We are in Wyoming and have had our school district refuse to sign a religious exemption. We pulled our kids and put them in a private school. The school district has emailed and called to say that they have to have the tDAP. My husband and I are in healthcare and we had the TDAP and still got PERTUSSIS!! It is a non-sterilizing vaccine, like MMR and COVID. No way do we trust Pharma and we aren't injecting our children with anything.

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Your old school district called your child’s new private school to tell them they needed the dtap vaccine?

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I wish someone had done this 10 years ago when my daughter was starting middle school. I didn't want any more vaccines for her and also refused Gardasil (her longtime pediatrician actually yelled at me in her clinic & I never went back to her after). But the school (Hermosa Beach, California) would not accept any exemption & her dad wouldn't back me up. So I consented to her Tdap & immediately after, she got eczema on her nape which recurred for a few years (never happened before). Coincidentally, my friend who was pregnant at the time also got the Tdap per dr. advice, and she also got eczema on her nape for the first time. I am thankful nothing worse happened and tell people whenever I can that there's no substitute for good health, vaccines destroy health from what I see

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So you’re looking for parents of kids who have been vaccinated but then refuse the tDAP like at the 7th grade checkpoint and then are excluded. I’m asking because my kids were excluded at the kindergarten checkpoint because they are totally unvaccinated. If they were younger, they would have also missed preschool, because in 2017 and later, the shots were required for preschool, including the flu shot. Also, around that time our wonderful parent participation preschool introduced mandatory flu shots for participating parents so we would have been denied that too had our kids been younger. In California, to have unvaccinated kids, requires navigating many closed doors, but the kids are super healthy so it’s worth it to keep fighting. Thank you for your work, Aaron!

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May the truth be heard and understood by all. Thank you for all you do. The poison and poisoners will be stopped. Enough. No more.

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well it used to be you just opted out with the agreement if there were an outbreak, you agreed to keep your child home… why can’t we just go back to that? We all pay with our local taxes, for public schools and should not be discriminated against period!

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Because that would be too logical and wouldn’t make them any extra money buy giving us a choice.

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Aaron, how did it go from Jacobson allowing a fine for not vaccinating to these mandates that deny school or work etc?

I'm surprised no lawyers are challenging mandates on that, a fine would be no big deal for parents and people to pay.

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Go get em!

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How do you stop the madness? THERE IS NO DAMN PATHOGENIC VIRUS OF ANY KIND! Stop fighting over which vaccines are okay.....get to the root of the problem...and you don't have to fight anymore. NO PATHOGENIC VIRUS HAS EVER BEEN ISOLATED AND PURIFIED! ZERO!

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Theory: The No Virus Movement is a Psy Ops so the Awake won't worry about the self-replicating "vaccines" that are heading our way.

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That is a joke. All I am asking for (and others who are making the same claim of NO ISOLATION and PURIFICATION) is provide ONE study of any virus where that virus was isolated and purified. There isn't one. In fact, Virologist, Stefan Lanka has offered 100,000 Euros for anyone who can provide such studies proving Measles is actually a pathogenic virus. He made the offer in 2010...he still has the money...still waiting.

The beauty of me demanding court-acceptable evidence proof that a thing is real is that it isn't real until and unless PROOF is provided. I can't prove a negative so....please dig deep for some credible evidence.

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It is a major distraction. We know bacteria are associated with disease. Viruses are just smaller, and there is some association. Both are part of microbiome, and are shared with others. Your theory is the body starts detoxing poisons randomly? Is that it? What is your explanation for symptoms of infection? If that's it, what triggers it? Where is your evidence of that? Where is your evidence for your theory?

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Oh...so the truth is a major distraction. I get it. Too bad. Actually, we don't know that bacteria is associated with the "virus" called a/any disease. Either something is real or it isn't. Until and unless there is EVIDENCE of a virus....it isn't a virus.

