There are many parents out there that will be ever grateful for the work you have done and continue to do. I spent the first 18 months of this wondering where the civil rights lawyers were and am very glad to see that not all of you were lost to the hypnosis. Thank you.

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There is a lady who is mounting a remarkable battle against WA state re school mandated vaccinations. It is SO well written and compelling. I urge Aaron Siri's readers to have a look at it. https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MDE0MTcyMiwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDY5MTg4MDksIl8iOiIwYXRiQSIsImlhdCI6MTY0MTg2MzcyNywiZXhwIjoxNjQxODY3MzI3LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzQ3MTE0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.teWi_i2OxQsHFpX7egkmIb64zrxx11vhql00ceYzSjc

It is Margaret Anna Alice's Through the Looking Glass substack.

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Brilliant letter. I can’t thank you enough for posting this link. I have already shared it with others.

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Yes. We should all copy it and send it to our elected representatives -- IN LARGE PRINT!

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See the generic version I created just for that purpose :-)


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Yeah for MAA‘s letter to the State of Washington!

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Margaret is amazing!

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Thank you for sharing! I live in Washington state. Is there a way to recall the governor?

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I don't know if there is right now while our elections are a dirty, cheating mess. I don't even believe Jay Inslee won. I believe Loren Culp was the clear winner if only legal ballets counted.

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I think there was an effort last year. You could internet search it. BUT. He is popular right? And the D's own the elections there. If you have lived there long you will remember the strange recount after Dino Rossi won the governor seat. THEN they let Gregoire's camp count, recount, find mystery ballots, conjure the dead and get them to submit late ballots... then she became governor. And that was the end to a serious R challenger to the D's for the Governor of WA. Still pissed about that. Haha

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Good luck on recalling the Governor…we worked on recalling the Governor for two years down here in CA and got enough signatures to put it on the ballot in 2021…the day of the election, Governor Newscum declared himself the winner before the polls even closed! And we all know that it was a rigged election in the Democratic governors favor, because by far more CA voters despised him and voted to remove him, rather than people voted to keep him in office!

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Wow. I heard in the non mainstream news that he might have been injured by his 3rd dose. I haven't seen him any interviews. Have u heard anything on that?

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Yes Governor Newscum

has been conspicuously absent for awhile now…but then I never watch TV or Mainstream news so what would I know? 😉😜

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That's despicable; I'm so sorry!

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What recourse do we have in Washington State to save the children from being mandated to receive the covid shots to attend private and public schools? Thousands of Washingtonians have watched via zoom and felt helpless as this unanimously pro-covid-shots-for-tots Board has held meetings in 2022. The slideshows presented to the appointed voting members of the State Board of Health contain misleading information about the necessity, safety, and efficacy of covid shots. The Board members are not being presented with fair and balanced information from independent experts. How about a small but mighty group of medical and scientific professional to write a fair, slide-by-slide rebuttal of this misleading, disingenuous, slideshow? The issues of natural immunity, low risk to children, high risk of serious adverse effects and deaths in VAERS, VAERS underreporting factors, lack of effectiveness of the covid shots against current and emerging variants, age risk stratification, unknown long-term unknown side effects, experimental use authorization, dosing by age not weight, lack of carcinogenicity or reproductive toxicity studies, hospitalizations/deaths of children WITH covid versus DUE TO covid, clinically misleading PCR tests, mild Omicron variant, short-term waning immunity of covid shots, need for children's contribution to herd immunity after recovering from mild illness, and many other critical issues are not being addressed in the meeting materials presented to the State Board of Health. The public has no voice in choosing the officials or their vote. The Technical Advisory Group to the BOH is meeting on 2/10, 2/17, and 2/24 to make recommendations to the BOH before the final vote of the BOH is expected on March 9. The rebuttal could be presented to the BOH in a mass email campaign before the final TAG team meeting on 2/24. If you are a scientist or health care provider, please consider an incisive rebuttal to these slides. If you are a writer, please write about this urgent story.

The evaluation criteria and presentations are here

Presentation materials for 2/10 and 2/17:


9 Immunization criteria:


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Nancy, you make some great points. I'm currently working on a rebuttal to criteria 5 and my friend who is a nurse is working on a rebuttal to criteria 6. You're absolutely right about how they misrepresented data during the WSBOH on Feb 10th. Here are just a couple of examples.

-The graphs showed higher case numbers in the unvaccinated with no explanation of the frequent testing policy for unvaccinated individuals.

-All the case data is based on the faulty RT-PCR tests that the CDC has discontinued because of an unacceptable rate of false positives, stating that the tests cannot determine contagiousness.

-They showed a small spike in hospitalizations in the (0-4) age group without qualifying that this is likely due to the seasonality and age susceptibility of RSV or what seasonal hospitalization baselines are for specific age groups. There was NO explanation of if they hospitalized with COVID or from COVID.

