The real reason the liberal Marxist Democrats are afraid of ivermectin is because it eradicates parasites. They don't want to lose their entire voter base.

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I live in a "right-leaning", highly-"Conservative" state & town. In fact, one of the longest-standing "Red" states in the U.S.

And they are no less brainwashed than are those on the "left".

Most every Employer is mandating "vaccines" as a status for pre- and continued employment.

Regarding Ivermectin....

No doubt that the Big Asset Management firm & Big Bank controlled Big Pharma industry is leading the charge for SARS-CoV2 "vaccines", but Ivermectin is just another product from the Big Pharma industry (which is a broad consortium of multinationals, many of which are held by that Cartel of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks).

Regardless whether of American, or Israeli, or Chinese, or Swiss, etc. origin, the Big Pharma industry is highly inter-connected.

Don't be distracted by "alt" news.

Don't limit yourself to mere "either/or" cognitive constraints.

Total dependence on one product of Big Pharma over another product of Big Pharma, is not independence.

There is massive power & profit motive in systems of growing dependence.

Globally, over 80 percent of pharmaceuticals are derived from, or based on natural phytochemicals (but now mostly synthesized, as natural products largely can't be patented, whereas lab created versions can be patented).

I suffered from chronic pneumonia, for over 25 years.

Contracted that pneumonia, at least twice yearly.

All the ineffective/deadly medical industry could do is prescribe Big Pharma antibiotics and/or antivirals.

Which would take 7-10 days to work, and just allow me to contract that pneumonia again about 6 months later.

But it ensured long-term profits for that wholly-corrupted medical industry.

Then I began experimenting with, and discovered the benefits of natural products, like Eucalyptus Oil, Tea Tree oil, White Willow Bark, etc.

There are dozens upon dozens of studies showing the highly-effective antibiotic AND antiviral activities (yes, things can be BOTH antibiotic & antiviral, despite common misconceptions) of compounds in those natural products.

Including high-effectiveness against SARS-CoV2 (total disruption & destruction of viral replication).

Steam inhalation is one of the best drug delivery methods.

A quick search using Google Scholar or similar will return massive amounts of Scientific & Research evidence showing this.

After using that steam inhalation of Eucalyptus oil, Tea Tree oil, White Willow Bark, etc., I now haven't suffered from that formerly chronic pneumonia for over 10 years.

If I do start to feel the symptoms of any illness, I simply do a quick treatment of that steam inhalation of those natural products, and all symptoms are gone within 12 hrs.

Guaranteed, every time.

I haven't yet masked.

I haven't "vaxxed".

I haven't distanced.

I haven't socially-isolated.

I haven't changed my lifestyle one iota.

And yet I have yet to get sick.

In fact, despite the "pandemic", the past two years have been among the healthiest of my life.

People need to learn to take better control of their own health.

And take back control of their own lives.

And to stop pledging allegiance to, loyalty to, and dependence on Big Everything.

The pseudo "left v right" narrative of this covid event (like most events these days) is just more attempt to DIVIDE & CONQUER the mindless masses of mere followers.

The vast majority of followers of BOTH the "left" and "right" exist as mere serfs to the neo-feudal Lords, whom own & control most everything.

They exist as the de-facto Masters of that Big Everything.

But keep those mindless masses of mere follower busily distracted, blaming & fighting each other, to keep them from congregating against, turning on & rising up against those Masters.

DIVIDE & CONQUER has historically been one of the most effective strategies of maintaining control of populations.

I am a true Liberal.

Liberalism comes from the Latin root word liber, meaning "free", which is also the root of liberty ("the quality or state of being free").

I continue to believe in personal freedom.

And in personal responsibility.

Standing right next to the "liberal Marxist Democrats" are the corporato-socialist Republicans.

Both existing in, and wholly complicit with a completely planned economy, via massively corrupted Bureaucracy & government.

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I couldn't have said it better myself. You are spot on.

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"The pseudo "left v right" narrative of this covid event (like most events these days) is just more attempt to DIVIDE & CONQUER the mindless masses of mere followers."

Yes and no. Certainly Big Pharma doesn't care so long as they profit. However, make no mistake about Covid. It is a highly infectious, relatively low lethality diease manufactured in a lab. The only conceivable purpose for such a monster is for use as a bio weapon of global terror - sufficient to rush through massive changes. And, that is exactly what it was deployed for.

