May 29, 2023Β·edited May 29, 2023

πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²It is your day as well! You have been fighting the more non traditional wars of our times! Thanks to you, your legal teams, and the group at ICAN! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ’šπŸ’š

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Memorial Day is a day in which we honor and pay tribute to those who died during service to the country (America), not those who are living.

I realize many don’t know what this means, but it’s never too late to learn.

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Each of us can honor the fallen by being a human worth dying for! πŸ™

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May 29, 2023Β·edited May 30, 2023

Amen. We are winning this, truth always prevails. I live and work in the heart of zombie woke town, its been excruciating painful to stay here for me and my family but we must all reach out and talk to all those around us that need our desperate help to remember what America stands for and our core principles as a nation. It is my family mission to do so. Thank you Aaron, Del, ICAN, PERK, CHD, FLCC and everyone out there. You are all God send warriors of our life time.

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And gratitude for my 27 million Russians who gave their lives to stop Nazie fascism in the world, and Russia continues to sacrifice to save the world.

God bless Russia. Remember the dead Russians, Lindsey. The best money you ever spent was to kill Russians, he said.

For shame and to scorn the sacrifice of my people, Lindsey will be remembered as a traitor to the whole world

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Another ass!!!

Go back to your mothers basement and eat the meatloaf.

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My mom is dead. She never had a basement. I am vegan. Meatloaf is dead, but he wrote some good songs. But again, I am vegan....best wishes for you

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Anyone with a functioning brain can see that the USA/NATO caused the war.

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Yep that’s what all the basement dwelling narcissists say ..... beware of the deadly toxins in your blue hair dye.

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Old salt doesn’t realize how brainwashed he/she/they are. Not even worth a response. Russians have been vilified through the media and the β€œentertainment” industry since the beginning. It’s all been a lie.

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I agree.

From the 2014 CIA coup and that butt ugly skunk Victoria Nuland bragging about it to Angela Merkle admitting that they never intended to honour the Minsk accords the whole thing is a shit show.

Hopefully NATO being defeated in Ukraine will herald the end of that nasty and deleterious alliance.

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My personal pronouns are β€œMaster & My Lord”

My personal adjectives are

β€œToxic & masculine”

My personal verbs are

β€œWinning & Melting”

Yea I can go on all day.... I love blue hairs

Fun to play with.

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Are you posting from the front lines in Ukraine?

Surely a tough guy like you wouldn't be anywhere else.?

Was it difficult running away from the Russians as they kicked your ass in Bahkmut?

One thing the American military is really good (apart from spending money) is running away.

Ran away from Vietnam, ran away from Iraq, ran away from Afghanistan.

Perhaps the US miltary can do a deal with Nike, advertise their sneakers as being the best choice when running away.

You will run away from Ukraine soon enough and you know it.

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I did my time .... as well as most of my family

Long before you were almost dribble into a toilet.

Why are you hot on Ukraine ???

It’s a democrat money laundering scheme.

Has been fir 20 years.

Nobody but the Ukrainian Nazis are fighting the Russian ex-cons.

Let’s talk about the real wars in Africa and Asia .... that don’t make the propaganda 6 pm.

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At most the only thing you served were fries with a happy meal, and I imagine Ronald Mac Donald had to dimiss you with a dishonourable discharge forincompetence.

Why are you so obsessed with the woke bullshit, you constantly reference it?

Perhaps you have some strange affection for all things woke and that is why you endlessly bring it up?

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Oh, really? 🀣

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I didn't know there were TROLLS allowed on Substack.....you are very sad indeed.

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Well it appears they let you comment.

What an asinine comment.

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May 29, 2023Β·edited May 29, 2023

I Am Canadian and my Great Grandfather paid the ultimate sacrifice at Vimy Ridge for our freedoms. I seem to be one of the only ones in my family that remembers that. I will never forget and after all we’ve been through I don’t see borders anymore, just those who understand freedom and those that do not. My salute to those Americans who sacrificed. Thank you. πŸ™πŸΌ

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I wonder what your Grand Father would think if he could see what has become of Canada (and the other Western nations) that he and his friends died for?

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my grandfathers and uncles are rolling in their graves no doubt....it is a very sad state of affairs....of course all has been set up by the banksters for all the wars....we are lied to, and our families suffer

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I agree rolling for sure. I do believe that it’s all crumbling though.

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They would be proud of you.

As we all are Sir.

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I dare say non of them safeguarded "our" freedoms... unless you mean the freedom to be exploited, which the poor souls were that were lied into "service".

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Political cynicism does nothing to redefine the sacrifice of those lost. Memorial Day honors the memory of the departed, NOT the motives of governments.

