"Even if you love all the current vaccines, masks, etc., there may come a day when you may not want to take a mandated medical product. When that day comes, it may be too late to recapture the rights you have surrendered. Rights lost are rarely retrieved. This is why, while everyone should be free to take any medical product, everyone should also be free to decline any medical product without penalty.
Yes...and those who give into their fears should do what it is they think will "save" them and be reminded that they have absolutely no right whatsoever to force anyone else to accommodate those fears. Hide in the basement, wrap yourself in Saran wrap, get injected multiple times -- do whatever -- but don't you dare demand that I or anyone do the same.
Yes, that was a cornerstone of the "marketing" of this crime. I never wore one, never will.
Back in 2020 in the early days of the "snot pouch" mandates, I had this conversation with someone, someone I knew and liked. She, of course, was dutiful. A conversation started about the "reasons" "we" "should" do this. After I explained that I was OK with taking my chances with getting a respiratory infection, she said what you said to which I replied something along the lines of,
"So, let me get this straight. You can still inhale and exhale through the mask, but it blocks the virus?" She nodded.
"OK. So. If you wear a mask, you're protecting yourself, right?" "No," she said. "I wear the mask to protect you."
"Are you sick?" "No!" she said, shaking her head.
"OK...You're not sick, but you're wearing a mask to protect me. I'm not sick, but I should wear a mask to protect you. Because they only work one way? Is that what you're saying?"
You know that blink you get behind the eyes of someone who's just realized just how stupid something sounds?
I see how it works on others. I know that masks don't work. I know that most vaxx don't work, at least not at a high percentage rate. Therefore, I don't care.
The problem is in the system that people ascribe to - which is that someone else is their authority. That underlies everything making everything built upon it distorted.
The time has come to stop calling COVID injections vaccines. Successful vaccines are very safe while providing durable immunity. COVID injections clearly don't qualify by any stretch of the imagination.
i don't think "successful" vaccines are as safe as you think they are. we all assume, because we have been told since forever, that vaccines are the greatest triumph of public health but is that really so? i agree that the covid injections (Bret Weinstein and others call them transfections) are leagues of magnitude more dangerous than the other shots, but that doesn't make those "safe," only safe in comparison. they are not as thoroughly researched as you may assume, they are tested not against a true placebo or an unvaccinated cohort but against other vaccines or the adjuvants of other vaccines and are not really studied long enough.
by "politically prejudiced entities pushing delusional, self serving narratives" who do you mean exactly? anyone who disagrees with a generally accepted narrative? and by saying "99.999% of intellectually competent people" are you not implying that Miki (who i don't know) is among the .001% of non-intellectually competent people? this seems rather a harsh judgmental non-answer to a legitimate question.
If you noticed a discrepancy of truth it is incumbent of you to mention it so everyone gets a chance to see things from other perspectives. Your perspective is worth airing. If we don't get into the habit of doing this, then nonsense will prevail. Saying nothing is essentially as good as a nod. Saying something is how it should be if we want to be honest "citizens" in an honest society. It always comes down to the micro. The micro determines the macro.
When I read your original comment I thought you were arguing that COVID injections are safe and effective, hence my initial response. In other words I thought you were politically motivated to push that dreadfully dangerous ineffective trash thereby evidencing the lack of intellectual competence characteristic of political ideologues. Had I known you were arguing no vaccine is safe and effective I would still have disagreed however I understand some well meaning, thoughtful people don't agree that any vaccine is worthwhile, but they aren't mindlessly pushing some political party's nonsense narrative.
Aaron Siri has a video that just came out where he talks about the horrendous safety data on the Hep B shot in infants and children. 147 participants. Data was collected for only 5 days. 5 DAYS. No placebo. And this is given to EVERY infant within 24 hrs of birth. If the mother is negative for Hep B then the infant cannot contract Hep B, therefore there’s no need for the shot.
Yea this is absolutely sickening. Even if we take em at their word that they didn't know the ill effects of this technology (which I know is a lie), there is no rationale at this point other than malicious intent. Pure madness
You see, heart patients aren't well. They need special treatment, therefore they need killed off to save everyone (the government) money. Part of the democide, you see.
And the 1986 Act lead to more reinforcement of immunity in 2005 with the PREP Act changes. Full immunity, full power, no questions, no questions even allowed and no power to stop them. Congress agreed and passed it all. Katherine Watt pointed this out.
None of the vaccines are 100% safe. Also they do seem to cause autism and other auto immune diseases in suspectible people. There is no 1 size fits all medical product and that includes vaccines. Everyone should have the right to say NO. Those who think the vaccine works are free to take as many as they want!
