Thank the good Lord above for Aaron Siri! Keep up fighting for TRUTH in this corrupt world. Our vaccine injured children and now vaccine injured adults need the truth spread far and wide. My Aunt trusted her son's pediatrician after she told him that the siblings had reactions to the DPT vaccine but the pediatrician said, "He'll be fine," and gave the vaccine to him anyway. In the next few days my cousin lost all of his gained abilities and started having seizures. In the next years, Brian had approximately 250 seizures a day until he died at the age of 20. Vaccines can and do cause injury and death!! Anyone who thinks differently just hasn't had a personal experience. Look up Hannah Poling. July 20, 2010, Hannah Poling's family received 1.5 million dollars plus in the Vaccine-Autism Court award. The rate of autism is now 1 in 36 children. Just remember there are no genetic epidemics!! God give us wisdom and strength!

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Thanks for all you have done.

We now have independent testing in US for the supertoxic component in the Jabs by Fluorescence


and in Germany by Mass Spectrometry


Only this toxin can account for all of the ~10,000 different Harms listed by Pfizer in its 393 page list in PSUR3 and the differencences in effects on Women and Men.




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Whistleblower Melissa McAtee with Steve Kirsch

‘Pfizers mRNA jab (fluorescent) contents imported from China’


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The LNPs are what make the Jabs Opalescent. The appearance differs depending on temperature and type of light. You can produce the same effect with diluted mik.

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This guy, Ian F. Akyildiz, at least was honest:

“And then here Internet of BioNano Things - this are for the health applications. I did also research on that for the last 15 years; Bio nano scale machines, but these are for the injecting into the body and always monitoring the health problems.

And that is also going really well with these Covid vaccines. It’s going that direction. These mRNAs are nothing than small scale nanoscale machines. They are programed and they are injected.

And then Internet of Nano scale Things.

Those would be a part of 7 G and beyond.”


MAC protocol or MAC address in Ian F. Akyildiz research paper "PANACEA: An Internet of Bio-NanoThings Application for Early Detection and Mitigation of Infectious Diseases."


In PANACEA, to detect the communication within the cells of the body to deduce infection level, a submilimeter implantable bio-electronic device, a Bio-NanoThing, is proposed. BNT can transmit the detected infection data remotely to a wearable hub/gateway outside of the body. The hub can use mobile devices and the backbone network such as Internet or cellular systems to reach the healthcare providers who can remotely control the BNTs. Hence, PANACEA provides a system, where sensing, actuation and computing processes are tightly coupled to provide a reliable and responsive disease detection and infection recovery system. Incorporating molecular communication and conventional networks brings many challenges that are attacked in various fronts such as circuit and biosensor design, communications engineering, with novel solutions presented in this paper, accompanied with simulation results.



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https://zenodo.org/records/5517264 Green Nanotechnology Innovations to Realize UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030

It is argued that nanotechnology that is considered a technology of the 21st century can be used to realize thirteen out of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

It is argued through predictive analysis that green nanotechnology is safe and secured for the environment and suitable & effective technology and has the ability to help to realize thirteen out of seventeen sustainable development (SD) goals of the United Nations within the planned timeframe of 2030.

TOXICTY? Adverse effects? Deaths? Nah...

Maddie De Garay is only one of these victims. Here are more VAERS IDs (these reported and published): https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=SYM&EVENTS=ON&VAX=COVID19

FLUORESCENT QUANTUM DOTS "PCR TEST" https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1403570/000149315221010243/form10-q.htm#V_009 Major Market Segments

Life Sciences. The life sciences industry was one of the early areas of adoption of QD technology, especially for QDs used in fluorescent markers in diagnostic applications. This includes both the in vitro use of QDs for marking (illuminating) particular cell types or metabolic processes for understanding diseases, and in vivo imaging made possible by QD fluorescence in near infrared that can be detected in deep tissues. The fluorescent qualities of QDs provide an attractive alternative to traditional organic dyes in bio-imaging. It is estimated that QDs are 20 times brighter and 100 times more stable than standard fluorescent indicators. QD technology is also being used in place of colloidal gold nanoparticles in lateral flow test kits such as those used in the rapid Covid 19 antigen test. QDs have been reported in literature to exponential improve the sensitivity of these test enabling earlier detection.

