How much advertising revenue does NBC make from Big Pharma? Follow the science, I mean money. Democracy dies in the darkness!

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"...brought to you by Pfizer..." heard on every mainstream news commercial

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I wish I could post an image to go along with your "on the mark" comment!

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Dec 9Edited

There is a short video collage of various news agencies and television productions stating back-to-back: "...brought to you by Pfizer..." perhaps you can search it out on rumble or one of the uncensored video forums. It would be funny if it wasn't so indicative of how the big pharma merchants own everything. (Read Revelation 18:23--the word "sorceries" in the original Greek is "pharmakeia"--the origin word of pharmacy.""For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorceries all the nations were deceived." --Rev. 18:23

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Plenty, so does Fox News. Except for Tucker Carlson, cause he called out the jabs.

Democracy was already dead from the beginning.

The Constitution was so lacking that they had to AMEND it with the bill of rights, because people were protesting the lack of rights in the Constitution!


"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

-Frank Zappa

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The "anti-constitutionalists" (So-called "antifederalists) had a clue as to how this would all turn out and they were almost perfectly correct.

Here's "our" lovely constitution.:

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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Adams was correct; no document is sufficient to govern an immoral and irreligious people.

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Wasn't the Constitution and the bill of rights a limit on governing?

In that case, the problem is not the people but those in power, including the corporations that work hand in hand with government.

Those are the psychopathic immoral people that lack empathy and are attracted to power.

In the animal kingdom, the king of the jungle, the lion doesn't kill more than it needs to survive.

An oligarch or politician is never happy even if they have enough money to feed their family for generations. It's not enough that they send ours to war killing others and killing our own.

That is the sickness of the people in power.

The mistake of the people is not seeing that their rulers and authorities in robes, suits and so on are liars and manipulators.

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The people in power are people, put in their positions, and kept in their positions by the people. The problem is people, all the way down. A constitution is merely a contract between people, it is not magic.

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I don't think we're heading for more freedom. But, with luck, we're in for a roller-coaster dystopia agenda of the making of the WEF-UN. And, mind you, they're dead serious about 2030!

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I think we are. I've never seen so much confusion. Usually they have people under control when everyone believes similar things, like with religion or economics. These days it's all falling apart.

People are starting to think for themselves.

The whole wef thing yes, they rushed COVID because....


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It's even worse than that because the big money syndicate that owns or controls NBC is likely to be the owner of big pharma and most other global corporations as well. In fact most governments are pretty obviously their agents, so called democracy or no. Sticking the label, "democracy" on the abominable monstrosity known as the US gubbermint does not make it one. In fact, given the number of people who got suckered into the covid narrative, people should be asking themselves if they really want such people actually voting.

This is not a new concept either since even a century ago it was widely known and discussed.

Note the dates and the title of the source article, and pay particular attention to the words, "international bankers.":

“DAVID LLOYD GEORGE, former Prime Minister of Great Britain, as quoted in the New York American of June 24, 1924: ‘The international bankers dictated the Dawes reparation settlement. . . . They swept statesmen, politicians and journalists to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees’."

As quoted in

Who Are Our Rulers?

by Don Bell

The American Mercury, September 1960, pp. 135-140


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Those eyes 👁👁. LOL.Thought for a hot second it was former CDC director Rochelle Walensky in the Trump interview, but it wasn't. It was NBC's Kristen Welker

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"75% of Fox revenue from big pharma for 2023." Current (?) mkt cap $382 Billion, &J $82+ billion...++More stats here:


This source states:

"Pharma accounts for nearly 90% of the broader industry’s digital ad."

As Carl Sagan would say BILLION$ & BILLION$ & BILLION$ spent by pharma to media


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Amish children do not get vaccines. They do not have any cases of autism. The rest of American babies have the autism ratio of one in every 30 babies. Now you tell me…

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And American children have countless other chronic illnesses..

More than most children in less-vaccinated countries.

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WE live in a "Sterile" society in comparison to most countries that have high child mortality rates. It due to unsanitary, low nutritional and highly toxic environments they must live in...