Fully agree. Everyone actually does have the "right" to say no. I did. And I know others who did. I know someone who traveled all over the US and said no. And another who said no to her employer. People don't need "exemptions" or anything else. They just need to be able to say a two-letter word. And yeah if people want vaccines, they are free to do anything they want to their body. But expecting others to do things to their bodies so that the threatened can feel safe, well that is utter tripe. We need to make sure they know it. Never again must we let them even think they can tell us what to do with our body. Or what to wear.
In 1986 the vaccine industry testified before Congress that they needed to be shielded from product liability because they claimed, “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.”
So Congress fully indemnified Pharma for all vaccines that appear on the childhood schedule.
Since then the number of doses of these “unavoidably unsafe vaccines” on the CDC childhood schedule has tripled.
Over the same time frame the chronic inflammatory disease burden borne by US children has tripled.
Before the Covid vaccines were added to the childhood schedule, the CDC had 34 doses on the schedule for infants and 35 more doses for children.
99.999% of intellectually competent people can surmise why the CDC put the Covid vaccines on the childhood schedule.
Download vaccine monographs, look for saline placebo control groups in the trial data.
“Safe and effective” is a data-free mind-numbing mantra…one believes things, because one has been conditioned to believe them.
"'A data-free mind-numbing mantra" -- What a great description!
There's a psychiatrist named Robert Jay Lifton who studied brainwashing and propaganda. He calls a statement like "Vaccines are safe and effective" a "thought-stopping cliche' " -- but I like "data-free mind-numbing mantra" better.
Right on. Though great improvements in life-saving technologies such as pacemakers have (until very recently!) improved the average life span, most do not see the vast "forest" of people being less healthy at all age groups than any time since the early to mid 20th century advancements in sanitation and nutritional awareness for the trees of so many instances of "lives being saved" by such "heroic" measures" that would not be necessary in the first place if people were healthy as nature intended. And worse yet, cover their eyes when one points it out. Whatever happened to concern for optimal everyday health?
Where ARE these successful vaccines? Granted, if one is in luck, the long-term effects may be very subtle, such as a little eczema or a slight loss of mental acuity.
And one can even make a rational argument they helped eradicate some childhood diseases, such as measles, which was attributed to the deaths of about 1 out of every 400,000 Americans per year when the shots came out. But at what cost, especially in terms of OPTIMAL everyday health (which is lost in almost all discussions)? Especially given that measles can be treated with just about 100% effectiveness with megadose nutrients, such as vitamins A and C.
I have no recollection of so much "moderate to severe (insert chronic malady here)" among young people, let alone half of people from their teens to 30ish having some sort of chronic health issues (which rake in more bucks for the manufacturers) or depression when I was that age and we weren't human pincushions.
But then, correlation does not imply causation, does it? Except when it comes to the eradication of many diseases. Never mind that public health improvements also wiped out many non-vaccinable diseases just as surely, including the biggest 19th century killer of all, typhoid.
I think it all stems from the belief that we cannot take care of ourselves without government. This is such a deeply-embedded myth yet people will ignore their own responsibility to find out what is in pharmaceuticals, they just blindly believe the white coats or bureaucrats or politicians (or the media) Blindly they would just take anything, without question, due to their underlying belief in authority. It's a form of very low self-esteem, putting their own body into the hands of total strangers. As well as their children's bodies. They're still putting their children into the schools. They don't realize how nefarious their beloved "authorities" are and the ill intent they have lined up. So maybe it's a way of cleaning the gene pool. People like this allow malevolence to thrive, they are a threat to you and me, and all living things. I do not exaggerate when I say this. The human race cannot afford such plumb ignorance.
Ah yes, a very astute observation, Denise. I have considered that as well. Perhaps there is a method to this madness after all, and the orchestrators are secretly rooting for those who their useful idiots gaslight and slander. A ginormous trial by fire.
AUTISM - An Immune Mediated Disorder- Contraversially associated with multiple Vaccine administration in early infancy- Iatrogenic Injury from the Accumulative longterm Viral / Toxic Effects of Multiple Vaccine Administration on the developing Brain and Central Nervous System - Demylinating Neuropathy.
AUTISM Alone at rates as high as 7.2% in some parts of the Developed World.
Not to mention Guillian Barre Syndrome, Narcolepsy, Myocarditis, Bells Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis etc.
And the real issue that Vaccines can trigger the reactivation of Latent Disease or Cancer.
Just curious, are you aware that there are now a striking number of kids (teens and younger) with a dual diagnosis of Autism *plus* either Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD)? I've come to believe that Autism, hEDS, and HSD are all epigenetic disorders triggered most often by vaccination but sometimes by other toxic exposures. I've found William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain" very helpful in understanding epigenetic disorders.
So many under-20's people these days are what I call "Alphabet Soup Kids." Each of these kids has not just one or two diagnoses, but a whole list. Here's the list for one kid I know: ASD, HSD, ADHD, TS (Tourette's Syndrome), RAD, POTS, IBS, MCS, PCOS. When I see lists like this, I remember something William Walsh said in a lecture: People with epigenetic disorders are extremely difficult to treat, because *hundreds* of their body processes go wrong.