The Federal Drug Administration (“FDA”) has issued emergency use authorization (“EUA”) for medical tests that diagnose Covid-19. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring safety, efficacy, and security of all human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices. With regards to medical tests, the FDA usually does this by making manufacturers meet rigorous guidelines in an approval process that can take many months. During an emergency, such as a pandemic, it may not be possible to have all the evidence that the FDA would usually have before approving a medical test. If there’s evidence that strongly suggests that patients have benefited from a test, the agency can issue an EUA to make it available. One of the minimum requirements for granting EUA is that the known and potential benefits of the test outweigh the known potential risks. However, this is a minimum requirement and not the standard. The minimum standard can be met and EUA is still not given; there may be additional requirements, such as the test meeting reasonable thresholds for safety and effectiveness and/or people in urgent need of care based on a diagnosis. EUAs are only given during a declared emergency; outside of this, an EUA is never given.

Once the pandemic is over and should FDA EUA of Covid-19 tests be revoked. The 510K approval process which requires validation and submission of the test for FDA 510(k) clearance, which is one of the normally used medical device regulatory pathways for FDA approval would be required to continue to sell the test kits in the USA.


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What cannot be produced from diluted milk is Mac Address, which is emitted by "vaccinated" people and even corpses in cemeteries.

Pfizer bought the technology in 2015 and IT IS USED.

As for the "scientific consultant with more than 40 years of experience, who has published more than 120 scientific papers, patents and reports on geochemistry, optoelectronics, physics,

genetics and fluorine toxicology," this should be easy for you to comprehend.








I don't know what we are continuing to pretend here with these "vaccines". Nanotechnology IS USED IN ALL THESE "COVID" PRODUCTS, not just "vaccines". It is toxic and MUST NOT BE USED, and people who have been harmed MUST be compensated.

In addition, milk is NOT LISTED as an INGREDIENT of these "vaccines" and fluorescence is observed.

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Jesus Christ, Dr. Pavia! Do you really believe the greatest lie of the century? That these so called covid vaccines are " safe and effective"? Would you be willing to bet a million dollars that you are right and the rest of us are wrong? I bet you won't dare, because you know perfectly well that you will lose all your money. " Safe and effective" you say? Why don't you tell that to my sister in law who's paralyzed and dying from triple turbo cancers for one reason only: that like a fool, she believed misleading doctors like you instead of me?! Oh, and let me tell you this: she's not the only one that I know personally and is in big trouble! I have more family members, friends, neighbors, colegues that I can't count anymore. People like you Dr. Pavia belong in courts where they can be hold responsible for everything they done, and answer all the questions. I pray every day that those like you will pay one day. Thank God with lawyers like Mr. Siri who are fighting those evil people that brought some much pain and despair to millions of families. Mr. Siri will be remembered kindly by history book. You doctor Pavia, and everyone like I don't think so.

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Thank you so much for your honest work. It's so interesting to listen to the doctor after you speak about how "safe and effective" the Covid vaccines were, but not give any specifics. He's giving the same, whitewashed, PR pamphlet the FDA gave everyone. Hold the line. The tide is turning.

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“Bought and Paid For” Propaganda-Pavia.

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Thank you for your work, Aaron! Watched your testimony and talk with Del on The High Wire, looking forward to the part two release. I can’t thank you enough for exposing all this.

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“A recent study of particular objects known as "nanotubes," revered for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity, demonstrated that such objects tend to clump within the lungs, causing suffocation.”

“Take the experience of researchers at DuPont, who are testing microscopic tubes of carbon, known as nanotubes, valued for their extraordinary strength and electrical conductivity.

When the researchers injected nanotubes into the lungs of rats in the summer of 2002, the animals unexpectedly began gasping for breath. Fifteen percent of them quickly died. ''It was the highest death rate we had ever seen,'' said David B. Warheit, the research leader, who began his career studying asbestos and has been testing the pulmonary effects of various chemicals for DuPont since 1984.

Early research has raised troubling issues. DuPont and others, for example, found evidence that the cells that break down foreign particles in rodent lungs have more trouble detecting and handling nanoparticles than larger particles that have long been studied by air pollution experts.

Lungs are not the only concern.

Research shows that nanoparticles deposited in the nose can make their way directly into the brain.

https://lawcat.berkeley.edu/record/1119251 Is Nanotechnology Prohibited by the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions

"COVID" is nanotechnology (graphene/quantum dots/carbon nanotubes) toxicity poisoning. To inject people with nanotechnology...

How is this "treated"? By injecting, ingesting, instilling and inhaling more nanotechnology:

https://web.archive.org/web/20220528084920/https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/adfm.202107826 Nanoscience versus Viruses: The SARS-CoV-2 Case First published: 13 December 2021


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5088662/#CR24 Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms - PMC (nih.gov)






https://www.nature.com/articles/am20137#MOESM2 Biodistribution and pulmonary toxicity of intratracheally instilled graphene oxide in mice | NPG Asia Materials (nature.com)



https://www.azonano.com/news.aspx?newsID=37676 Using a Graphene-Based Electrochemical Sensor to Detect COVID-19 in Under Five Minutes (azonano.com)








https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326610 Graphene air filter traps and kills bacteria (medicalnewstoday.com)

They (scientists) envisage the device being useful in hospitals and other healthcare settings.


