"Even if you love all the current vaccines, masks, etc., there may come a day when you may not want to take a mandated medical product. When that day comes, it may be too late to recapture the rights you have surrendered. Rights lost are rarely retrieved. This is why, while everyone should be free to take any medical product, everyone should also be free to decline any medical product without penalty.

It should be that simple." - BINGO

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The time has come to stop calling COVID injections vaccines. Successful vaccines are very safe while providing durable immunity. COVID injections clearly don't qualify by any stretch of the imagination.

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I’m 47 and healthy... never touching another vaccine again. And I’m sure my teens won’t either

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Heartless? I’d say demonic. Heart disease should trigger an automatic “medical exemption” although it is my position that medical & religious exemptions are ridiculous, simply because bodily autonomy & the right to say “no” are all that should be necessary

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This is genocide. The shots are not medical products. They do not provide any benefit, but cause only harm. This fact is known to the CDC, the manufacturers and the FDA. They are weapons. And the CDC just upped the ante on killing people.

Anyone at the CDC who recommends these shots needs to criminally charged w/genocide and crimes against humanity. They should be sued in their personal capacity for mass murder and fraud. I know that you believe this cannot happen due to certain "laws". I cannot agree w/this analysis.

The "laws" passed to protect entities engaged in genocide and mass murder are repugnant to the Constitution and are null and void. These "laws" were put in place to commit crimes against the people. They are not laws, they are crimes, in and of themselves.

Murder and fraud are not protected crimes by any one or any entity and we should never act as if they are.

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There should never have been a 'vaccine' response to Covid-19, it wasn't justifiable.

This is what must be tracked back now - how did a global mass population 'vaccine' response obtain approval, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?

How was this 'vaccine solution' evaluated and approved? Where's the paperwork documenting this process?

As I noted in a BMJ rapid response in December 2020, around that time, over the previous 11 months, around 1.64 million deaths had been attributed to Covid-19 - these deaths must be seen in context with the 56 million deaths expected in the world annually.

See: Liberal democracies being turned upside down to 'protect health services': https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4847/rr-16

I also raised the matter with Anders Tegnell, then State epidemiologist in Sweden, questioning him on what basis he justified fast-tracked coronavirus vaccination in Sweden, based on the low mortality figures for Covid-19. See: Sweden, coronavirus, vaccination - ethical considerations: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/sweden-coronavirus-vaccination-ethical-considerations.pdf

Again - how did a global mass population 'vaccine' response obtain approval, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?

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Can they get *any* more obvious? We know what genocidists do when they feel the walls closing in—they accelerate the extermination pogrom to snuff out as many of the remaining victims' lives as possible before they are toppled from power. They have a quota to fill, after all.

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

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The Centers for Disease Creation are not irrational, they are a mix of Pharma shills and sociopaths -- thus, quite rational but evil.

They once had a useful idiot at the helm, but she has now joined in so many lies and crimes that even she must have some clue about the mobsters with whom she now runs. So she has graduated into the ranks of the Pharma shills. If she keeps selling her soul to Mammon, she may even graduate into sociopathy -- thereby transferring her in-hock soul to Lucifer.

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Nuremberg, please.

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Actually a brilliant but ghoulish move CDC. Now when people continue dying from heart attacks following the vaccines, they will blame it on pre-existing heart disease and muddle the true number of vaccine deaths. Presto! Plausible deniability.

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They are Satanic

Mengeles From the FDA Mass Murder Advisory Committee Discuss Clinical Trials for Babies: A 17-Month-Old Baby Received a Second Dose Despite Multiple Seizures From the First


Sacrificing Children to Moloch:


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Surely it is now abundantly clear that this “vaccine” drive is not being done out of incompetence or stupidity. With the vast amounts of data now available regarding the deaths/injuries being caused by the experimental mRNA injections, I can’t see this as anything other than deliberate harm. Unfortunately most of the alphabet agencies, who would typically hold criminals accountable , seem to be themselves compromised… quite a conundrum. Mass non-compliance might be the last non-violent option.

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I’m more than happy to say “no” to anyone trying to assault my bodily autonomy. I’m also more than happy to use my 2nd amendment rights to show them that “no means no” if they disregard my verbal insistence.

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Yeah... this continues to make them all look stupid and evil. It’s almost hilarious to me that they really think most Americans are still listening to them. How disconnected are they. CDC is an echo chamber

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Welcome to insanity.

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They managed to take away the credibility of all vaccines.

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