American children and adults would be the first to perish in those conditions, Vaxxed or not... Mexicans drink their tap water... can you...?

No, because the vaxxes and living in a sterile environment destroy immune systems... The vaxxes, the poisoning of our food air and water are designed to weaken us in the developed world, to do hidden harm and damage under the guise of making you "safe" and healthy... Instead it makes you just sick enough to keep working to pay for all those big pharma meds for the rest of your life...

Gates has been talking and fear mongering lies about overpopulation destroying our planet and depopulating the planet for a decade at least.

Now here he is funding, developing and distributing vaxxines world wide to "save" lives...? LOL

That is so obvious a total lie, you would have to be a total dumbass to believe him, or anyone that he is working with and for and making BILLIONS in the process....

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Overstimulated immune systems & destroyed gut microbiome…there’s zero chance we could survive outside of our poisonous bubble. 😢

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Yep poisoning us all from the air to the water to the food and every injection and the medication we take... There are a lot of demons out there...

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I've been stunned for years that statins, for one, are still legal and being pushed.

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And telling us that cholesterol is the problem when it is vital to our brain function and general well being. They will never tell us that it is a condition of our veins that the cholesterol adheres to causing heart issues and that it is easily treated through diet and/or cheap supplements...

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Valuable post. I never thought of it that way, but I'm fully on board. Speaking of overpopulation, there are more than a few historical instances where "vaccines" were also laced with fertility blockers.

One should shudder to wonder what else the pathetic ghouls dump into those poisons.

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Gates is not welcome in India... They would probably lock him up if he goes there. He sterilized many Indian women with his Vaxxes. We need a pilot who will fly gates in his private jet to India...

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Under this current government, he is very welcome here. Our Prime Minister wants to inject every girl in this country with cervical cancer jab.

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Yes, and like turdeau he is shuffled around and protected like some "national treasure" by hordes of our police, or creeps in from the shadows and dark allies into closed tight venues where he is appearing. These evildoers know they are hated and hunted.

I remember years ago that some "conspiracy theorist" said "the day will come when these demons can no longer freely walk the streets" so glad to another of many "conspiracy theories" come true... It was followed by "they will be chased through the streets and hung from the street lights". Waiting patiently for that one too... lol.

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Your immune system: use it or lose it.

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To be fair, Amish kids also eat extremely healthy food and lead a much healthier lifestyle. We don’t know if it’s the vaccine(s) alone or compounded by diet and pesticides etc. So all these studies need to be done. By cleaning up the food and pesticides and doing proper safety vaccine studies we might actually solve this thing and many others. But we can’t be biased either. It has to be done professionally and as unbiased as possible.

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Yes, the 3 native US populations that don’t vaccinate — the Amish/Mennonites, the Hasidic, Jews, and the rural or remote Mormons — all have healthier lifestyles (cleaner, food, less EMF, less pesticides, more time spent outside, etc). But they also have effectively no autism and very low Alzheimes and other neurodegenerative disorders.

After reading about this extensively, my sense is the cause of these neurodegenerative disorders, of which autism is the most concerning since it strikes so early in life, is multi factorial. But why not start by studying something that can easily be isolated and controlled for in a study group? Trying to find an EMF free environment, or an entirely clean food or soil situation is a lot harder than it is to isolate a group of people who do not vaccinate.

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The fact that they fight to do safety testing, which fauci admitted has never been conducted, is proof they know. Another factor is that all sids cases have hade a well-check appt within weeks of death. And who exactly would conduct the safety testing? The manufacturer? Like Gilead paying for the studies on remdesivir? It killed almost 50% of ebola patients but somehow the studies proved helpful for a a respiratory virus. How do you remove the corrupt element from the medical complex, considering the government is on the take?

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Multi factoral, including genetic, right? So, is your child’s genetic makeup something you can change???? No. But you can just say No to any, or each, or all vaccines.

The FLCCC Has a couple presentations on selective or complete vaccines abstanance.