Yes of course. It's scary that people cannot see anything yet someone gets a sneeze and everyone forces others to wear a mask. Calling it out is what we must do.
Oh dear. Someone who still believes there are "successful" vaccines that are "very safe" and provide "durable immunity." Having a vaccine-injured child cured me of all that.
No. You need to educate yourself about the 'other' vaccines. I used to believe that they worked and were safe. They are useless at best, and damaging at worst. Public health improved due to better hygiene, clean water, and better nutrition, along with better working conditions.
Turtles all the way down..... Please read the book. And if you find any errors, Steve Kirsch is paying money for any error found. If you can't challenge the content of that book you will find yourself in a new world.
99.999% of intellectually competent people who are aware of the real world consequences of those injections will have no difficulty understanding the note as it stands. Those gullible enough to believe politically prejudiced entities pushing delusional, self serving narratives may well have difficulty. They need more help than I can offer.
None of the vaccines can be claimed to be "safe and effective" unfortunately. None go through the double blind placebo controlled studies and none of them carry liability to the manufacturers. People, including doctors, have been finding this out the hard way over the years. https://vaccine.guide
That sounds a bit lofty. Surely it is incumbent on each of us to explain what we speak? We can't just dismiss someone's questions outright. There may be times when that's suitable but overall we need to clarity our meanings so we can communicate wisely.
I would encourage those who have questions to study the history of smallpox and polio before and after associated vaccines became available, for example. Note, I for one still do not support mandating any vaccine. And mandating COVID injections is obviously utter lunacy.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries has studied the history of smallpox and polio, and shared what she learned in her book Dissolving Illusions. The simplistic narrative of "dangerous, deadly disease conquered by life-saving scientific miracle" is a marketing scheme, not medically sound evidence.
I started that book yesterday. I also highly recommend “What Really Makes You Ill? This title is also their website where you can read more and see many interviews they have given. Also, Virus Mania is another must read. Prepare to have your mind blown.
i have a friend who has a PhD in large animal veterinary medicine. she is mainly an alternative practitioner, having studied TCM, homeopathy and acupuncture. yes, she does acupuncture on horses! she distills her own CBD oil (i'm not sure if "distills" is the right word so forgive me).
she told me once that when her son (he's in his early 20's now) was a child, she spaced out his vaccines according to her druthers and had a medical friend falsify his records because she would not get him the chicken pox vaccine. she said "that vaccine was only put on the schedule to make money for MERCK."
imagine how stunned i was when she raced to get all the covid shots on offer. in her facebook posts, she still complains that not everyone is masked in airports. it's like she's forgotten how to reason.
Heartless? I’d say demonic. Heart disease should trigger an automatic “medical exemption” although it is my position that medical & religious exemptions are ridiculous, simply because bodily autonomy & the right to say “no” are all that should be necessary
Im w/ you, Elizabeth! But what part of ANY of it has ever made sense? It’s all a scam & control thing w/ the lies changing week to week the past 3 years.
Anyway, I don’t have to prove I have a medical issue or religious sensibility to get “permission” from a doctor or clergy person. I exempt MYSELF.
What is that pithy little slogan the leftist loons love so much 🤔…o yeah, something like “my body, my choice” but utterly inapplicable except for abortion. However, You can bet if Trump had stayed in office, they’d have been howling that to the stars re the “vaxxine “. The rich irony for me is that had he remainded in office, most of the loons would have considered it “Trump’s vaxxine” & never would have trusted or taken it. So in their fervent TDS & hatred they have only hurt themselves. Morons
Cindy I love that you exempt yourself! That's the ticket! That's what we all need to do. I despise politics it's just a clown show but I think liberals are so scared of death that they rely on "science" to give them eternal life and all the vain things. And I saw them going along with Trump on the vaccines. They didn't hate him enough to go against the vaccines or his touting of "warp speed". That was an interesting play by the instigators.
I thought Nuremberg guaranteed that right to informed consent & bodily autonomy, esp in USA 😔
This is just my opinion, Denise: when Trump warp speeded the phony “vax”, lots of lib loons @ the top, including Cuomo, Kneepads Harris, LGB-FJB all said they didn’t trust it & wouldn’t take it. When LGB-FJB “won” it turned into a magical elixir that became mandated to take. And they lined up over & over & denigrated those of us who said no
But if people still go to these ghouls they are giving consent to undergo those services. That is reality. No longer is it reality that doctors and nurses heal.
This is genocide. The shots are not medical products. They do not provide any benefit, but cause only harm. This fact is known to the CDC, the manufacturers and the FDA. They are weapons. And the CDC just upped the ante on killing people.
Anyone at the CDC who recommends these shots needs to criminally charged w/genocide and crimes against humanity. They should be sued in their personal capacity for mass murder and fraud. I know that you believe this cannot happen due to certain "laws". I cannot agree w/this analysis.
