We have marveled at the true heroes of this pandemic. The brave ones who have stood up and said no they won’t go quietly into the night. Thank you Dr. Lee, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr Peter Mccullogh, Dr Zev Zelenko, Dr Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein, Alex Berenson, Dr Brian Tyson, Dr Simone Gold and all the the other Frontline Doctor group. And now finally the lawyers too. Thank you Mr Siri for joining the list of true American heroes. We are watching and we are joining the fight. One man or woman can truly make a difference. God Bless America.
I completely agree with what M brown has said above. Thank each of you for standing for the Truth re the inoculations and everything else regarding covid - advancing the truth about treatments that work and helping protect the rights and duties of doctors and nurses, etc. I pray I live long enough to see the genocidal liars in our government and big tech and big pharma all brought down and prosecuted. It is horrible what they have done and are continuing to do. Brenna L
Agreed, the number of lawyers around the beltway that just blatantly refuse to say ANYTHING contrary to current administration policy about this is frustrating. They just speak 'narrative' when you call them, and many aren't even informed. Most didn't even know that the FDA 'approved' vaccine isn't available in the US yet. Most had no desire to put their neck out. Most seem to be giving questionable legal advice at best. Thank you Mr. Siri!
Its like chipping away at a giant stone wall, many of us chipping, chipping, chipping and FINALLY it looks like we broke through to see light on the other side.
I sincerely hope you are right-- about a light through the wall. Twitter, FB, and the rest are doing their all-out best to make that wall "self-healing."
Thank you, Dr. Lee, from a retired ICU RN. There are not enough of you, but there are some, and I hold you all in such high esteem and pray for the day when the world will wake up and see the truths that you so courageously represent.
Thank you Dr. Lee for your honesty. As far as the devastating numbers of those who died, early Covid treatment protocols would have saved many who died.
Withholding treatment, lockdowns for all in lieu of quarantine for only the sick, and vaccine mandates will together go down in history as the worst attacks on freedom, and the American way of life, since our inception.
Thanks Aaron for using your legal expertise to help brave whistleblowers like Dr. Lee reveal the truth about the deadly clot shots. The absolute risk reduction measure (ARR, vaccine effectiveness) of ALL the Covid19 shots is < 2%. The FDA and vaccine manufacturers did not disclose this to the public, ignoring the FDA's own reporting guidelines. The touted "95% efficacy" is the relative risk reduction measure (i.e. vaccine efficacy) of the infection risk between the placebo and vaccinated group. Using Pfizer's clinical trial data, the infection risk was .761% and .044% for the placebo and vaccinated group, respectively. Both groups' infection risk was < 1%! The 95% vaccine 'efficacy' represents the % decrease from .761% to .044%. But the absolute risk reduction measure, e.g. how much does the shot reduce the risk of infection, is .761% - .044% = .7%. So here we are, spending trillions to mass inoculate billions around the world with shots that reduce the risk of infection by <2%.
"Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness - the elephant (not) in the room"
Dr. Ronald Brown's peer reviewed article reports the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines' ARR is .7% and 1.1%, respectively, which the FDA, Pfizer and Moderna did not disclose to the public.
Bullcrap. So the whole world and every country in it, plus millions of medical experts are Wrong in your opinion? New variants like Delta breed in un-vaccinated people. And the new variants are even more deadly.
Jim, “…the whole world and every country in it, plus millions of medical experts…” is quite an exaggeration! It appears you are only reading the articles you agree with, and not any opposing points of view.
The current point of view you mention is NOT YET “science.” Gravity is science. Does anyone have to write numerous articles trying to convince us that an apple that falls from a tree hits the ground? Do we need a presidential mandate to enforce us to believe in gravity?
That’s the difference here!
When scientists want to prove something, they use the basic Scientific Method. They look at ALL the information and try to prove, or disprove, their observations (hypothesis). The hypothesis has to be falsify-able, in order to be proven True or False! Therefore they cannot look ONLY at the things that they believe are True, and ignore the False. (That would be called skewed data.) When they study ALL the data, and fail to disprove the hypothesis, then they know it stands! It becomes a theory. Theories that fail to be disproven become Facts. Now that is Science!
Shortly after a successful flight at Kitty Hawk, Wilbur Wright announced that there will never be a flight that can cross the Atlantic Ocean, it just can’t be done… and “millions of people” believed him. Some of them tried to prove him wrong or right, and thankfully, he was wrong!
Why don’t you give that a try Jim? Look at ALL the data, pro and con, True and False, and prove or disprove the claim - then you have earned the right to call out, “Bullcrap.”