It wasn't natural, or we'd have found the animal.

It wasn't an accident, or the Chinese would have saved face by framing someone (if they couldn't find the actual culprit).

That leaves intentional release.

Two powerful groups had means, motive, and opportunity. The CCP, and the DNC.

Who do you think let it out?

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Blaming the CCP or DNC would be a mistake. Both are just 'puppets' in the theatrics of what we are seeing. The CCP and DNC receive their 'orders'/direction from the same ones directing the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, etc etc. Don't focus on the puppets, focus on the puppet masters, and that would be the Rothschild/Rockefeller Klan and their Bilderberg goons which include Soros, Gates, etc. But you are right, they have implemented the divide and conquer system PERFECTLY. What has blown my mind is how easily and quickly so many have fallen into that trap, even in the face of ALL the evidence and facts and proof that it is all part of THE agenda against humanity.

Having said that, as these things all fall into place, I recently became aware that all of this stuff was prophesized in the Bible. I also learned that the Bible has made over 2000 promises and prophesies, and not once has it ever been wrong. It blew my mind that the Bible contains many scientific facts like the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, it stated how the earth was a sphere and free floating in space not flat or on an animals back as many believed, it stated how to control the spread of disease using quarantine and washing hands under running water things it took 1000's of years for us to figure out, it described how the deep ocean currents worked long before mankind became aware of it, and many other facts. Yet it is brushed off as a fairy tale not to be believed. Just filled with one coincidence after another and another. As the truth about covid, masks and the scamdemic have become obvious and exposed the lies and deceit and evil; the truth about the Bible, God, who we are, why we are have is also becoming obvious. Seek the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the ONLY way to find true peace and guidance through these times. I know it makes ones sound like a religious wingnut uttering these things, but it IS very true.

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Ah, I almost blew my drink out my nose at the Rothschilds. Yes, certainly they are big players - but there are many kinds of power, and the CCP are not owned by the European bankers (much as the European bankers might wish).

In the CCP the players are intermixed with the Party. Little or no difference, with a few big financiers outside the party as well. In a totalitarian society, the ultra wealthy are never allowed to forget that their wealth exists at the sufferance of the party.

I've read several of the treatises suggesting what you say about the bible. Most are, at best, scientifically thin. However, it is important to keep in mind that even if God injected his thoughts directly into the minds of ancient man 10,000 years ago, man lacked the words or concepts to understand what he said. So, at best it is evidence to support your faith. As for some of your examples, they are called "Empirical Science." That kind of science is every bit as valid as modern theoretical science, just out of favor. But Empirical Science tells us things with such big numbers that it is very difficult to refute with all the force of all the media trying to pretend it doesn't exist. Here's a great example:


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Don't feel bad, the Rothschilds (formerly the Bauer family) deserve to be shot with your nose fluid. As for suggesting that the Rothschilds are merely "European Bankers" is naive at best, and I won't say what at worst it is. You do realize of course that it isn't JUST the banking industry that they control, but their name is also all over the pharmaceutical, oil, & agriculture industries; as well as the United Nations, World Health Organization, IMF, WEF and the list goes on and on and on. Not to mention the world leaders that are so clearly their puppets. And when a country's leader is their puppet, that means they also control the military and policing of that nation. And you want to suggest that they are merely "European Bankers" not even world bankers even though their names are also on the Federal Reserve in the United States. Like I said, naive at best.

As for the Bible, your silence on addressing my examples SPECIFICALLY was deafening. Like most, you have formed a strong opinion about something that you know/understand very little about. I suspect like the many, you also have not even read the Bible. I too was once as ignorant as yourself and made all sorts of claims about the Bible and Christianity without knowing anything about it. But as God promised, he reveals Himself to those that seek Him with a genuine heart. Which is probably why so many atheists who became biblical scholars to expose the Bibles errors and contradictions, in the end found the Truth and became Christians. Some spent decades on their journey, but in the end they all came to the same conclusion.

Some of the more known ones include: Gilbert West (1703-1756), George Lyttelton (1709-1773), Albert Henry Ross (Frank Morison) (1881-1950), Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853), WILLIAM MITCHELL RAMSAY (1851-1939), VIGGO OLSON, JOSH MCDOWELL, Richard Lumsden (1938-97), Lee Strobel, Andre Kole and many, many others. These are people that set out with a strong desire to disprove the Bible and the resurrection of Jesus. So what significance do you put on the fact that they ALL found such overwhelming proof that they themselves had to become Christians?