The "laws" passed to protect entities engaged in genocide and mass murder are repugnant to the Constitution and are null and void. These "laws" were put in place to commit crimes against the people. They are not laws, they are crimes, in and of themselves.
Murder and fraud are not protected crimes by any one or any entity and we should never act as if they are.
There should never have been a 'vaccine' response to Covid-19, it wasn't justifiable.
This is what must be tracked back now - how did a global mass population 'vaccine' response obtain approval, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?
How was this 'vaccine solution' evaluated and approved? Where's the paperwork documenting this process?
As I noted in a BMJ rapid response in December 2020, around that time, over the previous 11 months, around 1.64 million deaths had been attributed to Covid-19 - these deaths must be seen in context with the 56 million deaths expected in the world annually.
Again - how did a global mass population 'vaccine' response obtain approval, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?
Can they get *any* more obvious? We know what genocidists do when they feel the walls closing in—they accelerate the extermination pogrom to snuff out as many of the remaining victims' lives as possible before they are toppled from power. They have a quota to fill, after all.
The Centers for Disease Creation are not irrational, they are a mix of Pharma shills and sociopaths -- thus, quite rational but evil.
They once had a useful idiot at the helm, but she has now joined in so many lies and crimes that even she must have some clue about the mobsters with whom she now runs. So she has graduated into the ranks of the Pharma shills. If she keeps selling her soul to Mammon, she may even graduate into sociopathy -- thereby transferring her in-hock soul to Lucifer.
This is a time when we need to rethink everything. To call for something that goes backwards instead of forwards is moving in the wrong direction. They didn't have AI then, they didn't have robotic canines or robotic assassins. Plus you're still in the mode of looking to authority to handle the situation.
Actually a brilliant but ghoulish move CDC. Now when people continue dying from heart attacks following the vaccines, they will blame it on pre-existing heart disease and muddle the true number of vaccine deaths. Presto! Plausible deniability.
Mengeles From the FDA Mass Murder Advisory Committee Discuss Clinical Trials for Babies: A 17-Month-Old Baby Received a Second Dose Despite Multiple Seizures From the First
Surely it is now abundantly clear that this “vaccine” drive is not being done out of incompetence or stupidity. With the vast amounts of data now available regarding the deaths/injuries being caused by the experimental mRNA injections, I can’t see this as anything other than deliberate harm. Unfortunately most of the alphabet agencies, who would typically hold criminals accountable , seem to be themselves compromised… quite a conundrum. Mass non-compliance might be the last non-violent option.
I’m more than happy to say “no” to anyone trying to assault my bodily autonomy. I’m also more than happy to use my 2nd amendment rights to show them that “no means no” if they disregard my verbal insistence.
Yeah... this continues to make them all look stupid and evil. It’s almost hilarious to me that they really think most Americans are still listening to them. How disconnected are they. CDC is an echo chamber
"Even if you love all the current vaccines, masks, etc., there may come a day when you may not want to take a mandated medical product. When that day comes, it may be too late to recapture the rights you have surrendered. Rights lost are rarely retrieved. This is why, while everyone should be free to take any medical product, everyone should also be free to decline any medical product without penalty.
It should be that simple." - BINGO
Yes...and those who give into their fears should do what it is they think will "save" them and be reminded that they have absolutely no right whatsoever to force anyone else to accommodate those fears. Hide in the basement, wrap yourself in Saran wrap, get injected multiple times -- do whatever -- but don't you dare demand that I or anyone do the same.
That's where the propaganda was so vital. Your mask protects others. Your vaccine protects others. See how that works?
Yes, that was a cornerstone of the "marketing" of this crime. I never wore one, never will.
Back in 2020 in the early days of the "snot pouch" mandates, I had this conversation with someone, someone I knew and liked. She, of course, was dutiful. A conversation started about the "reasons" "we" "should" do this. After I explained that I was OK with taking my chances with getting a respiratory infection, she said what you said to which I replied something along the lines of,
"So, let me get this straight. You can still inhale and exhale through the mask, but it blocks the virus?" She nodded.
"OK. So. If you wear a mask, you're protecting yourself, right?" "No," she said. "I wear the mask to protect you."
"Are you sick?" "No!" she said, shaking her head.
"OK...You're not sick, but you're wearing a mask to protect me. I'm not sick, but I should wear a mask to protect you. Because they only work one way? Is that what you're saying?"
You know that blink you get behind the eyes of someone who's just realized just how stupid something sounds?
So many people are just plum crazy these days. Back in 2019 no one would have believed this.
Yes, that's part of it, but they've also exposed a deep immorality -- and they don't even know it.
I see how it works on others. I know that masks don't work. I know that most vaxx don't work, at least not at a high percentage rate. Therefore, I don't care.