Huge ditto Stevie. We also don't need a double blind randomized clinical trial to know that jumping out of an airplane without a parachute 30,000 feet in the air is unsafe. Sometimes observational studies, adjusted for potential bias, are better. :)
I'm not sure from where your information comes, but not verifiable data.
Read about- Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). While it is understood that viruses mutate, causing variants, French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagniert and other experts verify “it is the VACCINATION that is creating the variants.”
Absolutely 💯 right. The virus mutates in order to survive. In order to do this it must enter a host. It finds ways to get into the vaccinated population by mutating. It doesn't need to do this to the unvaccinated host.
Just letting you know that the above link has been removed, sorry "suspended pending investigation", I'm familiar with it but wanted to archive. With a touch of a button pfuff, just like that everything can be "suspended", terrifying. What world we're leaving to our children?!!!
Perhaps you would like to support your assertions with facts instead of hyperbole. If you even bothered to read the information I shared, you would see that it is the actual clinical trial data submitted by the vaccine manufactures.
The most recent U.K. Public Health Dept Report shows the Delta variant's case fatality rate (CFR) is .4% compared to the original strain's CFR of 1.1%. The infection fatality rate is always lower than the CFA since it includes asymptomatic and mild cases which largely go undocumented. Virology 101: viruses mutate and become more transmissible, but less virulent in order to survive as they don't want to kill the host. If you look at the report, it shows the CFR declining in new variants. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/investigation-of-novel-sars-cov-2-variant-variant-of-concern-20201201
Two recent studies show the viral loads in the vaccinated is the same or higher than the unvaccinated.
Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent the core technology platform for the Covid19 shots said, "Antibody enhancement is the vaccinologist's worst nightmare. That the product that you worked so hard to create actually causes worse disease."... "We have the flawed clinical studies, I acknowledge that they're far from perfect and some might say designed to not be able to detect certain types of adverse events. Specifically, one thing they were not designed to detect is antibody dependent enhancement. And that's recognized by the FDA because in the FDA authorization letter for Emergency Use Authorization, they specifically say that the data are not sufficient to rule out antibody dependent enhancement; it remains a significant risk and suggested to the vaccine companies that they should do follow on clinical studies to detect the presence or absence of antibody dependent enhancement. But they didn't insist that the vaccine companies do that." Malone says the vaccine companies decided to take a pass and not investigate whether or not antibody dependent enhancement would occur. He said, "What we do know is the distribution of virus levels, load, whether it's measured by PCR cycles or some measure that correlates more directly to titer, in the vaccinated is at least as high, those vaccinated that have 'breakthrough' infections, that become infected, is at least as high as in the unvaccinated and to my eye, it looks like there's suggestions that there may be a subset of patients that have been vaccinated and infected, that have even higher levels of viral replication than are present in the unvaccinated population. That, if that was to hold true, that would be the smoking gun demonstrating antibody dependent enhancement." https://www.bitchute.com/video/jHcDEhJgn3y6/
In a recent interview, Dr. Malone said regulatory agencies including the CDC and FDA are “profoundly corrupt” and have pushed experimental Covid vaccines on the population with “grossly incomplete” data that does not meet even the bare minimum standards for safety."
Thanks Stevie. I always provide sources so people know I'm not expressing my opinion. They can do their own research and also share the information to help raise awareness. Too many people are still in denial. Running out of red pills.
Jimmy boy, do yourself a big favor pls, call any testing lab and ask them all, you are concerned about your own health, pls can you test me for the DELTA VARIANT, GUESS WHAT THEIR REPLY SHALL BE, DEAR Sir, SORRY BUT There is NO test FOR THE DELTA.... And Jim, pls pls pls prove me wrong here....
Listen to Dr Jessica Rose (FDA ADCOM on boosters) who notes the temporal association in populations where vaccination rate is high and says the question should be asked whether the vaccines are giving rise to the variants of concern. The vaccines work with the immune system. What about those who are on immune suppressants, such as solid organ transplant patients? Pfizer didn't include such real world patients. If the vaccines work less well in such patients, couldn't this group of vaccinated people be generating variants of concern?
Umm, Jim, nope. The vaccinated are falling ill all around. You become ill with many of the AEs we're seeing from having a suppressed immune system. The virus has a heyday in the immune-suppressed (that's the vxxd folks). Even the drug co's have admitted there's a general immunity suppression lasting for a few weeks at the least after vaccination. Please study the data. It's there. Do you have data on the incubation of variants within the unvaxxies?
binding for all four VOC-targeting antibodies and show that combinations of two antibodies decrease the in vitro generation of escape mutants, suggesting their potential in mitigating resistance development."