It's interesting how you try to use science to prove your point, when in fact science proves God's existence. Science has already revealed that when you break down the atom you get the subatomic particles known as quarks, and when you break those down you are left with pure energy. We ARE energy, and science has also shown us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It transfers from one place to another. So where will your energy go when your body here dies? The Bible (which remember made 2000+ promises and prophesy's with 100% accuracy - it has NEVER been wrong) says your energy will either be with God or away from Him, it depends on whether or not you receive Him and what He did for YOU on the cross. I know it sounds like a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo, and trust me it isn't easy searching for the words to express this stuff without sounding like a 'Bible thumper'. But don't let ego block you from receiving this message which if you accept, will show you how to receive eternal life as God promised.

To end, I will simply point out that while you claim believing in God relies on nothing but faith, your belief that we evolved from monkeys and prior to that from fish and bacteria requires a great deal of faith as there is absolutely ZERO evidence of such an absurd claim. Even Darwin emphasized that his theory of evolution was just that, a theory and one that he didn't believe. But it was your buddies the Rothschilds/Rockefellers who quickly forced his theory into our education systems in order to distance our children from God. Four of the top evolutionist professors in the US were asked to provide ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE or observable evidence for Darwinian evolution where one kind has evolved into another kind. It doesn't even have to be from ape to mankind, it can by ANY kind to kind. None of them could provide a single example. That is because no kind has EVER evolved into another kind. It is such an absurd thing to believe, it has zero evidence, and yet so many have been brainwashed into believing it. I'm sorry Johnathan, I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist. And believing that drivel requires a tremendous amount of faith. lol

But know that Jesus is always waiting for you, and all that you have to do is humbly seek to know Him and He WILL reveal Himself to you. And your life will never be the same.

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Wow, it took you almost a whole year to answer - you must be truly desperate for someone, anyone, to realize you are alive! So sad.

"So what significance do you put on the fact that they ALL found such overwhelming proof that they themselves had to become Christians?"

None at all. By the way, one of the names you listed is an ancestor of mine.

I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, either, despite my screen name which has an hilarious effect on collectivists / totalitarians of every stripe. I also don't have enough faith to believe that any construct by man (i.e. Christianity) could possibly encompass the reality of such a supreme being. Cling harder!

Oh, and thanks for the Rothschild's joke. I'm still laughing nearly a year later!

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...or the parasite-looking things that have been found in vials of their poison.

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PERFECT! So true. It's the LEFT that is pushing the insane idea that their vaccine is only failing to work because someone else isn't vaccinated. They are brainwashed MORONS who fall asleep to CNN/MSNBC "programming" every night. They have no earthly idea what's going on.

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😂😂😂 Cute! But it would mean no need for the jab & production of And at least ivermectin, I don't know about the others, the patent has run out so it's very cheap & manufacturers won't be making tons of money from it. It's all about money & control. NWO

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American Mindset. 👍

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Thanks for the laugh. It's always appreciated.

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When I saw this on Highwire Sept 16th! I was floored. I already knew this was happening, but I was upset no one except Del gave her a platform to share her story. So many more like her. I had to help a nurse (17 year veteran ER nurse) file a VAERS for herself bc she had never heard of it and was shaking uncontrollably after her first Moderna jab. I already knew this was going to be an issue prior to these jabs coming out bc I’ve been looking at VAERS for years and it disgusts me how many children’s reactions are not reported. The annual numbers look small on VAERs but 98% of cases do NOT get reported. Most infant’s adverse reactions happen within the first 72 hours after injection and parents are told there is no correlation. BS! Nonsense.

This week’s Highwire episode featured 2 OSHA people, go give it a listen to. These mandates don’t even meet their criteria! This is a very treatable virus for the and old and the only thing killing Americans is our failing hospital protocols. The lack of honest journalism is to blame for this. They are pharma-bought shills who aren’t interested in truth. Dr. Joseph Varon said he did over 1100 interviews and sadly, every network edit the interview when he gives full credit to IVM, HCQ, and other therapeutics. Every network?! 1100+ interviews? That’s crazy

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Exactly so. Crazy, immoral, criminal, murderers.