How about I "nudge" using a bulldozer? You know, one of those giant ones used to build dams.
They can demand it but it should fall on deaf ears. Anyone can say anything they wish.
The problem is in the system that people ascribe to - which is that someone else is their authority. That underlies everything making everything built upon it distorted.
Exactly. The root of it all. Transfer inner child therapy to inner adult therapy and let the healing begin.
The time has come to stop calling COVID injections vaccines. Successful vaccines are very safe while providing durable immunity. COVID injections clearly don't qualify by any stretch of the imagination.
i don't think "successful" vaccines are as safe as you think they are. we all assume, because we have been told since forever, that vaccines are the greatest triumph of public health but is that really so? i agree that the covid injections (Bret Weinstein and others call them transfections) are leagues of magnitude more dangerous than the other shots, but that doesn't make those "safe," only safe in comparison. they are not as thoroughly researched as you may assume, they are tested not against a true placebo or an unvaccinated cohort but against other vaccines or the adjuvants of other vaccines and are not really studied long enough.
by "politically prejudiced entities pushing delusional, self serving narratives" who do you mean exactly? anyone who disagrees with a generally accepted narrative? and by saying "99.999% of intellectually competent people" are you not implying that Miki (who i don't know) is among the .001% of non-intellectually competent people? this seems rather a harsh judgmental non-answer to a legitimate question.
If you noticed a discrepancy of truth it is incumbent of you to mention it so everyone gets a chance to see things from other perspectives. Your perspective is worth airing. If we don't get into the habit of doing this, then nonsense will prevail. Saying nothing is essentially as good as a nod. Saying something is how it should be if we want to be honest "citizens" in an honest society. It always comes down to the micro. The micro determines the macro.
When I read your original comment I thought you were arguing that COVID injections are safe and effective, hence my initial response. In other words I thought you were politically motivated to push that dreadfully dangerous ineffective trash thereby evidencing the lack of intellectual competence characteristic of political ideologues. Had I known you were arguing no vaccine is safe and effective I would still have disagreed however I understand some well meaning, thoughtful people don't agree that any vaccine is worthwhile, but they aren't mindlessly pushing some political party's nonsense narrative.
"successful va$$ines" are very "safe" huh?
NOT ONE childhood va$$ine has been tested against a pure saline placebo,
they were tested against another va$$ine!!! This is NOT science,
this is FRAUD!!
The Greatest LIe ever told that va$$ines are safe and effective.
Aaron Siri has a video that just came out where he talks about the horrendous safety data on the Hep B shot in infants and children. 147 participants. Data was collected for only 5 days. 5 DAYS. No placebo. And this is given to EVERY infant within 24 hrs of birth. If the mother is negative for Hep B then the infant cannot contract Hep B, therefore there’s no need for the shot.
yes, i watched it,
Its SO EVIL, a newborn baby not even 24 hours old, and they inject with poisons!!!
I tell all parents, Educate before va$$inate.
God help us.
'Injectable bioweapon' is my go-to. And I care not who may get turned off by being so blunt about it.
it's unbelievable that they are recommending it to heart patients when they especially should steer clear!
Yea this is absolutely sickening. Even if we take em at their word that they didn't know the ill effects of this technology (which I know is a lie), there is no rationale at this point other than malicious intent. Pure madness
You see, heart patients aren't well. They need special treatment, therefore they need killed off to save everyone (the government) money. Part of the democide, you see.
The heart problems are the results of the injectable bioweapon. They want to make more money, make money on human weaknesses. They set it up all along, I hope you can see this? It is pretty obvious. They also set up in 1986 for their companies to be free from lawsuit for injury. All this comes about because people believe in "law". This article explains the illogic of "law" https://reloveutionnow.quora.com/Law-itself-is-the-violator?__nsrc__=4&__snid3__=48507735905&comment_id=48719348&comment_type=3
And the 1986 Act lead to more reinforcement of immunity in 2005 with the PREP Act changes. Full immunity, full power, no questions, no questions even allowed and no power to stop them. Congress agreed and passed it all. Katherine Watt pointed this out.
That is the perfect description!
None of the vaccines are 100% safe. Also they do seem to cause autism and other auto immune diseases in suspectible people. There is no 1 size fits all medical product and that includes vaccines. Everyone should have the right to say NO. Those who think the vaccine works are free to take as many as they want!
Fully agree. Everyone actually does have the "right" to say no. I did. And I know others who did. I know someone who traveled all over the US and said no. And another who said no to her employer. People don't need "exemptions" or anything else. They just need to be able to say a two-letter word. And yeah if people want vaccines, they are free to do anything they want to their body. But expecting others to do things to their bodies so that the threatened can feel safe, well that is utter tripe. We need to make sure they know it. Never again must we let them even think they can tell us what to do with our body. Or what to wear.
I agree that we shouldn't call covid "vaccines" however disagree strongly that vaccines are safe. Strongly.