Thank you, Dr. Lee for standing strong against the Goliath Big Pharma and those supporting the jab! We stand with you for truth and justice and may God bless you for your bravery! You are a true hero!
When Bidens says "Trust the Science" what he is really saying is "Trust the Globalist Agenda" that he is forcing through unconstitutional Tyranny. "Build Back Better" is the slogan of the WEF that wants a "Great Reset" where you will "own nothing but will be happy." Why is the connection between "Build Back Better" and the "Great Reset" not being exposed on globalist corporate media?
Please share widely and sign up to my free Substack Newsletter. We are at war.
Every day now Biden and the Democrats are parroting "Build Back Better." Yet no one on Globalist Corporate Media is acknowledging that "Build Back Better" is the slogan of the WEF's "Great Reset" which will destroy the soveriegnty of the United States and institute the tracking and control of every US Citizen. And similar policies are being pushed in Australia and throughout the planet. The purpose of the essay is to thoroughly connect the dots between "Build Back Better" and the Great Reset. This diabolical plan must be stopped.
Biden and Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX) are now involved in one of the greatest deceptions in US and world history. Since July 2020 Biden has been using the "Build Back Better" slogan throughout his speeches. And now the Democrats are calling the 3.5 Trillion Budget Bill "Build Back Better." So the use of "Build Back Better" has been parroted thousands of times in the last 14 months. Yet no one, including Tucker Carlson, seems to want us in on the joke. As I will explain "Build Back Better" is the slogan of Globalists who seek a Great Reset where you will "own nothing but be happy." It is predicated on forced vaccinations, fake Climate Change and global vaccine passports that will be used to track and control us. It will destroy the sovereignty of the US and all nations. It will ultimately reduce the world's population to the status of slaves on a Global Plantation. It must be stopped.
We are now officially in the Twilight Zone. It is so obvious that "Build Back Better" is the slogan for the Great Reset. Yet till this day globalist corporate media refuses to et WE THE PEOPLE in on the joke. I smell revolution is the air. Sadly I see no alternative to a global uprising . . . which is actually happening.
When will this ever stop? Will any one ever be held accountable for these deaths and injuries. I also think someone should be held accountable for letting people die ALONE with COVID since they wouldn't allow family members to be with their loved ones all last year.
In today's world, the majority shall never come out and speak the truth, only the small portion have the guts, alas, it is a total fruitless exercise as the majority are sheep, always have, and always shall be. The family elites control and rule the world's media, the world's finances, the world central banks, the world's supply chains and everything else in between and of course they control and rule YOU...
I am absolutely amazed that an ICU physician (or any physician) is able to recognize vaccine reactions. How did he gain this knowledge? What provoked him to learn to recognize reactions? Great job Dr. Lee! Thank you from those of us whose lives have been severely impacted by vaccine reactions, and especially from those of us who were also told that such reactions don't exist.
EVERYONE should be most concerned about the mRNA death jab killing the most form of illness, THE COMMON COLD. As the mRNA death jab Eradicates the human bodies natural immune system, the common cold is NO LONGER a cold, it's a MUTATED unknown virus, that shall spread faster than you reading this among everyone. You all know what happened when the white man entered the jungles of South America right, and gave the tribes their gifts etc., well they also gave them the common cold which they did not have an immune system for, EVERYONE DIED.
Another aspect of corruption is how doctors are being threatened with discipline and loss of their licenses for giving any other advice than "take the vaccine:" to their patients. In WA State they are doing a bit of a con. The Governor and Department of Health keep saying "talk to your trusted doctor" about the vaccine and at the same time have pushed the Washington Medical Commission (they license doctors) to discipline doctors who don't support the covid vaccines. It's a con because they are manufacturing for the public an illusion of uniform opinion by medical doctors and threatening doctors with the loss of their livelihood if they don't go along with it. It's my understanding this is happening in other states too.
We have marveled at the true heroes of this pandemic. The brave ones who have stood up and said no they won’t go quietly into the night. Thank you Dr. Lee, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr Peter Mccullogh, Dr Zev Zelenko, Dr Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein, Alex Berenson, Dr Brian Tyson, Dr Simone Gold and all the the other Frontline Doctor group. And now finally the lawyers too. Thank you Mr Siri for joining the list of true American heroes. We are watching and we are joining the fight. One man or woman can truly make a difference. God Bless America.
