I do not hold ANYTHING against Ryan & people like him. The people I want to see utterly ruined & punished are those who defamed repurposed drugs like Janet Woodcock & Rick Bright, Fauci & Birx; those lying putrid bureaucrats such as Walensky, those in the Biden administration who pushed this kill shot out such as HHS director Xavier Becerra. These cretins are guilty of crimes against humanity, they must be held accountable.

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“Take the experience of researchers at DuPont, who are testing microscopic tubes of carbon, known as nanotubes, valued for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity.

When the researchers injected nanotubes into the lungs of rats in the summer of 2002, the animals unexpectedly began gasping for breath. Fifteen percent of them quickly died. ''It was the highest death rate we had ever seen,''



Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity by Louis A. Del Monte.

This fear is based in part on the ranking of nanotech­nology weapons by the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference at the University of Oxford as the most probable means to cause human extinction by the end of this century.

Ex­amples of nanoweapons discussed in the book include nano-enhanced lasers, smaller munitions with increased explosive force, and self-replicating smart nanorobots (SSN).

SSNs search for and destroy targets without human input and self-replicate with materi­als found in the environment. According to the author, SSNs are gravely dangerous nanoweapons that humanity should prohibit.


Military nanotechnology: the defining weapon of the 21st century

Military nanotechnology, especially nanobots, will become the defining weapon of the twenty-first century. Thus, the use of nanotechnology allows existing weapons technologies such as stealth munitions, precision munitions and UAVs to evolve into their final form.

It is used

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Horrifying. Thank you for such a detailed and well-researched comment.

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You may also be interested in looking up the links between "Manchester University (UK)" and the Graphene Oxide nanoparticles.

I agree with almost everything you state, it would be everything but there is some part of the story I can not fathom out (in general I mean, not yours) and has to do with control.


I am a chemical engineer, but there is something and there is something that is not right about this whole thing ... in the bigger "Globalist agenda" if you like...Iget the potential for military use and and ... and even 1 off hits on people ... but when you say "without human input and self-replicate with materi­als found in the environment" ... and the globalist infer the same - where would it end = a baron land and nothing.

So a stupid question - do they (the globalist parasites) think their doors on their bunkers will protect them from these "swarms" of nanoparticles ?; if all is true what they say, of course not.

My view and noting that I do like my conspiracy theories is that we are being played again, just more BS to increase our fear ... aimed at those that saw through the jab hoax and the alleged killer and fake virus. This is my view only and I am usually wrong.

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In a sociology class I took years ago, this nano-bot wasteland was referred to as "grey goo."

There are certainly technologies which are hidden from the general public, but self-replicating nano-bots remain in the realm of pure fantasy. The best current semiconductor technology is a 5nm scale, which can only be produced by ASML's extreme ultraviolet lithography. process. There are only a handful of these machines in the world, and a whole wafer of chips has about a 70% reject rate. These $350,000,000 machines are the size of a large mini-bus, the majority of which has to be sealed shut and evacuated to the micron level in order to work.

We have seen a range of MEMS devices reach the market over the last 20 years, a number of which are in every smartphone, but I just don't see the medical nano-bot happening in our lifetime, let alone the self-replicating variety running amok.

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Amen!! Amen!! Preach it!! I tweet Woodcock daily...she has yet to respond.

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“A recent study of particular objects known as "nanotubes," revered for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity, demonstrated that such objects tend to clump within the lungs, causing suffocation.”

https://lawcat.berkeley.edu/record/1119251 Is Nanotechnology Prohibited by the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions

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A lot of people weren't even told about V-Safe. Ask people you know who got the covid shot if they registered in the V-Safe system or if they were even told about it (or given a brochure about V-Safe).

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"sought medical care, missed school or work, and/or were unable to perform normal activities": none of these would be true if you died when you took the vaccine.

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CDC's v-safe protocol documents acknowledge, "Because v-safe relies on vaccine recipients reporting their own experiences after vaccination, v-safe is not conducive to capturing the adverse event of death."

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Aaron: You probably already aware of this, but the saboteurs are using a new technique. Yesterday I received and email purportedly from you asking me to text a number for some ". . .important information to share to you." Tessa Lena just notified her subscribers that this was happening to her also. Thank you for the good and essential work you are doing.

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Same. I got that text request on my comment on Matthew Crawford's substack.

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Thank you for everything that you all are doing. I mean it from my heart. May God Bless and Protect Us Now and Always. PS I saw Del's State of the Union ~ Bravo!

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"If these numbers are not concerning, then what number would be concerning? Is there any number?"

Exactly on point. Well said.

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I spent the better part of today reviewing 9 hrs 2017 deposition Stanley Plotkin. Am utterly blown away by your gentleness and grip in the face of such atrocities!

I am my ideal, but you are one to admire! More clearly now, my idol!