My "theory" is that toxins in the environment and in the body (from chemicals from body products and chemicals or anti-nutrients and lack of nutrition in the diet) causes the body to detox. Yeah...that happens. Symptoms associated w/ colds/flu/migraines/infections......that is the body detoxing.

Where is my evidence? YOU PROVE THE "THING" "VIRUS" IS REAL. My take is a hypothesis...that is far more believable than a virus is so tiny it can't be seen. GTFOH!

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I agree with M S though I am very thankful for Circle of Mamas' beautifully designed informational materials which I've purchased more than once.

In an interview, Dr. Paul Thomas said that sometimes a culture would come back with multiple microbes, even 15 or 30 (if I recall correctly). So 15-30 microbes are causing a series of symptoms? Or just 1-2 of them? Or as I believe, are simply part of our bodies doing necessary tasks like breaking down decaying cellular material - innocent, just present, with some MAYBE causing symptoms but much of those are detox symptoms not something to fight and are necessary for healing.

Meanwhile we have trillions of microbes in our bodies NOT causing disease and by the way, also producing "waste" that somehow doesn't harm us either, maybe because other microbes clean those up as well. Dr. Sam Bailey does excellent work on Odysee https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c studying the historically referenced papers that claim to prove microbe X causes disease X. I'm not saying that nothing is contagious or acts infectious - it's just that there doesn't seem to be proof of any of the symptom lists we've been told are caused by particular microbes.

Oh, and btw in a book written in 1913, The Crime of Vaccination by Tenison Deane, MD, page 33 states, "TUBERCULOSIS. Koch in 1882 discovered the bacillus of tuberculosis. It was found to resemble Hansen's bacillus of leprosy discovered by Hansen in 1871; it resembled the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus of diphtheria, and was also similar to Lustgarten's bacillus of syphilis." He lists other illnesses whose bacilli are similar to other illnesses' bacilli. And by the way, on pages 21 and 22, the rule he adopted in his practice was that "diphtheria cannot be diagnosed or found in the patient who has not been previously vaccinated." So injected crap causes disease - I think many of us can get behind that concept. This doctor also observed that when he vaccinated some of a large family but not all, all vaccinated had died and the unvaccinated had lived and were in perfect health (one had died of old age) as of the book's writing more than twenty years later. And btw the vaccinated had died of a variety of illnesses - cancer of the larynx, TB, cancer, and tubercular meningitis among others. He details other families with similar stories.

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excellent reference to a book, The Crime of Vaccination, that I didn't know about. the Baileys are fabulous truthful physicians and researchers! Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman were instrumental in helping me question and resolve my thoughts on "viruses" and finally why I stopped believing in taking V injections before I knew that viruses aren't proven to exist. 2020 was an EYE-OPENER! Cheers!

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I should say instead that injected crap causes dis-ease; the body undergoes processes to detoxify the body and heal, not that there's a disease named "XYZ" that results from the body insult.

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Bless you Aaron!!

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Good luck. So glad you're on my side!

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No vaccine should be mandated ever. Even IF it were proven safe and effective which is highly doubtful. If your shot works no one else should need one. Period, end of story.

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I live in ct … my son is homeschooled because the RE law change and he cannot attend the same schools his four siblings are in. TDAP is one of the three combo injection he “needs” to go to school. Never.

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Wondering if cases are still being sought, would like to understand more about the legal details behind this

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My daughter refused to let me see my new granddaughter until she was 3 months old since I refused to get that DTAP

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You are changing people’s belief systems. Which are changing because they have to change.

Importantly, the subtext of every conversation with Pro-Vaxxers is:

“ What were you not willing to believe about the coordinated Covid response that you now realize is, and always was, true ? “

Followed by:

“ Is there anything I’m telling you today, that you are not willing to believe, today? “

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Well done.

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Recently found out about the mass graves of children in Ireland's orphanages tied to the DPT vaccine and thought about similar mass graves of over 2000 children found in Canada occurring during roughly the same time period.

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