I completely agree with what M brown has said above. Thank each of you for standing for the Truth re the inoculations and everything else regarding covid - advancing the truth about treatments that work and helping protect the rights and duties of doctors and nurses, etc. I pray I live long enough to see the genocidal liars in our government and big tech and big pharma all brought down and prosecuted. It is horrible what they have done and are continuing to do. Brenna L
Agreed, the number of lawyers around the beltway that just blatantly refuse to say ANYTHING contrary to current administration policy about this is frustrating. They just speak 'narrative' when you call them, and many aren't even informed. Most didn't even know that the FDA 'approved' vaccine isn't available in the US yet. Most had no desire to put their neck out. Most seem to be giving questionable legal advice at best. Thank you Mr. Siri!
Its like chipping away at a giant stone wall, many of us chipping, chipping, chipping and FINALLY it looks like we broke through to see light on the other side.
I sincerely hope you are right-- about a light through the wall. Twitter, FB, and the rest are doing their all-out best to make that wall "self-healing."
The FDA and CDC are corrupt( most media also), and legal may be the only way to go.
As we’ve just seen on the Carolina’s, there are plenty of crooked Lawyers around as well!
Thank you, Dr. Lee, from a retired ICU RN. There are not enough of you, but there are some, and I hold you all in such high esteem and pray for the day when the world will wake up and see the truths that you so courageously represent.
Thank you Dr. Lee for your honesty. As far as the devastating numbers of those who died, early Covid treatment protocols would have saved many who died.
Withholding treatment, lockdowns for all in lieu of quarantine for only the sick, and vaccine mandates will together go down in history as the worst attacks on freedom, and the American way of life, since our inception.
Thanks Aaron for using your legal expertise to help brave whistleblowers like Dr. Lee reveal the truth about the deadly clot shots. The absolute risk reduction measure (ARR, vaccine effectiveness) of ALL the Covid19 shots is < 2%. The FDA and vaccine manufacturers did not disclose this to the public, ignoring the FDA's own reporting guidelines. The touted "95% efficacy" is the relative risk reduction measure (i.e. vaccine efficacy) of the infection risk between the placebo and vaccinated group. Using Pfizer's clinical trial data, the infection risk was .761% and .044% for the placebo and vaccinated group, respectively. Both groups' infection risk was < 1%! The 95% vaccine 'efficacy' represents the % decrease from .761% to .044%. But the absolute risk reduction measure, e.g. how much does the shot reduce the risk of infection, is .761% - .044% = .7%. So here we are, spending trillions to mass inoculate billions around the world with shots that reduce the risk of infection by <2%.
"Covid-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness - the elephant (not) in the room"
Dr. Ronald Brown's peer reviewed article reports the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines' ARR is .7% and 1.1%, respectively, which the FDA, Pfizer and Moderna did not disclose to the public.
“Absolute risk vs relative risk: Each may be accurate. But one may be terribly misleading.”
FDA Communicating Risks and Benefits: An Evidence-Based User’s Guide
Bullcrap. So the whole world and every country in it, plus millions of medical experts are Wrong in your opinion? New variants like Delta breed in un-vaccinated people. And the new variants are even more deadly.
Jim, “…the whole world and every country in it, plus millions of medical experts…” is quite an exaggeration! It appears you are only reading the articles you agree with, and not any opposing points of view.
The current point of view you mention is NOT YET “science.” Gravity is science. Does anyone have to write numerous articles trying to convince us that an apple that falls from a tree hits the ground? Do we need a presidential mandate to enforce us to believe in gravity?
That’s the difference here!
When scientists want to prove something, they use the basic Scientific Method. They look at ALL the information and try to prove, or disprove, their observations (hypothesis). The hypothesis has to be falsify-able, in order to be proven True or False! Therefore they cannot look ONLY at the things that they believe are True, and ignore the False. (That would be called skewed data.) When they study ALL the data, and fail to disprove the hypothesis, then they know it stands! It becomes a theory. Theories that fail to be disproven become Facts. Now that is Science!
Shortly after a successful flight at Kitty Hawk, Wilbur Wright announced that there will never be a flight that can cross the Atlantic Ocean, it just can’t be done… and “millions of people” believed him. Some of them tried to prove him wrong or right, and thankfully, he was wrong!
Why don’t you give that a try Jim? Look at ALL the data, pro and con, True and False, and prove or disprove the claim - then you have earned the right to call out, “Bullcrap.”