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The elderly are the most vaccinated. They are also more likely to be admitted into the hospital because sickness is more prevalent in the aged, regardless of vaccination status. Read the article closely - admissions regardless of Covid status. 80% of admitted are vaccinated because most admissions have been from the elderly. My local hospital admissions FOR COVID are 98% unvaccinated, and ZERO admissions for reactions to Covid vaccine.

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I am an RN. No they are coming in after vaccination with new issues they have never had- clots, strokes, new heart failure, seizures, tremors, falls (syncope) with broken bones and confusion. I have never seen so much of the same thing over and over and over as I have this year. Again and again. Same story. I hear, “my doctors says he doesn’t know how this happened.” No one puts it together.

This is the intent of the vaxx.

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oh my goodness. My daddy is 98. He used to be stable and steady. He got fully vaxxed in March. Then he started walking poorly. I do not know if it is related.

Last November he fell for the first time in his life. fractured his elbow. displaced. had surgery with a nerve block.

I mean, it all went so smoothly. If he had been an invalid in a wheelchair they probably would not have done the surgery, but he is active. Now he uses a rollator. Still, the whole confusion and syncope bothers me. Thank you April for sharing.

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Nonsense. Over 60% of the over-65 Medicare population hospitalized with Covid are fully vaccinated according to the Dept. of Defense so quit lying.

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....Globalist lies and malarkey. Take a few more shots, we need to rid the world of sociopaths such as yourself. Cash those big pharma troll checks and have fun before your organs melt.

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As my brother has mentioned, maybe the depopulation agenda isn't such a bad idea after all.

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I have to admit, I bite my lip when I think about lefties crying about abortion rights. I do wish they would not procreate

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https://www.drzandrebotha.com/ = Successfully Treating Vaccine Injuries!

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I’m a fan of the Highwire and listen to the podcasts. I appreciate the work you’re doing to hold these agencies accountable. They have much to answer for.

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Try this answer: Reason for admission was not included in the article. Most of the vaccinated are elderly, and the elderly are most likely to become sick, regardless of vaccination status. Do you understand the most reasonable explanation, and the foolishness of presuming to connect admissions to vaccination status without more information? 98% of hospital admissions FOR COVID are unvaccinated, in my local Hospital, and there have been ZERO admissions for reactions or complications from the vaccine. This nurse has some personal problems. Don't we all.

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So why are the very young (5-11 even) being pushed to get this thing, if they were never going into the hospital from this to begin with?

The "vaccine" doesn't stop transmission. Doesn't stop spread. Doesn't stop you from getting it. What is it for?

IF it helps with the symptoms, then sure, 65+ may still want to get it, but even then, that doesn't seem to add up as it's not stopping the transmission and infection, which means the pandemic will never stop, and allows for mutations into new variants, which the vaccines out now do not account for and will not stop. Then the truth about how 6 months or less and you're LESS protected than you were before you got the thing, because of ADE.....

I'm not necessarily willing to believe the extreme "everybody will die in 3-5 years" predictions, but it's clear that at face value, these shots are not what they are claimed to be, and even the people claiming they are, admit they are not, if you listen and ask them the right questions. It doesn't add up. ANYBODY at this point should be skeptical and going "Wait a minute..."

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All of this reminds me of a dream I had months before this covid mess started. Getting to the crux of the dream I saw a very large box roughly 12 feet cubed that was filled with dead people and then I saw myself in an ebola type hazmat suit spraying { disinfectant?] all around the box.

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What an image. And prophecy.

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Sorry Bob but that just isn't consistent with the statistics. In our family we have now seen a healthy 25 year old female, a VERY healthy 40 year old male, and an elderly male ALL DIE after the injection which is NOT a vaccine as it does not meet the criteria of being labelled a vaccine.

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may we ask for proof of your statement?

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You may.

