be involved.) But I wonder if we're seeing in dogs something akin to the high autism rates for kids ... vaccine injury producing more and more brain inflammation and personality changes??

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Yes, Kelli, your anecdotes no doubt are very accurate. I believe many cancers in pets also may be caused by injections, but the cancers develop long enough after vaccination that no one (especially the vet) makes the connection. Vets just do what the USDA tells them to do, and they are paid to do it. And people obey like, well, sheep 🐏🐑. Sound familiar?

EpochTV did an excellent documentary about aluminum adjuvants that primarily addressed human vaccines, but also discussed veterinary vaccines and weird behaviors in sheep, plus implications for dogs (near the end). I recommend this movie to everyone: Under The Skin | Documentary (EpochTV video 1 hr 35 min): https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/under-the-skin-documentary-4736070

Anyone looking for more resources, please check out Covid Essential Links here: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links

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I will never give another animal a shot. 2019, we had rabies vaccine for entery into another country. Both our cat's were ill after and have been no stop to vet's since. Then the hoax happened and boy did I do some research into vaccines, although I'm aware this particular one isn't a traditional one, all of them in my opinion are useless and damaging. Here in Europe they are trailing vaccine passports for humans. I'm hoping it will be a disaster and nobody will allow it. But after the last four years I'm not convinced the average Joe will not understand the complications of this part of the agenda.

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You might be interested in the deep dive that Unbekoming did on the rabies topic. Spoiler alert: it will likely tick you off, but confirm your instincts. ☺️


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only evil people would do that.

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Time to find another person to trim her dogs nails!

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Agree 100%. So much pressure to vaccine my dog. Dogs aren’t even living past age 12-13. These days I avoid the vet as much as I can.

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Hope she told them where to stick it.

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exactly ! when called an anti-vaxxer I say, no not an anti-vaxxer. YOU can have all the vaxx' you want (and mine too). I am anti-mandate. I am pro-choice. I am pro-freedom. Isn't that what this country is all about? Silence...

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I love this!

I call myself a PRO-RESEARCHER & and EX-vaxxer but yes, please, feel free to get all the vax you’d like.

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Ditto. I call myself “pro informed consent “

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Agree, I call myself pro choice when it comes to abortion and vaccines. No one should control my body.

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I’ve been an absolute anti vaxer since 2007!! Proud of it too. My coworkers tried to shame me during covid. I just kept asking questions like oh did you get vaccinated? Both said yes of course. I replied then your covered why are you worried about me. If your vaccine works then you don’t have to worry.

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no but this on is DIFFERENT. If you don't get vaxxed MY vax won't work! ????? Come again? Then um, it really isn't a vax is it? No it isn't, its GENE therapy. Take while pregnant, no studies you know re: birth defects, long term impacts and the like. But oh, do take it! Perrrrfectly safe they hissed...

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We can now see the pharmaceutical industry’s dissemination of false information 20/20 now. Herd immunity, my ass!!!

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Anti-vaxxer here.

I was in the military and took every vax known to man except for the anthrax.

Now, someone will have to put a gun to my head and fire before I ever take another vax again.

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Me too, except that I did have one anthrax shot (fortunately not the whole series). No more for me, ever.

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Anti-vaxxer, and also a "climate denier" here.

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I have embraced my newish (ugh, retired but now wide-awake pharmacist) anti-vaxxer status by telling my strongly pro-jab MD brother “that’s Auntie-Vaxxer, thankyouverymuch!)


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WOW! You are really smart! (I'm serious. Not being facetious.)

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Aaron writes "Not only do a majority of Americans oppose receiving these vaccines, an even greater percentage of Americans no doubt oppose mandating one or more of these products."

Personally, I don't care of there are 1,000 "vaccines". The issue is coercion. If some of our fellow citizens want to get a different injection every day, then go for it. My body, my choice.

But when basic citizen rights and privileges, such as employment, education and participation in social events, are threatened unless toxic Frankenshots are accepted, then we have tyranny. The CDC vaccine "schedule" is a tool of control and oppression.

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A 'fnin men. Preach. Then again that's exactly why that was done. To destroy the social fabric and use fear to strip you of your rights because YOU were in your RIGHT mind, and they were out of theirs with FEAR. A fear driven mob is a dangerous thing. I hope the elites remember this when the world lies in ruins and Mad Max is gunning for them...

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The word “vaccine” is sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

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Anti-vaxxer is not a pejorative term, it is a sign of intelligence and knowledge. The more you know the more you won't want to vaccinate.

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You're spot on, of course: the term 'anti-vaxxer' is most certainly a sign of intelligence and knowledge. I'm in the UK, and am very proud to have been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35-40 years (am 65). The last so-called 'vaccine' I had was when I was a 12-year-old kid in school; ie, when I was then not aware of the fact that 'vaccines' are a medical fraud.

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You are a warrior, Mr Siri! Reading this post I am heartened that the majority of Americans are choosing life over disability and death. I pray that this is part of national awakening which will hasten the demise of Big Everything!!

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When I was researching cancer and cancer causes and treatments, I quickly realized we are all vaccine injured. Just look at people's faces, almost everyone has small areas in their face that are paralyzed. All the asthmas, allergies, ear infections, all brain damage, when severe = Autism, it's so freaking obvious!