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One’s genetics would definitely be one of the factors (there could be so many factors that it would be impossible to identify all of them). I All the more reason to be extremely cautious about trying out a drug or injectable, especially in children. Most people have had experiences with a bad drug reaction sometime in their life. When that happens, you quit taking the drug. In most cases, you then return to normal or whatever your previous situation was. Not so necessarily with a childhood vaccine. The damage can be permanent, which is why the safety standards need to be at the highest possible level.

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They're all poisons, created as a false illusion of necessity for government created diseases. If the government will stop making the diseases then no need for any vaccines. It's like saying we need to safety test napalm. The intent and purpose is obvious.

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Truth. Dr. Judy Mikovits has done the research and development of "vaccines' at Fort Dietrich (the belly of the beast) and throughout much of her career. She states repeatedly that vaccines are not "immunization" but rather the injection of disease, making life long customers of children to the medical industrial complex.

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JB Handley has a great Substack article on the studies that have been done that point to the cause. My lay understanding from that article is that there is usually a maternal immune event during pregnancy (viral or vaccine related - and we now recommend several vaccines during pregnancy) that sets the stage during the brain development to be vulnerable to the further immune onslaught of later vaccines. So based on this data, future studies should include the prenatal history also. It is a very well researched article that is worthwhile reading.

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They’re adding the HebB series for pregnant women…🤯🥴🥴

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And jabbing kids right out of the womb when they don't even have a developed immune system yet!

Kinda like feeding meat and veggies to a newborn.

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They don't eat that healthy of food. I was raised in Amish country of NWPA. They get a lot of processed food at big box stores. The working boys guzzle Pepsi. A lot of young Amish have dentures.

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I will add this. The Amish diet is high in wheat and dairy. Many modern Americans have food sensitivities to wheat and dairy, likely due to vaccination. So for them it probably is a "health food" , for us not so much.

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Autism strikes at birth usually and in many cases after the vaxxines are given... I suppose what the mother ingested may have an effect but I think it is a long shot considering the evidence of autism shortly following children being vaxxinated... Robert De Niro's own grand daughter was stricken following her vaxxinations and he did the research talked to many experts and even was on talk shows discussing autism and was cut short doing so...

He was going to go public as a headline guest speaker at a large publicized autism and vaxxination event in LA about 8 years ago...

Somebody got to him and he cancelled just before the event and has been silent on the subject ever since...

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Can't put my mouse on the studies now but I recall one was done decades ago, showing Amish women weren't getting cervical cancers at anywhere near the background rates in USA either.

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To be fair Amish kids aren't getting Measles, Mumps and Rubella more frequently either, so there is that.

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True... in fact Steve Kisrch billionaire anti-vaxxer funded a huge study recently looking for any Autism victims that were NOT vaxxed.

The result was 0. They could not find even one autistic child that was not vaxxed. Steve has also had a long standing offer to pay one million dollars to any scientist or doctor in the vaxxine and health care industry, for a fair and open debate on the safety and efficacy of the covid vaxxines. Last i heard he has increased the payment with not one taker for the Million plus US dollars... Not One... What does that tell us...?

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Fearless Freep- Steve Kirsch is not an "anti-vaxxer". He was all in on all vaccines and like me, got two Covid shots before awakening to the truth about all vaccines.

I like to call us "ex-vaxxers".

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On the same team now, thats all that really matters... Welcome aboard..!!!

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Grateful to be here, Fearless Freep!

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Steve has changed his tune to a large degree in light of funding his own research... he is after the autism gang now so....?

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Pharma companies, government agencies, and the medical establishment would lose tons of money, there’s no way anybody is gonna come forward.

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They do, but they end up being ostracized by media, financially ruined. lose their incomes and careers, disappearing or having suicide accidents... Too bad they and their families who are also targeted don't get the protection they need huh...?

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I’m in a group with a woman who claims her unvaccinated son has autism. I asked her if he got the “Vit K” shot and did SHE take any of the 4 shots recommended to pregnant moms. She disappeared.

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The vaxxed often struggle with the fact that they unwittingly did harm to themselves or others... so they double down on their stupidity to cover it...

Few admit they were wrong and try to wake up others.

