I engaged a new doctor last year, as I FIRED the prior one due to his antics and the Covid "standards" that he espoused. The new office is affiliated with one of the large regional 'systems' and comes with all the trappings. As part of my 'welcome package' and related visit, the nurse noted that she could not see a recent Tetanus shot on my chart. With the flair of a fast food worker adding fries to my order, she casually said she would just give me one.

Ah..... NO, was my reply.

I asked her what my actual 'real world risk' of a Tetanus infection was, in the next 6 months.

No reply from her. And that was the end of it.

So I did a little digging. It turns out that the bacteria lives in and can only be transferred to you via actual dirt. As in, soil, earth, loam or perhaps compost AND only to an open wound, in general. I think you get the idea here.

To further ponder my potential risk, I checked my state for actual confirmed infections which were less than a dozen. That's correct; 12 +/- infections in a state with 12+ MILLION people. A lot of whom do farming--hence, dirt work--and seem to avoid death.

I don't generally work in real "dirt" nor would I do it with open wounds. But I'm confident I won't die from it now.

Your milage may vary. But see for yourself. And keep DIGGING! Bury them in piles of truth.


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FUN FACT: There are currently no blood tests for diagnosing tetanus. The diagnosis is based on the presentation of tetanus symptoms, and does not depend upon isolation of the bacterium, which is recovered from the wound in only 30% of cases, and can also be isolated from people who do not have tetanus. Laboratory identification of C. tetani can be demonstrated only by production of tetanospasmin in mice. Diagnosis is primarily by the clinical symptoms (above). The wound may not be obvious. Furthermore, C tetani is recovered from only one-third of all implicated wounds.


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More fun facts...

In the history of childhood vaccines there has never been a long term (20 years), controlled study of vaccinated v non vaccinated children...




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And it’s never been tested for efficacy. I’ll send you the link where it says that on the cdc website. Or used to. They took it off.

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My last vax was a tetanus shot about 3 yrs ago I shudder to think what toxic sludge was in there.

Thanks for giving us an education on this particular subject.

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“Efficacy of the tetanus toxoid has never been studied in a vaccine trial. It can be inferred from protective antitoxin levels that a complete tetanus toxoid series has an efficacy of almost 100%”. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/tetanus.html

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thanks for the information, my doctor said I need to get a tetanus booster jab, but I am going to do an extensive research before.

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To shut your doctor up the next time they recommend a tetanus booster, tell them to run a titer instead. I’m overdue by 5 years and my titers still show high antibodies.

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Hello, thank you for your work. I recently received a tetanus shot as an adult who has not had any vaccines for 20 years or so. I would have protested but it was presented so quickly to me I barely had a chance to think and process, and decided, oh, it's probably fine, and for the best(thinking that this was nothing like the recent vaccines).

I understand I could have skipped it but now I just want to know - Is it harmful?

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“No one has ever studied the efficacy of tetanus toxoid and diphtheria toxoid in a vaccine trial.”


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Thank you for this. Tetanus is the ONLY vaccine that I am upset about, deciding in 2018 to stop vaccinating my kids. They are now supposed to receive the DTaP... and my fuss has been around the tetanus part of it. So you are saying this is worthless then?

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