Plotkin phone bing 8:56:07

Plotkin: "my wife is getting upset"

SIRI: "well, don't tell her you offered her up for a deposition"


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Thank you again for your tireless work on this issue. The truth is that even far more people were harmed or died from the jab than are reported. For example my sister died after the first Pfizer jab. Soon after she got it, she and her husband who got Moderna were exposed to Covid and she got very ill. She began having trouble breathing so he immediately put her in the hospital. They immediately put her on a vent where she stayed for two months and died. He refused to believe it was the jab that caused her severe reaction. So he never reported her reactions or death to VAERS or v-Safe.

Then, we have the current "Federal Hearing on Covid-19 Response" today. I tried to listen but it was too disturbing. They don't get it, don't want to get it and I doubt they will ever get it - what they did wrong that is!

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I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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Awful. The vents are a major component in the medical-murder protocols hospitals are running.

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The contracts that have been recently uncovered with the DOD seem to indicate that these mRNA products are "prototypes" under the DOD and thus they do not fall under the FDA, CDC and supposedly they didn't have to do any studies and aren't responsible at all. Basically, it's been a dog and pony show to trick the public into taking these under the false premise that they are "vaccines" which would have been properly tested. I'm curious your thoughts on this.

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Karen Kingston has shown the injections meet the definition for 'bioweapons'.

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They did all they could to make the V-Safe database completely useless. They succeeded marvelously. Followup only for 7 days post jab, only on benign symptoms. Those that died or ended up impaired within 7 days (or at any other point) were not able to report, how nice!

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What a harrowing account! The cold indifference of the CDC exposed in this series is the stuff of nightmares! Thank you Aaron Siri et al for revealing the truth!

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May I quote and attribute your comment in a book I'm writing?

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Thank you for all you do. People like my friend Shannon were ignored and she is still desperate for help. https://teamhumanity.substack.com/p/shannons-story

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Realistically, the 'Global Release' of this newly formulated Medical Vaccine Technology has to be deemed an absolute 'Success' by Governments and the collective Pharmacutical Industry as its going to be the Future 'Model' or Protocol for All Vaccine Development of the Future. In fact it has already begun with the development of a 'mRNA Cancer Vaccine'.

If as a World, we really want to start addressing the 'Elephant In The Room' , we need to start urgently addressing the need to fully identify the large percentage of the general population who are Clinically 'Contraindicated - Immunocompromised/ Immunodeficient' and Who according to all available Scientific Medical Literature should NOT be administered these products because of the direct risk of Serious Adverse Health Outcome from accumulative Viral/ toxic Iatrogenic Injury.

"SCREENINGB4VACCINES" Must Become A Global Health Priority.

Parent of a Birth Injured and subsequently severely Vaccine Injured son who developed Regressive Autism following multiple Vaccine Administration in early infancy and childhood. ASIA - Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome Induced By Adjuvants, MIBE - Measles Inclusive Body Encephalitis and Devestating SSPE- Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalitis post MMR Vaccine.

Who has been deliberately denied appropriate Compensation because 'The Vaccine Injury Table' - as Ammended in 2017 used by Government's around the World to adjudicate on potential cases of Vaccine related injuries uses very Deliberate Set Out 'EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA' on Page 6 of this Document.

Any Person (infant, Child or Adult) Who Has An Already Established Disease Process Going On In The Body;

* Cancer Patients.

* Persons with Genetically Associated Conditions Like Fragile X, Cystic Fibrosis etc

* Birth Injured Infants.

Which surly equates to very 'Blatent Discrimination on Grounds Of Disability and ill Health'.

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The level of injustice defies comprehension, but I prefer to keep it simple: "No" is all the exemption one ever needs.

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“The rate of v-safe users reporting a “health impact” ... should have caused the CDC to raise immediate alarms … In addition to the 7.7% who reported needing medical care, another 25% reported being unable to perform normal activities and/or missing school or work. … These numbers … were hidden from the public until recently … One has to wonder if there was any rate at which the CDC would have decided there was a safety concern with these vaccines.”

. . .

Two months after the start of the Covid vaccine roll-out, the CDC published their first safety report,

“First Month of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring — United States, December 14, 2020–January 13, 2021” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33630816/ [Published 2-19-21]

The CDC authors claimed that “Safety monitoring for these vaccines has been the most intense and comprehensive in U.S. history, using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a spontaneous reporting system, and v-safe, an active surveillance system.”

The authors did mention that V-safe enrollees "are asked if they missed work, were unable to perform normal daily activities, or received care from a medical professional …” However, there is NO mention anywhere about the number of enrollees who experienced such a health impact … Instead, the paper only enumerated symptoms such as “Injection site pain, fatigue, headache, myalgia, and chills [that] were most frequently reported.”

Really! As Siri wrote, “the rate of v-safe users reporting a “health impact”-- … the rates “… it fought to keep from the public for over a year and a half – is highly troubling and should have caused the CDC to raise immediate alarms about this product.”

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The worst part about this is that the CDC knew all this while they were repeating "safe and effective" over and over during the mandate discussion and implementation.

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What is the link/s for parts 1-5?

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Nvm found them.

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