Cruising Economist,
In 1986 the vaccine industry testified before Congress that they needed to be shielded from product liability because they claimed, “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.”
So Congress fully indemnified Pharma for all vaccines that appear on the childhood schedule.
Since then the number of doses of these “unavoidably unsafe vaccines” on the CDC childhood schedule has tripled.
Over the same time frame the chronic inflammatory disease burden borne by US children has tripled.
Before the Covid vaccines were added to the childhood schedule, the CDC had 34 doses on the schedule for infants and 35 more doses for children.
99.999% of intellectually competent people can surmise why the CDC put the Covid vaccines on the childhood schedule.
Download vaccine monographs, look for saline placebo control groups in the trial data.
“Safe and effective” is a data-free mind-numbing mantra…one believes things, because one has been conditioned to believe them.
"'A data-free mind-numbing mantra" -- What a great description!
There's a psychiatrist named Robert Jay Lifton who studied brainwashing and propaganda. He calls a statement like "Vaccines are safe and effective" a "thought-stopping cliche' " -- but I like "data-free mind-numbing mantra" better.
an NO Data mind-numbing mantra.
we must keep the word free FREE.
Right on. Though great improvements in life-saving technologies such as pacemakers have (until very recently!) improved the average life span, most do not see the vast "forest" of people being less healthy at all age groups than any time since the early to mid 20th century advancements in sanitation and nutritional awareness for the trees of so many instances of "lives being saved" by such "heroic" measures" that would not be necessary in the first place if people were healthy as nature intended. And worse yet, cover their eyes when one points it out. Whatever happened to concern for optimal everyday health?
Where ARE these successful vaccines? Granted, if one is in luck, the long-term effects may be very subtle, such as a little eczema or a slight loss of mental acuity.
And one can even make a rational argument they helped eradicate some childhood diseases, such as measles, which was attributed to the deaths of about 1 out of every 400,000 Americans per year when the shots came out. But at what cost, especially in terms of OPTIMAL everyday health (which is lost in almost all discussions)? Especially given that measles can be treated with just about 100% effectiveness with megadose nutrients, such as vitamins A and C.
I have no recollection of so much "moderate to severe (insert chronic malady here)" among young people, let alone half of people from their teens to 30ish having some sort of chronic health issues (which rake in more bucks for the manufacturers) or depression when I was that age and we weren't human pincushions.
But then, correlation does not imply causation, does it? Except when it comes to the eradication of many diseases. Never mind that public health improvements also wiped out many non-vaccinable diseases just as surely, including the biggest 19th century killer of all, typhoid.
I think it all stems from the belief that we cannot take care of ourselves without government. This is such a deeply-embedded myth yet people will ignore their own responsibility to find out what is in pharmaceuticals, they just blindly believe the white coats or bureaucrats or politicians (or the media) Blindly they would just take anything, without question, due to their underlying belief in authority. It's a form of very low self-esteem, putting their own body into the hands of total strangers. As well as their children's bodies. They're still putting their children into the schools. They don't realize how nefarious their beloved "authorities" are and the ill intent they have lined up. So maybe it's a way of cleaning the gene pool. People like this allow malevolence to thrive, they are a threat to you and me, and all living things. I do not exaggerate when I say this. The human race cannot afford such plumb ignorance.
Ah yes, a very astute observation, Denise. I have considered that as well. Perhaps there is a method to this madness after all, and the orchestrators are secretly rooting for those who their useful idiots gaslight and slander. A ginormous trial by fire.
AUTISM - An Immune Mediated Disorder- Contraversially associated with multiple Vaccine administration in early infancy- Iatrogenic Injury from the Accumulative longterm Viral / Toxic Effects of Multiple Vaccine Administration on the developing Brain and Central Nervous System - Demylinating Neuropathy.
AUTISM Alone at rates as high as 7.2% in some parts of the Developed World.
Not to mention Guillian Barre Syndrome, Narcolepsy, Myocarditis, Bells Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis etc.
And the real issue that Vaccines can trigger the reactivation of Latent Disease or Cancer.
The World Has A Lot Yet To Learn.
Just curious, are you aware that there are now a striking number of kids (teens and younger) with a dual diagnosis of Autism *plus* either Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD)? I've come to believe that Autism, hEDS, and HSD are all epigenetic disorders triggered most often by vaccination but sometimes by other toxic exposures. I've found William Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain" very helpful in understanding epigenetic disorders.
So many under-20's people these days are what I call "Alphabet Soup Kids." Each of these kids has not just one or two diagnoses, but a whole list. Here's the list for one kid I know: ASD, HSD, ADHD, TS (Tourette's Syndrome), RAD, POTS, IBS, MCS, PCOS. When I see lists like this, I remember something William Walsh said in a lecture: People with epigenetic disorders are extremely difficult to treat, because *hundreds* of their body processes go wrong.