Huge ditto Stevie. We also don't need a double blind randomized clinical trial to know that jumping out of an airplane without a parachute 30,000 feet in the air is unsafe. Sometimes observational studies, adjusted for potential bias, are better. :)
I'm not sure from where your information comes, but not verifiable data.
Read about- Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). While it is understood that viruses mutate, causing variants, French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagniert and other experts verify “it is the VACCINATION that is creating the variants.”
Absolutely 💯 right. The virus mutates in order to survive. In order to do this it must enter a host. It finds ways to get into the vaccinated population by mutating. It doesn't need to do this to the unvaccinated host.
The vaccination puts pressure on the virus, and drives it to mutations. Geert Van Den Bosche.
Just letting you know that the above link has been removed, sorry "suspended pending investigation", I'm familiar with it but wanted to archive. With a touch of a button pfuff, just like that everything can be "suspended", terrifying. What world we're leaving to our children?!!!
Perhaps you would like to support your assertions with facts instead of hyperbole. If you even bothered to read the information I shared, you would see that it is the actual clinical trial data submitted by the vaccine manufactures.
The most recent U.K. Public Health Dept Report shows the Delta variant's case fatality rate (CFR) is .4% compared to the original strain's CFR of 1.1%. The infection fatality rate is always lower than the CFA since it includes asymptomatic and mild cases which largely go undocumented. Virology 101: viruses mutate and become more transmissible, but less virulent in order to survive as they don't want to kill the host. If you look at the report, it shows the CFR declining in new variants. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/investigation-of-novel-sars-cov-2-variant-variant-of-concern-20201201
Two recent studies show the viral loads in the vaccinated is the same or higher than the unvaccinated.
Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent the core technology platform for the Covid19 shots said, "Antibody enhancement is the vaccinologist's worst nightmare. That the product that you worked so hard to create actually causes worse disease."... "We have the flawed clinical studies, I acknowledge that they're far from perfect and some might say designed to not be able to detect certain types of adverse events. Specifically, one thing they were not designed to detect is antibody dependent enhancement. And that's recognized by the FDA because in the FDA authorization letter for Emergency Use Authorization, they specifically say that the data are not sufficient to rule out antibody dependent enhancement; it remains a significant risk and suggested to the vaccine companies that they should do follow on clinical studies to detect the presence or absence of antibody dependent enhancement. But they didn't insist that the vaccine companies do that." Malone says the vaccine companies decided to take a pass and not investigate whether or not antibody dependent enhancement would occur. He said, "What we do know is the distribution of virus levels, load, whether it's measured by PCR cycles or some measure that correlates more directly to titer, in the vaccinated is at least as high, those vaccinated that have 'breakthrough' infections, that become infected, is at least as high as in the unvaccinated and to my eye, it looks like there's suggestions that there may be a subset of patients that have been vaccinated and infected, that have even higher levels of viral replication than are present in the unvaccinated population. That, if that was to hold true, that would be the smoking gun demonstrating antibody dependent enhancement." https://www.bitchute.com/video/jHcDEhJgn3y6/
In a recent interview, Dr. Malone said regulatory agencies including the CDC and FDA are “profoundly corrupt” and have pushed experimental Covid vaccines on the population with “grossly incomplete” data that does not meet even the bare minimum standards for safety."
Wow. Thank you for that detailed, well-documented information.
Thanks Stevie. I always provide sources so people know I'm not expressing my opinion. They can do their own research and also share the information to help raise awareness. Too many people are still in denial. Running out of red pills.
Jimmy boy, do yourself a big favor pls, call any testing lab and ask them all, you are concerned about your own health, pls can you test me for the DELTA VARIANT, GUESS WHAT THEIR REPLY SHALL BE, DEAR Sir, SORRY BUT There is NO test FOR THE DELTA.... And Jim, pls pls pls prove me wrong here....
Jimmy Baby, Is that all you can do is parrot Dr. Fauci's arguments?
Listen to Dr Jessica Rose (FDA ADCOM on boosters) who notes the temporal association in populations where vaccination rate is high and says the question should be asked whether the vaccines are giving rise to the variants of concern. The vaccines work with the immune system. What about those who are on immune suppressants, such as solid organ transplant patients? Pfizer didn't include such real world patients. If the vaccines work less well in such patients, couldn't this group of vaccinated people be generating variants of concern?
Umm, Jim, nope. The vaccinated are falling ill all around. You become ill with many of the AEs we're seeing from having a suppressed immune system. The virus has a heyday in the immune-suppressed (that's the vxxd folks). Even the drug co's have admitted there's a general immunity suppression lasting for a few weeks at the least after vaccination. Please study the data. It's there. Do you have data on the incubation of variants within the unvaxxies?
