It keeps coming back to the fact we are no longer a self-governing people, i.e., all of our elections are rigged, so none of the politicians care how the hell we vote, and they just do the bidding on whomever gave them enough $ to rig the next election. Pharma donates the most, even more than big oil ever did.

The Control Group case approached SCOTUS 3 times, and all 3 times they stood in violation of their duty to recuse, due to the fact they're all taking pharma $, either directly or indirectly. SCOTUS is fully onboard with the depopulation agenda. State courts might be our only hope for at least temporary relief. And when such cases get appealed beyond State Supreme courts, can we demand that the federal government stay out of it, due to the fact the States are the ones who get to regulate and police medicine? I've seen the CA Supremes stand up to Newscum and have it end there.


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Love Newsom’s new name!

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the full name is Gruesome Newscum.

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This was an excellent interview! I listened to both parts. I recommend people subscribe to The Epoch Times. This publication literally saved our lives early in the Covid era by providing articles and allowing open discussion in the comments about Covid treatments and Covid shots.

Subscribe link: https://subscribe.theepochtimes.com/p/?page=subhome

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I agree! In fact I am going to support Epoch Times by taking ad space in their print and digital media!

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I get both and I love the newspaper all sections! The health section is fantastic and my husband loves the crossword puzzles

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I don't want to subscribe to a far right movement. If you are a far right supporter well, that's up to you, but if you are not, it would be wiser to know who are you supporting

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I don’t put labels on people or groups; I decide actions based on actions. “Far right” is an ill-defined label with no clear boundaries. I would far rather support media that exposes data that remains buried by msm.

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Jack, I'm with you. Who really cares if it's far right or far left? I care about getting to the TRUTH and I feel if someone cares more about politics than the truth, then so be it. Both sides have corruption and if we don't stand up for the Constitution and get to the real truth, nothing will change in our country...

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A mutli billion per year industry built on payoffs and scientific fraud.

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Clearly, if the potential liability would exceed the revenue, then it would be doing humanity a great service for them to stop manufacturing these homicidal products. Just take into account that they're making BILLIONS! So what they're really saying is that the liability would exceed the BILLIONS that they make. That's kind of an admission as to just how bad these things are.

How has nobody ever stood up to them and said, "OK, then stop now and don't come back until you have a product that is safe enough to make a profit. Otherwise, you're asking us to sacrifice health and human life for your profit."

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It’s a lot easier for Pharma to buy a politician, than for a politician to stand up to Pharma.

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And now the CDC has the Covid vaccine on the children’s vaccination schedule!

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Big pharma is the the profit arm of the allopathic medical model. As created by Rockefeller. These are the unseen “rulers” who are pulling the strings of the world.

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If the liability exceeds the profit, then the product is not fit for human usage. Seems pretty intuitive.

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They are protected because they are an integral part of a bio-warfare agenda, so they they get special consideration.

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I’m still an unemployed RN here in Australia and we can’t go back to Nursing unless we ‘re VACCINATED!

So it’s kinda Rubbish to make someone pay EPOCH to have access to a video interview.

Bloody Hell, I just can’t afford that cost-ESPECIALLY in US Dollars☹️....WAAAAAY OUTTA MY MEGER BUDGET.

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Yes, the standard of care has been set to "death" by the fourth Reich. We must resist

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I hope it won't be a new baseline. That would be devastating. I find it hard to believe with all the information out there, we can't somehow avoid this.

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A must listen to! Last 10 minutes of Tucker Carlson night tonight about the vaccines from a Dr. Thorpe, OB/GYN!

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“Unavoidably unsafe”

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So why no mentions of any of the actual laws on autonomy and informed consent? In addition to the Nuremberg codes, there are the ICCPR 1966/76, the Geneva conventions, the Helsinki declaration 1968, the Helsinki accords 2008, the Rome statutes 2003, and the UNESCO declaration 2005. Domestically, we have title 45 part 46, title 21 parts 312 and 314, title 16 vol 2 sect 1028-116, and the patients' bill of rights.

All of these laws and agreements classify autonomy and informed consent as "necessary and essential" and assert the patient's final right of refusal. There is no legal justification for ANY medical mandates whatsoever. For example, while each of the aforementioned laws has a corresponding statement, the UNESCO declaration states in article 6:

"1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 without disadvantage or prejudice."

So, have your arguments actually helped validate illegal mandates? What are you doing?

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That answer honestly insults my intelligence. Nice way to hide. Or you are SO ignorant that you don't realize that these people don't care about your liberties or your health.

But if your education is limited, that's what you think

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the video is not available to view without an Epoch Times subscription.

Why not make it available for all of us, paying or not that have been following you and supporting your work?

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