-They presented NO data for transmission among school age children and those in day according to their vaccine status yet expected the members to vote on this without any information presented. 12/17 voted yes, despite NO evidence!

-There was no mention of the lack of efficacy demonstrated in the Pfizer trials for children under 5.

My other overall concerns include they have misrepresented the risk of Omicron in children, they misrepresented the risk of multi-system inflammatory syndrome (also caused by the C-19 injections MSIC-V), they are NOT even mentioning natural immunity, and they are not concerned with the lack of safety data or the high number of adverse effects reported to VAERS. They seem to only be concerned with equity, barriers, and public perception. Their lies are a house of cards and it's not hard punch holes in their false narrative.

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Aaron, thank you for your continued vigilance.

I just published the letter I submitted to the Washington State Board of Health regarding their proposed policies to involuntarily detain individuals in “isolation” camps and force injections on schoolchildren to be discussed at their January 12 meeting:


Can everyone reading this please help me get this urgent message out and prevent these terrifying policies from being approved?

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Good for you! Bravo! But maybe you should write to your Representatives about WAC 246-100-040, which is the root of the problem.

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Great idea!

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I have been to the Holocaust memorial twice; the first time was in 2000 at the conclusion of the Third International Conference on Vaccinations. The memorial dovetailed to horrific vaccine injuries I saw and discussed at the conference. Margaret Alice, your letter captured everything I have submitted in one form or another dealing with the Oregon legislature. 25 years of submitting testimony and I hope your letter will open the minds of those you are addressing. Those minds are clamped shut in my opinion.

Your letter may not change policy, but it will become a basis of an indictment when those legislators are brought up on charges. They knew or should have known.

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Wow, thank you for sharing those powerful memories as well as for your own work with the Oregon legislature. I am in Oregon, too, so I know it is an uphill battle!

I do hope this letter can serve as a template and be repurposed for other entities as needed. This is but one of many battles we are facing.

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So many advocates for liberties and freedoms of choice stuck in blue states. I guess the strong grow stronger through dealing with the political adversity around them. Blessings to you all.

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I wanted to let everyone know I created a generic version of my letter that people can use for their own legislators, policymakers, boards, employers, or others involved in making decisions about mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, or related policies:


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Appreciate it. Thank you!

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Absolutely brilliant piece of writing. I have already shared it with others. Thank you so much for these compelling arguments!

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Wonderful and *thank* you for sharing, Cherry! 🍒

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Addendum: After publishing this post, I discovered a statement by the Washington State Board of Health about misinformation regarding these proposals. I have added a footnote sharing these details as well as a letter from Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington elucidating some of the confusion around the proposed agenda items, which appear not to be as severe as initially feared (thankfully).

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I got and read it! Bravo! 👏👏👏

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Aww, thanks so much, sweet Frontera! 🤗

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School board Karens are the biggest fascists in the free world.

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Please Aaron, send the cavalry north to Canada to rescue us. And keep up the fantastic work in the USA.

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Good things come in three’s. Keep ‘em comin!! Your emails have been so uplifting Aaron. Much gratitude.

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Aaron, you are doing God's work. Keep it up.

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They cannot mandate anything experimental, anyway. They are in violation of Federal Law, of the Nuremberg Code, of the Geneva Convention and, probably, of the California law in regards to the use of medical experimental treatments on people.

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They will not give you the shot until you sign that consent form because any medical treatment requires informed consent; this “experimental” business is just icing on the cake. It would be just as wrong to force this on people if these shots were 100% FDA-approved.

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Absolutely! But I was referring to the present legal status of the injections. And the signing should not be done blindly, as the consent should mean you realize and accept that you are a part of a clinical trial. Read all the lines, big, small, bold or thin!

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Yes. Two important but separate issues. 1. Medical treatment or test should never be required for participation in society. 2. Government agencies should never even recommend medical treatments that haven’t been certified as absolutely safe.

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Wow, correct me if I’m wrong why are they mandating this shot for kids. When they have less than 1% of if being fatal.

People than are vaccinated can still catch it, spread it and even die from covid. It seem the risk out way the benefits. Wake up!

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I live in San Diego. The Board Members of the SDUSD are full of pure evil! They won’t allow any in person attendance of their meetings. Their tyrannical and illegal policies will not stand…we are fighting back! 💪🏼🥁🇺🇸

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Thank you , from the bottom of my heart.

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Same from me, Aaron. The money I donated to ICAN in December was some of the best-spent money I have ever had the pleasure of giving. I will give again as I am able; the work you are doing is absolutely critical. Thank you.

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Thank God for you and the work you do!

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Thank you, there are no other words to describe my appreciation for your work!

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The vax nazis seem to be losing every case. Keep em coming. Donations to adflegal.org are supporting these lawsuits.

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Great News! Thank you for your efforts!

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There is some good news finally for those kids and parents! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 🙌

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Amazing the lawlessness that exists with these school boards.

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