Sorry for tuning in to this convo so late....
This is only found among the unvaxxed
"Neutralizing activity against 23 variants
binding for all four VOC-targeting antibodies and show that combinations of two antibodies decrease the in vitro generation of escape mutants, suggesting their potential in mitigating resistance development."
Thank you, Dr. Lee for standing strong against the Goliath Big Pharma and those supporting the jab! We stand with you for truth and justice and may God bless you for your bravery! You are a true hero!
When Bidens says "Trust the Science" what he is really saying is "Trust the Globalist Agenda" that he is forcing through unconstitutional Tyranny. "Build Back Better" is the slogan of the WEF that wants a "Great Reset" where you will "own nothing but will be happy." Why is the connection between "Build Back Better" and the "Great Reset" not being exposed on globalist corporate media?
Please share widely and sign up to my free Substack Newsletter. We are at war.
Every day now Biden and the Democrats are parroting "Build Back Better." Yet no one on Globalist Corporate Media is acknowledging that "Build Back Better" is the slogan of the WEF's "Great Reset" which will destroy the soveriegnty of the United States and institute the tracking and control of every US Citizen. And similar policies are being pushed in Australia and throughout the planet. The purpose of the essay is to thoroughly connect the dots between "Build Back Better" and the Great Reset. This diabolical plan must be stopped.
Biden and Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX) are now involved in one of the greatest deceptions in US and world history. Since July 2020 Biden has been using the "Build Back Better" slogan throughout his speeches. And now the Democrats are calling the 3.5 Trillion Budget Bill "Build Back Better." So the use of "Build Back Better" has been parroted thousands of times in the last 14 months. Yet no one, including Tucker Carlson, seems to want us in on the joke. As I will explain "Build Back Better" is the slogan of Globalists who seek a Great Reset where you will "own nothing but be happy." It is predicated on forced vaccinations, fake Climate Change and global vaccine passports that will be used to track and control us. It will destroy the sovereignty of the US and all nations. It will ultimately reduce the world's population to the status of slaves on a Global Plantation. It must be stopped.
Biden, Build Back Better and the Great Reset
Bullseye Bruce.
We are now officially in the Twilight Zone. It is so obvious that "Build Back Better" is the slogan for the Great Reset. Yet till this day globalist corporate media refuses to et WE THE PEOPLE in on the joke. I smell revolution is the air. Sadly I see no alternative to a global uprising . . . which is actually happening.
When will this ever stop? Will any one ever be held accountable for these deaths and injuries. I also think someone should be held accountable for letting people die ALONE with COVID since they wouldn't allow family members to be with their loved ones all last year.
In today's world, the majority shall never come out and speak the truth, only the small portion have the guts, alas, it is a total fruitless exercise as the majority are sheep, always have, and always shall be. The family elites control and rule the world's media, the world's finances, the world central banks, the world's supply chains and everything else in between and of course they control and rule YOU...
I am absolutely amazed that an ICU physician (or any physician) is able to recognize vaccine reactions. How did he gain this knowledge? What provoked him to learn to recognize reactions? Great job Dr. Lee! Thank you from those of us whose lives have been severely impacted by vaccine reactions, and especially from those of us who were also told that such reactions don't exist.
Well done. We need more people like you and her.
Please thank her for her courage. What a brave and ethical doctor!
EVERYONE should be most concerned about the mRNA death jab killing the most form of illness, THE COMMON COLD. As the mRNA death jab Eradicates the human bodies natural immune system, the common cold is NO LONGER a cold, it's a MUTATED unknown virus, that shall spread faster than you reading this among everyone. You all know what happened when the white man entered the jungles of South America right, and gave the tribes their gifts etc., well they also gave them the common cold which they did not have an immune system for, EVERYONE DIED.
Can we not get the police to investigate these criminals and take them to court for us? Isn't that their job?
Another aspect of corruption is how doctors are being threatened with discipline and loss of their licenses for giving any other advice than "take the vaccine:" to their patients. In WA State they are doing a bit of a con. The Governor and Department of Health keep saying "talk to your trusted doctor" about the vaccine and at the same time have pushed the Washington Medical Commission (they license doctors) to discipline doctors who don't support the covid vaccines. It's a con because they are manufacturing for the public an illusion of uniform opinion by medical doctors and threatening doctors with the loss of their livelihood if they don't go along with it. It's my understanding this is happening in other states too.