Like they say..." it is easier to con a fool, than it is to convince a fool they have been conned".

I can only shake my head when I see all the ignorant hive minds waiting for their jabs at the local pharmacists... I used to care and inform them but faced so much venom in return. Now I consider it to be the survival of the fittest, minds...

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I have a 20 yo autistic son. He’s 2E and completely unvaccinated. I do believe there are other factors contributing though. I had a psychologist who specialises in autism comment that I was very lucky that we hadn’t vaccinated as it could have been so much worse.

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Then I have to ask, did he have the Vit K shot? Were you talked into any shots while pregnant? If no he’s a unicorn.

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And it was like one in 10,000 babies in the 1960s or so.

It's criminal.

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Please be cautious when referencing the Amish and autism because the other side will find one autistic child and tell half the story to throw out that claim. I have heard of cases of autism in children who had been vaccinated and then adopted into the community. Some Amish and Mennonite parents told CHD that they are being pressured by their elders to vaccinate their children. At an Amish event in Lancaster this past summer, the only child who appeared to have issues, and the only one wearing eyeglasses, had been vaccinated.

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Great vax vs unvax case study right there

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Helen, studies have shown that Amish people have pretty much the same rate of autism as non-amish people. https://www.brighterstridesaba.com/blog/autism-diagnosis-in-amish-children

My son was clearly autistic before 2 months old, before his first vaccinations. He was professionally diagnosed, (and so was I) and I took up a career working with autistic children. I noticed that most - but not all - of the autistic children had one or both parents exhibiting autistic characteristics. Autism can and often is genetic, but I believe it can also be caused by medical procedures - including vaccines. That's terrible. We need to know, and we can't trust the vaccine industry to investigate.

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Dec 8
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I think your logic is flawed. You are assuming that they know that this has not been tested. Most are intellectually lazy.

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Journalism is pretty well dead as well... They like their jobs and money too much to jeopardize their good fortune and life style by exposing the criminals that owns the corporation they work for...

Money talks...

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I am sure the situation has not improved since Upton Sinclair wrote about the corruption of journalism a century ago in, "The Brass Check. " https://ia801304.us.archive.org/7/items/cu31924026364251/cu31924026364251.pdf

He also wrote this.

"A quarter of a million Americans buy [The New York Times] every day, and form their whole view of life from its columns. And never a day out of more than ten thousand days that this newspaper has not subtly and cunningly distorted the news of the world in the interest of special privilege. "

- UPTON SINCLAIR, THE CRIMES OF THE "TIMES" A Test of Newspaper Decency, 1921


And look who wrote this, and when,

"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day. :

-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807


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Yes, such stunning and revealing critical info that somehow gets buried under the concrete of relentless distractions and lies... One day when people act beyond just calling out the lying, distracting and deflecting media and all their counterparts, and actually shuts them down cold... that is the day the head of the snake is removed.

The media are indeed the enemy of the people, Without the weapon to brainwash they are impotent and would be exposed quickly.

Once the masses are disconnected they will see through the thin veil of lies and complicity of the media and our governments who commit and covered the crimes against humanity, it will not be unseen.

That is when all the minion and puppet criminals jump ship to save their own miserable hides. That is beginning as we speak.

Evil is doomed. There is no longer honor or loyalty among thieves and murderers when the shtf... They will willingly throw even their loved ones under the bus to save their own asses.

That character flaw replaced the soul of the greedy who choose to do evil.

Whereas those with a good heart and soul will gladly sacrifice themselves for their loved ones and the good of all mankind.

I trust there are still far more good that are unconscious, than there are those who are so consciously evil...

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They live in an echo chamber like most leftists... they really don't use critical thinking in the ms news media anymore. There are things they can scrutinize and things they are gagged against speaking out.

They do as they are told like any other slave to the dollar and they get paid very well to take orders... Going against the grain is financial suicide, it would blacklist them to lucky to get a job doing night shifts at walmart... Our law enforcement is just as controlled... Money and income security in very insecure times, is a strong leash.

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"...they really don't use critical thinking in the ms news media anymore."

When did they ever?