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Bi pharma lies from a big pharma troll

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I really hope you are one of the vaxxed

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Bagdad Bob or Bullshit Bob . Look it up, the medical tracking system for Medicare shows 50,000 deaths from the vaxx just in the Medicare community . VARS system shows 20,000 deaths and that's only 2% of actual deaths . Vaxx kills, Bob

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....your numbers are off a bit...but your point is spot-on. We knows VAERS doesn't capture but 1% of adverse events...and they are specifically suppressing, altering and delaying posting adverse events from the non-vaccine-vaccines...so the numbers are much, much higher. I am interested in how they will hide or spin the number of "excess deaths"...that are now exceeding the 5 year average. Up until the started the shots, there was no excess deaths exceeding the 5 year average, so we know they just substituted other deaths for claimed Covid Deaths. We also know they euthanized an unknown number of elderly, weak and sedated people. The denial of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine killed many...and the strict protocol of Remdemisivir euthanized a huge portion of the dead. I will be interested to see how they manage funeral homes and how they may be taught/told/bribed to hide excess deaths from the lethal gene therapy Diversity Genocide.

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You're right, according to this PhD those numbers are way low . "numbers don't lie, but liers use numbers" and we know the govt lies a lot . . .


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....yes...I worked for the corrupt US Government for almost 25 years all over their Empire. I beat them in a Federal Whistle Blower case in front of The Merit System Protection Board...without the aid of an attorney... and they hated me for that. After two decades of fighting off their reprisal attempts, I forced them to retire me...with a great pension. I was raised by corrupt law Enforcement parents. My Dad was a racist, corrupt St. Louis Cop and my Mom a racist, corrupt Court Clerk who embezzled $80,000 from the ticket fund to support her BINGO habit. I know corruption...and it is deep and rampant. I fear for my adults kids and my Grandchildren, but I know on a historic and generational level, they will have to fight, adapt and persevere like those before them. They will have to grow and harden themselves to the chaos... before they and humanity can move forward. There is a lot of pain ahead. I hope there are enough healthy people left to crush The Globalists.

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Amen sir, adapt and overcome . Glad you survived the Deep State, you may be interested in the following if you haven't seen it yet . . .

Dr. Peter Breggin: ‘Global Predators’ Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind the COVID ‘Reign of Terror’

Fauci, Gates and Schwab make Hitler and Stalin look like amateurs . Dr. Peter Breggin puts what's happening in perfect perspective . It's no longer a conspiracy cause they left a paper trail . . . nothing is by chance

"A world renowned psychiatrist says that an evil cabal of powerful elites, including, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, tech billionaire Bill Gates, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, created the COVID pandemic to push the deadly vaccines on an unsuspecting public, and usher in a new world order.

He said rather than “crazy,” what is being done “makes perfect sense if you’re trying to intimidate and overwhelm a population.”


Please pass around

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I have two buddies in the music industry about my age, both vaxxed months ago, both got Covid later, one seriously I'll for 2 weeks the other not as bad... I'm not vaxxed and still don't have C 19. So I'm wondering what's the advantage of the jabs?

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The Branch Covidians don't want you to hear the truth about the poison.

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Thank the Lord that someone is finally trying to hold these negligent people accountable. Thank you Deborah and thank you Aaron Siri. Please keep us posted of the progress on this.

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One very common objection by clinicians for filing a VAERS report is the amount of time it takes. 20-30 minutes. I wonder if this is by design.

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Also the doctors would not be able to both CARE for their patients and complete the time consuming vaers reports. For an example: 8 reports would take 4 hours to complete. That's half of the working day. Who hasn't been at the doctors office waiting for 30 minutes or more to finally see the doctor? I've personally listened to patients check in and discovered 4-5 patients claim the exact appointment time!

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system is setup to fail regarding reporting.

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My wife and myself and coworker will all vaccinated all just got back this week from having covid. Now another employee has symtoms of course vaccinated and they would not test her at urgent care or hospital. Why there is something definitely wrong here should have trusted my instinct but was mandatory for work. I also personally know 3 more people same situation

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Research what you can do to prevent the spike proteins from attacking your organs. I believe i saw a couple of articles about that on The Health Ranger, NaturalNews dot com. There was something about avoiding certain oils for food, and eating dandelion tea or supplements. You also need to rebuild your immune system so that it can provide some kind of protection. So probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods, LOTS of vitamin C (you can't take too much) - the liposomal kind is the best. And most importantly start praying regularly. It makes a difference.

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Seems kind of odd that the government says we are trying to save lives by having people take these jabs yet virtually threaten to kill you if you refuse to take it. Makes no sense at all!

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Great work. Thank you for being a colleague in putting some truth out there, in a sea of lies.