Yes of course. It's scary that people cannot see anything yet someone gets a sneeze and everyone forces others to wear a mask. Calling it out is what we must do.
Oh dear. Someone who still believes there are "successful" vaccines that are "very safe" and provide "durable immunity." Having a vaccine-injured child cured me of all that.
No. You need to educate yourself about the 'other' vaccines. I used to believe that they worked and were safe. They are useless at best, and damaging at worst. Public health improved due to better hygiene, clean water, and better nutrition, along with better working conditions.
Turtles all the way down..... Please read the book. And if you find any errors, Steve Kirsch is paying money for any error found. If you can't challenge the content of that book you will find yourself in a new world.
99.999% of intellectually competent people who are aware of the real world consequences of those injections will have no difficulty understanding the note as it stands. Those gullible enough to believe politically prejudiced entities pushing delusional, self serving narratives may well have difficulty. They need more help than I can offer.
None of the vaccines can be claimed to be "safe and effective" unfortunately. None go through the double blind placebo controlled studies and none of them carry liability to the manufacturers. People, including doctors, have been finding this out the hard way over the years. https://vaccine.guide
That sounds a bit lofty. Surely it is incumbent on each of us to explain what we speak? We can't just dismiss someone's questions outright. There may be times when that's suitable but overall we need to clarity our meanings so we can communicate wisely.
I would encourage those who have questions to study the history of smallpox and polio before and after associated vaccines became available, for example. Note, I for one still do not support mandating any vaccine. And mandating COVID injections is obviously utter lunacy.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries has studied the history of smallpox and polio, and shared what she learned in her book Dissolving Illusions. The simplistic narrative of "dangerous, deadly disease conquered by life-saving scientific miracle" is a marketing scheme, not medically sound evidence.
I started that book yesterday. I also highly recommend “What Really Makes You Ill? This title is also their website where you can read more and see many interviews they have given. Also, Virus Mania is another must read. Prepare to have your mind blown.
Yes, everyone should absolutely study the history of diseases and vaccines... so they can see just how fraudulent the vaccine program has always been. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-impact-of-vaccines-on-mortality-decline-since-1900-according-to-published-science/
i have a friend who has a PhD in large animal veterinary medicine. she is mainly an alternative practitioner, having studied TCM, homeopathy and acupuncture. yes, she does acupuncture on horses! she distills her own CBD oil (i'm not sure if "distills" is the right word so forgive me).
she told me once that when her son (he's in his early 20's now) was a child, she spaced out his vaccines according to her druthers and had a medical friend falsify his records because she would not get him the chicken pox vaccine. she said "that vaccine was only put on the schedule to make money for MERCK."
imagine how stunned i was when she raced to get all the covid shots on offer. in her facebook posts, she still complains that not everyone is masked in airports. it's like she's forgotten how to reason.
Ouch. It's amazing how many intelligent people have totally "drunk the Koolaid" on the spikeshots.
I’m 47 and healthy... never touching another vaccine again. And I’m sure my teens won’t either
Heartless? I’d say demonic. Heart disease should trigger an automatic “medical exemption” although it is my position that medical & religious exemptions are ridiculous, simply because bodily autonomy & the right to say “no” are all that should be necessary
Exactly Cindi, medical and religious exemptions are ridiculous, how did these ever come into being, they make no sense.
People should be giving informed consent to any medical intervention, including the Covid jabs.
How can an exemption be required to NOT have a medical intervention?
As you say Cindi, “bodily autonomy & the right to say “no” are all that should be necessary”.
Im w/ you, Elizabeth! But what part of ANY of it has ever made sense? It’s all a scam & control thing w/ the lies changing week to week the past 3 years.
Anyway, I don’t have to prove I have a medical issue or religious sensibility to get “permission” from a doctor or clergy person. I exempt MYSELF.
What is that pithy little slogan the leftist loons love so much 🤔…o yeah, something like “my body, my choice” but utterly inapplicable except for abortion. However, You can bet if Trump had stayed in office, they’d have been howling that to the stars re the “vaxxine “. The rich irony for me is that had he remainded in office, most of the loons would have considered it “Trump’s vaxxine” & never would have trusted or taken it. So in their fervent TDS & hatred they have only hurt themselves. Morons
Cindy I love that you exempt yourself! That's the ticket! That's what we all need to do. I despise politics it's just a clown show but I think liberals are so scared of death that they rely on "science" to give them eternal life and all the vain things. And I saw them going along with Trump on the vaccines. They didn't hate him enough to go against the vaccines or his touting of "warp speed". That was an interesting play by the instigators.