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There were remnants of Truth back in the 70's but it was just Goebel's 30% truth to 70 % disifo ratio for effective propaganda... These days it's more like 90% bullshit and I think they screwed themselves... lol

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I agree with the comment about most so-called leftists, but it's my observation that the accusation almost perfectly applies to most Americans, especially the ones who've been schooled for years.

Of the physicians, lawyers, pharmacists, and teachers including "professors" I've known personally, not one was a critical thinker by my understanding of the term nor could any of them be accurately considered educated.

The vast majority of my fellow Americans appear to be little more than smug ignoramuses with no chance for improvement.

Thank gawd for the few exceptions such as Siri and Del Bigtree and people like them!

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Surprisingly I have had conversations with many people, some who are far younger and I am blown away by their awareness.

20 years ago I was essentially stranded in a sea of compliant hive minded group thinking sheep. Not anymore. Hopefully it will grow and force change...

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Do you think NBC staff took and gave their kids the Covid shots because they just knew they were safe also? I don’t think a lot of the staff think for themselves, only believing and regurgitating what they are fed.

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they are just stupid idiots who believe anything a dem tells them - even if it switches 180 degrees day to day.

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Just cause they report what they do doesn't mean they are vaccinating their children. (Do as I say, not as I do.)

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William Thompson, PhD of the CDC was ordered to destroy the evidence. He later had a change of heart and became a whistleblower. He stated that he made a copy of all the evidence on a computer disk and sent it to his attorney in Buffalo. Let’s get ahold of that for a start.

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Drew - here is the documentary that talks about William Thompson:


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I appreciate your share and glad you’re aware. I’ve seen it awhile ago and it should be front and center for everyone who encounters pushback on this.

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Drew - my friend’s son and DIL are expecting their first child in a few weeks. They agreed to watch this documentary. She was supposed to have them view it today. Praying this changes their minds about vaccinating their baby girl. I sent her this stack to share with them as well.

Just the other day they announced that Grandma and Grandpa would need to get a vaccine before they were allowed to be near their baby. I’m assuming it was the whopping cough vaccine because they know the covid shots are bad news. You know, the one they scare the crap out of parents and grandparents by their fear mongering commercials.

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As a gift, get them, the book Turtles all the Way down. That should handle any questions or concerns. None of the vaccinations had good robust studies with true placebos.

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I have an entire list of books for them. That is just one of them.

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Please do not forget "The Highwire."

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I’ve been tracking and recording the number of pharmaceutical drug ads on television since this covid ka-ka began in 2020. What started as a few strategically placed ads in the late evening has now mushroomed to over 81 television ads for different pharmaceutical drugs -- many ads back-to-back and constantly throughout the day.

Do you really think main stream media is going to air and cover information that disputes anything related to pharmaceuticals and risk losing this lucrative income.

