Thank you so much for all you do to expose the truth. This entire series is frustrating for the vaccine injured. We are so happy the truth is coming out, but to know that they intentionally ignored the truth is really hard for us. We are not "rare". We are "real " people with "real" injuries. Why are we considered "acceptable collateral damage"? Jen had a stroke in her brainstem 30 days after her second shot. She knew something was wrong right after the second shot because she developed a red swollen cyst on the back of her neck. Had she known to go to the dr maybe her stroke could have been prevented? Now Jen is relearning to how to talk, eat, sit, walk with only one side of her body functioning. https://teamhumanity.substack.com/p/jen-and-andy-partners-for-life

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Magnificent job, Aaron! This was one of the most well-reasoned and well-written articles you've written on your Substack. I've promoted ICAN's wonderful work to so many of my clients, students, and readers over the last 3 years and will continue to do so. God bless you all!

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WOW! That is NOT how I expected them to react to this. How do you not even know what your own data says? Or is it worse if they did know and expected the media to just parrot the claim?

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Thank you for all you do. Reuters, incidentally , is pharma-captured, like so many media outlets.

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Aaron, you kicked some major a@@!!! Congratulations!

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There are two types of people...

...those who trust government

...and those who know history

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

It seems there are no words left to describe what is/ has happened to us all. Except of course not for the rich and politicians. It's way past time to govern ourselves!!

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Thank you Aaron Siri and team for working so hard to get the truth out! So glad to have you on our side!

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Thanks for this informative series of articles, and your legal advocacy.

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Thank you!

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Wow, just wow. THANK YOU, Aaron Siri and ICAAN!!!

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An honest, conscientious staff member at CDC, if one exists, might want to verify that the data ICAN used is in fact the data CDC posted. So it would not be so strange for them to ask to see the data.

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I think it was brilliant to praise the journalist. Maybe you provided him with the motivation he needs to break out of the box he's in. I always think true investigative journalist are still out there and wanting to break free from their chains, but it takes a lot of courage in today's environment. It's coming.

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Not all superheroes wear capes! Thank you for your incredible work to bring the truth to light.

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The "Incompetence Station" and "Duplicity Station" were several stops ago. We're pulling into "Just Plain Evil Station" presently.

Thanks, Aaron Siri.

PS: I am a lacunar infarct victim (stroke to the ventral posterolateral thalamus) from Pfizer batch 3s EN6204 & EW0162. Check howbadismybatch.com to check your batch in the VAERS system. Both the V-Safe and VAERS systems should have resulted in shutting down this crime against humanity within months of the vaccination (read: "gene transcription inoculation 'countermeasures'") roll-out.

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The CDC is a disgusting organization

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