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To be fair, many of those with partially paralyzed faces have gotten either botox or plastic surgery. ;)

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haha, I was just noticing Ancelotti's face yesterday. He's the coach of real Madrid soccer team... super nice guy, no plastic surgery there but half his face is completely different than the other side, they say people used to have perfectly symmetrical faces in the 1800's and before

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Thank you Mr. Siri for the great article! I’m happy to hear the percentage of people who question or oppose vaccines is growing. I will never get injected again now that I know the ingredients. The big issue is finding a pediatrician who doesn’t push vaccines. They make so much money per injection that most are not willing to accept patients who say NO to the vaccine schedule. They get bossy and angry and tell you to find another practice when you decline the flu shot and tell them your child will not get the next set of boosters.

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Hi there. I have five kids … oldest four are jabbed enough that no one threatens to kick them out but my fifth … I woke up with a cold slap of reality thanks to Covid. I finally did my research and no more shots for me or my kids. Like zero more.

There have been consequences to this decision … here in CT there is no religious exemption so my youngest, who is three injections short of being fully jabbed, cannot attend the public schools his siblings attended. I am homeschooling him. Of course our big pharma shill of a pediatrician dumped is but o discovered WE DONT NEED A PEDIATRICIAN 😱 … yes that is a big secret a lot of people don’t want you to know … you don’t need a pediatrician! I have a broad knowledge of physiology and am a gifted diagnostician… I treat us at home with the tools of my medicine cabinet and common sense. When we have an issue I do t know how to handle or something dramatic like a broken bone, we use urgent cares or emergency rooms. I’ve been doing this now for years and without regret. If a camp etc requires a medical form, we use urgent care for that too! If we need a specialist, I can figure out what kind and I just take them without a referral (our insurance covers in network with a copay with or without referrals) … it’s been very freeing!

Follow your convictions!

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Same!! My 16yo son had a very bad earache after we went to a water park. He was crying and yelling in pain and demanding to see a doctor but it was a weekend and I didn’t want to pay the huge copay. I gave him Mary Ruth liquid multivitamin (Amazon) which contains a good amount of zinc. Next day he was 60% better; took a second dose of liquid vitamins and I never about it from him again. Both my kids haven’t had antibiotics for a decade and I haven’t had antibiotics since 2011. So glad that I’m not alone. Thanks everyone for the validation.

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A mom in our community FB group asked this question today. Several moms jumped on a told all abt their docs who were FINE with no vax and some mentioned just never going to the pediatrician. Just hit up the “doc in a box” or GP. You don’t need pediatricians to measure their head and weigh them and to pronounce them “normal” anyway.

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Our “pediatrician” was often a chiropractor, kids all unvaccinated and rarely sick compared to their friends.

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Exactly. Those ‘well visits’ are simply a ruse to get kids jabbed. If your child isn’t sick, they don’t need a ‘checkup’.

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Yep and when I figured that out it was a lightbulb going off … WAIT A MINUTE, WHY DO WE NEED A PEDIATRICIAN?

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Yes agree!! After I saw a self righteous condescending, fervently vaccine-supporting pediatrician about eight years ago, I said never again. I lost respect for their profession. They’re good people brainwashed into becoming the vaccine police.

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I'm surprised and pleased to see that this is a HUGE topic of concern in mom groups online. And you're right, those pediatricians are getting downright fascist about insisting on vax's.

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They’re militant abt getting the shots bc Big pHARMa is pressuring them AND giving them serious kickbacks— to the tune of like $70,000 if 70% of the kids are up to date on vaccines. It’s all abt the $$$.

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Absolutely disgusting what they're doing.

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Rust, it will be alert mamas like me and other antivax moms who eventually get changed made to children’s healthcare. And a little product liability wouldn’t hurt either

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If you have a community

FB group, it’s a great place to ask this question AND to give folks something to think abt! I sent my pics of stacks of great anti-vax BOOKS and several peer reviewed studies.

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I was an anti-vaxer before being an anti-vaxer was cool.

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Good for you! I have a friend like you, total badass antivaxxer who moved states so her kids could attend public school. She tried to tell me many years ago but I would not listen … it was easier to keep injecting my kids and not be hassled. Damn it SHE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!! When I finally stopped and did the research I was just shocked and very upset I’d taken part for so long. My older kids have had so much injected into them … misery! I trust God with the outcomes of my past folly and I move forward a wiser woman

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I relate. I stopped vaccinating my kids when they were 4 but by that time they still had 15-20 vaccines too many. And I was a hospital social worker who had too many myself: annual flu vaccines for 15 years. But I really do believe that eating lots of fruits and vegetables help to clean out the blood and the liver to remove these toxins so I’m sending encouragement and hope.

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Definitely happy to now be an antivaxxer

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Yes...people are "jealous" of me now ...where before they reviled and hated on me and wouldn't sit next to me in the dining hall in my "senior living" retirement center. I was thrown out of a local food co-op for refusing to wear a "mask"...I knew that "mask" was just a prelude to worse infringements. My daughter an MD who was angry at me before now says: "You were right, Mom"...

Frankly-- this is cold comfort. It's nice to be "right". But more change than that will have to happen in our culture. Our doctors who have been revered almost as "gods" have fallen from their positions. So many deaths and injuries.

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