1. Ozempic

2. Austedo

3. Xeljanx

4. Enbrel

5. Linzess

6. Rinvoq

7. Nurtec

8. Tepezza

9. Biktarvey

10. Entyvio

11. Caplyta

12. Kesimpta

13. Qulipta

14. Breztri

15. Dupixent

16. Latuda

17. Trelegy

18. Cosentyx

19. Nuplazid

20. Dovato

21. Entresto

22. Stelera

23. Ibrance

24. Humira

25. Restasis

26. Mavyret

27. Emgality

28. Ingrezza

29. Kisqali

30. Farxiga

31. Taltz

32. Ocrevus

33. Ubrelvy

34. Rexulti

35. Jardiance

36. Trintellix

37. Skyrizi

38. Breztri

39. Keytruda

40. Nucala

41. Prolia

42. Opdivo

43. Yervoy

44. Tremfya

45. Verzenio

46. Rybelsus

47. Trulicity

48. Zeposia

49. Tezspire

50. Leqvio

51. Qelbree

52. Cibinqo

53. Myfembree

54. Opzelura

55. Ingreeza

56. Contrave

57. Vivgaart

58. HPV-Vaccine

59. Meningitis B-Vaccine

60. Pneumococcal Pneumonia-Vaccine

61. Otezla

62. Arexvy-Vaccine

63. Shingrix-Shingles Vaccine

64. Rinvoq

65. Eylea HD

66. Vabysmo

67. Tepezza

68. Ultomiris

69. Prevnar 20-Vaccine

70. Evenity

71. Vraylar

72. Airsupra

73. Wegovy

74. RSV-Vaccine

75. Qulipta

76. Covid-Vaccine (Pfizer)

77. Covid-Vaccine (Moderna)

78. Xlair

79. Flu-Vaccine

80. Mounjaro

81. Apretude

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Bravo! But how can you stand it? I refuse to have teevee in my home! It's nauseating!

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What I find so comically absurd is the laundry list of potential side effects they are required by law to mention in those ads. It's astounding that anyone would still want to take any of these poisons after learning about some of their seriously f'd up side effects.

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We do the same. It's become a form of entertainment, like a game. I think you might have more than us, I need to check our list.

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Why would big pharma want anyone to know if their drugs cause autism? It’s that simple, they don’t. Everyone has their hands in the money pot and they do not want to take them out. Bring it on RFK Jr. and Trump because something is causing autism and so many other health issues with kids. What do they all have in common? No placebo controlled studies (the gold standard) for any childhood vaccines to prove scientifically if they are safe and effective. Everyone should want to know this. EVERYONE!!!!

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See also Autism caused by Jabbing the Mother.

Deliberate causation of Autism is routine using non-human Primates hit with 0.000000004 gram per kilogram bodyweight Endotoxin late in pregnancy


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Tylenol, Flu shots..etc. They insist these are safe, yet tell women to avoid luncheon meat.

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we were supposed to FORCE pregnant women to have covid vaxx (with no testing whatsoever) but cans of Celsius energy drink say pregnant women should not drink it.

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I knew zero autistic kids in the 1960's and only 1 kid with asthma.

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And most benefited from lifelong immunity to measles and chicken pox because they attended the "immunity parties."

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lol...I remember my parents telling my chicken pox ridden brother to "go hug your sister".

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My unvaxxed great grandmother died at 101 with mind intact. Her kids all died in their late '90s with no trace of dementia.

One of her grandsons, a "clean liver," died at 55 of ALS. I'm suspicious that it was due to the vaccines given to him in the WW2 military.

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Funny how the buzzword "debunked" was popularized after 9/11....no research or critical thinking allowed. WE will do that FOR you...

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just like the buzzword "conspiracy theory" was popularized by the CIA to deprioritize individual thought in the middle of the last century.

for the same reason as 911, no research or critical thinking allowed

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Vaccines cause autism.

Parents know.

Pediatricians profit.

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Thank you for everything you do. Mother of two vaccine injured boys, one which became non verbal. Thank you for all your research and your tenacity. Thank you so much.

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RFK knows what has to be done. However, he and Trump should not publicly say anything except platitudes until he gets in there. There already are many powerful people representing multi-billion dollar interest who want to stop him. He doesn't need to give the useful idiots any more ammunition to come after him.

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Everyone knows vexxxines cause autism

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They're right, the poisons have been debunked many times. The Amish are the best proof, and then there's tony the serial killer admitting there's never been any safety testing, and there's certsinly never been any testing for 80+ shots over a lifetime.

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NBC = No Body Cares.

EF em.

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I'm glad they're looking into all vaccines.

However, I'm confused as to why many even on our side still are forgetting that moderna had issues years before COVID or mRNA.... Yet they keep talking like the mRNA or spike protein is to blame... Why would they be so deaf to the facts of the past?


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modeRNA (the company) has pretty much been a placeholder for legalizing human use of mRNA for its entire existence.

they never had a marketable product until the fda Emergency Use "approved" the konvid shots

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Pfizer, too, and many others. Billions and billions in settlements yet even that certainly only hints at the tip of the iceberg.

The history of vaccines, in general, is shockingly checkered yet all we hear are the "good things."

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First. WHY is anyone watching NBC? Your TV has a off button.

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And since some do I’m glad people like Aaron Siri take note and rebut their claims

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