Thank you Aaron and Dr. Lee for being on record. You are both heroes. Peace...

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The Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Malone is now part of the congressional record. They can’t hide the truth forever. https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/congressman-troy-nehls-submits-entire

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I just went and donated to the Congressman who entered the transcript into the Congressional Record.

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Donated $17.57

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Bravo but I think we know the answer. Congress with the exception of Ron Johnson hasn't done a damn thing. All those pharma billions buy a while bunch of politicians.

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The crisis has been the pretext for the government spending trillions of freshly printed dollars. All the big pharma profits don't amount to a rounding error.

It's about power.

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Let's start a Ron Johnson 2022 meme.

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Thank you both for your bravery. I hope doctors everywhere take a stand. Unfortunately the ones in my family don't want to hear anything except get jabbed and stay masked.

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Time to look elsewhere??????

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Both you - Aaron, and Dr. Patricia Lee are heroes. Thank you for all the work you are doing!

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Bless her. Both of you. Thank you so much.

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I don't know what, if anything, will work. What will blast through this wall of denial, but my hope is that more and more and more of these letters and lawsuits will simply force a response. It has to be more doctors, lawyers and citizens in general sending in these letters, putting pressure on Congress. The CDC and FDA are dead ducks. Great job Aaron and Dr. Lee--tremendous courage and an uphill climb to be sure.

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What a fantastic update. Thank you !

Based on my life experiences growing up under the rigid communist regime, a lot was learned in a challenging, scary, complex way.

Early last year, 94-year-old Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski gave a speech during the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the camp’s liberation. 

The Polish Holocaust survivor reminded the audience that the Holocaust didn’t’ start with death camps.

Instead, it began with propaganda, scaremongering, scapegoating, segregation, and exclusion. Then, it was an easy next step to strip further rights, dehumanize, and brutally extinguish that minority.

Hopefully, we're far from that happening again at that level of horror and cruelty.

Still, in my opinion, based on what 18 MiL Romanians and I have personally experienced for over 20 years under dynastic communism, now the road is paving to a hybrid version of the Natzy times.

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Since leaving this post under another video a year ago, Amazon has changed the wording describing this book. It NO longer says what’s posted here, and this was copied & pasted word for word. (yes I save everything.)

'‘They Thought They Were Free’, First published in 1955, ‘they thought they were free’ is an eloquent and provocative examination of the development of fascism in Germany.” --from Chapter 13, “But Then It Was Too Late” – “What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler (Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, Biden) their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.”--from Chapter 13, “But Then It Was Too Late” –In this book it states they too felt as if they were forced to vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’. Does any of this sound familiar? It sure does to me. It sounds familiar to Claudia too. 'It’s hard to believe that I’m reading this'... https://youtu.be/9OVUnzJJACc

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Thank you for that truthful comment. We're watching Nazi Germany happening all over again, only on a global scale this time. Most are unaware of just how much I.G. Farben/Bayer got away with at the Medical Nuremberg trials and why? All the Judges were American and they had other uses for them, as the Dulles brothers did for all those Nazi war criminals (Operation Paperclip). It's reported that even the Red Cross was fully aware of Hitlers death camps choosing to not intervene because it was 'business', a financial arrangement between Hitler and pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Peter Hayes: "German Corporate Complicity in the Holocaust" - https://youtu.be/YewAXI6n_9A

White Collar Crimes Against Humanity: IG Farben Auschwitz, My Father's Company - https://youtu.be/VJjYGVhfp40 - IG Farben/Bayer were given a free license to kill for testing their 'products' on millions of Nazi prisoners then, only they don't need barbed wire fencing and brutal SS Guards to control prisoners anymore when effective media propaganda is working just fine. In all my 64 years on this planet did I ever think I'd see America become a fascist country but it's rolling out right before our very eyes, and yet, most still can't see it.

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For some the answer may be avoid ALL medical professionals as much as you can. If you now have a good doctor, let him/her know.

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Considering what the health field has done to me I'll never walk into another Doctors office for as long as I live, for anything.

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What is it going to take for the person sitting across the table from these clowns to say to their faces: "I'm sorry. That's simply not credible. What is the evidence for your claim of safety? Where are your investigations of adverse events and your extensive autopsy series:" Put them on the spot, and be difficult. Since they are obviously sociopaths, take them out of their comfort zone where they are in control.

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Read "A Plague Upon Our House." Atlas said that to the faces of the ringleaders of this disaster, birx, fauch and red, and they ignored it. In the presence of their boss, the feckless vice president. This is a mass hysteria that many people are unable to recognize or escape.

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Thank you for what you are doing Aaron.. Though I see this and it reminds me of the actions of the FDA from things like Dopesick.. they just keep turning their heads the other way, as they're all looking for a job at some point when they leave government to these big Pharma organizations. They have probably done more harm in these organizations than they've ever done good.

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Thank you always for your great work, I’m a PA at a us law firm in London who have mandated the vaccine in the us and trying to do so in London, cowards they are

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Thank you for giving voice to those of us who would not have one otherwise

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Bravo! Actions such as these help all of us in keeping our hopes up and our backs straight I think.

And not wanting to go on record with one's professional opinion, like this committee? Red flag that big, beware of bull.

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How can a governor or the President issue a mandate (a law) that violates Constitutional rights? In the case of the federal mandates, the President did not have the authority to issue a blanket mandate for all Americans to take the lethal injections (or he would have done so), so he delegated the authority to mandate the injections to federal agencies. How can he delegate an authority which he does not possess?

Further, any compromise of Constitutionally guaranteed rights means they do not exist and the Constitution is not the fundamental law of the land. The Bill of Rights is not conditional; it cannot be usurped in the case of an emergency (when needed most), lest it is worse than useless because it gives a false sense of security against political attacks. And it is explicitly against political power that the Bill of Rights was designed to protect the citizens of this country.

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Anybody who stands and watches their own rights being trampled elicits no sympathy. The Founders & Bill of Rights have done their part, and remain strong for those of us who invoke them. "No, I will not put on a mask," (on public property), and "No, you don't get to force medical procedures on me.". These not only have Constitutional basis but statutory as well:. 45 CFR 46.116, informed consent.

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Jan 4, 2022Edited
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Are you sure it didn't start when Woodrow Wilson sold us out to the Bankers inviting in the Federal Reserve in 1917? Bushes 'The Patriot Act' was almost identical to Hitlers 'The Enabling Act'. And Hitler was so fond our eugenics program here in America that he implemented it under his own regime. It's pretty amazing how psychopathic criminal minds all think alike.

The most shocking statement I've ever heard was from Ex-CIA John Stockwell when he said that our CIA has murdered at least 6 million innocent men, women & children around the world through their covert operations. This has never stopped. What kind of a world are we really living in?

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Congress would not do a thing, They are all actors in this Evil End Game. This is Planned GENOCIDE, they are not even hiding it: The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan" Welcome to the Medical Inquisition


The USA is done and not just the USA. Conspiracy reality: 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realise that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' Conspiracy reality - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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It most certainly is planned genocide, any survivors will be tagged, watched & monitored 24/7 inside their home and out. Especially those with 'cell' phones.

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Another Hero! Maybe not the land of the free anymore but still the home of the brave. Heroes big and small are what will get us back to being the land of the free. THANK YOU to everyone with the courage and integrity to do speak up. We will not comply. We will not be silent. We will not be stopped! A wave is rising.

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