The whole government vaccine program is rigged and rife with fraud and coercion.

It must be abolished, in its entirety.

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Thank you, Aaron. Your work over remains tremendous. I just cross-posted your article.

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Lesson of the day. For EVERY vaccine, just say no.

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Thanking God for ICAN and Aaron Siri!

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I am a vaccine injured participant in V-Safe and I have NEVER received a call from the CDC. I am also in VAERS and I have only received emails for follow up medical records but I just checked my VAERS report and it has not been updated with ANY of my medical diagnosis’s or explanations of what has happened since January 2022 that I had to do myself whilst I was dying and couldn’t think clearly and my memory was not working so my initial report doesn’t explain everything and it is a mess! I emailed them last week and I haven’t received a response. I have still never received a phone call from VAERS either. So I honestly don’t think they are calling very many of us, regardless of the severity of our adverse reactions or events. It’s been 16+ months and they have no interest in helping us. A complete disgrace! Thank you for staying on the CDC’s butt. 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹

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I have had many adverse effects. Free-texted in V-Safe and told them I was a physician... multiple times. No call. CDC did call after I contacted them directly but said "they haven't had anyone else with my issues" which of course is not the case. Thank you for advocating for all of us!!

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I will post this on my blog today. It is complimentary to this blog post:

A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to be Removing VAERS Records

“It’s not an accident they would do this.”


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Wow. Now that’s an effective governmental program. It’s outcome was completely congruent with its goal: Procure the goodwill of the public with regard to the mRNA injections while hiding and discouraging the reporting of harms from the very products they ended up mandating. Whoever says our government doesn’t adequately represent those who it serves grossly misunderstands what “who” refers to. It’s not “the people,” silly, it’s the corporate donors.

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The same thing is happening all over the West.

Here in my Netherlands potential links between vaccinations and excess death are frustrated because of 'privacy concerns'. Yes, the vaccination status [of the dead] is now a privacy issue.

Not often that the Dutch bureaucracy is so vehemently defending the privacy of its citizens.

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Thank you Aaron. Our only hope at this point is to keep sharing the info and awakening the masses. While I think profits were at the heart of ALL vaccines, the latest c19 one is assuredly for depopulation. At this point, people should avoid all vaccines and ensure they do so for their children.

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Wow, just wow. Thank you for all the incredible work you and your team continue to do, Aaron. I am beyond grateful.

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I'm curious why most of the registered users of v-safe signed up within the first few months of the program. I wonder if the CDC stopped promoting v-safe once it became clear there were a bunch of issues being reported.

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"V-Safe Part 4: CDC Designs V-Safe to Assure Harms Are Hidden in Free-Text Fields So It Can Control What Becomes Public, Including Limiting the Harms Submitted to VAERS"


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Thank you so much for your continued efforts on behalf of the world. I was a legal assistant for many years and wish it could have been in your firm!

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Most people have never heard of VSafe. I appreciate your series on it and your exposing some of the problems with it.

2019 I was, I think, naive to the pervasive evil in government (and others). Now, I have been shocked into a dull dismay when I read about it. If I allowed myself to fully examine the extent and meaning of this evil (which I do not allow) I feel I might lose my sliver of faith in humanity.

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Thank you Aaron Siri and thank you ICAN! What a public service you provide! TRUTH!

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