I thought Nuremberg guaranteed that right to informed consent & bodily autonomy, esp in USA 😔
This is just my opinion, Denise: when Trump warp speeded the phony “vax”, lots of lib loons @ the top, including Cuomo, Kneepads Harris, LGB-FJB all said they didn’t trust it & wouldn’t take it. When LGB-FJB “won” it turned into a magical elixir that became mandated to take. And they lined up over & over & denigrated those of us who said no
But if people still go to these ghouls they are giving consent to undergo those services. That is reality. No longer is it reality that doctors and nurses heal.
The fact that the writer is mealy mouthed about it is a problem because he obviously doesn't hold body autonomy as a "given".
This is genocide. The shots are not medical products. They do not provide any benefit, but cause only harm. This fact is known to the CDC, the manufacturers and the FDA. They are weapons. And the CDC just upped the ante on killing people.
Anyone at the CDC who recommends these shots needs to criminally charged w/genocide and crimes against humanity. They should be sued in their personal capacity for mass murder and fraud. I know that you believe this cannot happen due to certain "laws". I cannot agree w/this analysis.
The "laws" passed to protect entities engaged in genocide and mass murder are repugnant to the Constitution and are null and void. These "laws" were put in place to commit crimes against the people. They are not laws, they are crimes, in and of themselves.
Murder and fraud are not protected crimes by any one or any entity and we should never act as if they are.
Excellent comment, Jill. 100%!
But have heart. This move may have the very positive side-effect of exposing the agenda once and for all.
There should never have been a 'vaccine' response to Covid-19, it wasn't justifiable.
This is what must be tracked back now - how did a global mass population 'vaccine' response obtain approval, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?
How was this 'vaccine solution' evaluated and approved? Where's the paperwork documenting this process?
As I noted in a BMJ rapid response in December 2020, around that time, over the previous 11 months, around 1.64 million deaths had been attributed to Covid-19 - these deaths must be seen in context with the 56 million deaths expected in the world annually.
See: Liberal democracies being turned upside down to 'protect health services': https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4847/rr-16
I also raised the matter with Anders Tegnell, then State epidemiologist in Sweden, questioning him on what basis he justified fast-tracked coronavirus vaccination in Sweden, based on the low mortality figures for Covid-19. See: Sweden, coronavirus, vaccination - ethical considerations: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/sweden-coronavirus-vaccination-ethical-considerations.pdf
Again - how did a global mass population 'vaccine' response obtain approval, against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?
Can they get *any* more obvious? We know what genocidists do when they feel the walls closing in—they accelerate the extermination pogrom to snuff out as many of the remaining victims' lives as possible before they are toppled from power. They have a quota to fill, after all.
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)
The Centers for Disease Creation are not irrational, they are a mix of Pharma shills and sociopaths -- thus, quite rational but evil.
They once had a useful idiot at the helm, but she has now joined in so many lies and crimes that even she must have some clue about the mobsters with whom she now runs. So she has graduated into the ranks of the Pharma shills. If she keeps selling her soul to Mammon, she may even graduate into sociopathy -- thereby transferring her in-hock soul to Lucifer.
Nuremberg, please.
Do we have enough court rooms?
Do we have enough judges?
Do we have enough timber for the gallows?
Do we have enough rope?
I say we get started so we can find out. Let's start with Fauci, Gates and Biden.
Probably have enough rope, etc. just not the scrotum for it. Look at all the miserable rinos from our state!
This is a time when we need to rethink everything. To call for something that goes backwards instead of forwards is moving in the wrong direction. They didn't have AI then, they didn't have robotic canines or robotic assassins. Plus you're still in the mode of looking to authority to handle the situation.
Not looking to "authorities" to handle anything ; they are the problem. Looking to the sovereign God of the universe to handle it and He will.
Actually a brilliant but ghoulish move CDC. Now when people continue dying from heart attacks following the vaccines, they will blame it on pre-existing heart disease and muddle the true number of vaccine deaths. Presto! Plausible deniability.
They are Satanic
Mengeles From the FDA Mass Murder Advisory Committee Discuss Clinical Trials for Babies: A 17-Month-Old Baby Received a Second Dose Despite Multiple Seizures From the First
Sacrificing Children to Moloch:
Surely it is now abundantly clear that this “vaccine” drive is not being done out of incompetence or stupidity. With the vast amounts of data now available regarding the deaths/injuries being caused by the experimental mRNA injections, I can’t see this as anything other than deliberate harm. Unfortunately most of the alphabet agencies, who would typically hold criminals accountable , seem to be themselves compromised… quite a conundrum. Mass non-compliance might be the last non-violent option.
I’m more than happy to say “no” to anyone trying to assault my bodily autonomy. I’m also more than happy to use my 2nd amendment rights to show them that “no means no” if they disregard my verbal insistence.
Yeah... this continues to make them all look stupid and evil. It’s almost hilarious to me that they really think most Americans are still listening to them. How disconnected are they. CDC is an echo chamber
Welcome to insanity.
right?! just told my 85 yr old mom, 'you can't make this shit up'. she agrees!
They managed to take away the credibility of all vaccines.