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May 29, 2023Β·edited May 29, 2023

agreed but saying "theY fought for OUR freedom" is plain LIE.

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You're free to believe whatever you wish, but this day is for them.

With due respect, it's what THEY believed worthy that matters.

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What are you mumbling about??

It’s obvious you never served ... Memorial Day is to pay tribute to ALL who has served and some sacrificed everything.

More people have been lied to by the college professors than military.

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There is no honour in serving evil and that is what the USA has been for a very long time.

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Yes and you women’s study’s professor told you that .....

it also told you that working is

Bourgeois and beneath your social status.

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it's a shame that so many in our military died, but they didn't die 'protecting our liberty,' they died protecting corporate profits. war is a racket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26O-2SVcrw0

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True but in their minds they were fighting for our freedom and to have the courage to do that is something not many these days have.

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Another women’s study’s major.

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lol so you're saying you believe 'women's studies' was a thing when Smedley Butler (the most decorated marine in history at the time of his death) served? ps my field was endocrinology.

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what freedoom? 99% of the wars this country has been involved with, were ONLY to benefit the same corporations you now fight against of.

And most of the people serving were "seduced" by either scholarship's promises or "be a hero for your country" and look at the way this country later deals with its veterans. Undocumented immigrants are getting more that those poor souls.

United States born and raised citizens have NO IDEA of what taking your freedoms really means.

So someone like you, (I deeply respect your work and principles) should not add the "fight for our freedom" thing because it is not true.

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What an ass!!!

Veterans not only β€œfought” for you ability to be a moron, but they still protect it to this day!!

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Actually, the only "moron" here is you.

They didn't fought for me EVER and they are not "protecting" my life either.

But Master moron YOU, never put a feet out of this country and lived abroad ,did you?

Go get some education, REAL education.I bet you also call this country "America" and you don't even know why THE WHOLE CONTINENT got that name.

Classic ignorant with a big mouth.

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Got the blue hair mad!!!!


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Very few have actually fought for freedom in any meaningful sense inthe USA sincethe warofindependence.

Most have been sent off to be slaughtered/maimed their blood as lubricant to the military industrial complex machine.

I hear now that the USA military struggles to attract victims to join its ranks,long may this continue.

My condolences to all the victims of military industrial complexes whichever nation they happen to come from

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Let’s make sure their sacrifices were not in vain.

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May we finally have peace. All we need to do is to point the finger at the UN and explain how they haven't stopped any of these horrible wars since their inception.

I've heard that within the UN membership, they are pointing out how the security council is a form of dictatorship and that things should be decided by the general council which represents many more nations.

Fingers crossed that they can hold the UN accountable to push for peace and stop the ability of a handful of nations to veto good things.

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Agreed! I am free to speak the truth.It's not a "believe" it's not a god or deity, it's a reality.

But agreed too that they "believed" the lies and that's sad because many of them paid with their lives.

They have my whole respect, as I had met many of them and it's a shame the way this country handle the care of these men but "fight for my freedom" that's not true and I won't support that.

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First of all, it's MARTHA, no Marta,(meaning and root is different), and if you are trying to say "my friend" is mi not "me" .

I guess your only education is being an ignorant, because actually, Marx's books are really interesting even for those of us who do not agree with his and Lenin's views of societal organization or political views.

But I get it, people your age who didn't have a change to higher education, travel etc, was indoctrinated in this country using terms such as "communism" for anything that was different and new.

Nowadays you even use the term "socialism" as equal to communism also, and just for the same reason.

Is not too late you know, to open a book, (the won't bite you).

My mother got her last degree (she had 6 ) at 71 and actually was a Master in Italian literature and art.

You can do better to improve your existence instead of making a shame of yourself in comments like these.

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lol, not party sides here ,BUT education.

Go get some.

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Oh Marta me amiga.. I was educated Before the Marxist took over the colleges.

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Join the USA military and get jabbed up with so many vaccines the stuff is almost running out your ears.

Uncle Sam needs you - to be a lab rat for pharma.

Anyone for vaccines induced 'Gulf war syndrome'?

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Not just women’s study’s major but a socialist democrat β€œ useful idiot.

I’m surprised you are not spewing more western Marxism.

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I do believe that you served (probably fast food in the mess hall).

Perhaps all the vaccines the military forced you to take caused some brain damage?

Get yourself tested, see if Aaron can get you come compensation?

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I was not fortunate enough to be in the mess hall. Your comment is not a put down...... even though serving in any manor is obviously beneath you.....And they did not give us the β€œvaccines” they do today.

Sorry to let you down.

Senile dementia is also not in the cards..... been tested but it appears your boy Joe β€œthe big guy” has not.

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