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I'm am a homeowner, legal citizen, pay my taxes, raised my family, a regular American...IF I KNOW THERE ARE SERIOUS AFFECTS OF A POISONOUS JAB...how is it the people deeply involved in these processes don't know? ANS: They KNOWINGLY are accomplices to mass murder!

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Who do you think let the bio weapon loose in the first place?

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And what are you willing to do about it? Complain on the internet and go about your life?

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.....writing on the internet is not always the same as simply complaining on the internet. Even so, complaining in writing is great! Dissemination of truthful information is one of the ways the ball of reform or revolution starts rolling downhill. If you are on the inside of this Diversity Genocide... a Globalist Agent, a corrupt politician, a doctor, nurse or executive in the corrupt Medical / Military / Media Complex...perhaps you can do something to raise awareness, become a whistleblower...or expose, slow or distort the globalist agenda. But as individuals, we can only fight back with what we have available to us. When the time is right for kinetic-action...many will be ready. Until then, it is productive to "complain on the internet"...as you will never know how many people's perceptions you have changed through your comments. I worked for US DoD for almost 25 years all over their corrupt empire. In my late 20's I beat them in a Federal Whistleblower Case...without the aid of an attorney. I fought off their abuses for over two decades, took zero garbage from them...and leveraged my win into a very nice pension. I never once backed down, and I never trusted any of them. I was employable all over the world, so their threats had zero effect on me. I was raised by a drunken, corrupt, six-foot-nine-inch, 350 pound racist St. Louis Cop...and a corrupt Court Clerk Mother who embezzled $80,000 from the ticket fund to finance her BINGO addiction. We were beaten and abused everyday of our lives. I have seen government corruption up close...and personal. Yet...these punks in government thought I would be afraid of them. I wasn't...and they hated that. So...what have you done to fight against the corruption?

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The previous vaccines were tested for 20 years, had animal trials for a long time,

Then trials with humans

The previous covid 1 in 2009 they tried

Create a vaccine but the 56 animals in the animal trial, they all died so it was stopped

This vaccines they skipped the animals and went ahead with humans that s why so many people have been totally disabled

And somany have died

Maybe millions globally

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No statistics are ignored by the Liars and swept under the rug. This nurse worked in that hospital for years and never saw anything like this. People that were otherwise healthy coming in with debilitating illnesses and dying! Vaccines are supposed to be keeping people out of the hospital and are largely not! We better fix this or it’s gonna be a disaster!

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Fix? Nothing is broken. We are under ATTACK by those controlling our societal systems. That being big gov't', big pharma, big agriculture, food processing corporations and of course lets not forget big oil and the banks. Coincidentally all the above are owned and controlled by the same group of families. The sooner that most of us can unplug from needing the above, the sooner we would begin to heal from their attacks and experience true freedom. Sadly, they will be using military and policing to enforce THEIR made up laws outlawing us from living off our land. As Klaus Schwab said they will soon be outlawing private ownership of anything. This includes your homes and properties.

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Move this to Rumble, it will be deleted from U-Tubz by the end of the week...

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I didn't know the connection between Aaron Siri and Deborah Conrad but I listened to an interview with her a while back and was struck by her; she comes across as an intelligent and reliable witness and a thoroughly decent person.

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That clot shot is really going to destroy people this fall and winter when people get colds and flu. The Beijing Biden regime is bought and paid for by communist China.

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perhaps, but I suspect the quiet installation of 5g everywhere is also going to have some kind of affect when they decide to activate the necessary frequency. I get the feeling that they are purposely allowing decent to grow and an uprising to slowly begin. Then once there is enough push back all world leaders will be ordered to stand back and give the people what they want, no lockdowns, no masks, no passports. things will be fine for awhile and then they will activate it and you will see them drop in the streets. Remember the first images we saw out of Wuhan where a few healthy looking people suddenly dropped in the street or in stores and died. They said THAT was covid19, but we didn't see that kind of response again anywhere in the word, only Wuhan. Wuhan happens to be the first city in China to go 100% 5g. They tested it and used the dead people to start their scamdemic. And when people start dying by the millions, they will say "see, we told you to follow our lockdowns etc" and blame the new deaths on the pushback. Then they will INSIST on complete tyranny and enslavement all to 'protect us'.

Get right with God and soon. What you are seeing is Biblical . We are early on the '3rd day' now, and just as He arose early on the 3rd day after being crucified, He will be returning as promised sooner than most realize.

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