Of course, this is causing more deaths and injuries.





https://www.azonano.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=3070 Nanotechnology in Vaccines

https://europepmc.org/article/med/26814441 Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity. - Abstract - Europe PMC

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnsys.2018.00012/full Frontiers | Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells (frontiersin.org)

Etc. This is MURDER by NANOTECHNOLOGY as a weapon of murder

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And/or injected (fluorescent) endotoxins imported from China?

Whistleblower Melissa McAtee

‘Pfizers mRNA jab (fluorescent) contents imported from China’


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Let's look at the litigation that has been going on for decades over gadolinium. These companies continue to claim that the complications are not due to the toxicity of nanotechnology. While there are thousands of scientific studies that confirm this toxicity. In 2015, Pfizer bought nanorobot technology with the IP they emit. https://outraged.substack.com/p/pfizer-partnering-with-ido-bachelet


And this is what the "vaccinated" and many "tested" emit. BUT this TECHNOLOGY IS TOXIC. THIS IS MURDER. This is the microchipping of the population, not any vaccination.

The paralyzed Maddie De Garay is one of the million victims. These murderers should give all their property to the last cent to their victims and serve time in prison for murder


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Of course. Quantum dots are the technology used in CBDC (cryptography). This is NOT about health.

Nanotechnology is toxic:


Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms

"Covid" is toxicity poisoning of nanotechnology. The bacterial plasmid is also part of this technology, it is NOT contamination.


It is madness and genocide.

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Now they’re talking about it. It’s starting to come out. Dr John Campbells vid on the S Korean research paper has been taken down from YT. Still on Rumble. I’m sharing your invaluable links wherever I can. THANK YOU.


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Because most people are still in the top of the tree’s, not in the weeds on the subject.

Each person has an area surrounding this that they think is THE most important piece. One must help people see the whole picture first.

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But this is THE PICTURE, its most important element. People DO NOT die from the virus or are not injured by the virus, but from the toxicity of nanotechnology. It is like talking about the flu, because a person who has been exposed to the poison has a cold. And treat that person with toxic antiviral drugs, instead of giving him an antidote to the poison.

How can you treat something that you don't understand?

NANOTECHNOLOGY is THE poison that causes the symptoms of "Covid" and deaths and adverse effects of these injections. THIS IS the instrument of crime

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That is still narrowing the topic to something the masses will not listen to yet… they still think vaccines are safe. You have to take a deductive reasoning approach. Start people who are clueless w/ big picture first…

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Why not tell the TRUTH instead? The use of this poison (toxic nanotechnology/graphene/quantum dots) explains everything.

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Look up the meaning of the idiom: “Can’t see the forest for the trees”.

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I am hoping you desire to understand why this is important and aren’t just being argumentative…

Just because you have an extensive amount of information on the subject does not mean that another person does. You have to start by opening the door for communication and discussion on the topic. That means that you have to assume your audience has never heard of the history of vaccines or any damage they have done, whatsoever. You will lose their attention by talking about a minute detail if they didn’t even know that a vaccine had ever harmed someone to begin with.

You will not make an impact. Your effort futile.

Sometimes we get so immersed in a subject we assume EVERYONE would know what we know. That is so far beyond true- it surprises me every day the things I thought intelligent people knew about. If I slow down I realize that there is a hell of a lot I don’t know either.

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If prominent people speak, the rest will follow. There is no need to undermine the ability of the masses to understand. The viral narrative is very convenient for the so-called “opposition.” They are simply hiding the biggest secret, which is nanotechnology. Do you really think Malone, Korry, McCollough, etc. don't know that it's not about any virus?

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If there is any government control left for vaccine safety then the Maddie de Garay fraud should be sufficient to remove these from the CDC schedule for children.

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BARDA just gave Moderna $176 million for a bird flu vaccine. Until the grifters are out of the govt. this corruption will continue on. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/moderna-mrna-secures-barda-funding-140300918.html

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Thank you so much Aaron Siri!!!

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Thank you Aaron for pushing the truth time and time again. Thank you for fighting for the health and safety of us all. We owe you a debt of gratitude. Profit and lack of liability is making our leaders and vaccine manufacturers completely blind to the truth.

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I just found out that in June, the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals ruled that the mrna shots are/were not vaccines because the shots did not stop transmission of covid. Further, the manufacturers and government knew this fact. This has ramifications for big pharma now being able to be held liable for civil damages, and for the vaccine mandates, which were forced upon many employees, being illegal. Does anyone know anything further about this case and ruling?

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